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The Broken Canvas

Page 18

by Tai Barnett

  “Ohh, no you lovely lady. You already made breakfast, we will finish up here. You just have a seat,” he said with a smile.

  I sat down and awkwardly smiled at everyone.

  “So, Natasha, what are your plans for the day?” Martin asked while sipping his ginger tea. Martin was average height, extremely thin but very kind and talkative, sometimes.

  “Oh well, I guess we will be going into town…?” I said looking at Brody for confirmation.

  “Yes, we are heading into the Old Town today. I am just going to show her some of the sites today,” Brody said.

  “Well, we sure do hope you’re comfortable Natasha. And thanks for the lovely breakfast,” Mrs. Banister said.

  “Ohm, the room is lovely, and your house is just…it remains me of home. Thank you all so much and I enjoyed cooking for you all. But I did make plans to stay at one of the private villas on the weekend.”

  “Oh, well, that’s certainly exciting,” Martin said.

  I looked at Brody and stood up as I was becoming uncomfortable.

  “Well…if you all don’t mind, I am going upstairs to get ready. It’s already 9:00 am.”

  “Certainly, dearie,” said Mrs. Banister.

  While slowly walking away, I heard them talking but I rushed upstairs to shower instead of listening.

  Mrs. Banister, knowing the deep-rooted makings of her son, realized that he was bothered.

  “You hardly said a word, love. What’s the matter?” Mrs. Banister said to Brody.

  “I just really want to get this baby-sitting job over with, that’s all,” Brody said. He leaned back into the stool. His short, silky dark brown hair slightly dripping wet from his morning shower.

  “Oh, but I thought you two got along just fine, she is such a lovely girl,” Mr. Banister said while packing away the dishes into the dishwasher.

  Martin stood with his plate in his hands and walked toward his father.

  “Well, I think she is a cutie, extremely attractive. But you’re too very busy to spend your celebrity time with the likes of someone like her, it seems. I would gladly do it for you too. Just say the word,” Martin said while smiling.

  Mrs. Banister eyebrows furrowed as she clasped her hands and placed them on top of the dining table and looked at Brody strongly.

  “Life is funny Brody. Because Natasha is exactly the kind of woman that I always imagined would make a perfect match for you.”

  Brody snickered and folded his arms.

  “Oh Maw, you met her for only a day now, I worked with her for 14 months. She is just so willful, stubborn and dreary…and a wee bit of a tight-ass. Plus, she thinks she knows everything and always has to be so strict and professional. I am not used to women acting that way.”

  “You best pipe down before the poor girl hears you!” Mrs. Banister exclaimed. Lest you forget that I am a woman as well—the woman who raised you. She said. She took a sip of her tea and rolled her eyes.

  Martin walked back over to the counter-top and sat in front of Brody.

  “That’s because all the girls that you’re used to are all those loose Hollywood types. No real self-respecting women would ever lay with the likes of you—unless, she doesn’t mind being one of the many,” Martin said while laughing.

  Brody playfully punched him in the stomach.

  Mr. Banister looked back at them and shook his head.

  Mrs. Banister sighed with a chimera of impatience on her oval face while standing up and fixed her pullover over her thin and delicate shoulders.

  “Maw, what’s the matter now?” Brody said.

  “I always had a different desire for you Brody. You’re such a kind and truly caring person…when you want to be. I guess being your mother I always believed that I knew a little bit better than you did about what exactly you needed to make you into that ideal man. But…you’re all grown now! I can’t just pick who I would prefer to be your wife, or the mother of your children now, can I? The thing that I can say is be certain that you choose with your heart and not with your head. Although, the heart and the head make for very efficient partners too,” Mrs. Banister said.

  Brody sighed while standing and looked at his mother.

  “Well, it’s all the better then that you tell Natasha that she can stay at the hotel, if she prefers. After all, she doesn’t deserve you not wanting her to be here.” Mrs. Banister says.


  Noon was soon approaching, and the morning was dull and cloudy as Brody and I drove through the Old Town. Captivated by the elaborate old reformation buildings, I hardly had time to notice how much friendlier and more engaging he had become since we last spoke during breakfast, only two hours ago.

  But what I was not aware of was that Brody respected and loved his mother and her opinions very, very much. And the words that she said earlier were echoing over and over again inside of his head. It was causing him to loosen up a bit.

  As we drove down the Royal Mile, I knew I had to let him know immediately about my plans for the weekend and that I would be making his life less uncomfortable sooner than later.

  Only, I had no plans. But, I immediately made it up on spot because I really didn’t want to overstay my welcome prematurely. Although it seemed that I had already done that by the look on Brody’s craggy face at breakfast.

  “Well, I hadn’t told you about my plans for the weekend. Let me apologize for that, but I could take the quickest flight down or a cab or something to the villa.”

  Brody bent his head looking closer toward the road then leaned back on the seat with one hand on the staring wheel, he paused for a few seconds.

  “Where are you staying again?”

  Luckily, I had quickly scanned through some of the cottages and private villas on my phone earlier.

  “Somewhere in Loch Linnhe.”

  “Ohh…that’s almost four hours away. Although, you could take the ferry.”

  “Yes, well, I know its short notice, but I will arrange it—”

  Brody turned his head and looked at me then looked back at the road.

  “Why do you want to go way out there in the isolated countryside anyway?”

  To get as far away as I can from you, I thought in my head.

  “Ohh, well I figured while I am here, I might as well get some writing done. I have always been like this I prefer being alone when I write most times, that is until I had my daughter. I get to clear my head and it makes my thoughts flow much more fluidly.”

  “Ohh, so you have a daughter? I never knew that—” he said with his brows knitted.

  “Ohh yes, little Miss Rose, she turns six in October.”

  “Wow,” Brody said while positioning himself more comfortably in his seat.

  I turned and looked at him.

  “What do you mean wow? What does that mean?” I was smiling a bit because I was very interested about his perception of me, which I am guessing left much to be desired.

  Brody smiled as he turned the corner,

  “OK, OK, you really wanna know why I laughed?” he asked.

  “I, unquestionably, would like to know because now you got me thinking.”

  I was smiling still.

  “Well, Miss Bishop, you’re a bit of a tight-ass and I quite honestly, could never imagine you ever having sex with anyone,” Brody exclaimed.

  Held aback and completely stunned, I found his forwardness more intriguing and daring than insulting. I started laughing hysterically when Brody said that.

  “I don’t mean to offend you, but you seem like you would much rather be snuggling up with a good book or your computer than be in the arms of any man,” Brody said smiling and looking at me.

  I folded my arms and smiled.

  “Hmm, well, that sounds exactly like me actually. And this is just a tough business. I won’t let anything, or anyone prevent me from being the best and…”

  Brody was listening to me attentively now and to be honest, it felt good just sharing my feelings with someone.

“I went through a lot of unfaithfulness with Rose’s father so…I kinda had it out for men. To be honest, I am taking a long break.”

  “Hmm, well. This is good. At least, I know something more about you than work—I will take you to Locke Linnhe, by the way.”

  “Thank you, Brody. That is very kind.”

  For the rest of the day, our communication had shifted to something surprisingly fun and exciting. Brody showed me around town and we even bought lunch. But mostly talked about Scotland, work and his family.

  Later that week, he showed me several compelling and lavish real estate properties. Then he took me to the cottage and even volunteered to stay there the few days with me to make sure that I was OK.

  Brody surprised me I tell you that much. He was a gentleman and made no sassy or perverted passes at me for the entire weekend. Being with him the few days in Scotland without the reverie of the Hollywood attention and idolization, seemed to have brought out a more caring, protective and even—dare I say—down to earth man that any woman would want to settle down with.

  So, by the time that we returned from our trip, we both could finally be ourselves. We were laughing, cracking jokes and everyone was surprised to see this obvious change. We enjoyed each other’s company and we could talk about anything. But the thing I relished the most about him, was how beguiling and genuinely pleasant he could be.

  Elsa and the Dutchman’s

  The next evening, the rowdy laughter and the stomping of two middle aged men globetrotting—reminiscing on childhood mischiefs and games while jumping from the top of the stairs like they were children again, echoed throughout the house. Brody and Martin’s usual game of ‘Truth or Two Dares’ left an unforgettable display of cheerfulness on Mr. and Mrs. Banister’s faces.

  Apparently, one dare was not sufficient to appease the daringness of these two busy-bodied former high school wrestlers. Martin might have been thin and shabby looking, but it was obvious that he could stand up for himself even when wrestling a trapping man like his brother.

  While I sat comfortably beside Mr. and Mrs. Banister watching a romantic comedy on the leather sectional, the two brothers hopped down the stairs, laughing blissfully as they started taking their jackets from the coat hanger.

  “Where are you two off to now?” Mr. Banister said, he continued massaging Mrs. Banister’s head gentle with one hand. It was an obvious effortless habit for the elderly couple. Mrs. Banister enjoyed it tremendously and Mr. Banister did not mind bringing her that comfort.

  “It’s Tuesday night at the Dutchman’s Paw. Free drinks for the man or woman, who can bellow out the most Scottish folksongs,” Brody said.

  “And we mean sing the entire song Paw, not like how Brody here cheated last time either. He sang only one verse, maw, one verse; and yet, he won. But you know who one of the judges were, right? Lilly Wilson, his old high-school crush,” Martin exclaimed.

  “Ohh, he is just jealous, maw. He always had a thing for Lilly, remember,” Brody said laughing. They were all acting drunk already.

  “So, aren’t you all taking Natasha with you? I told you to take her to Elsa and the Dutchman’s one night. Let her experience the pub in Scotland for herself and introduce her to some of your friends.”

  “Well, huh,” Brody said while glancing over at Martin.

  “We are not sure if Natasha can manage with our heavy drinking and…” Brody said.

  “And drinking, farting, cussing and flirting,” Martin mumbled while laughing. Brody tapped him in the stomach to be quiet while still laughing. I was smiling while looking at them.

  “You know…this might not be her kinda scene, maw,” Martin said.

  “Well, it’s certainly up to her now isn’t it? Natasha, are you up for a night out in Scotland with my frivolous off-springs?” Mr. Banister said.

  For some reason, I was feeling very mischievous and full of energy that night and must I say, even daring. And even better, I had just checked on Rose and heard that she was having the time of her life with her grandparents.

  I quickly jumped up.

  “Give me a few minutes while I go change.”

  While I rushed upstairs, the boys looked at me and smiled with their eyes widened, somewhat surprise that I decided to hang out with them instead of staying home and relaxing.

  Later that night, we are arrived at a warm and dark underground pub who got its name from a rigid and successful businesswoman and her Dutch fisherman husband who was obsessed with pirates. The over-all ambience was cozy, walls and counter-tops pulsating from the loud, lively pop music, and boisterous people drinking and chuckling. The servers and bar tenders alike were all smiling and were full of vim and heartfelt Scottish hospitality.

  The walls were stalked with pictures of the owners, famous Scottish celebrities, including Brody and an homage to the famous Diamond Devils baseball club. The rectangular bar countertop was mahogany surface with similar finish stools and tables.

  There was a sea of wines and spirits evenly stacked on the shelf behind the counter with male twin bartenders, excitedly showing off their synchronized mixologist moves.

  At the back was the pub’s infamously ‘suave’ DJ, coolly rocking from side to side to the beat of his selections.

  As the night progressed, Brody and Martin escorted me to a cozy little spot at the back of the pub that could seat around eight.

  Eventually, about seven of their old-time friends had surrounded the table and one in particular very flirtatious, one named Anthony who was intent on taking me home with him that night.

  To be honest, Anthony was quite the looker: average height, silky black hair and dreamy eyes with a lean and fit physique. All these other friends range from brash, some even a tad obnoxious, but all of them loving and respectful of my presence as a woman and foreigner.

  Most interestingly, they were making fun of Brody and that I was his new girlfriend. They were whispering this without them knowing that I was hearing everything.

  How stupid some people can become when they are drunk huh? Their entire senses and moral judgments seem to just shut down. That’s why I always try my best to remain sober. But, not tonight.

  They passed around drinks, and I mean heavy drinks, like malt whiskey, beers, retro classic cocktails and wines. And if you can believe it, I was drinking everything. This was definitely not what I was used to or comfortable with, but I felt like letting down my hair tonight and for once this barrier that I had created.

  The loud music lowered as the DJ announced that it was time for the competition. Everyone clapped and shouted and yelled. As the competition commenced, Brody, Martin, and the rest of his boisterous mob decided that they would enter the competition as a group. They started singing old Scottish Folk music, which to be honest, was surprisingly very good and quite enjoyable.

  As I sat alone enjoying the singing, Anthony came over and sat beside me. He looked at me, smiled and artfully handed me another unopened beer which I had never even seen him holding before he sat down.

  “I think you are all trying to get me drunk tonight.” I said as I took the beer and started giggling, unaware that I was already getting drunk. I still take a big gulp of my now fifth bottle of beer.

  Then I saw when Anthony moved nearer beside me and looked deeply into my eyes.

  “So, tell me my love. You’re here with Brody. Are you his new girl?” he whispered.

  “Ohh, of course not, Brody and I are just work colleagues. I am the screen writer on the movie that we just completed.”

  “Ohh, well that’s certainly good news, now I can really take you home with me tonight,” he said while smiling and gazing at me with his droopy eyes. Apparently, he was trying very hard to seduce me.

  “So, you’re staying at his place? With his parents?” he asked. His voice was mellow, yet rough and sexy. One could tell that he loved women and enjoyed the thrill of hunting and charming them.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, they are such lovely people.”

nbsp; Anthony looked at me from head to pumps.

  “I don’t get it though. How Brody could stay in the same house with such a sweet woman like you and not just want to…ohh,” Anthony said while slightly licking his lips and gave a frightening self-satisfying sigh.

  My eyes broadened, and I sighed. I was in awe that this crazy and barefaced man was making a pass and moaning right in front of me.

  “So, will you…accompany me home tonight my love?” Anthony was very persistent.

  “Ohh wow, you’re very committed huh? Ahmm…well, I am sure an attractive man such as yourself must be already taken.”

  “Well, not anymore. I am divorced actually.” He said while making a fist, placing it over his heart and closing his eyes.

  His behavior fluctuated from smooth and suave to very dramatic.

  “Ohh, so sorry to hear that. But, I am…huh, kinda out of the whole dating thing right now for a while actually.”

  I could hear them singing and shouting in the background as Anthony still tried his best to sweet-talk me.

  He opened his eyes widely and looked at me firmly

  “Such a beautiful and sexy woman like you, not with a man. That’s just crazy! So, how long has it been, by the way?” he asked with devilish eyes and while finishing the rest of his malt whiskey.

  “How long has what been?” I was so inexperienced and naive, but I soon understood what he meant.

  “Ohh-ohh, you mean, when I last had sex, yes that’s what you’re asking. Well…a while!”

  “A year? I am guessing,” Anthony said while grinning

  “I can tell that you are thirsty…”

  I folded my lips as I looked on at him and giggling

  “Hmm, almost six actually.”

  Anthony stood to his feet and dramatically bent on his knees at my feet while I continued laughing.

  “Oh…OK, what are you doing right now—” I said with my eyes wide open.

  “Please, my love! I must take you home with me tonight,” Anthony interrupted.

  I could hear when the guys finished singing as the crowd cheered and clapped and Brody was just in time to see Anthony on his knees and me laughing hysterically.


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