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Page 20

by Jessie Cooke

  He moved his hands back up and massaged her shoulders, feeling her melt under his touch. He made himself go slowly and he stroked firmly all the way down her back, delighting in the sight of the goosebumps lining the path. Her moans were getting louder and were like erotic music to his ears. She was gasping and whimpering, and at last she said, “Finn...please...I can’t stand it any longer.” She tried to roll over, but Finn pressed his weight into her, just enough to keep her where he wanted her. He felt her move her head over so that she could press her lips into the tattoos on his arm. She was strong, or just that excited to. She was bucking and rocking and nearly escaping his grasp. He smiled, bent down, and nipped at her neck. She groaned. He bit it again, harder...and she whined, loudly, “Finn!”

  He chuckled. “What, baby?”

  “You know what! Please, let me see you. Let me touch you.” He gave in then, lifting off her and dropping to her side. As soon as he did, she turned toward him, propping herself up on her elbow so that they were face to face. Finn touched her face and said:

  “So pretty, Caitlin. You’re so beautiful.”

  Her cheeks darkened with a blush and she muttered a thank you, before suddenly leaning down and pressing her mouth into his. Finn let his tongue glide alongside of hers and she pressed in deeper. She was arching her back so that their bodies were pressed so tightly that air wouldn’t even be able to penetrate. Finn sucked on her tongue and scraped the sides of it with his teeth, seeming to excite her even more, evidenced by the growls coming out of her chest and throat. He felt like he was consuming her, and she loved it...and he needed more.

  He dug his hands into her hair, pulling at the roots while his tongue plunged even deeper into her mouth. He kissed her until he could feel her gasping for a breath and then he let his lips glide down over the sexy curve of her neck and to her chest where he sucked one of her hard nipples into his mouth. She gasped and arched her back and he took the other between his fingers and played with it, while he made love to that one with his mouth. When he brought his face up to look at her, her face was flushed, her hair was all over the place, and there was a look of ecstasy that like to drove him wild. “Fuck me, Finn,” she said, in a pleading tone.

  “One more minute, love, I have to taste the rest of you.”

  He kissed his way down her stomach, delighting in how her hands went to his hair and she grasped it firmly, guiding him down to her pussy. When he got there, he finally pulled those panties off her in a hurry and plunged his tongue in between her legs, at last inhaling and tasting her sweetness. His nose hurt, his face hurt where it was bruised...but the more she writhed and panted, and bowed up off the bed, the less he thought about it. He surrendered himself to her movements, sounds, taste, and smell. She was so fucking amazing and her responsiveness drove his libido to new levels. He slid his hands up underneath her so that she didn’t have to hold herself up, and he brought her center to his mouth. She was tearing at his hair and she’d lifted her head to watch him, and euphoria swam in her eyes the way it does an addict’s when they get their fix.

  “Jesus, Finn...I’m going to...Oh God…” Her words faded into an intense moan and she bit down hard on her bottom lip...and that was when he stopped. “Oh fuck! Finn! God...I was going to...”

  “I know, love,” he said, untangling her hands from his hair and moving up her body. “I want to come with you, okay?” She nodded, enthusiastically. Finn positioned himself with his hands on either side of her and in one glorious thrust he was inside of her. She was so tight and so wet. Her muscles gripped onto him and he plunged in and out of her with a wild intensity that he felt like he couldn’t control. Her hands were wrapped up around his shoulders and her fingernails digging into his back. He felt her reach her peak, her entire body tense and stiffen...and that sent him catapulting into his own orgasm. It seemed to last forever and he rode each wave, higher than he’d ever been in his life. When he opened his eyes and looked at Caitlin, he saw wet tears on her face and the amazing feelings inside of him were suddenly twisted in knots. “Oh God! Did I hurt you?”

  She smiled and seemed to still be crying at the same time. Shaking her head from side to side she said, “ much the opposite. I’m sorry for the tears. It was just so beautiful.”

  Finn had never been with a woman who cried because anything he did for them was beautiful. He lay down next to her and pulled her into his arms and kissed her over and over again. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but he was afraid it was too soon. For now, feeling it was good enough.


  The next day when Finn walked into Caitlin’s uncle’s office building, both Caitlin and Joy looked surprised to see him. Finn didn’t know Caitlin would be there. He hadn’t expected her to go to work so soon after her injury. She stood up when she saw him and he saw her glance at Joy before saying, “Hi, what are you doing here?”

  “I have an appointment,” he said, “with your uncle.”

  Joy frowned and looked at her computer. “You’re P.S. Incorporated?”

  “Yep. I fudged the incorporated part. We’re not, yet...but we will be soon.”

  “What is this? My father doesn’t have time for nonsense.”

  “It’s a business appointment,” Finn said, looking from Joy to Caitlin. “Honestly. I think he’s going to want to hear me out.”

  Caitlin picked up her phone and Finn heard her say, “Uncle Tony, your ten o’clock is here.” She put it down and said, “You can go in, but come here first.” Finn walked over to the desk Caitlin stood behind. He was shocked, but no more so than her cousin, whom he was facing, when she put her arms around him, got up on her toes, and pulled him down for a kiss. She kissed him like nobody was watching--long, hot, passionate. He could feel his body responding and he had to pull out of it before he walked into her uncle’s office with a raging hard-on. Caitlin winked at him and as he passed Joy the latter said:

  “Damn, you must be good.”

  Caitlin heard her and said, “Worth getting kidnapped for all over again.” They both laughed. Maybe the cousin was coming around.

  Finn hadn’t worn his kutte, and he had dressed in a collared shirt with long sleeves. He could tell by Tony Galt’s smile when he walked in that the man didn’t recognize him. He stood up and offered Finn his hand.

  “Hello there, I’m Tony Galt.”

  “Finn McGregor,” he said. “Nice to meet you.” The smile fell from the other man’s face and he dropped Finn’s hand.

  “What do you want? I’m not giving you my blessing to see my niece. We almost lost her, because of you.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way, sir. But the thing is, neither Caitlin nor I need your blessing. I’m here on an entirely different matter. All I ask is that you hear me out and if you want no part of it afterwards, I’ll be on my way to the next contractor’s office.”

  With a suspicious glare, the older man waved at the chair Finn was standing next to. They both sat and Finn said, “I’d like to talk to you about taking over on the clubhouse we’re trying to build behind our custom bike shop.” Tony’s face looked slightly more interested, but still skeptical. He didn’t say anything so Finn went on. He described to Tony what it was the club was looking for and told him about their problems with the previous contractors and permits. It took him almost twenty minutes to finish and when he did, Anthony Galt the contractor instead of Tony Galt the uncle seemed to be present. For the next hour and a half they talked. Ending the meeting with a handshake and another appointment that would include Jace and Beck, since the property was in their name, Tony walked Finn out front. Caitlin had a nervous look on her face, until she saw that her uncle was smiling. He put his hand on Finn’s shoulder and said:

  “Thanks for coming by. We’ll talk more on Monday.”

  Joy and Caitlin exchanged surprised glances and when Caitlin walked Finn out to his bike she said, “What in the heck did you do to him?”

  Finn laughed. “It’s an old Irish spell. It’ll wear off in a
n hour or so.”

  She giggled and said, “Seriously.”

  “I just offered him a lucrative business deal. Now...I’m off to find someone to clean my apartment.” Caitlin made a face and Finn laughed. “I know. I’m a pig. I’ll work on it.” He kissed her, hard, and when he was able to catch his breath he said, “Can I see you tonight?”

  She looked down at the ground and said, “I’m sorry, I can’t tonight.” Finn put his fingers underneath her chin and tipped her face up to his.

  “Why not?” Her eyes went back down. She was not being honest with him...but why?

  “I have a family thing...”


  “I’m not sure how long it will take. Maybe tomorrow.”

  “Maybe? Caitlin, did I do something wrong?” After the day before, Finn had been floating on air. He had been arrogant enough when she dropped him off to assume she was feeling the same way. Now he wondered. Had her mother gotten to her?

  “No! Of course not. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry. There’s just this thing I really have to do tonight. I’ll call you when I’m done, okay?”


  “I promise.”

  Finn left with another kiss, but not feeling as good as he had when he finished talking to her uncle. When he got back to the shop, he was surprised to find the guys and Beck setting up tables and umbrellas out back. “We having a party?” he asked Bubba.

  “Have to ask the boss lady. We’re just doing what she told us to do.”

  “Hey, Beck,” he said, as she passed by, on the phone. She waved him off, so he found Streak and asked him, “What’s going on?”

  “Jace is going to announce his pick to replace Punk tonight.” Finn had found out the night before that Hunter had tracked Punk as far as his home in Chicago, but he’d just missed him there. It looked like he was headed north. Streak said that Beck had him call off the search at that point. She knew Punk was alive, and ultimately he’d either have to live on the run his entire life or face up to the government for desertion. Either way, it was out of their hands. “The Westside Skulls are coming and I guess Beck’s ordered up a big, catered feast. Oh, and two of the prospects are getting patched in too,” Streak told him.

  “Cool. Where’s Jace now?”

  “He went with Goth to pick up the liquor. Help me with these tables.” Finn spent the next few hours helping them get ready for the party. When he finally got a few minutes with Jace, the Westside Skulls were arriving and it was literally only a minute.

  “I talked to Galt today, he’s willing to help us. He’d like to meet with us all on Monday.”

  Jace actually smiled. “Great. Thanks, Finn. Any idea how much it’ll cost me?”

  “Yep. Nothing.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Nothing. I’m taking care of it. I don’t want the old man’s dirty guilt money...let me do this with it, please.”

  Jace looked like he was torn between wanting to kiss Finn and not believing him. Finn preferred the disbelief. He loved his president like a brother but had zero desire to lock lips with him. “Seriously? You know, it’ll take most of the money...”

  “I know, and that’s good. I want it all to go to the club. Maybe we can customize some stuff...” Finn grinned and said, “Maybe we can put that ranch in Boston or that new club the Westside is building in the mountains to shame.”

  Jace moved in then and Finn flinched before the other man’s big arms wrapped him up in a hug. “Thank you.”

  When Finn caught his breath he said, “Thank you. I was a boy when you found me and I think I’m working on becoming a man, thanks a lot to you, Beck, and this club.”

  “Well let’s go greet these Californians. I can’t wait to tell them about our sweet new club!” Jace put his arm around Finn and they went over to meet Wolf and Ace, who had walked in first. For the next fifteen minutes Finn said hello to some old friends and met some new ones. He was happy, except for that tickle of anxiety about Caitlin. When he had a few seconds after the party got started and the bikers and their old ladies started filling their plates with food, he slipped away and called her. Her phone went straight to voice mail...and something inside of him felt slightly broken. Was she done with him already, or was he overreacting? He slid the phone in his pocket and was actually considering riding over to her cousin’s house, where he knew she was staying now, when he walked back through the shop. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her. Caitlin was there, and she looked fucking amazing.

  She was wearing a striped, sleeveless, blue-and-white one-piece pantsuit and a pair of white wedged heels. Her hair was curled like the night they went out to dinner, and she had makeup on...not too much, just enough to enhance her beautiful features. Next to her, and almost invisible to Finn, was her cousin. Joy always looked great, but she did nothing for Finn. The only thing about her that attracted his attention tonight was that she was there, and she was smiling.

  “Caitlin? What are you doing here?”

  She kissed his lips softly and said, “Rebekah came by last night after I dropped you off and invited me. I hope it’s okay?”

  Finn couldn’t stop smiling. “Are you kidding? I’m so happy to see you that I don’t even know what to do with myself.”

  “How about you show us to the food, the beer, and the hot, single guys.” Joy said.

  Finn laughed. “A biker, you? Really?”

  Joy shrugged and said, “I never hated you for being a biker. That was all about hurting my cousin. I have no standards when it comes to long as they’re hot.”

  Finn and Caitlin both laughed. Finn took Caitlin’s hand and let them through the shop, out to where the party was. It was in full swing now, with food, beer, laughter, and loud conversation. It was the Phoenix Skulls’ first big party and Finn thought they had done a damned good job. “I like that one,” Joy said. Finn looked in the direction she was looking. It was Boots that she’d set her sights on. Finn laughed and said:

  “Okay, but you’ll have to fight that one for closet space.”

  “Ooh, a hot biker with fashion sense--it’s my lucky day, introduce me.”

  After Finn introduced Joy to Boots, who seemed enamored with her, he introduced Caitlin around and they finally each got a plate for themselves and sat down near Wolf to eat. In the midst of their meal Wolf said, “Jace sure has been speaking highly of you. Honestly, I can’t get him to shut up about you.”

  Finn smiled. “I guess it’s a good thing when your president likes you a little.”

  “It was a good thing you did for Beck,” Wolf said. “I think Jace will be grateful to you for that for a long time.”

  Finn just nodded and smiled again. They made small talk through dinner and afterwards when they got up to put their plates away, Caitlin took his arm and said, “What did you do for Beck?”

  “Nothing,” he said. “I did it for me.”

  “You don’t want to tell me what it was?”

  “Not really,” he said. “Not because I don’t trust you, but there are some things I’d rather you be ignorant about, just in case anyone ever asked you any questions.” He didn’t add that he thought she was a terrible liar, but he did think that, and he added it to the things to love about her. He’d been thinking all night the night before about telling her he loved her and asking her to wear his patch and be his old lady...but he still wasn’t sure if it was too soon. The fact that she showed up for the party made him hope otherwise. Maybe tonight was the night.

  They mingled for a while and when everyone finished eating, Jace took the podium that Beck had set up earlier in the day. “Welcome, everyone. I’d like to thank Wolf and the rest of the Westside Skulls for joining us tonight. We’ve had some hard times lately, but things are finally looking up and coming together. I have an announcement to make before we get started with this patching ceremony. Finn McGregor has pledged a lot of money, practically all the funds we need to get this clubhouse finished.” The roar of the crowd
was immediate, and loud. Finn was patted on the back by those that could reach him and toasted by others. When the roar died down Jace said, “I probably should have done this first, because I want everyone to know this is not at all about money. I had this in the works before Finn came to me about the club. Over the past month, Finn has proved himself to be brave, and resilient...and above all, loyal to this club and his brothers and sisters. That’s why tonight I’d like to ask him if he’d be willing to accept this patch...the position of Vice President of the Phoenix Skulls.” Finn felt dizzy. It was surreal. He had hoped for Punk’s position, never once dreaming that he’d be asked to be VP. He got up and, in a daze, went to where Jace was standing. Staring at the patch in Jace’s hand, he smiled and said:

  “Hell yes!” The crowd roared again with laughter, applause, and in true biker fashion, several insults. Finn hugged Jace and told the rest of them how grateful he was...but the one person he couldn’t wait to get to was Caitlin. When he got back to his seat, Jace was introducing the prospects he was about to patch. Finn leaned in and whispered to Caitlin, “Did you know?”

  Caitlin smiled and nodded, tears in her eyes. “I love seeing you so happy.”

  “You want to make me even happier?”

  “Of course.”

  “Wear my patch? Be my old lady? I love you, Caitlin Brooks.”

  She knocked him back into Wolf’s SA Bruf, who was sitting next to him, as she threw her arms around him. Bruf just nudged them gently back the other way. “Yes,” she said, kissing his entire face. When she stopped, she had tears running down her cheeks and she said, “On one condition.”


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