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Winning Skyhunter

Page 1

by Jessie Donovan



  Stonfire Dragons Universe Series

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Author's Note

  The Dragon's Discovery

  Crazy Scottish Love

  Books by Jessie Donovan


  Winning Skyhunter

  (Stonefire Dragons Universe #1)

  Jessie Donovan

  Want to stay up to date on releases? Please join my newsletter on my website by clicking here.

  Books in this series:

  Stonefire Dragons Universe

  Winning Skyhunter (SDU #1)

  Transforming Snowridge (SDU #2 / TBD)

  Winning Skyhunter Synopsis:

  For more than a decade, Clan Skyhunter suffered under a cruel, power-hungry leader who did anything to advance his agenda. He was finally caught in an illegal scandal and sent to prison, and now the dragon-shifter clan in the south of England is ready for a new leader. And so the trials begin…

  Asher King had been locked away under the former clan leader for speaking out against his cruelty. Now free, he wants to win the leadership and guide his clan to a better future. However, being the nephew of the old leader isn't easy, and if that wasn't enough to overcome, he's still recovering from the torture he endured while imprisoned. Still, he's determined to win and keep his clan from being disbanded by the humans, even if it means competing against his ex-girlfriend and denying how much he still wants her.

  Newly returned from her stay in America, Honoria Wakeham puts herself up as a candidate to be clan leader. Not everyone approves of a female candidate, but that doesn't faze her. The old clan leader killed her parents, and in order to fully heal, she wants to bring the clan together and move their practices into the twenty-first century. What she didn't count on was running into Asher King, the male she loved over a decade ago, before she was sent away to stay with her American relatives for safety.

  It doesn't take long for Asher and Honoria to give in to their attraction, but from it springs an idea that may be the best of all. Can they win the leadership trials and keep their clan together? Or, will one of the other candidates win and try to keep Skyhunter in the past?

  Chapter One

  Asher King stood about twenty feet away from a two-story rectangular, brick building and clenched his fingers into fists. At one time, he’d vowed to never set foot inside the main security building for Clan Skyhunter ever again. And yet, here he was, about to go willingly.

  His gaze drifted to the barely aboveground window, reinforced with steel bars. The corridor and set of rooms behind it were more than familiar to him. After all, he’d been chained inside a cell for more than five years, constantly drugged to prevent his inner dragon from doing more than stumbling about inside his head, never being able to shift.

  All because he’d disagreed with the clan leader and how he treated the clan.

  His inner dragon stirred and spoke inside his mind. We have a chance to fix his mistakes and make things better.

  Are you sure? Because entering our former prison is only the first step of a very long, difficult road.

  His beast huffed. Of course I’m sure. Otherwise, who knows what will happen to the clan? They need a good leader if we’re to rebuild. We would do a good job.

  Asher had agonized for weeks, debating if he would be able to overcome his past and have a chance at winning the leadership position of Clan Skyhunter. His own physical strength, as well as his dragon’s stamina, weren’t the only obstacles. No, the former clan leader Marcus King was his uncle.

  No matter that Asher had stood up to the bastard and tried to reach out to the Department of Dragon Affairs for help, many of those still living on Skyhunter saw only his name.

  Blood will tell, some said. Marcus was once a good leader, too.

  His dragon growled. Just stop. We would never allow a human to bury dead bodies on our land, let alone jail and abuse any clan member.

  All things Marcus had done, all for his own personal gain. I know that. However, at the first sign of strain or anything being too much for us to handle, you tell me straightaway.

  I'm strong enough. I always will be.


  His beast paused. At one time, Asher would've known exactly how his inner dragon would act. But after five years of being separated because of drugs, they were still testing each other out and determining how they fit together again.

  Almost every other contender for the leadership position didn't have the same handicap.

  It was the single biggest reservation Asher had about trying to win the right to be clan leader. After all, Asher didn't smile as often or joke around like he had before the imprisonment. Who knew what the long-term drugs had done to his dragon's mind.

  His beast huffed. We may not be exactly the same, but I'm still honorable. I would never endanger others merely to boost my ego. I would rather die first.

  His dragon's reassurance eased his nerves a little. And that's all I need to hear.

  Right, then let's go. We can't be late, or we'll never have a chance. The smallest mistake or mishap will disqualify us from the trials.

  Adjusting the ridiculous tie around his neck—it and the suit he wore were a requirement put forth by the deciding council—Asher headed straight for the main entrance to the Protectors' security building.

  He nearly paused at the doorway as images of his dark, dirty prison cell, shared with several other males, filled his mind. Males who had sometimes broken down sobbing after a torture session. Others who had started to show signs of madness because of the silence of their dragons. And then those who had lost all hope, simply giving up on life itself.

  Asher had come close, so close to lashing out toward the end. He might not have survived whole if Marcus had been in charge of the clan too much longer.

  His beast spoke up. But he's gone, which is all that matters. You didn't break. You're strong. His beast stood taller inside his mind. I'm glad you're my human.

  At the love and pride emanating from his inner beast, Asher smiled. And I'm happy you're my dragon. Well, most of the time.

  Before his beast could protest, Asher crossed the threshold and walked quickly to the main conference room. It was where all the clan leader candidates would meet with their liaison from the Department of Dragon Affairs, which was the branch of the UK government that dealt with and handled the dragon-shifters.

  The DDA didn't usually concern themselves with clan leader trials. Most of their efforts were spent with the human sacrifice programs, where human females willingly allowed a dragonman to impregnate them in exchange for a vial of valuable dragon's blood that could heal many human illnesses.

  In recent months, from what Asher had been able to gather since being set free, the DDA had spent just as much effort on finding and subduing those out to destroy or enslave dragon-shifters as they did on their other priorities. The news reports stated how short-staffed they were most of the time, too.

  However, even with those tasks taking up much of their time, the previous corruption of both the Skyhunter leader and the former DDA Director warranted extraordinary caution. No one wanted a repeat performance.

  Hence the DDA's oversight regarding the Skyhunter trials.

  His beast huffed. How long will it take for others to stop blaming us all for Marcus's treachery?

  I don'
t know. But getting angry won't do anything. Channel the energy into the trials.

  Asher reached the entrance to the large conference room and nodded to the male standing guard. Robin had been a prisoner under Marcus's reign like Asher, although they hadn't been cellmates.

  They shared a look of understanding. Regardless of who became leader, no clan member would ever be imprisoned again for simply expressing an opinion.

  Once inside the room, Asher did a quick scan. There were seven other candidates: five males and two females. While he knew all of them, it was the blonde-haired, blue-eyed female at the end of the table who caught his eye.

  She may be older and now an adult, but he'd recognize Honoria Wakeham anywhere.

  Although where she'd come from, he didn't know. Her parents had sent her to America nearly fifteen years ago for her safety, back when she'd been a teenager and Marcus had only started to make questionable decisions.

  Honoria's gaze met his, the widening of her eyes telling him she knew who he was, too.

  His dragon spoke up. I want to talk to her.

  Not now.

  Soon? I've missed her. And she's even prettier than before. Very pretty. Maybe you can finally end your dry spell with her.

  It's not really a dry spell when you're imprisoned for five years, he drawled.

  Of course, Asher wasn't sure he could mentally handle a female just yet, regardless. No one wanted to wake up next to a male screaming from his nightmares.

  Pushing aside thoughts of nightmares and sex, Asher quickly took the remaining empty chair on one side of the table, next to one of the males.

  As soon as he took his seat, a young woman who couldn't be more than twenty-five stood and cleared her throat. All he knew was that she was one of the human DDA employees. "Good afternoon. My name is Penny, and thank you all for coming, especially since I know this isn't the usual method of how you select a clan leader. However, I think we can all agree that whoever becomes clan leader of Skyhunter must be willing to work with the DDA, as well as the other clans in the UK, to prevent another scandal. In fact, as we progress, the other UK clan leaders will make appearances and talk with you. They will help in the final decision-making process, although it will ultimately be up to the DDA to determine who is allowed to take command."

  All the dragon-shifters sat in silence. The DDA employee's undertone was understood. This was the last chance for Skyhunter to redeem themselves. While it had been centuries since the last occurrence, dragon-shifter clans had been disbanded in the past, and theirs could very well be the next one.

  Asher's beast spoke up. We will not fail. Everyone who remains on Skyhunter is anxious to rebuild and move forward.

  I'm not sure if everyone is the right word, but enough of them.

  The DDA had already removed all of the coconspirators several months ago. Thankfully, it had been a much smaller number than Asher had first imagined.

  Penny spoke up again, looking at each candidate in turn. "Today will be the interview portion of the trials. The first candidate, Lee, will come with me now."

  Lee stood. Without a backward glance, he left with the DDA employee, leaving the remaining candidates in the room.

  At first, silence descended and stayed that way. However, Asher glanced down at the other end of the table, meeting Honoria's gaze. Having learned not to waste what life he had remaining, he asked, "So when did you get back, Ria?"


  Honoria Wakeham was a stranger in her own clan.

  Her parents had detected Marcus's changing behavior fifteen years ago and had sent Honoria to live with distant cousins in America. While she'd never quite felt at home with Clan WildCanyon near San Francisco, she'd done her best to make a new life in California. Yes, her accent had always set her apart, as had her name—no American was ever called Honoria in the modern age. But she'd made friends, earned a degree in business, and had been on the cusp of launching a joint venture between the American Department of Dragon Affairs for the West Coast region and Clan WildCanyon. She'd just about set her life in motion, toward a more permanent standing with the American dragon-shifters, when news of Clan Skyhunter's upheaval and Marcus King's removal had reached the States.

  As soon as she'd heard of the upcoming clan leader trials, Honoria's gut and dragon had urged her to return home. Still, she'd been on the fence. No female had led a dragon-shifter clan in recent memory.

  However, with news of a female clan leader's existence—Teagan O'Shea—and her actions spreading around the world, that had been the final push she'd needed to pick up her life once again and return to England. Being female was no longer a reason to not lead a clan, especially as more and more of Teagan's deeds in Ireland became known.

  Her dragon spoke up. Of course females can lead. It's silly to think otherwise.

  You thinking we can lead and others accepting it are two different things. However, Teagan taking down the corrupt Irish clan leaders has proven to all that a female can be strong, too.

  Her dragon sniffed and fell silent.

  Honoria went back to rhythmic breathing to calm her nerves as she waited in the conference room for things to begin. And then the last person she'd thought to see take part in the trials walked in.

  Asher King.

  At one time they'd been friends. More than friends, to be honest. However, Honoria had been whisked away to a different country without being able to say goodbye to him.

  As an adult, she understood her parents' caution and need to act quickly. But as a teenage girl in love, it had devastated her for nearly a year.

  Her dragon murmured, But he's here now.

  Right, and now he's a rival. Besides, I'm sure an honorable male like him would've found his mate by now.

  Her beast's voice turned soft. Not unless someone had been willing to wait five years for him be set free.

  Not long after Honoria had arrived back on Skyhunter, she'd heard details about the former leader's reign that hadn't made it to the international media—torture, imprisonment, and deliberately baiting some clan members against each other. It couldn't have been easy for any honorable dragon-shifter to survive.

  However, before her thoughts strayed to all the rumors she'd heard, the DDA employee began talking.

  It was only when the human had left that Honoria debated what to do. Talking with Asher—or any of the other candidates—would be a bad idea. She needed to remain impartial if she wanted any chance of winning the right to lead Skyhunter and bring them back from ruin.

  Just as her dragon was about to speak, Asher's deep voice carried in the room. "So when did you get back, Ria?"

  The syllables of how he said her nickname rolled over her. Unable to resist, she met his blue eyes.

  As teenagers, they'd always been full of amusement or laughter. Now, she only saw hardness and determination.

  She wondered exactly what horrors had happened to Asher under Marcus King's leadership. Something had turned the teasing, smiling boy into what he was now.

  More than ever, she thought her parents had been right to send her away.

  Too bad it wasn't the time or place to ask Asher for details. Instead, she kept her tone light as she replied, "I returned here a week ago."

  He nodded. "Good to hear you still have your accent."

  "I made a point to keep it. You'd be surprised how much Americans love to hear it."

  Silence fell, and Honoria debated keeping the conversation going. She was curious to know more about her childhood boyfriend, and yet it would be better to keep her distance.

  Her dragon spoke up. I don't want to keep our distance. He's harder, more intense. I want him.

  Since Honoria didn't sense any urgency or constant need from her beast, she had a feeling Asher wasn't her true mate.

  Usually a kiss let a dragon-shifter know if a person was their true mate. If so, it would kick off a mate-claim frenzy, which was more like a sex marathon until the female was finally pregnant.

  Yes, she'd kissed
Asher as a young girl, but frenzies only happened after a female hit twenty years of age or so.

  Her dragon chimed in. I don't want a true mate. There's too much to do if we win the clan leadership, and a mate would only distract us.

  I agree completely.

  But that doesn't mean I don't want to kiss him again. Imagine all that intensity. It would be delicious.

  Asher's voice interrupted her conversation with her dragon. "Why come back now? Last I heard, you were a rising star back in California."

  Her dragon stood tall. He kept track of us.


  She glanced at the others in the room, but none of them met her eyes. "If you're looking for a weakness to exploit, I'm not going to give it, Ash."

  His lips curled in a bittersweet smile. "Few people call me Ash anymore."

  One of the male candidates muttered, "Because you're a King, and need to be reminded of it."

  Honoria should keep her mouth shut. After all, defending Asher could bring trouble later on. However, the words spilled from her lips before she could stop it. "As if your family is free of treason, Shane. Your older brother was head Protector under Marcus, after all."

  Shane Farhall turned his head toward Honoria, hatred in his eyes. "Which is why I'm here, to right things. However, King's family gave the orders. My brother either had to follow them or be imprisoned himself."

  Asher's tone was almost bored when he jumped in. "Your brother could've spoken up, like I did." Bitterness filled his next words. "But no, he didn't. Instead, he helped bury dead bodies on our land. Human bodies, no less. He had control of all the security forces on Skyhunter, but didn't do anything to actually protect the clan."

  Shane stood, turning toward Asher. "Everyone knows about your uncle being clan leader, but what about your cousin?" He leaned forward and snarled, "While never formally declared, everyone knows he tortured the prisoners."


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