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Risen from the Ranks; Or, Harry Walton's Success

Page 9

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  On Thursday evening the main school of the Academy building waslighted up, and groups of boys, varying in age from thirteen tonineteen, were standing in different parts of the room. These weremembers of the Clionian Society, whose weekly meeting was about totake place.

  At eight o'clock precisely the President took his place at theteacher's desk, with the Secretary at his side, and rapped for order.The presiding officer was Alfred DeWitt, a member of the SeniorClass, and now nearly ready for college. The Secretary was a memberof the same class, by name George Sanborn.

  "The Secretary will read the minutes of the last meeting," said thePresident, when order had been obtained.

  George Sanborn rose and read his report, which was accepted.

  "Are any committees prepared to report?" asked the President.

  The Finance Committee reported through its chairman, recommendingthat the fee for admission be established at one dollar, and thateach member be assessed twenty-five cents monthly.

  "Mr. President," said Fitzgerald Fletcher, rising to his feet, "Iwould like to say a word in reference to this report."

  "Mr. Fletcher has the floor."

  "Then, Mr. President, I wish to say that I disagree with the Reportof the Committee. I think a dollar is altogether too small. Itought to be at least three dollars, and I myself should prefer fivedollars. Again, sir, the Committee has recommended for the monthlyassessment the ridiculously small sum of twenty-five cents. I thinkit ought to be a dollar."

  "Mr. President, I should like to ask the gentleman his reason," saidHenry Fairbanks, Chairman of the Finance Committee. "Why should wetax the members to such an extent, when the sums reported aresufficient to defray the ordinary expenses of the Society, and toleave a small surplus besides?"

  "Mr. President," returned Fletcher, "I will answer the gentleman. Wedon't want to throw open the Society to every one that can raise adollar. We want to have an exclusive society."

  "Mr. President," said Oscar Vincent, rising, "I should like to askthe gentleman for how many he is speaking. He certainly is notspeaking for me. I don't want the Society to be exclusive. Thereare not many who can afford to pay the exorbitant sums which hedesires fixed for admission fee and for monthly assessments, and Ifor one am not willing to exclude any good fellow who desires tobecome one of us, but does not boast as heavy a purse as thegentleman who has just spoken."

  These remarks of Oscar were greeted with applause, general enough toshow that the opinions of nearly all were with him.

  "Mr. President," said Henry Fairbanks, "though I am opposed to thegentleman's suggestion, (does he offer it as an amendment?) I have nopossible objection to his individually paying the increased rateswhich he recommends, and I am sure the Treasurer will gladly receivethem."

  Laughter and applause greeted this hit, and Fletcher once more arose,somewhat vexed at the reception of his suggestion.

  "I don't choose--" he commenced.

  "The gentleman will address the chair," interrupted the President.

  "Mr. President, I don't choose to pay more than the other members,though I can do it without inconvenience. But, as I said, I don'tbelieve in being too democratic. I am not in favor of admittinganybody and everybody into the Society."

  "Mr. President," said James Hooper, "I congratulate the gentleman onthe flourishing state of his finances. For my own part, I am notashamed to say that I cannot afford to pay a dollar a monthassessment, and, were it required, I should be obliged to offer myresignation."

  "So much the better," thought Fitzgerald, for, as Hooper was poor,and went coarsely clothed, he looked down upon him. Fortunately forhimself he did not give utterance to his thought.

  "Does Mr. Fletcher put his recommendation into the form of anamendment?" asked, the President.

  "I do."

  "Be kind enough to state it, then."

  Fletcher did so, but as no one seconded it, no action was of coursetaken.

  "Nominations for membership are now in order," said the President.

  "I should like to propose my friend Henry Walton."

  "Who is Henry Walton?" asked a member.

  "Mr. President, may I answer the gentleman?" asked FitzgeraldFletcher, rising to his feet.

  "As the nominee is not to be voted upon this evening, it is not inorder."

  "Mr. President," said Oscar, "I should be glad to have the gentlemanreport his information."

  "Mr. Fletcher may speak if he desires it, but as the name will bereferred to the Committee on Nominations, it is hardly necessary."

  "Mr. President, I merely wish to inform the Society, that Mr. Waltonoccupies the dignified position of printer's devil in the office ofthe 'Centreville Gazette.'"

  "Mr. President," said Oscar, "may I ask the indulgence of the Societylong enough to say that I am quite aware of the fact. I will addthat Mr. Walton is a young man of excellent abilities, and I amconfident will prove an accession to the Society."

  "I cannot permit further remarks on a matter which will come in duecourse before the Committee on Nominations," said the President.

  "The next business in order is the debate."

  Of the debate, and the further proceedings, I shall not speak, asthey are of no special interest. But after the meeting was over,groups of members discussed matters which had come up during theevening. Fletcher approached Oscar Vincent, and said, "I can't see,Oscar, why you are trying to get that printer's devil into ourSociety."

  "Because he's a good fellow, and smart enough to do us credit."

  "If there were any bootblacks in Centreville I suppose you'd beproposing them?" said Fletcher with a sneer.

  "I might, if they were as smart as my friend Walton."

  "You are not very particular about your friends," said Fletcher inthe same tone.

  "I don't ask them to open their pocket-books, and show me how muchmoney they have."

  "I prefer to associate with gentlemen."

  "So do I."

  "Yet you associate with that printer's devil."

  "I consider him a gentleman."

  Fletcher laughed scornfully.

  "You have strange ideas of a gentleman," he said.

  "I hold the same," said James Hooper, who had come up in time to hearthe last portion of the conversation. "I don't think a full purse isthe only or the chief qualification of a gentleman. If labor is tobe a disqualification, then I must resign all claims to be considereda gentleman, as I worked on a farm for two years before coming toschool, and in that way earned the money to pay my expenses here."

  Fletcher turned up his nose, but did not reply.

  Hooper was a good scholar and influential in the Society, but inFletcher's eyes he was unworthy of consideration.

  "Look here, Fletcher,--what makes you so confoundedly exclusive isyour ideas?" asked Henry Fairbanks.

  "Because I respect myself," said Fletcher in rather a surly tone.

  "Then you have one admirer," said Fairbanks.

  "What do you mean by that?" asked Fletcher, suspiciously.

  "Nothing out of the way. I believe in self-respect, but I don't seehow it is going to be endangered by the admission of Oscar's friendto the Society."

  "Am I expected to associate on equal terms with a printer's devil?"

  "I can't answer for you. As for me, if he is a good fellow, I shallwelcome him to our ranks. Some of our most eminent men have beenapprenticed to the trade of printer. I believe, after all, it is thename that has prejudiced you."

  "No it isn't. I have seen him."

  "Henry Walton?"



  "In Oscar's room."


  "I don't like his appearance."

  "What's the matter with his appearance?" asked Oscar.

  "He looks low."

  "That's where I must decidedly contradict you, Fitz, and I shallappeal confidently to the members of the Society when they come t
oknow him, as they soon will, for I am sure no one else shares yourridiculous prejudices. Harry Walton, in my opinion, is a truegentleman, without reference to his purse, and he is bound to risehereafter, take my word for it."

  "There's plenty of room for him to rise," said Fletcher with a sneer.

  "That is true not only of him, but of all of us, I take it."

  "Do you refer to me?"

  "Oh no," said Oscar with sarcasm. "I am quite aware that you are atthe pinnacle of eminence, even if you do flunk in Greek occasionally."

  Fitzgerald had failed in the Greek recitation during the day, andthat in school parlance is sometimes termed a "flunk." He bit hislip in mortification at this reference, and walked away, leavingOscar master of the situation.

  "You had the best of him there, Vincent," said George Sanborn. "Hehas gone off in disgust."

  "I like to see Fletcher taken down," said Henry Fairbanks. "I neversaw a fellow put on so many airs. He is altogether too aristocraticto associate with ordinary people."

  "Yes," said Oscar, "he has a foolish pride, which I hope he will sometime get rid of."

  "He ought to have been born in England, and not in a republic."

  "If he had been born in England, he would have been unhappy unless hehad belonged to the nobility," said Alfred DeWitt.

  "Look here, boys," said Tom Carver, "what do you say to mortifyingFitz's pride?"

  "Have you got a plan in view, Tom? If so, out with it."

  "Yes: you know the pedler that comes into town about once a month tobuy up rags, and sell his tinwares."

  "I have seen him. Well, what of him?"

  "He is coming early next week. Some of us will see him privately,and post him up as to Fitz's relations and position, and hire him tocome up to school, and inquire for Fitz, representing himself as hiscousin. Of course Fitz will deny it indignantly, but he will persistand show that he knows all about the family."

  "Good! Splendid!" exclaimed the boys laughing. "Won't Fitz beraving?"

  "There's no doubt about that. Well, boys, I'll arrange it all, ifyou'll authorize me."

  "Go ahead, Tom. You can draw upon us for the necessary funds."

  Fletcher had retired to his room, angry at the opposition hisproposal had received, and without any warning of the humiliationwhich awaited him.


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