Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set

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Werewolves & Whiskers: Sawtooth Peaks Wolf Shifter Romance Box Set Page 9

by Keira Blackwood

  “I shouldn't have left. I won't leave you again. I promise.”

  I looked into Hailey’s blue eyes and saw fondness and love. She showed no signs of fear. I bared everything to her and she didn’t look at me like I was a monster. I believed her when she said she didn’t plan to leave. But I wanted her to be sure. It was too much to take in too quickly for her to make a rational decision. Whatever she chose, it would affect the rest of her life.

  “It hasn't been enough time for you to know what my life is like. I will show you all of me, all of my life, all that I am. After that, if you still want me, I will claim you in a heartbeat.”

  The wolf half of me loves you, my human half loves you, I continued in thought. I love you with all that I am. If you leave, I will claim no one else, my mate.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  We walked back toward my house in the dark. I couldn't risk Hailey being out all night in the woods with dangerous wolves lurking. I couldn’t risk her being stalked and attacked. If assaulting her had been intended as a message to me, there could be a whole pack closing in. I would smell them if they got close, but I could only take on so many at once.

  I also preferred if no one else saw me in the daylight wearing only a blanket.

  We ate the sandwiches she had packed for us as we walked. I kept my ears alert for anyone coming our way in the darkness. My heightened senses helped me protect the woman I loved, and I was grateful. I could see better than any human in the dark, and I could smell any wolf before he reached us. I could take down any threat so long as he was alone. Hopefully if we were attacked by a group we would have time to reach back-up of our own.

  “Pretty good sandwich.” I smiled down at Hailey, so beautiful in the moonlight. Her cerulean eyes glimmered, and her dark waves bounced with our steps. The rose of her cheeks highlighted her heart-shaped face, dimpled with her easy smile. Her body glowed with the blush of the pleasure we had shared, and it made me want her all over again. Here in the woods, anytime, anywhere. Her presence was a spell, enchanting me. I could smell her all over my skin, and me all over hers. She had been so brave, taking my secret in stride. I had never been so free, so truly happy as I was holding her hand while we walked in the dark woods. I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “Well it was no chicken marsala, but it was nice to feed you and return the favor. Speaking of which...” Hailey looked up at me through the lashes of half-opened doe eyes.

  I knew that look. Could she really be ready to go again already? Arousal stirred within me, a rumble escaped my chest.

  “I love the way you make that noise. It’s so primal. And by the way, next time we do this,” she gestured her hand between us, “I get to return the favor of the other night.”

  “The favor?” I asked.

  “I get to pleasure you while you watch, and you have to let it stop there.”

  She was insatiable. Lucky me.

  “So you don't want me to touch you?” I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her proposal.

  “I want to give to you the way you gave to me. I want to take care of you too.”

  A sweet motivation. I kissed her on top of the head and gave her hand a squeeze as we continued walking. “No promises,” I answered.

  “Please?” she begged, batting her eyes.

  “We'll see.”

  She met my smile with one of her own, and playful pleading eyes. “Can I see you change? I mean, will you show me your wolf?”

  “Right now?” I was a bit thrown. I was surprised enough that she didn't run away from me at the idea that I was half beast, but I didn't expect for her to want to see me change. That was more than just knowing. Seeing me shift with her own eyes would ground any fantasy she had about the process.

  “Yes, please. It's all still surreal, I want to see it.” Her tone was sincere, and it was a small request. My brave Hailey, I thought.

  “If you promise not to scream. Don't run either. There could be other dangers out in the night. Remember, I will not hurt you.”

  “I promise.” Hailey put her hands together and watched me expectantly, like a child waiting for candy.

  I put the basket down on the ground and allowed the blanket to fall from my waist. Hailey let out a giggle of excitement, whether at the situation or my nakedness I couldn't tell. But I would do anything for her, anything she asked. I just hoped she didn't change her mind when she saw me so close again as a wolf. The physical changes that occurred during a shift weren’t pretty. The breaking and moving of bones and the distortion of features would likely terrify someone who hadn’t witnessed it before. I did one last check of the area for danger, taking in the smells and sounds. We were alone.

  I closed my eyes and bared myself to her, my most vulnerable state, the transformation. I let the beast take shape. A popping sound filled the air, like the crackle of a burning flame. Sharp pains tormented my body as my bones snapped and reshaped themselves. I fell down to all fours as my hands and feet shrank into massive paws. My jaw extended outward and my ears grew upright. Fur the color of midnight sprouted all over my skin. My teeth sharpened into fangs. I could hear everything more crisply, smell everything more strongly, see deeper across the earth. The process only took a few moments, but once the transition began it could not be stopped. I was a bit less rational, less in control than I had been in human form. I couldn’t speak to Hailey in any way she could understand. I looked up at her, into her deep blue eyes, trying to gauge her thoughts. I was impressed that she hadn’t made a sound and that she hadn’t backed away, not even an inch.

  “You're beautiful.” She seemed unafraid, so I stepped closer. She reached out a hand and touched between my ears. “Is this okay?”

  Unable to answer her with words, I rubbed up against her, showing her what I wanted to say. My shoulders reached her chest as she stood. Hailey rubbed a hand down my back, petting me. I couldn't believe how accepting she was, my strong, brave Hailey.

  “Can we walk the rest of the way like this?” she asked. “I want to know this side of you better.”

  She picked up the basket and blanket and I padded along beside her. I enjoyed the feel of being an animal out in the woods, and being able to share that with the woman I loved. If we ran into any danger I would be a better protector as a wolf anyway. The forest was quiet except for the sound of Hailey’s footsteps and a great horned owl off in the distance.

  Before long, we returned to my house. My clothes were piled neatly by the door, my phone, wallet, and keys on top with a note. I shifted back to my human form. My bones cracked and my fur receded as my human features returned. Standing naked as a man, I was grateful for the privacy of the woods. I picked up the keys and let Hailey into the house, then read the note.

  Got word. Need to talk.


  Wondering what Harkins had found, I picked up my clothes. I appreciated that he took the time to return my belongings from where I had left them recklessly on the ground behind the bar. Out in the open where anyone could see me, I had shifted without regard for my location, without considering the consequences if someone did, or what would happen if my personal belongings had been stolen. An enemy wolf could have taken my things and been in my home waiting, but Harkins was the one that had found them. I would have done it again no matter the consequences. When I had smelled Hailey, the scent of her fear, I would have done anything to keep her safe.

  I wondered what news Harkins had received from the scouts. I stepped into the entry way, locking the door behind me, and gave him a call. It went straight to voicemail.

  “Hey, it's me. Thanks for cleaning up my shit. I'll be at the bar first thing in the morning.” I would have gone right away if I had been alone. But for the night, nothing would keep me from Hailey.

  I checked the wounds on my abdomen. They were healing nicely. The skin had closed, leaving only red streaks as evidence of the fight. I set down my clothes on the bench, slipped on my pants, and then went on a search
for my Hailey.

  I found her curled up in my bedding on the floor by the hearth, looking perfectly content in her torn orange dress despite the evening. Her eyes were closed, and her hair draped over the pillow, a beautiful angel waiting only for me. I started a fire in the hearth. I put in four logs, enough to warm Hailey through the rest of the night. I needed a shower, but I couldn't resist crawling in beside her. The shower could wait until morning.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  My arms were pinned, I couldn't move. Blackness surrounded me, blinding me. Tears streamed down my face. An unwanted hand probed beneath my shirt, while another pulled on the front of my panties. You know you want it. The terrible voice I could never forget whispered in my ear. How did he find me here? My heart raced. I couldn't move, I tried to scream, but no noise escaped. Something came into focus before me, a snarling snout with sharp wolf teeth dripping scarlet tears. Gray fur, but a man's hands. One squeezed my breast while the other pushed its way between my thighs. Deep black holes of nothingness filled the space where his eyes should have been.

  I jolted upright, waking to Cole sitting beside me, dressed for work. Lines of concern covered his face as he laid his hand on top of mine. I crawled into his lap, and he wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in a protective cocoon.

  “Bad dream?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I answered, wiping the sweat from my brow.

  “You've been through a lot lately,” he said, trying to reassure me.

  “I'm tired of feeling weak. I want to move on with my life. Do you have coffee?” I asked.

  “There's a big cup waiting for you with your breakfast. And you are not weak. Your strength is one of the things I love about you.” A sweet reply.

  “Well I'm tired of nightmares.”

  “You're safe with me.” Cole rubbed his hand down my back, comforting me with his touch.

  “I know.” I kissed his cheek, feeling a bit better already. “So you said something about breakfast?”

  I stood and offered him a hand up. He took it but didn't pull, clearly knowing there was no way I could support his weight. We walked hand in hand to the kitchen, Cole looking like the cover of GQ while I wore a torn and rumpled dress with just-rolled-out-of-bed hair. But when I looked into his eyes, I felt like a princess ready for the ball.

  He fed me a heaping portion of bacon, eggs, and apple-filled pancakes. Anytime Cole cooked for me the food was delicious, and this was no exception. I ate eagerly, enjoying every savory bite. The bacon was crisp, and the eggs were scrambled into a light and fluffy texture. The stack of three large pancakes was topped with a creamy cinnamon glaze and a crumbly sweet-and-sugary nut topping.

  Cole looked at me with a smile and said, “I love to watch you eat.”

  Quite the compliment considering the way I shoveled forkfuls into my mouth.

  I loved the way he cooked, and the way he made me feel.

  After breakfast I refreshed myself in his walk-in shower. I played with the different spray settings, and even found one that shot water at me from the sides instead of just from above. I dressed in clothes Cole left for me in the bathroom: an oversized white t-shirt and navy-blue cloth pants. I loved the feel of being in his clothes, even though they were way too big for me.

  Cole took me home soon after, and I snuggled up to his shoulder as he drove me in the truck. When he pulled up to the curb of my childhood home, I didn’t want to say goodbye. The ride was over before I would have liked, but I knew we couldn’t spend all of our time alone together making love and eating pancakes.

  “I would love to see you again after work. Do you have any plans tonight?” Cole asked.

  “Up for another round?” I teased.

  “I can't get enough.” His deep rumbling voice told me he was ready to go right now.

  I smiled at him shyly, batting my eyelashes.

  “If we’re going to keep going like this, you should really keep some clothes over at my place. Not that I don't love seeing you dressed in mine, but it seems silly for you to go every morning without your own things.”

  Wow. I couldn't believe Cole was already ready to share a piece of his space with me. I didn’t expect things to go so well between us. He had shared his secret with me; let me in where he hadn't before. Knowing he was part wolf intrigued me. I wasn’t scared, like I thought most people would react after learning that kind of information. I didn't even think about leaving him over it, which was a big deal for me. I wasn't going to run. I wanted to know more about the animal side of him.

  “I'll bring a bag tonight. Should I meet you at the bar?” The idea made me a bit nervous. Last time I was there, I’d seen Cole with the blonde, then I got attacked. The time before that, I’d cried and run away. I needed the visit to be positive, something to replace some of the negativity I associated with the place my boyfriend spent so much of his time.

  “I did promise you a ticket to see my world. Why not tonight? See you at six?” he asked.

  “I'll be counting the hours,” I replied, missing him even before we parted.

  “Me too,” he answered.

  I walked up the sidewalk toward Olivia’s house. If I was really going to stay here and build a relationship with Cole, I was going to have to figure out how to actually make my life work in Sawtooth Peaks. Should I take online classes? Or give up on school? At some point I'd need to get my own place. I'd need to get a job. The settlement money from the car accident that killed my parents had paid for my college, and had helped me when I had needed it. But, I couldn’t live off of it forever.

  I walked up the steps and pulled the keys out of my jacket pocket. A large, red, heart-shaped box sat propped up against the screen door. Figuring it must be for Olivia, since I was just with Cole, I picked it up.

  The envelope on the front with my name on it. Had Cole sent a gift with someone else? A delivery to surprise me? It seemed heavy for chocolates.

  Holding the gift in my arms, I went inside and up to my bedroom. I took off my coat and tossed it on the bed. The buttons would have to be replaced if I wanted to wear it again, but it had been worth it. I sat on the edge of the bed to see what Cole had sent me. Warmth and excitement filled me. I opened the envelope and pulled out the note inside.

  You've been naughty. You know I hate it when you make me miss work. I'll punish you soon.



  The words were like acid in my hands, burning me. I jumped to my feet, hands shaking, and dropped the package and card to the floor. My vision darkened at the edges as my head spun. The crimson box tumbled and split open, scattering chocolates at my feet. Something silver remained partially in the box, shining from inside. I poked at it hesitantly with the toe of my shoe. I kicked the box over, revealing a pair of silver handcuffs. I stared at the gift, the threat he had left me on my door step, hearing him speak the words in my head. I'll punish you soon.

  My stomach churned. I ran to the bathroom and vomited up my pancakes.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Nine hours and fifty-seven minutes until I saw Hailey. Her scent still lingered in my truck. I took it in, lavender and vanilla. I never expected to reveal my wolf nature to any human, let alone find acceptance in return.

  Nine hours and fifty-five minutes.

  I parked the truck in the back lot and went in the door by the dumpster. Sawtooth Den was quiet first thing in the morning. Most people didn’t start drinking until the afternoon or later. I headed to my office to check my messages and get through a bit of paperwork before Harkins came in.

  The first few papers in the stack were more of the usual: expense reports, repair requests, and unusually quiet wildlife activity on the outskirts. A mix of bar business and alpha responsibilities to the pack. In the middle of the stack I found a disturbing report of two men being attacked by wolves. Wolves? With our brethren, the Northern Rocky Mountain wolves, so scarce, the attacks had to have been done by shifters. Ce
rtainly no one in our pack, I thought. There hadn't been any attacks on people in this area in years until the recent attack on Hailey. Shifters knew better than to harm humans. Was Crazy Eyes making his move?

  I needed to talk to Harkins. I needed to get this shit together before the Therion Tribunal sent an outsider to intervene. They didn’t tolerate attacks on humans.

  The only wolf in our pack who would cause any serious trouble was Axel. And he had it out for me, but he wouldn't attack some tourists. Just to be sure, I called Lance. It rang three times before he answered.

  “Yeah?” My brother's scratchy voice told me I had woken him.

  “Good morning,” I said.

  “Maybe if I had gotten to sleep before four.” He let out a long yawn and made rustling noises like he was starting to stir.

  “Hailey got attacked last night by a shifter,” I informed him.

  “Your Hailey?” Lance's voice went from groggy to alert.

  “Well…” I wasn't quite sure how to answer. I hadn't claimed her, but I certainly felt like she was mine.

  “No shit, she's back in town? Why didn't you tell me?”

  “It's only been a few days,” I replied.

  “Wait, she got attacked? Is she okay?”

  “Yes, she's fine,” I said, appreciating his concern. “It wasn't a wolf I recognized. I just read a report of an attack on tourists. Just wanted to make sure Axel wasn't causing any serious trouble.”

  “Nah. He started a fight outside that biker bar on the main road, down near Greenville. Drank too much and found the biggest guy he could find, insulted his bike and his mother.” Lance laughed, and I couldn't help but smile a little at the sound. His mood was always contagious. “If I was you, I would take it personally. Guy looked a bit like you, huge with black hair. He got in a few good punches, but he was no match for Axel. Shifter gives even the littlest bastards like Axel the advantage.”


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