Stolen Fire

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Stolen Fire Page 23

by S. Dalambakis

  The place is empty except for a few workers. There’s an orange demon taking chairs off the tables and placing them on the floor. There’s a smaller, pale blue demon wiping off the tables that were cleared. Off to the side, sitting higher than the rest, is a table with red tablecloth and sterling silver candle holders on top.

  “Can I help you?” a voice says. I look around the room and see a red-haired human walking towards us from the stage that’s in front of the room. I walk forward, holding out my hand. When the guy gets closer, he reaches out, shaking my proffered hand.

  “Hi, I’m Finley.”

  “Drew. What can I do for you, Finley?”

  “I was wondering if you still had any spots available for tomorrow night?” I give him a big toothy smile.

  “I might have a few.” He eyes me speculatively. “What kind of performance would you do?”

  His eyes travel up and down my body. I purposely wore a tight, low-cut shirt, and black skinny jeans. It defines my curvy shape well. The guys weren't happy about it, but I needed a way to convince the person to let me sign up. A couple of low growls come from behind me. The guys don’t like the leering looks the human is giving me, and I’m not too fond of them myself. If I didn’t need this to work, I would have had the dagger in my boot already pressed against his throat.

  “Ever have a dancing violinist play here?” I say cheekily.

  “Can’t say that I have. What kind of dancing can you do while playing the violin?”

  “Well,” I say drawing out the word. “It’s a lot of hip movement,” I sway my hips just enough to focus his attention there. “If you know what I mean.” When his green eyes meet mine, I wink. His eyes darken, lust filling them.

  “I think I can fit you in.” He looks over my body once more before turning. “Follow me.” We all do. Drew leads us down a hallway that’s hidden behind the stage.

  “This is the room where you’ll get ready.” He points to a door over on the right. “The bathroom is here.” He waves a hand to the left. There’s an exit sign straight ahead, and one more door to the right with a gold plate that says office. Drew takes out a set of keys and unlocks the door. He reaches a hand around the doorway and flicks the overhead lights on. The office space is small, fitting only three people inside. Drew walks in ahead of me and Stolas.

  “Please take a seat.” He waves his hand at the black leather armchairs in front of his shiny black desk.

  There are a couple of pictures hanging on the wall behind the desk of Drew and some people I don’t recognize. On the left side of the room is a floor to ceiling bookshelf with rows of white binders. Drew walks around the desk that’s quite frankly too large for the room, and sits in the high back, brown leather chair. He rummages through a drawer, pulling out a piece of paper. There’s a black journal sitting on the desk that he pulls closer to him as well.

  “This paper is a contract that you sign that states The Inferno is not responsible for any damages to you or your property while on the premises, and that you are of sound mind and body. There are a few other clauses to protect you and The Inferno. I’ll give you a moment to read it over before signing.” He pushes the paper in my direction, but Stolas snatches it up before I get a chance to.

  I don’t like the scowl on his face, but I can’t tell if it’s from the contract or the way Drew has been looking at me. Stolas meets my eyes and gives me a subtle nod. There must not be anything to damning, get it...damning, stated if he’s allowing me to sign it. I guess in a way that’s a good thing because I might have accidentally signed over my soul. Wait, can I do that? I’ll have to ask Stolas later.

  Drew hands me a pen, and the second it touches the paper, I feel a prick on my finger. Of course, why wouldn’t I have to sign a hell contract in blood. I sign the paper and hand it over. Drew mutters something and the paper disappears. I look over at Stolas wide-eyed. I mean I shouldn’t be shocked; I know magic is real, but it still fascinates me.

  “Now,” Drew says, gaining my attention. He flips open the journal, running his finger down the page before pausing. “It looks like you’re in luck. I have one spot available and it’s a prime-time spot. You better put on a show because the King of Hell himself will be here.”

  That’s exactly what I’m hoping for.


  I made sure I read through the contract before Finley signed. Demons are devious when it comes to contracts, always hiding little clauses in them to screw the signee over. There was no way I would let Finley sign something that could potentially harm her. It didn’t take as long as we thought to get her ready for tomorrow night. After Drew entered her into the books, he walks us through the process of how tomorrow night is going to go. Basically, Finley will access the stage through the door in the back. She does have free reign to walk between the tables. He did warn her that some customers can get touchy, but she just waved him off say that she knows how to take care of herself. I know she can, I’ve seen her to do it, but I’m going to be nearby just in case.

  There wasn’t much after that, just that once she’s done performing, she’ll be compensated, and is free to leave afterward, if she so chooses. It was hard keeping my growls and glaring in check when it came to the demon. I honestly felt like Obsidian the entire time we were in The Inferno. I hated the way Drew kept finding ways to touch or rub against Finley. I hated the lust in his eyes every time he looked at her. All I wanted to do is rip his throat out. My hellhound was urging the fact. But, I didn’t. I controlled myself, barely. I’ll definitely be in the dressing room with Finley as she gets ready. No way in hell will I leave her alone. I don’t trust that Drew wouldn’t try something. I’ll kill him if he does.

  “Will you guys be alright?” Bael’s voice breaks through my thoughts. “I need to ask around about you know what. It’ll be easier if I don’t have a group following behind me.”

  “Yeah, we’ll be fine. There are some things I saw in the market that I need for tomorrow,” Finley answers.

  “Meet me in front of The Pits in an hour. It’s a restaurant just down the street,” he points to his right.

  Finley salutes Bael, and he just smiles. She already has him wrapped around her little finger. I knew my family would love her and she wouldn’t have anything to worry about. Bael turns and gets lost in the crowd.

  “Let’s hope he’s successful,” Finley says. I lace our fingers together, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

  “He will, love.” I smile down at her. “How about you show us the items you said you needed for tomorrow night?” A sly smile crosses her lips, and I know she’s going to be leaving with more than just what she says she needs.

  “What are you going to be dressed up like?” Verkor asks from behind us. Obsidian is walking in front of us clearing a path.

  “Why an angel of course.” She looks back over her shoulder and winks at Verkor. Of course, that is what she’d pick. I smile to myself.

  She turns her attention to looking around at the stalls surrounding us. She reaches out tugging on the back of Obsidian’s shirt. He looks over his shoulder and raises his eyebrow.

  “I need to go to that stall over there,” she points to one filled with fabrics and a white lacy gown hanging in the back. He nods, turning in that direction.

  “What are you getting here?” I ask. She peers over at me, rolling her eyes, but there’s a smirk on her face letting me know that she’s not really annoyed with me.

  “How can I help you?” a pink female demon with white hair ask. Where did she come from?

  “What size is that white dress in the back there?” Finley points to said dress. The demon goes and retrieves the dress. She’s holding the dress up by the hanger and the bottom is laid over her arm, letting Finley inspect it.

  “This dress is made with special material from the Magic Realm. It will conform to fit the wearer's body.” I groan internally, because I know that means it’s going to outrageous in the price.

  “How much?” Finley inquiries.

  “A thousand credits.” Finley scoffs. There is no way she’s going to pay for that.

  “What if I could offer you something in return? Trade for a trade.” The demon quirks an eyebrow, seemingly interested.

  “That would depend on what you’re offering.”

  Finley bends down, grabbing something from her boot. What the hell could she have possibly hidden in there? I look over at Obsidian and Verkor; they each shrug their shoulders, not knowing. When Finley straightens, I see it’s a smaller version of the bag she keeps her jewels in. The demon moves a little closer to the table, leaning over, curious as to what Finley is going to pull out her bag. Hell, I lean closer to see as well.

  She pulls out a single ring with a diamond center surrounded by emeralds. It’s a beautiful ring. I wonder where she got it, or should I say where she stole it from. I glance up from the ring to the demon and her eyes are wide. Oh, Finley has her and all she had to do was flash the ring.

  “This is a ring from the Earth Realm. It’s twenty-four karat gold, with a one karat, square cut diamond in the center, surrounded by eight quarter karat emeralds.” Finley puts the ring on her ring finger, moving her hand side-to-side, and up and down, causing the jewels to sparkle in the light.

  “Done,” the demon says. But Finley holds up her hand.

  “One more thing, and I’ll give this to you.”

  “Anything,” the demon is practically salivating. I know the demon is going to turn around and sell it.

  “I need a pair of white wings to go with the dress, know where I can find some?” Finley asks.

  “I have a friend who can make you some. Wait here. Don't move.” In a blink of an eye the demon is rushing from her stall. I turn my attention to Finley while we wait for the demon to return.

  “Is that real?” I ask, pointing to the ring still on her finger. “I know synthetic stones can look just like real ones.” Finley wiggles her fingers, making the light bounce off the gems, causing little prisms of light to appear.

  The sight of the ring on her finger does something to my chest. We’re already mated. We’re married, at least according to hellhound shifter ways. I know that she bit both Obsidian and Verkor, marking and claiming them as hers. Obsidian bit her in return, mating them. So technically, Finley is married to both me and Obsidian, but I don’t think she knows that. The fae, like Verkor, have weddings and vows, much like the human Earth Realm custom.

  “Yes,” she sighs. “I really hate to part with it, but I know what needs to be done. Besides,” she glances over at me before looking back to the ring, “if we really do find this hidden treasure, there’s bound to be more rings similar to this.”

  I glance at Verkor and see that his eyebrows are pinched. He looks like he’s in deep concentration. I tilt my face to the side. I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing as me? I wonder if Verkor is going to ask Finley to marry him? Hell, I won’t be opposed to joining the ceremony. It’ll be one more way to tie me to her.

  “I’ll be back,” Verkor says before taking off. None of us get to ask where he’s going, but I think I have a very good idea.

  “He sure left in a hurry,” Finley says, dropping her hand to her side. “Is he okay? He’s been pretty quiet.”

  “I’m sure he’s fine, love.”

  I pull her close to my body, wrapping her up in my arms. I lean down, burying my nose in her hair, inhaling deeply. I love that she smells like one of my kind, a hellhound, but there is still her natural underlying scent that is uniquely hers. She smells like warm vanilla. Finley nuzzles her face against my chest, and I hear her inhaling, followed by a sigh. I smile and my hellhound preens. He likes that she enjoys our scent. By rubbing her face on my chest, she’s marking her territory. He’s reveling in it.

  “Thank Lucifer you didn’t leave.” I release Finley and look toward the stall. The female demon has returned with a pair white feathered angel wings. “The dress and the wings for the ring.”

  “Deal,” Finley says. We watch the demon package the items and hand the bag over to Finley, who drops the ring in the demon's hand at the same time. “It was a pleasure doing business with you.” Obsidian takes the bag from Finley, then grabs her hand.

  “Where to next?” Obsidian asks.

  “Somewhere I know even you’ll be happy,” she gives him an impish smile.

  “Yeah, and wear exactly is that?”

  “To a weapons stall.” A slow grin appears along his face.

  “Now, we’re talking,” he says. Finley giggles.

  “Should we wait for Verkor? He said he’d be right back,” Finley questions. There is worry etched on her face as she searches the crowd for him.

  “I’m here,” Verkor’s voice coming from behind me makes me jump. I whirl facing him.

  “What the hell, man,” I say, pressing a hand to my chest. I feel the rapid beat of my heart beneath my palm. No one should be able to sneak up from behind me. That’s a sure-fire way to get yourself killed. I need to pay more attention to my surroundings. “Where the hell did you come from? What did you get?” I don’t see any bags in sight.

  “I’ll tell you and Obsidian about what I got later,” he whispers, barely moving his lips. Whatever it is, he doesn’t want Finley knowing about it. I give him a nod, letting him know that I heard him.

  “Where are we headed?” Verkor taps his bracelet. “We have thirty minutes before we have to meet with Bael at The Pits.”

  “Weapons stall,” Obsidian and Finley say at the same time. They grin at each other.

  “I’m going to say this again, it’s really weird when he smiles.” I can’t help but smile because Finley really is the perfect match for all of us.

  “Let’s go watch these to two be like kids in a candy store,” I shake my head.

  “Wait, are there candy stores here?” Finley asks with a serious expression on her face.

  “There is in the gluttony level. I think there might be one here, but I have to ask Bael.” Finley nods.

  “If there is, we are so making a stop,” she states before tugging on Obsidian’s hand. “I want to see if the weapons here are real. There were some that look like they were hell forged but appearances can be deceiving.”

  Verkor and I follow behind them, listening to the two of them talk about small but useful weapons she could hide on her body. She practically starts skipping when Obsidian mentions these sticks for her hair that are sharp and pointed on the ends. I chuckle at her, taking in this happy moment, because even though we agreed that the white robed figure was an illusion of my fear; I can’t help thinking that there may be some kind of truth to it. Once word gets out that the map is real, things are going to get a lot more complicated and dangerous. We need to be ready for whatever is going to come our way.

  Chapter 19


  I watch Finley wrap her hair in a bun using her new chopstick hair needles to keep it in place. I shake my head. She looks pleased, as well does Obsidian who bought them for her. I place my hand in my pocket, making sure that the box is still there. I sigh when I feel it. The second I saw Finley slip that ring on her finger my heart started to race.

  I absentmindedly rub over the bite mark on my shoulder. She bit me, marked me, claimed me, but since I’m not a shifter I can’t do the same in return. The only reason that Finley was able to mark me is because she has taken on traits of a hellhound shifter since becoming pregnant. That helped seal the bond between her and Stolas, as well as with Obsidian. They are married in the eyes of the shifters. I don’t have that with her. Our mating is one-sided right now, and I don’t like it.

  Seeing the ring on Finley's finger stunned me, and in that moment, I knew what I needed to do. So, I went to a stall selling jewelry and I bought Finley an engagement ring. I plan on telling the guys about it later. I put my hand back in my pocket, checking for the box once more. I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to wait. The ring is already burning a hole in my pocket.

  “I see everyone m
ade it back in one piece,” Bael says, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “Yup, and I got everything I need for tomorrow night.” Finley smiles, pointing to the bags that Obsidian is carrying.

  “Good. I found out some information, but I don’t want to talk about it here.” Bael looks around, before focusing back on us. “So, how about we go in order some food to go and I’ll tell you about it when we get back to my place?”

  Finley’s stomach growls. She gives us a sheepish look before shrugging her shoulders and giggling. “I’d say that sounds like a great idea.” All of us smile at her.

  Bael leads the way into The Pits, the restaurant we agreed to meet at. I slide up next to Finley and reach for her hand, locking our fingers together. She turns and smiles at me, and it’s like a breath of fresh air. She’s so damn beautiful, and I’m so damn lucky she’s mine. A little part of me is nervous that when I ask her to marry me that she might say no, that it’s too soon. But, everything in our relationship has been on the fast track, why not this?

  Finley frowns, reaching up with her free hand to cups the side of my face. “Hey, are you alright?” Her thumb rubs across my cheek, and lean a little more into her soft, small hand.

  “I'm fine, baby. I promise.” I grab her wrist to keep it in place. I turn my head, kissing her palm.

  She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. You’ve been really quiet today. I know something is wrong.” She lets go of my hand, cupping my face with both of hers. “Please, tell me. I’ll do whatever I can to help you. Whatever it is, you’re not alone.”

  I fall a little more in love with her. I can’t wait a second longer. I want to know if she’ll agree to be mine.

  “You’re right, there has been something on my mind. I wanted to wait to do this because I wanted it to be special. I’ve been semi-talking myself out of it, but I need to know. I need you to put me out of my misery.” I pull the little blue box from my pants pocket.

  Finley’s hands fall to her sides, and she lets out a small gasp. Her gaze whips up to me. The shocked expression on her face, makes me think that this may not be the best time. My heart rate picks up and my palms are sweating. I start to feel anxious. Maybe I should have waited longer. It’s too soon. What was I thinking?


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