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A Lich's Love (Death Knight Series Book 5)

Page 21

by Michael Chatfield

  “Aeran, command things here. Oru, Enya—we will deal with the Guardians,” Khurok said.

  “Yes, Leader,” Aeran replied.

  Khurok and his two commanders headed out of the command center and down the ramps. Others made way for them as they ran down.

  They reached the floor the Guardians were on. They were pressed in by the Drafeng. Guardians were being cut down here and there, pulled from the lines and destroyed. Mages continued to work on their enchantment, their last hope. Khurok let out a yell as he led Oru and Enya forward. Weapons formed of chaotic power appeared in his hands.

  They slammed into the Guardian wall, pushing them back and bowing the line inward.

  The Guardians were fighting, holding back the three and trying to stop their line from breaking.

  “War leader!” one of the Guardians yelled.

  Khurok snarled and hit a Guardian. They fell to bones, scattered across the ground.

  The line was just teetering on the edge when he felt the mana inside the Guardian formation flicker violently. He looked up, seeing a woman wearing a robe that billowed around her.

  “Battle Mage Claire,” Khurok said. He had studied the histories and learned them well.


  “Take it outside!” Claire yelled. She, the mages, and Wendy worked together, sending a blast at the three Drafeng leaders. They were thrown backward, through the walls of the mound and out into the open.

  Anthony looked to the others.

  With a yell, they pushed forward—Anthony, his familiars, Troga, Tairlyn, Damien, Aila, and Tommie. They tore through the Drafeng who had been scattered with the blast.

  The area around the three leaders was clear and they rushed forward. The casual power from the leaders could destroy them easily.

  Anthony held out his left hand. Vines twisted together in the shape of a sword. Lightning crackled through the wooden limbs. Gold and white light imprinted upon the limb and flames appeared along one edge of the blade—red on one side, purple on the other; the hilt turned black, a fog trailing underneath.

  All of Anthony’s tattoos glowed as he drew in the chaotic power from around him, turning it into his own power. He opened his mouth, devouring it all, consuming their chaotic power. He grew larger, explosive power filling his limbs.

  “The Devourer,” Khurok said, a hint of fear in his voice.

  “Kill him!” Khurok yelled as he took a hit from Tommie. He let out a hiss and struck Tairlyn; she flew back but fired her pistols even as she was tossed back. She slammed into the wall, breaking into bones.

  Troga charged. His tattoos burned through his armor as his clan spirit appeared and Troga grew, doubling his height. His horns grew larger and his muscles bunched together.

  Damien swung his hammer and ran forward. His tattoos flowed with power as he, too, grew. His face became more savage as the tattoos upon his body shook with power. A mist grew from them as the two giants wielded their war axe and war hammer, glowing with purple light.

  Damien struck Enya while Troga took on Oru.

  “Tommie, support Damien. Aila, support Troga,” Anthony said. His armor had transformed. His familiar tattoos, burned into his very bones, now covered his body. His voice was quiet but powerful.

  “Looks like we’re going all out!” Bruce yelled. He doubled his height, transforming into his beast-form. He charged forward.

  As a dragon roared and a phoenix screeched, Dave took to the skies and he unleashed a beam of golden lightning from his mouth.


  Admiral Raye watched through the diviner’s mirror as they watched the battle on the ground. They’d seen the three Drafeng being tossed out of the mound; seeing into the mound as the Guardians were sieged on all sides, holding the line; the ranged fighters supporting them as the mages worked as fast as possible to complete the formation in the ground.

  “Come on, come on,” someone said. None of them chastised them; they were all thinking the same thing. The tension on the boats was palpable.

  They had dropped down to be level with the platform, below where the beams could hit them.

  We have about twenty minutes until the two other platforms circle around and then they can attack us.

  Damien and Troga were like demi-gods of war, using their massive weapons that sent purple sparks flying everywhere as they pinned down the two large Drafeng commanders.

  Aila sent out her curses and her remaining machine golems while Tommie fired arrows, grenades, and his guns into Damien’s target.

  The commanders took the hits, as did Damien and Troga, fighting with all of their strength. Each side put everything on the line in this fight.

  Anthony and the Drafeng war leader clashed. The ground around them erupted with the force of the blows. The war leader was a half-step slower than Anthony, and his power was greater, but he had more arms to fight Anthony with. Anthony’s arms would turn into black smoke, appearing and disappearing as they struck with Bruce’s strength, Wendy’s power, Dave’s stun, and the burning flames of Penelope and Guardian Flame.

  Bruce was sent flying with a shield bash and Penelope circled around, avoiding an arrow aimed at her.

  Dave swooped down through the low, thick, black clouds. Lightning crackled over his body and he opened his mouth, sending all of the power in his body into the attack. A beam of lightning struck the Drafeng, causing one’s eyes to show lines if they looked directly at it, even through the diviner’s mirror.

  Anthony had jumped back, his mouth open wide as he drew in chaotic power. His tattoos that had grown dim increased in brightness as he restored his lost power.

  The war leader was revealed, looking in worse shape. A chaotic shield appeared on his side. It had blocked the attack. More chaotic power was leaking out of the ground, entering his body and restoring him.

  Solomon appeared, a wraith of smoke. Scythe-like arms struck out, hitting the war leader, but he was ready, blocking with two swords and sending a spear for Solomon’s chest. Solomon was like pipe smoke; the wind from the attack blew him backward. He didn’t appear to have any damage and Anthony struck forward once again. The two traded blows; Anthony and his familiars worked together to hold the war leader down. His recovery was simply too fast for them to do any lasting damage.

  Even with all of their strength, the three groups were only able to slow down the Drafeng leadership.

  The Drafeng can recover their strength, within the area of the platform. The chaotic power is so strong that the Guardians are only losing power over time, power that keeps them in their skeleton form.

  The Guardians were barely holding; there were too many chaotic beasts and Drafeng. As the Guardians were smashed apart, they’d reform and charge again.

  Raye looked to Thunderwing, who had returned to the ship.

  He looked to the signal officer. “Beat the drums.”

  His words made the others around him stall for a second, looking to the signal officer.

  “Aye, Admiral.” The signal officer grinned. “Beat the drums!”

  The drums on the ship started up. Drums on the other ships followed suit, and men and women rushed through the ships, making them battle ready.

  “Ready the cannons and make sure the mages have plenty of mana recovery potions. Dump anything that we don’t need. We want to move, quick and agile. Make sure everyone has their storm lines attached! We will circle the mound. I want the cannons to fire across the side of the mound, cutting through the Drafeng charging the mound instead of at the mound itself.”

  “Aye, so track on the outside of the mound instead of the center of the mound.” Captain Devra nodded.

  “Rotate the ship every volley to keep them fresh and the rate of fire up. There will be no fire orders—the crews will pick their shells and their targets themselves. They are to fire as fast as they damn well can. I don’t care if the cannon melts.” Raye looked from Captain Devra to the signal officer. “Anyone who is unable to man a cannon, get them on the side-mounted swivel gun
s, or get them a matchlock rifle or bow.”

  “Understood, Admiral!” They quickly sorted out flags and ran them up the ship’s mast.

  They got back confirmation as items were tossed overboard and the enchantments on the ship glowed with power.

  “First and Third Fleet report that they’re ready for action!”

  “Have them follow our lead!” Raye ordered and turned to Captain Devra. “Over the top.”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral. Over the top!”

  The bow of the ship raised up. They all had to hold onto something and some unsecured gear moved around. Captain Devra watched his ship as the helmsman whipped the tiller over.

  The ship rose and turned, no longer going parallel with the platform.


  “Ships sighted to the right flank!” a Drafeng called out to Aeran.

  “What are they doing now?” Aeran looked over to see the flagship of the navy rise up over the lip of the platform as if riding a wave. Behind her, the rest of the fleet followed, riding the waves of the sky.

  The first cannons fired on the flagship, tearing into the ranks of Drafeng who were boiling out of the holes in the platform.

  “Fire the beam weapons at them!” Aeran yelled.

  Beams struck the ships; the cannon crews targeted the beams back, trading hit for hit.

  This close, the cannon crews were sharpshooters with their weapons.

  The rate of beam fire decreased as they were all charging once again. The cannon crews with their targets rained down destruction on the charging Drafeng.

  Ships were struck from the sky, unable to take the hits. One went up in an explosion; another tilted away from the fight, crashing into the platform with their side, their enchantments flickering.

  The fleet took on fighting as if death would be a release, fighting with everything that they could muster.

  With the weight of cannon fire, the pressure on the Guardians dropped. Aeran looked out at Khurok, who was fighting the Devourer.

  Khurok tried to attack the ships with his beam attack but he was struck by the phoenix’s flames and the Devourer’s sword took one of his arms off.

  He let out a yell. Power circled his stub and started to regrow his arm at a visible rate. His speed increased and he went all out, attacking the Devourer and his minions.


  “You will not win, Devourer! This time, we will win!” Khurok yelled.

  “Always with the evil guy ad-lib! Will you shut up!” Anthony yelled.

  The two of them attacked each other with blurring weapons and Anthony seemed to be dancing through the attacks.

  “Your formation will not destroy the harvester. Even if you claim this one, you won’t be able to claim the others! We have won. Your return has done nothing!”

  “It’s ruined a nap for me!”

  “You know what is the best part? That this, all of this—we only got this far with the people of Dena fighting one another. Do you think that we would have been able to make so many doorways, enter the Northern Basin without you fighting one another?” Khurok laughed. “You seek to defend the people who betrayed you, who tore down your group! Even if you were to win and we do nothing, do you think that you will survive? Your fate is inevitable, to be used by others, a slave to your oath!”

  “My fiancée is right there. I wouldn’t talk about marriage that way—you know how long it took me to get her to say yes?!” Anthony took a blow, using it to gain distance as Bruce stomped the ground, sending a ripple of force. Khurok defended against it as Anthony drew in power from the surrounding area, replenishing himself.

  The other two fights were going better, as the commanders they were facing were sustaining injuries and couldn’t repair themselves nearly as fast as they were injured.

  “Guardians—foolish ideological idiots with power! Always making jokes at the end of the day. None of you are serious, ready to do what needs to be taken to complete the mission! Drafeng live to serve and to fight, to fight for a future, to fight for power. Anyone who stands against us or takes our power is our enemy!” Khurok yelled and ran forward. He took on hits from Anthony’s familiars; his body took on wounds as he hit Anthony.

  Anthony was able to get a sword up in time, blocking a spear aimed at his face but three swords stabbed into him. Anthony’s other sword protected his most valuable possession, the heart that beat within him.

  Anthony erupted with power and tossed Khurok back; he ran forward. The two of them turned into a storm of chaotic blades meeting familiar blades and steel. Their attacks rang out, the two of them taking and giving hits. Anthony’s armor showed holes in places and his bones appeared. A hit carved a line in his helmet, revealing his skeletal face.

  “You have given them everything—your life, your honor, your existence! They will never care! You are like us! You seek to fight! You seek to control!”

  “What I seek is peace!” Anthony landed a solid hit and he forced Khurok back, weaving through other attacks and hurling his sword. It struck deep and tore out as Khurok grunted and Anthony defended with his other sword. It danced as he looked at Khurok.

  “I will be the harbinger of destruction or the killer of gods to give the people of Dena a future. They don’t owe me anything. I do this because I want a better future for them. They might hate or detest us at times, but we stand strong. It might be stupid. It might be dumb. But I’m not the brightest skeleton in the crypt!”

  Anthony forced Khurok back step by step as his familiars rained down attacks on the war leader, who was struck again and again but seemed unaffected; his chaotic barrier formed a swirling pattern of colors around him.

  Khurok let out a beam attack, hitting Anthony and sending him flying, burning off his armor, melting off his shoulder and part of his side.

  Anthony had turned into the attack, protecting Claire’s heart once again that could be seen beating inside his chest.

  Bruce dissipated with the attack.

  Several spell formations appeared in front of Damien, Troga, and Anthony. The multi-colored formations shot out prismatic beams into one another and into the main spell formation, blasting into the three leaders of the Drafeng.

  “Aila!” Claire yelled.

  Aila turned and ran for the mound. Penelope swooped down, grabbing her with her claws and turning into a ray of fire.


  All of the remaining Guardians reached out their hands. Threads of purple power formed into hammers.

  Khurok got to his feet, smoking and wounded. He had left a smoking trail through the ground. He let out a roar and charged forward.

  Anthony, Damien, Tommie, and Troga’s hammers descended in time with the others.

  They rang out as one. As they struck the air, sparks of Guardian Flame appeared under each of their hammers.

  “You will not succeed!” Khurok yelled.

  The purple sparks shot into the mound and into the formation. A beam of flame shot up into the air, burning through the mound.

  A court appeared of the seven races. Dozens of judges sat beside one another, all of them with the Guardian symbol on their chest. Behind them, another row with more judges appeared—a coliseum of judges, spirits who watched over Dena and its people.

  They reached out with their hammers and tapped their gavels.

  The beam of power that had formed them grew in strength and shot toward the ground. It pierced the center of the formation. Purple flames spread across the crystal platform like a fire across a dry ship Drafeng were set alight. They tried to leap free of the fire, only to find it had entered their bodies.

  More rounds struck creating rolling balls of flame.

  “You see, we didn’t create a Guardian Flame enchantment—we just made a spell-enhancing enchantment.” Anthony laughed, seeing Aila as she glowed with necromantic power and poured it into the formation. The purple flames converted the chaotic power through the crystals into blue mana; now threads of necromantic power weaved through the platform.
br />   ***

  Admiral Raye had blood running down his face and he was working with a cannon crew on the cannons.

  They had all stopped, looking at the platform as it underwent changes. The beam weapons stopped shooting at them.

  The purple flames had burned through the Drafeng, igniting the conversion towers and causing them to explode.

  A massive court looked over Dena, and the platform. Purple chains grew from the platform the size of the ship they were on and shot out spell formations, piercing through the other platforms that had come in close and under the original platform.

  The purple flames ran through the platforms as green necromantic power, like veins, traced through the chains and into the platforms.

  Explosions shook the skies as the battle-worn and bloodied First and Second Fleet stood there, looking at the Drafeng platforms.


  Khurok blazed with power and ran forward, burning his own power. He increased in size and he grew two more arms. He fired chaotic power from all of his limbs.

  Anthony brought his sword in front of him and took the attacks, losing his limbs.

  Penelope, Solomon, Dave—all of them faded away like a dream.

  A white light covered Anthony as Wendy appeared, tossing Khurok back; he lost a limb and was bloodied. The arm didn’t come back; he didn’t have the chaotic power left to do that.

  Aila let out a yell. She was filled with power. Her eyes glowed green as she was lifted up off the ground.

  Chains shot out and wrapped around the war leaders.

  Claire stepped forward and spell formations appeared around Khurok. Guardians ran forward around her; archers focused on the trapped and chained; the melee fighters roars mixed with the sounds of ancient blades meeting Chaotic ones.

  Once again they wage war for the fate of Dena. Claire shivered focusing. Flames appeared in her hands as she tossed them forwards, striking chaotic beasts.

  Khurok was on the defensive, fighting back the attacks.

  Guardians started to rise up, taking in the mana from the surrounding area. The fires in their eyes ignited once again as their bodies were reconstructed.

  Tommie stabbed into the secured Enya. His Guardian Flame ignited inside her side as Damien hit her attacks away. Ranged attacks found her and she collapsed, the Guardian Flames consuming her.


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