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Winning Skyhunter

Page 9

by Jessie Donovan

  Asher moved down the hallway, Honoria close on his heels. Beyond the compacted dirt floor and the occasionally flickering lights, he didn't hear or see anything else. Due to the aged lighting and spots of corroded metal on the wall supports, he could tell the tunnel wasn't new, though. It was probably a relic from the Second World War.

  The corridor curved slightly before going down a set of steep metal stairs. They were slick with condensation, so he took each one carefully, not wanting to slip.

  They both reached the bottom, only to find another door. Asher eased it open. The instant he did, a series of cries came from the other side.

  "Food, please, give me some food. I haven't eaten in days. Tell me you're bringing me some food."

  "Where's my mummy? I want my mummy." Sniffle. "Where's my mummy?"

  "You bastards will pay when my clan leader back in Ireland hears about this."

  And the various pleadings and threats only amplified, until he could barely make them out from one another.

  Asher poked his head in and saw a series of cells, the voices belonging to each of the prisoners. Some were men, others teenagers, and one even contained a young child.

  A flashback to when Asher had been half-dragged back to his cell, past the ones used for children and teenagers, came back to him. All of them had begged for help, food, water, and their parents. They had also pleaded that if he escaped, to get them out.

  At the time, Asher had found just enough energy to knock out one guard and then the other. But just as he went to open the cell and let the kids out, someone had shot him with a tranquilizer dart. His vision had faded, a mixture of crying children and something he suspected was his own blood were the last things he’d seen.

  Waking up hadn't been pretty, either. His cousin had made sure Asher knew he'd broken the rules. Even though his arm had healed within days, it hadn't hurt any less when it had been snapped in two.

  Honoria's voice drifted through his nightmarish flashback. "Asher, are you with me? Asher."

  His dragon also spoke up. I'm here, too. You're not there, when I couldn't reach you.

  Shaking his head to clear it, he glanced quickly at Honoria. "Sorry. I'll be fine now."

  Curiosity burned in her blue-eyed gaze, but she merely nodded and whispered, "Then let's keep going. Maybe one of them is the male we're looking for."

  "Be careful. This could still be a trap."

  As they walked and checked each of the cells, Asher did his best to focus on his assignment and not the prisoners. They all looked clean, well-fed, and not the least bit tortured, like what he'd seen during his five-year-long imprisonment.

  All of the prisoners crying out and acting were probably part of their task. If they discovered not, then he'd find a way to free them. But first things first, they needed to search for the red-haired male from the photo. The instructions required them to find and rescue him first, before they tried to help anyone else. Otherwise, they'd be disqualified.

  The hard part would be keeping his memories at bay. For all he knew, this set of cells was only the beginning.

  His beast spoke up. You have me and Ria. We'll help.

  At his dragon's words, Asher's small panic faded. Because even if he saw something else that triggered a flashback, Honoria would undoubtedly bring him back. As long as she was with him, he would find a way to carry on.

  And so he did.


  Honoria wanted to take Asher's hand as they went down the row of prison cells for both comfort and a reminder that he was here and not back in the past.

  However, she might need both of her hands in a split second. So, she merely followed close behind him, doing her best to scan the cells and not let any of the pleading prisoners distract her.

  Of course, that was easier said than done. The young children and teenagers were the hardest to ignore. Even if they were only playing a part, they probably shouldn't be underground in such a damp environment.

  Her dragon spoke up. I'm sure everything is closely monitored, if this is indeed all for the trial.

  It had better be, both for the monitoring and for this to be a task. Otherwise, we have no way of contacting the clan if this is a real hideout.

  We do, as a last resort.

  The emergency button sat heavy in her trouser pocket. If it comes between a choice of saving these people or winning some task, I'll save these people in an instant.

  And give up?

  No bloody way. The others back home will get a persuasive earful. Because if the Stonefire and Lochguard leaders think following the rules to the letter is more important than saving lives, then they aren't the males I thought they were.

  They reached another door, and Asher paused, glancing at her and raising his brows in question. She shook her head, letting him know she hadn't spotted the ginger-haired male from the photo yet.

  He shook his head once, saying the same. So she motioned with her chin toward the door.

  Asher gently pried it open, but unlike before, no sounds emerged. That could be good news, but it could also be quite bad.

  For all they knew, the first corridor contained the healthier inmates, meaning the sick and injured could lay ahead.

  Her dragon said softly, Even if that's what happens, we can manage.

  I hope so. Blood and injuries have never been my thing, hence me studying business and technology.

  When Asher moved, Honoria and her dragon stopped talking to focus on every scent, sound, and sight for the tiniest clue of what could lay ahead.

  However, the same damp smell didn't tell her much, nor did the near-silence. Only the hum of old lighting and a distant fan for ventilation drifted to her ears, which wasn't overly helpful.

  The oval-shaped room was empty, save for a few broken chairs and other rubbish that was probably older than she was.

  After a thorough investigation to ensure there weren't any secret latches or doorways, she and Asher approached yet another door.

  With each one passed, they probably went deeper into the earth. Taking a long, even breath, Honoria pushed aside her bubbling panic. Dragon-shifters weren't meant to be underground.

  And in that instant, she truly understood what hell it must've been for Asher to be underground for five long years.

  Her beast grunted. We can't change the past. It made him stronger. Nothing else matters.

  Asher struggled with the larger, heavier door. Honoria took one half of the handle and together they managed to heave it open, revealing a teenage girl tied to a chair, her head slumped to her chest.

  She was alone, and Honoria did the quickest scan of their surroundings possible before rushing to the girl's side. She was breathing, and when Honoria touched her cheek, the young female stirred.

  Her green eyes widened, and she struggled against her bindings. She pleaded, her accent marking her as Welsh, "Please, you have to get me out of here. They have my parents. And if I don't go after them, it could be too late. Please, they'll murder them, I know it."

  The girl was like a younger version of Honoria. Except in her own case, she had been sent away to safety and had been unable to help her mum and dad when they'd needed it.

  But with this girl, maybe she could act and save them, to try to make up for not doing anything for her own family.

  Honoria reached for the bindings, but Asher grabbed her wrist. He whispered, "No. We can't."

  The girl sniffled and started blubbering on about parents and something unintelligible.

  Honoria didn't—no, couldn't—leave her here.

  Asher's grip tightened at the same time as her dragon spoke up. I know you want to, but we can't. If we do, without ensuring our target isn't here, we could be penalized.

  So now you care more about winning?

  It's not that, and you know it.

  As she watched the girl's tears and weaker struggles, Honoria's heart squeezed. Could she really just leave the girl here and keep going?

  Asher's voice was barely a whisper at
her ear. "I'm almost positive this is a set-up. First, bombarding me with the prison cells, and now a girl who is afraid her parents will be murdered? They're testing us, Ria. We can't let them win."

  Asher's words cut through her desperation to save the girl. Having something from both their pasts, one right after the other, was too much of a coincidence.

  One she never would've realized, though, if not for Asher pointing it out. Even now, the young female looked at her with big eyes, wanting her to help.

  Taking a deep breath, she stood upright and backed away from the teenager. Even as the young female continued to struggle and sob, Honoria turned toward yet another blasted door. She murmured, "Come on."

  With each step she took toward the door, Honoria only hoped she'd made the right decision.

  Her beast chimed in, If this is truly a dragon hunter or Dragon Knight den, then we'll find a way to save everyone. But what Asher said makes sense. It wouldn't surprise me if each of the candidates was being confronted with difficult aspects of their pasts and/or their fears, especially since each of us was researched thoroughly by the DDA. It's the perfect way to test how a dragon-shifter performs under pressure.

  Maybe, but sometimes coincidences happen. I won't rule out these people are truly prisoners until I spot Fraser MacKenzie.

  Fair enough. Let's keep going and see if he's here.

  It took both her and Asher to open the slightly smaller, but jammed door. Bracing herself for another dismal scene, she blinked when she saw the red-haired male sitting in a chair, his arms over his chest, whistling. "About bloody time," he stated in a Scottish accent.

  They'd found their mark—Fraser MacKenzie.


  Asher was glad he'd figured out what was going on, and even more so when Honoria believed him.

  Between her being there for him in the row of cells, and he having her back with the struggling, sobbing teenager, it only reinforced how well they not only worked together but also how they balanced each other out.

  His dragon spoke up. Which means even if we have a nightmare, Honoria will be there to soothe us, just like today.

  Not wanting to have any sort of serious discussion about him and Honoria, he focused on opening yet another fucking door.

  Of course, having the Scotsman whistle and complain about them finally arriving irritated him a fraction. He'd like to see the bastard go through hell over three days with little sleep and see how well he'd like someone being flippant.

  His beast grunted. Don't let him irritate you. Our job is to get him out and back to Skyhunter.

  Honoria spoke first. "Maybe we should leave and come back later, to let you enjoy this underground scenery a while longer."

  Fraser snorted. "A lass with fire. If I weren't happily mated already, I'd say I like it and might try to convince you to stay with me."

  The Scot winked, and Asher couldn't prevent his growl. "This is no time for flirting. Will you come willingly, or do I need to knock your arse out and sling you over my shoulder?'

  The male raised an eyebrow. "I may not be a Protector, but if I had to learn to keep up with my sister, I can certainly handle you."

  Honoria jumped in. "We'll give you ten seconds to walk over to us and come willingly. If you don't, then we'll complete the task no matter what it takes."

  Shrugging, Fraser settled more into his chair. "The quiet was irritating at first, but I'm getting used to it. A wee while longer won't kill me."

  He shared a glance with Honoria. Once she darted her eyes over to Fraser and back and winked, he understood. The dragonman would expect Asher to be the one to haul him out, not Honoria. All Asher had to do was distract the blasted male.

  His beast spoke up. I don't know about that. His sister is Faye MacKenzie, right? She's cohead Protector of Lochguard, which means he probably doesn't dismiss females like most males do.

  Ria's not going to walk straight up to him and punch the bastard in the face. I trust her to have a plan.

  His beast fell silent in agreement, which he rather liked.

  Asher faced Fraser and put his hands on his hips. "If you're going to act like a child, then I'll treat you like one. Let me count to ten slowly, and if you don't get your sorry arse over here, then we'll get you out one way or the other."

  Fraser snorted. "I'm the victim. You're supposed to be nice to me, aye?"

  Asher shrugged. "What if you were brainwashed by the hunters into believing you should stay? Being nice isn't always the best policy. Now, let's start the countdown. Ten….nine…eight…"

  As he continued, Honoria moved a hand behind her back. From the corner of his eye, he saw her extend her talons. Even though he wanted to smile, he kept his attention on Fraser and continued counting down in an exasperated tone.

  He reached one, and Fraser remained seated.

  Honoria rushed forward, her talons at Fraser's cock and bollocks. She must've pressed against them because Fraser yelped. The Scottish dragon-shifter swore and demanded, "What the bloody hell are you doing?"

  Honoria must've applied even more pressure because Fraser's forehead gleamed with a faint sheen of sweat. She shrugged one shoulder. "I thought you said you had a sister?"

  "Aye, I do, but putting anyone's talons against another's genitals was against the rules."

  She leaned forward, her tone intense. "In the real world, there aren't always rules."

  His beast piped up. She's fantastic.

  I agree.

  Clearing his throat, Asher took a step toward the pair. "We can't mortally wound anyone, but I'm sure Ria could have a little fun without doing any serious harm. Should I leave her alone with you to do more convincing, or are you going to come with us willingly?"

  "As if I have a fucking choice," Fraser muttered.

  Honoria snorted. "You do, although most males are attached to certain parts of their bodies. To keep them intact, I think you'll come with us."

  Fraser waved his hand, signaling for Honoria to move her talons. "I'll go as soon as you release me, bloody woman." Honoria did, and Fraser grunted. "Help choose the next leader, Finn said. It'll be fun, and you get to irritate them as much as you want, he said. Aye, well, this is the last time I listen to my sweet-talking cousin for quite some time."

  As soon as Fraser stood, Asher glanced at Honoria. He asked, "Do you want the front or back?"

  "Oh, I'll take the back. Easy access to poke between his thighs, in case I need to remind him to behave."

  Asher did grin at both her words and the deep scowl on Fraser's face. "Sounds good to me. Now, come on. Who knows if there'll be anything to test us on the way out." Fraser opened his mouth, but Asher beat him to it. "And no, I'm not going to listen to you. Just be quiet, and I may try to stop Ria from making you a eunuch."

  Fraser sighed, but Asher ignored him to nod at Honoria, letting her know he trusted her to watch his back. Then he went to the door and slowly opened it. However, the teenage girl from before was gone.

  Not only that, but once they reached the row of jail cells, those were all empty, too.

  Whoever had been in charge of this fake hideout was organized, to say the least.

  He'd been just about to open the penultimate door, the one which leads to the stairs that would take them aboveground, when a boom reverberated through the room. Asher put a halt sign up with his hand and pressed his ear to the door. While it may have been thick enough to keep sound out for human ears, he detected a few voices on the other side but no footsteps on the metal stairs.

  At least, not yet.

  Glancing at Fraser, he whispered, "Try to escape, and I'll do whatever it takes to subdue you."

  Fraser shook his head. "There shouldn't be any other obstacles for this location. Well, unless…"

  Honoria prodded, "Unless what? Time is of the essence."

  Fraser glanced at Asher, to Honoria, and back again. "All three teams had the same information, leading them to this place. However, there are three staircases leading to three different sce
narios. Depending on who approached the entrance, hidden panels would've shifted to lead each pair to the correct one. None of the others should be able to go down your designated staircase."

  Asher cursed. "Which means one of the other teams could be breaking the rules, doing who the hell knows what to get the prize. If they threatened any of the others taking part, then it's possible they were shown how to reach the different staircases." He motioned toward the back of the row of cells. "There's a small space toward the back where they won't be able to see us from this entrance. Hurry, let's go there and form a plan."

  Thankfully, Fraser didn't complain, and they all rushed to the small blind spot at the rear of the room. Fraser was pressed up against the wall behind them, with he and Honoria in front, giving them the chance to spring out and attack if needed.

  Moving his head to Honoria's ear, he whispered, "Do you have a plan?"

  "Actually, I do."

  He listened and thought it was brilliant. Now all they had to do was wait.

  Chapter Nine

  As Honoria waited for whoever was coming, she did her best to breathe and stay at the ready.

  She didn't know if her plan would work or not, but she was certain that at least one other pair had skirted the edge of the rules.

  While none of them were allowed to kill or mortally wound, and they could only rescue one person for their task, there was nothing about coercing others for information. She only hoped it wasn't one of the younger participants.

  Because if so, the sort of dragonman who would hurt anyone through interrogation—but especially children given how much dragon-shifters treasured them—should never be clan leader.

  Her beast spoke up. He won't be. Not if I have any say in it.

  No killing. You know that.

  Her dragon sniffed. I wouldn't waste the effort. Well, unless they hurt a child. Then I may have to teach them a lesson.

  The door at the other end of the room opened, and the rush of air brought forward a multitude of new scents.


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