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Unearthly Realms

Page 24

by Ron L. Carter

My fascination and intrigue for the supernatural plus my own personal experiences with spirits or ghosts is what inspired me to write this book. Many of the ghost stories in the book were based on my own personal encounters with ghosts when I was young.

  I’m not a scientologist but I also do believe that Alien life forms exist and have visited Earth for thousands of years. It is my opinion there is more than reasonable proof that spirits, ghosts, aliens, and other supernatural beings have been with us for a very long time. All we have to do is pick up the Bible and we can read about spirits and UFO’s in the all different books of the bible. We can take a look at the caves in different places on earth where our past ancestors scratched out or painted figures of what resembles flying objects in the sky’s (UFO’s). Images of them are on the rock walls and some of them date back to 29,000 years ago. I think the possibility of some of what we believe to be spirits, ghosts, Bigfoot and aliens, might all just be one in the same type of being.

  I also believe that each of us have a guardian angel that watches out for us and tries to protect us. I believe my guardian angel has protected me on several occasions throughout my life but one in particular. It is one that I remember vividly. How else can I can explain what happened to me when I was driving on the two way highway 41 from Paso Robles to Kettlemen City, California in 2001? I came over a hill and there was an eighteen wheeler with a full load coming in my direction? It was in the opposite lane where it was supposed to be and that’s all I could see. I couldn’t see any cars behind it but I heard a voice in my head that was frantically shouting, “Move to your right, do it now!” Without hesitation, and as I heard that voice, I started pulling to the right side shoulder of the road and at the same time wondering what I was doing. I was almost entirely off the road and in the shoulder just before going over a cliff, when a car full of young girls immediately darted out from behind the big rig and right in the path where I should’ve been. If I hadn’t listened to the voice I heard I would’ve hit the girl’s car head on with each of us traveling about sixty miles per hour. Everyone involved in the wreck would probably have been killed. I’ve always believed that when you have an institution about something or feel apprehensive about certain things that you are just not comfortable with you should pay attention to what your mind is telling you because it might just be your guardian angel whispering warnings in your ear and telling you to beware of impending danger.

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  Special Thanks

  I would like to give a special thanks to my daughter, Danielle Nicole Derby Carter, for helping me with all the computer work on this book. She has been a tremendous help and without her, I would’ve been lost. She also made and developed the cover for me.

  I would like to give a huge thank you to my wife, Tami for her help. She guided me and encouraged me to write this book. She had a big part in helping me understand that I should put into words the stories that are in my head. She also helped in the editing and I’m very thankful and truly grateful for all her help.

  I would also like to give a special thank you to my sister, Sharon Duval, for all her help in editing and giving me ideas and suggestion on this book.

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  Other books by Ron L. Carter

  Twenty One Months – This book is based on true events about a soldier’s life experiences in the Army and Vietnam in 1967 and 1968.

  From the Darkness of My Mind – This book is fiction but based on true event in the life of a killer.

  The American Terrorist – A Grandfather’s Revenge. This book is fiction and it’s about a grandfather that lost his only grandson in Afghanistan at the hands of the terrorists and goes on his own revenge mission to destroy all suspected terrorist cells in America.

  Night Crawlers - Fiction

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