Stolen Fire

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Stolen Fire Page 22

by S. Dalambakis

  “Lucifer likes to go Friday nights, which is when new talents play, sing, or dance,” Bael answers.

  “What day is it?” Finley asks. “I lost all sense of time being down here.”

  “You have two days. Speaking of which, we need to go to The Inferno and sign you up. Plus, you’ll need some sort of costume.”

  “Why?” Finley tilts her head at Bael’s comment.

  “Because from the few times I’ve been there and seen him, that’s what he generally gravitates towards. It’s what catches his eyes the most.”

  An impish grin crosses Finley’s face. “Oh, I have the perfect idea.”

  She rubs her hands together. Obsidian and Stolas groan, and I know none of us are going to like the idea.

  “Okay, so, I’m going to sign-up at The Inferno, woo the devil with my amazing talents…”

  “Could you not say it like that,” Stolas interrupts.

  “But it’s true,” Finley says, giving Stolas a cheeky look.

  “I know, but still. It sounds wrong when it’s in the same sentence with the devil,” he replies. Finley chuckles.

  “Okay, I won’t say it like that again.” Finley smiles and shakes her head. “Once I have Lucifer’s attention, do I need to be charming, shy, play hard to get, what?” Finley waves her hand around.

  “I think just being yourself will work on him,” Bael says. Finley nods.

  “I think we should take the map while Finley has Lucifer preoccupied with the date,” I chime in. Everyone turns and looks at me. “There’s not going to be very many opportunities we have to enter Lucifer’s castle, and this may be our one and only chance.”

  “We need to know for sure if the map is hidden in Lucifer’s office. If we fuck this up, there’s no way in hell that we’re going to get another shot,” Obsidian states.

  “I’ll do some recon tomorrow. I have the day off, which will be perfect for Finley to go to the market and pick something up for The Inferno. We should also stop by there and sign her up,” Bael says.

  Finley stands and starts walking circles around the table. “So, the plan so far is that I go and sign-up to perform at The Inferno. Hopefully, I gain the attention of Lucifer. If I do, I be myself and hope to get a date with him.” She pauses meeting each of us in the eye before continuing. “The poem said your gift will only get you so far and you’ll have to rely more on your wit. Any suggestions for that?”

  I push away from the counter I was leaning on and walk over to the kitchen table. I don’t sit down, because I know the guys aren’t going to like what I have to say next.

  “I think Finley should play for the devil. I think she should see if the spell will work on him. If it does, then we’ll have extra time to find the map, get back to her, and get the hell out of there.”

  “And if it doesn’t?” Obsidian growls.

  I grip the back of the chair in front of me at his words, because even I don’t want to think about those consequences. Obsidian leaps out of his chair and starts pacing.

  “If Lucifer figures out what she’s trying to do,” he shakes his head. “I don’t...I can’t leave her there to fend for herself against the King of Hell. I can’t… I won’t do it.”

  Obsidian runs his fingers through his hair. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this must be for him or even Stolas. Not only do they have their own thoughts and feelings about this, but they also have the thoughts and the feelings of their shifter side. I only have my feelings to process and contend with and everything in me doesn’t want Finley anywhere near this, but even I know what needs to be done.

  “How about if I go with her?” Stolas interjects.

  “You can’t,” Obsidian says. He stops pacing to look at Stolas. “We’ll need you to help fight whoever guards Lucifer’s office.”

  “He can if I go with you instead,” Bael says. There are a few sharp inhales of breath.

  “What?” Shock is evident in Stolas’ voice as he utters the single word.

  “You would do that?” I ask.

  “Of course, I would.” Bael narrows his eyes at me. He looks offended that I would even ask such a question, but it’s not only Finley’s life that I’m worried about. It’s all of ours. “I would do anything to help my brother and his mate. She’s carrying his pup, my niece or nephew. I would give my life to protect them.” Bael’s voice takes on more a growl the more he talks. I place my hands out in front of me, palms out, in a sign of surrender.

  “I meant no offense. I just need to know that I can trust you.” Bael glares at me.

  “Alright,” Finley says, raising her voice. She walks over to Bael, placing a hand on his shoulder. He tenses for a moment before relaxing. He looks up at her. “I appreciate you offering to help, but I don’t want you to do anything that could lead to you losing your job.”

  “I won’t if we do this right,” he responds. Finley squeezes Bael’s shoulder before letting go.

  “Well, then thank you.” Finley offers Bael a soft smile. “You know, I always wanted siblings, and now I’ll know what it’s like to have an overprotective big brother.” Finley laughs. Bael tries hard not to smile but loses the fight in the end.

  “Damn straight you will,” he says with a smirk.

  Finley rolls her eyes, but smiles. Finley broke some of the tension in the room, which was needed if we’re going to continue hashing this out.

  “Well, that’s all well and good, but that doesn’t explain how Stolas thinks he can just go with Finley,” Obsidian says from his spot by the counter, his arms folded across his chest.

  “Because,” Stolas gets this grin on his face, and I’m not sure I like it. “I’m going to go in my hellhound form. What better way to make sure our mate and pup are safe?”

  “But won’t Lucifer know that you’re more than just a hellhound? Wait, are there regular hellhounds here?” Finley’s brows pinch together.

  “There are regular hellhounds, ones that don’t shift, but you’re correct in thinking that Lucifer will know the difference,” Bael replies.

  “What if she plays it off like she doesn’t know the hellhound at her side is more than just dog?” I ask, earning a growl from both Stolas and Bael, and a grin from Obsidian. Everyone is quiet for the moment, pondering what I just said.

  “That could work; it’ll also help cover the reason she smells slightly of fire and sulfur,” Bael states. “I think she should show up with a hellhound on her heels at The Inferno, as well. It’ll help from keeping Lucifer to suspicious as to why she suddenly has a hellhound with her.”

  I feel slightly better knowing that one of us will be with her all the time.

  “Okay, so recap,” Finley says walking around the table toward me. I pull out the chair in front of me, and Finley takes the hint. The second she’s seated; I start massaging her shoulder. “Man, that feels good,” she groans. I smirk and lean down, placing a kiss to the top of her head.

  Stolas snaps his fingers. “Focus, love.”

  Finley rolls her head to the side, glancing at Stolas. “I dare you to try to focus when Verkor’s magical hands are on you.” I can’t help the smug smile that crosses my lips. I peek over at Stolas, he pulls a Finley, rolling his eyes.

  “Whatever. It’s getting late so we need to get through this,” he states.

  I see the smoldering look he sends Finley’s way. If he thinks he’s getting her alone tonight, I’ll beg to differ. Stolas is going to have to share.

  “Okay, okay,” Finley sighs, not knowing the real reason Stolas wants to wrap this up. But I don’t take my hands off of her. I keep massaging her shoulders as she talks. “First, sign-up at The Inferno and garner the attention of Lucifer. Hope that I get asked on a date. Second, go on said date and try to spell Lucifer to give you guys time to retrieve the map. Third, you come back and get me and we leave.”

  “That’s a simplified way to put it,” I say.

  “Finley and Stolas will have a way into the castle but what about the rest of us?” Obsidian q

  Well, that just put a damper on things. How are we going to get inside the castle? A quick glance around the room shows everyone in deep concentration.

  “I could probably get in if I shifted to my hellhound form,” Bael states. “But that doesn’t help the rest of you get in.”

  I see Stolas’ shadow shift from him moving in his seat. My eyes widen. That’s how I’m going to get in.


  “I can use the shadows to get in,” Verkor says.

  “That’s fine and dandy, but what about me?” I grumble. Bael can shift into a hellhound and blend in. Verkor can hide and manipulate the shadows, but what about me? What am I going to do it get in. “It’s not like I can just waltz in there past the guards outside.”

  “But what if you can?” Finley says, pivoting in her chair to face me. There’s a twinkle in her eye, which usually leads to me not liking what’s going to come out of her mouth.

  “How so, love?” Stolas inquiries.

  “Do you remember what you got out of my hair earlier?”

  I frown trying to remember. I picked a piece of meat out of her hair. I saved it. I stand from my leaning position against the counter, my arms drop to my sides. My eyes widen. I look over at Finley, who has the biggest grin on her face. I glance quickly at Verkor and Stolas, seeing the recognition on their faces. I remember the name that appeared on my container after placing it inside. It was Abaddon’s flesh. How could I forget we mentioned that already?

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Bael asks, lost to what’s going on around him.

  I walk right over to Finley, scooping her up out of the chair, planting a bruising kiss on her mouth. I place her back on her feet, keeping her close to my body.

  “Okay, now I know I’m missing something,” Bael states. I turn to face him, seeing the confusion on his face.

  “You know what I am.” Bael nods. “I pulled a piece of flesh from Finley’s hair. Remember when she said she got into a fight with Abaddon?” Bael nods, again. “Well, it just so happens that the flesh I pulled from her hair and saved, came from him. If I eat that piece of meat, I can transform into Abaddon, Lucifer’s favorite demon.” I do something I rarely do; I smile.

  Bael sits there, shock still.

  “You know, it’s still weird when you smile,” Stolas states.

  I shrug my shoulders not caring. We have probably the easiest way to walk into Lucifer’s office without anyone asking any questions.

  “So, Bael will go in hellhound form, Obsidian will go in looking like Abaddon, and Verkor will use the shadows to hide himself,” Finley recaps.

  “Sounds about right,” I say.

  “Well, then let’s hope when you get to Lucifer’s office that the map is somewhere easily accessible,” Finley says with a yawn.

  “Alright, how about we call it a night,” I say, scooping Finley up into my arms bridal style. She lays her head against shoulder, yawning again.

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Finley says, nuzzling me.

  I turn and making my way from the kitchen and down the hallway. The sound of chairs scraping against the hardwood floor reaches my ears, followed by the sound of scuffling feet. The others are coming. I walk Finley down to the room we were gathered in earlier, leaving the door open because I know Verkor and Stolas are right behind us. I sit on the edge of the bed with Finley still in my arms. Bael is the first to peek his head in.

  “Goodnight guys.”

  “Night big brother,” Finley murmurs.

  Bael chuckles, smiles, and shakes his head, before walking down the hall. I hear the soft click of his door closing. Verkor and Stolas file into the room.

  “Tired, love?” Stolas asks softly. He kneels down and moves a piece of Finley’s hair from her face. Finley just nods her head against my chest. “Okay, love. We’ll let you rest for the night.”

  Stolas stands, glancing around the room. He moves and returns the nightstand back to the side of the bed, placing the lamp back on top.

  “I’ll go and get the mattress from the other room. I just want…” Verkor trails off. “I need to be close to her tonight,” he states. I look over at Verkor who is still standing by the door. We share a look. We all understand him and his feelings, because we feel it too.

  “Okay,” Stolas says. Verkor’s shoulders relax slightly. Did he think that Stolas would tell him no?

  I stand moving to the side of the bed. Verkor walks over, pulling down the comforter. I gently lay Finley down, and she immediately curls into a ball. Just as I’m about to cover her up, I hear her soft voice.

  “The button is in my pocket; can you take it out and put it somewhere safe? I don’t want to lose it.”

  “Of course, doll.” I run my hand down her hip and feel the small round object. Carefully, I remove the button from her pocket, and pull the covers up around her shoulders. Leaning down, I place a kiss on her forehead, before whispering, “I love you.”

  “,” she barely gets out before I hear her deep even breathing. She’s beautiful. My mate is everything I could have asked for and more. I’m a lucky son of a bitch.

  “Is she sleeping?” Stolas whispers. I turn and look at him, seeing him drag a mattress through the doorway. When did he leave the room?

  “Yeah,” I reply. Stolas nods his head.

  He motions toward me that he wants to place the mattress down by her side of the bed. I move out of the way, going to the closet on the other side of the room. I know Stolas put their bags in here earlier. Mine and Verkor’s things are in the other bedroom. We were going to let Stolas sleep with her tonight, but after what happened today, I’m glad we’ll all be in the same room.

  I kneel down, pulling Finley’s bag closer to me.

  “What are you doing?” Verkor asks, stopping next to me.

  “She asked me to put the button someplace safe. I’m going to put it in the little pocket inside of her bag.” I glance up at him. “This is the best place for it.” Verkor nods.

  I open my palm, seeing the circular object. I just want to see and hear the baby one more time tonight. I push the button and instantly the room is filled with the sound of a heartbeat and a holographic image of the baby.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?” Verkor says from beside me. There’s a shuffle from behind me, but I scent that it’s Stolas.

  “I still can’t believe,” he says quietly.

  I think all of us are in awe. There is a little life growing inside our mate at this very moment. I already love the pup like it was my own, and I know I’ll do everything I can to keep them safe and happy.

  Chapter 18


  I slept like a baby last night. I didn’t want to get out of bed. I was completely comfortable snuggled up with my hellhound. But the scent of food drew me out of the room. Bael had started making breakfast, giving me first dibs at everything. That’s where the guys found me twenty minutes later, stuffing my face with French toast. Breakfast was fun and easy going. Bael told me stories of Stolas growing up. It seems that he always had a knack for being the comedic relief. After breakfast Bael said he needed to go to the market and snoop around about the where the map could be hidden. He asked if we wanted to go, and I jumped at the chance.

  “I don’t think I ever saw you get ready that fast before, love,” Stolas jokes. But I don’t mind. I love markets. It’s easy to sell and steal there, if you know what you’re doing.

  He interlaces his fingers with mine as we walk down the dirt road. You know the second you reached the boundary for the castle. The dirt road turns into hardened lava stones. There are twice as many demons and humans milling about. I did come here with a goal in mind.

  “Well, we have a very short window, and I need a dress for tomorrow night,” I reply with a smile.

  “Speaking of,” Bael says. “We should go and get you signed up first.” I nod, and Bael leads us through the crowd.

  I rely on Stolas and the others to guide me, be
cause I’m too busy looking at all the stalls as we walk pass. Nothing really catches my eye. A lot of it is the same kind of items that I can get in the Magic Realm. I’m a little disappointed, until I see a weapons table. I make a mental note to go back and see if the items are hell forged. Oh, selling those back home will get me lots of credits.

  As we weave through the crowd, a flash of white catches my attention. When I glance back, I see that it’s a dress. From a distance it’s gorgeous. I bet it’s prettier up close. I need that dress. That dress is what’ll get me noticed.

  Not much later, the crowd starts to thin out, and I notice buildings starting to emerge. They look a lot like the buildings throughout all nine levels of hell. We walk past a few, before Bael stops in front of one.

  The building is black, go figure, with the name The Inferno in a mix of red, orange, and yellow. I kind of looks like hot lava. The ‘i’ in Inferno is a pitchfork. You know, I didn’t realize how puny and sort of unoriginal hell has been with its designs of buildings, the color scheme, and the names they use. A red neon sign in the window, flashes open. There’s nothing else on the window. Nothing to give away what might actually go on in that place. It’s very nondescript.

  “Are you sure about this?” Bael questions.

  Turning my attention to him, I see he’s nervous. He runs his hands down his thighs like he’s trying to wipe the sweat off of them.

  “Do you know of any other way I can do this?” I ask. Bael shakes his head.

  “This is probably the fastest and easiest way to get his attention,” he replies.

  “Well, then this is the only option we have.”

  He nods before pulling open the door. He gestures for me to go in ahead of him. Still gripping Stolas’ hand, I square my shoulders, hold my head up high, and waltz right in like I belong there.


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