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Anima Page 2

by Jae Choguk

voice sounded, “Can’t you come up here and be a little more creative?” that made his smirk drop a little, but his confidence was still going strong.

  “If you really want me to, I guess I have no choice.” He replied, but before I could say anything he jumped on the ledge, without even jumping onto the dumpster! I started backing up when he stalked towards me. This time I started to feel anxiety, and a little fear course through me. I must have conveyed that through my eyes and posture, because the man flashed a malicious grin.

  “Not so confident now are you?” He taunted. I opened my mouth, but couldn’t seem to make a sound. He laughed darkly and walked forward again. This time when I took a step backwards, my foot ran out of room and I slipped. I still had my gym bag, but my backpack fell earlier, so there wasn’t anything to break my fall. Then something weird happened, I managed to land on my feet! I don’t know how it happened, but I didn’t have time to think about it. I bolted to where my backpack still lay on the ground where I was pushed against the wall. I quickly grabbed it and didn’t bother to put it on, which I now know was a big mistake. I heard a shot go off, but before I could turn around there was a searing pain in my left side. I collapsed clutching my side dropping both my bags when my vision started getting blurry. The pain wouldn’t stop, but I wouldn’t scream. Even if I was going to die, I wasn’t going to let that bastard have the satisfaction of me writhing in pain on the ground.

  “Guns really are cheap.” I said through gritted teeth and looked up; my eyes in slits from the pain. I expected to see my attacker smirking above me, but I saw he was lying on the ground unmoving a little ways away. The one that was above me though was a really good-looking man. Too old for me unfortunately, he looked like he was in his 30’s and I’m only 16. Oh well, it’s a wonder how I think about this when everything’s going black. I smiled to myself and let darkness wash over me, pulling me under.


  Well as it turns out, I didn’t die. I wonder how I survived that; a gunshot isn’t exactly something that most people survive. When I opened my eyes I saw white everywhere blinding me at first. When my eyes adjusted, I saw that I was in a hospital room. I didn’t even know we had a hospital nearby. Yeah, because that’s what you’re supposed to think about when you have a near-death experience. I leaned up on my elbows, flinching at the pain where the bullet hit me. Once I was up I took in my surroundings; white and light red sterilized everything! I thought red was a weird color for a hospital, but once again that’s not a question I need answered right now.

  Getting my covers off, I put my legs over the edge of the bed, noticing that no one was around I went to the door. My hand froze on the handle when I saw what I was wearing, or what I wasn’t wearing. Sure I had a bandage covering my whole torso, and I don’t have a big chest, so it didn’t show anything. My bottoms were just my underwear, so I started looking for where my clothes were. When I couldn’t find them I felt myself getting irritated. It was only my side that got shot, so why in the hell would they have to take off my pants?

  “Pervert doctors.” I muttered to myself. I did manage to find my bags at least, so I searched my gym bag for some clothes. Luckily I found some low slung sweats, but all my shirts were covered in sweat.

  I slipped on the sweats and grabbed my bags, slinging them over my shoulder. I walked over to the door, feeling dizzier with each step, but I didn’t care. Wincing when I opened the door I held onto the doorframe to keep myself upright. Everyone must be in classes because I haven’t run into anyone yet. Looking at the school, it was amazing and glamorous and everything my school wasn’t.

  There were vaulted ceilings, rich red carpet, statues and massive windows overlooking a beautiful garden. The trees were blooming, and I had a feeling that when they were in full bloom, the scene would take my breath away. Too bad I wouldn’t be here to see it, wherever here is.

  I tore my gaze away from the garden and kept walking, to who knows where. I just had to get out of here, but I had a burning curiosity that wouldn’t let me leave without some answers. I walked down the corridor peering in classrooms, and when I thought someone saw me I scurried around a corner. My heart was beating as two students walked past me talking about strange things.

  “I can’t wait until they let me go on my first full mission alone!” The shorter girl squeaked.

  “Yeah, I just had a B class last week; it’s the best feeling ever! I escaped two hunters!” The taller girl exclaimed proudly.

  “That’s amazing Alice! I barely passed my training exam to go on C class missions!” She sighed wistfully, and then she must have seen me because she whispered to “Alice.” and they both looked my way. I froze and my first instinct was to flee, but I held my ground as they stared at me.

  “You see her too right?” The girl whispered to Alice.

  “Yes idiot,” Alice retorted, then turned to me again and asked “Are you okay?”

  “Does it look like I am?” I asked drily and to my surprise they both laughed.

  “Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?” The other girl asked.

  “Shouldn’t you be in class?” I countered which made them laugh again.

  “Touché, just a bathroom break, by the looks of it you could use one too.” Alice inspected my appearance. I was slightly hunched from the pain in my side, but I still didn’t think that after getting shot, I could be up and running already. Maybe I was asleep for a long time though, and once again I was reminded that I needed to find someone to give me some damn answers! So I decided I should make the best of this situation, since it didn’t seem like these two were going to rat me out.

  “Yeah, well I didn’t expect to get shot yesterday either.” That’s if it was even yesterday when it happened.

  They gave each other astounded looks then turned their attention back towards me.

  “So does this happen on a daily basis?” Alice asked speculating.

  “Not to my knowledge, no,” I replied with a smirk, “Where exactly am I?”

  “You have amnesia now too?” The shorty asked.

  “She got shot and you’re making comments like that Mai? How about I tell her your full name?” Alice taunted making Mai fake shudder, when they saw my confused look Mai turned to me.

  “It’s Mai Molly Mayan, sucky name huh?” I stifled a laugh, when I heard someone coming down the hall. This time I didn’t have time to think about what I was doing, because he already spotted me. He strode towards us and I started backing away when Alice and Mai stepped in front of me.

  “What do you plan on doing?” Alice demanded “Obviously she isn’t well enough for you to mess with her Jeremy.”

  “Whether she was well enough or not, she still wouldn’t be able to stop me, as a matter of fact neither could either of you.” The guy they called Jeremy commented raising his eyebrow as if asking them to challenge him. I was surprised when neither Alice nor Mai had anything to say to that, so he must have been telling the truth, at least for some of it. I stepped in front of them and glared at him.

  “I don’t think you can say that when you don’t even know me.” I said pointing at him accusingly. He just shrugged, which only made me more frustrated.

  “I don’t have to know who you are to see that you’re a girl.”

  “Oh, and what is that supposed to mean?” I challenged, even though I figured what his answer will be.

  “Whatever, I don’t have time for this, Sensei told me to come find a random girl that’s walking around the school injured.”

  “Sensei?” I asked dumbfounded.

  “He’s in karate, that’s his teacher, who also is our homeroom teacher.” Alice explained. “So he calls him that sometimes, not sure why he can’t just call him Mr. Zander like the rest of us.”

  “Oh I see, kind of.” I realized that my hand was still pointed at him, and I let my arm drop.

  “Whatever,” Ash said rubbing his hand over his face “I was told to bring you to his office, nothing else really concerns me right now so if
you don’t mind following me?” He gestured dramatically with a sweep of his hand. I rolled my eyes and took a step forward, then stopped. I was happy to see that his calm, cool exterior had faded a bit, and irritation was starting to show.

  “Why?” I asked skeptically.

  “For god’s sake woman-” I didn’t have to say anything else because he came at me lightning fast, picking me up (bags and all) over his shoulder.

  “Hey, caveman put me down!” I yelled pounding my fists on his chest, which felt similar to a brick wall. I sighed and looked at Alice and Mai for help but they just shrugged.

  “Put her down Jeremy, I’m sure you can see she doesn’t want you man-handling her.” Alice said with an apologetic glance towards me.

  “Her problems are of no concern to me; I’m only doing what I was told.” He replied calmly.

  “That’s a first.” Mai muttered, which earned her a glare from Jeremy. They involuntarily took a step back, which made me wonder just how strong this kid was.

  “Guys, its fine” I said trying to crane my neck, but gave up when I knew I would have to stare at Jeremy’s butt until he set me down. Then he abruptly turned around and started walking with his confident strut down the hallway. When we got to a fancy mahogany door, he set me down, and I knew I might not get another chance, so I ran. Unfortunately I only took about 5 steps until Jeremy caught me again,

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