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Page 22

by Jae Choguk

continued without fear; after all I didn’t have anything to fear as long as I knew where I was going.

  He blocked one of my punches and was posed to swing his leg, but I saw it coming. The more I practiced with him, the more I recognized what he would do next, giving me an advantage.

  “What was that?” Demetrius asked dumbfounded lying on the mat with a hand on his chest.

  “I saw your next move before you even attempted it and caught you off guard.” I say simple as I sit next to him with my water bottle.

  “Why haven’t you used it before?”

  “Just didn’t feel like it.” I replied wondering why I never beat him yet, when I knew I could. If I could beat Jeremy in my first week, then I could for sure beat D.

  “My ass,” He muttered and I laughed.

  “Your ass is on the floor, exactly where I made it go.”

  “Watch it or I might make your ass go flat from landing so hard.”

  I burst out laughing, and he looked at me like I was crazy. “That was pathetic for one, and I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I already have a flat ass.” I slapped my hip and stood up, stretching.

  “Well I didn’t want to say anything.” He said trying to recover from his previous embarrassment.

  “Alright, let’s just start something else since I already know everything you have to teach me.” I offered him my hand and he grabbed it, pulling me back down on the mat beside him. I felt a sudden flash of Jeremy doing the same thing earlier, and I felt my cheeks flush.

  He raised his eyebrow. “Are you that exhausted, or is there something else on your mind?”

  “Shut up.” I say as try to stand up. He flips me over and leans over me, just as Jeremy did and I shiver involuntarily. He smiled and took that as an invitation. He leaned forward to kiss me and I almost let him, thinking that he was Jeremy.

  Instead, I grabbed his head between my hands and head-butted him. He sat up rubbing his forehead with a scowl.

  “What was that for?” He whined.

  “What do you think?” I replied sardonically, waiting for my heart to stop beating at its un-regular pace. Why did I keep thinking of Jeremy, and why can’t I regret kissing him? I pounded my fist on my heart, as if it would make it stop.

  “I’m going to assume we’re done for the day?” I ask looking at him as if daring him to object.

  “Normally I would say yes, but today we have something extra for you do to.” He said getting back into his Hunter mode.

  “Like what?” I ask with all my senses on high alert. I felt that something would be coming soon, and this must’ve been it.

  “It’s your last test to prove you are truly ready to join us.” His eyes burned into mine, and I tried not showing how anxious I was getting.

  “About time, I was waiting for you to finally see my potential.” I replied coolly, and I could tell he was searching for any sign of uneasiness.

  “We already know you have potential or we wouldn’t have even bothered with you.” He and I both knew that wasn’t true, since my father happened to be the head Hunter, not hat either of us would mention it.

  “Right, well can I see my father for a bit?” I ask in a nervous voice. I always called him Brian, so this was taking a step forward hopefully.

  He smiled, taking it as a positive sign. “Of course, he will be glad to hear you finally asking for him.”

  I smiled the best I could and followed him to where Brian was waiting for me; his daughter to join him once and for all.


  “You’re finally ready to become my daughter?” Brian asked as I met him in his office, bracing myself for what he had planned for me.

  “I’ve always been your daughter.” I replied confidently. He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

  “Now how do I know you aren’t just saying that? Are you fine with betraying your mom like this?”

  “How is it betraying when we’re all related?”

  He laughs. “How right you are my dear.”

  I smile, and try to seem natural about it, but with difficulty. He was everything that I resented, but then I realized he’s what I needed to become.

  “She doesn’t get a say in what I do.” I continue cruelly. “After all she sent me to the Academy knowing how horrible it was, as well as not telling me my father was still alive. Not to mention that he could teach me more than the people at the Academy could.”

  “There’s no doubt you’re my daughter now.” He declares proudly and pulls me into a ‘fatherly’ hug. I hug him back, and for a second wonder if this is what a fathers embrace should feel like. I was just glad nobody could read my mind, or else my wavering would show through.

  “I bet not growing up with a father was hard.” He said in what seemed like compassion, but with such a cold and calculating man; one could never be sure.

  “Working with you will make up for it.” I say, partly telling the truth. He leans back from the hug, hands back on my shoulders.

  He looks me square in the eyes and says “Then are you ready to prove yourself to everyone?”

  I nod and reply, “Of course dad.”

  I got back in late once again, my mind running in circles, my body numb as I lay down on my bed staring at blackness.

  “You’ve been at the Academy long enough to know the term ‘Black Cat’ right?” My father told me when he was telling me what my final assessment would be.

  I tensed up and forced myself to relax again. “It’s an alias for someone who the Hunters haven’t been able to identify yet.”

  “Correct!” He shouted and urged me on. “Now, I assume you know who it is right?” My tongue felt as rough as sandpaper, and I couldn’t force myself to answer right away.

  “Yes…” I finally say, hoping he won’t ask me to do what I feel is coming. I felt a rock drop in my stomach, and I felt like throwing up, but waited for him to tell me anyways.

  “I’m not asking you to tell me their name if that’s what you’re wondering.” He says like that should calm me down.

  “Then what do you want me to do?” I ask in a voice that didn’t sound like my own. Jeremy is the last person who I wanted to get dragged into this.

  “I want you to bring them to me.” My dad says in a cold voice, and I know what will happen if I bring him here.

  “You want me to recruit him?” I ask hopefully, and he smiles.

  “That is the plan,” He put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. “I knew you were my daughter when I first saw you.”

  I smiled, unable to say anything more and I was sent on my way to become the traitor Jeremy already thought I was.

  The next morning came, without me ever closing my eyes. I was to torn about what to do. I dreaded what I had to do, but I knew I was going to follow through with it…no matter what. They say your emotions shouldn’t get involved with missions; now I know why.

  Not sure when it happened, but I realized how much Jeremy meant to me. Admitting it in my head was one thing, but saying it out loud was another. I doubted that I would ever be able to express myself, especially after what will happen today.

  “I was waiting for you to wake up!” Mai yelled latching onto my arm, and Alice was right beside her. I felt so distant from them recently that I didn’t even know who they liked, or what grades they were getting. The missions they went on, the accomplishments they made or the goals they set. I realize it was only a little over a month, but a lot can happen in a month, especially at the Academy.

  “Well I needed that sleep so deal with it.” I lied sticking out my tongue. She smiled and stuck her tongue out right back at me. Alice continued watching us bicker in silent amusement, and I wondered if she also believed I was the traitor. I could already tell the difference in the way people treated me now. Whenever I was around, that is.

  “If you’re done cutting off my circulation,” I said peeling Mai’s arm off me “I need food now.” She pouted and it put me more at ease knowing her personality hadn’t changed a bit. We a
ll ate breakfast together, and I wondered how long I could be with them like this.

  A sudden silence passed through our dorm and I looked over to where the commotion started. I felt every muscle in my body tense up as I saw Jeremy striding towards me purposefully. His ice blue eyes locked with my emerald ones in a brief burning moment. I felt my heart knocking against my chest, threatening to give itself over to Jeremy, but I wouldn’t let it.

  “Come with me.” He ordered as he reached my seat and grabbed me by the arm. Normally I would knock him on his ass, or make a scene, but I had to see him today anyways. It may as well have been on his terms.

  I tried yanking my arm away once we got out of the dorm into the freezing weather of Colorado’s winter. When his grip just got tighter, I stopped resisting and followed him to the big willow draped by our dorm. It was my favorite tree to look at when I had the time. Even in the winter when it was covered in snow, it was breath taking.

  I walked a little faster, matching my footsteps with his, and it almost seemed like we were a couple taking a casual walk, holding hands, but casual isn’t a word that fits here.

  “Okay I think we’re far enough out, now what do you want?” I demanded as we went underneath the willow, with its long snow-covered tendrils surrounding us like a shield.

  “This.” He said pushing me against the tree and kissed me before I could even react. It felt as deep as the stop pile we were standing in. I felt like the snow would melt right there from how hot I felt, and prayed he wouldn’t realize my feelings for him.

  The funny thing is...even though I don’t

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