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The Maverick's Virgin Mistress (Texas Cattlemans Club: Maverick County Millionaire Book 5)

Page 8

by Jennifer Lewis

  Even if they were a little scary.

  Since his was almost the last boat in the whole marina, they were soon leaving the club behind and heading out into the flat gray expanse of Houston bay.

  Alicia’s nerves tingled as they went farther and farther away from dry land. She couldn’t see the opposite shore, so they seemed to be heading out into the wild blue yonder.

  Rick pulled two frost-covered bottles of lager out of thin air.

  “Refreshments.” He grinned and flipped the tops off with a bottle opener. The glass felt cool and wet against her rather sweaty palm. “To adventure.”

  Alicia raised her bottle and clinked it against his. “And new experiences.”

  He took a sip, then leaned close. “Especially those of a sensual kind.” His breath warmed her neck and made her shiver with pleasure. Their lips joined in a kiss that sent energy sparking through her.

  “What are we doing?” she gasped, breaking the kiss. “We might get sucked out to sea.”

  “Anything could happen.” Rick cocked his head. “And you might find you like it.”

  “You’re such a tease.” She sipped her chilled lager.

  “What makes you think I’m teasing? Have I steered you wrong yet?” He nodded to his strong hand that guided the boat with the tiller.

  “Well, no.” A smile tugged at her lips. “I’ve been having a fantastic time with you.”

  “So you should be starting to trust me by now.” Something flickered in the blue depths of his eyes. “At least a little bit.”

  “I apparently trust you enough to go out in a boat with you, so who knows what’s next?” She looked about her, taking in the varied horizons—both industrial and pastoral—of Houston bay. “Tell me, can you get in your boat and go literally anywhere?”

  “You mean, to the Bahamas, or Mexico?”

  She nodded.

  “Absolutely. All you need is enough water to drink and some food for the journey. No gas required.” He grinned. “But it helps to know where you’re going to dock. You usually can’t just pull up on a beach unless it’s a deserted island.”

  “Oooh. I like the sound of a deserted island. Nothing but palm trees, a crystal-clear lagoon…” She cocked her head. “And maybe an undiscovered tribe with a complex and interesting culture to explore.”

  “Always working, I see.”

  She shrugged. “What can I say? I love my work. And I tend to get on well with people so hopefully I could persuade them not to shrink our heads.”

  Rick guffawed. “I suspect traveling with you would be a real adventure.”

  “You should try it sometime.”

  “I think I am.” His blue gaze rested on her face and she felt a wave of energy flow between them. “And so far I like it very much.”

  Alicia’s heart squeezed. The time she’d spent with Rick could already be counted among the best hours of her life.

  Was it possible that he felt the same way?

  Could there be a real future between them?

  As if in answer to her question, he took her hand in his. Their palms pressed together, their fingers wound into each other.

  Rick turned to stare out over the prow. “I’ve spent a lot of my life chasing adventure. Always thinking that happiness was on top of the mountain, or just past the rapids, or around the next bend.”

  He turned back to her and met her eyes. “I think I’ve been looking in all the wrong places.”

  Alicia swallowed. She could almost hear the blood thundering in her veins as they sat, entwined, heading out into the unfamiliar wind and water of the bay.

  What a dramatic turn her life had taken in the past week.

  The fire seemed almost inconsequential compared to the seismic shifts in her inner and outer landscape.

  Overnight—literally—she’d gone from being a “good little girl” plodding through her uneventful existence to being a sensual woman taking life by the horns.

  Or by the tiller. “Can I have a turn steering?”

  “Of course.” His grin revealed that he loved her take-charge attitude. “Come sit up here and take over.”

  She eased herself into position and grasped the long, white handle that extended down into the belly of the boat.

  She was surprised to find she had to work quite hard just to keep it steady. A quick jog to one side made Rick chuckle.

  “The more you move it around, the slower you go.”

  “So, I guess you need strapping muscles to go fast enough for a race.”

  “Doesn’t hurt, but it all comes with practice. Including the muscle.”

  Alicia’s biceps muscle was beginning to feel like it might burst into flame, but she held the tiller steady as the boat plowed in a straight line through the steely water. “Wow. I like this.”

  She felt Rick’s gaze on her face, and became aware of her chin tilted in pride and enjoyment.

  “I like you liking it.”

  He pulled on a rope and did something with the sail that turned it slightly. The yacht moved faster over the water.

  The wind whipped her hair behind her head and plastered her dress to her body.

  “I feel like I’m flying!” Her words were almost lost in the wind.

  “Yeah.” Rick grinned. “Isn’t it great? And flying’s not so bad, either. I have a light aircraft I fool around in, too.”

  Alicia laughed. “Is there anything you haven’t tried?”

  Rick met her gaze with those soulful blue eyes. “Yeah. A lot of things. Some of them I never thought I’d want to try.”

  Like marriage.

  And children.

  The words flew past her, unspoken, but communicated as loudly as if he’d shouted them into the wind.

  Alicia blinked, her chest tight. Maybe she was just imagining this whole relationship in her head. She really shouldn’t get carried away. He was her first, but she certainly wasn’t his.

  Not even close.

  So what made her think she’d be his last?

  Rick moved close to her. He slid his arm around her waist while she did her best to hold their course steady. “You’re going to make me wobble,” she protested, as he leaned in to nibble her ear.

  “A little wobbling might be interesting.” He peered mischievously down the front of her life vest. “See if you can hang a left. There’s a nice open spit of land on the far side of the bay.”

  Alicia pulled the tiller to the left, only to find the boat jag sharply to the right.

  “Oops. Forgot to tell you that you turn it whichever way you don’t want to go. Tiller Toward Trouble. So, if you’re running from Jaws, you point the tiller at him and you’ll take off in the opposite direction.

  “I should point the tiller toward you,” she teased, wrestling with the handle.

  “Quite possibly. But I’d just chase faster.” He shot her a wicked grin.

  Alicia was both exhausted and exhilarated when they arrived back at the marina. She was also drenched with sea spray and cautious exploration confirmed that her hair was wild as Medusa’s. “I must look a fright,” she murmured, trying to catch her reflection in a shiny metal plate on the ship’s deck.

  “You look ravishing. In fact, I’m tempted to ravish you right now.”

  Rick’s dark hair was tousled and shiny from the wind and spray. His eyes shone with excitement that mirrored her own.

  “I’m tempted to ravish you right back,” she whispered, casting a surreptitious glance at the grand clubhouse. “But I suspect we should wait until we’re somewhere more private.”

  As they drew closer, she saw a crowd had gathered on the elegant balcony that faced the bay. “They’re having some kind of party.”

  “There’s always a party going on here. Those poor people must not have decent homes to go to.” He shook his head with pity. “I prefer a more private party.”

  The flash of heat in his eyes caused a rush of warmth between her legs.

  “I think it’s a barbecue.”

  No o
ne looked that dressed up. She saw the two preppy guys in polo shirts and cargo shorts that they’d passed on their way out to the boat.

  “They have them every Saturday.”

  “Looks kind of fun.” She was still new to this lifestyles-of-the-rich-and-famous thing, and sometimes it was a blast just to see a new place and meet some new people.

  Again she noticed a strange flicker of darkness in Rick’s eyes.

  Then his usual teasing expression returned. “I’m afraid I’m not willing to share you with anyone right now.” He growled slightly, so that only she could hear. “I’ve managed to keep my hands off that gorgeous body all afternoon and I can’t wait a moment longer.”

  His hands left the tiller and appeared to move toward her of their own accord, which made the boat stray off their careful course into the marina.

  “Watch out!” she called, grabbing the handle, as they drifted dangerously close to a gleaming monstrosity with yellow sails. “It’s probably not hard to do a million dollar’s worth of damage around here.”

  “Too right.” He grinned, suddenly back under control, and steered Titan III into the forest of shiny masts with their colorful sails furled. “Glad I have you here to keep me on track. How did you like your first time out on the water?”

  “I loved it.”

  Energy still danced through her, sparked by the exhilarating experience of steering the fast craft through the open water, harnessing the power of the wind.

  “Then you’ll come out again?” He raised a brow.

  “I’d like to.”

  She’d more than like to, and not just because she’d discovered the fun of sailing. She wanted to spend more time with Rick. It was a relief to know that he already wanted to make plans beyond this weekend.

  “Fantastic. I think next time we’ll sail right out of the bay, into the gulf. What do you think?”

  Anticipation trickled through her. “I think I’m ready.”

  Right now she felt ready for anything. Her quiet, humdrum existence of going to work and spending evenings with Alex seemed a distant memory.

  Rick lashed the boat to the dock and helped Alicia back onto dry land.

  “Oooh, I feel a bit wobbly,” she gasped, as she attempted to keep her balance on the unmoving wood of the dock.

  “That’s what happens once you get your sea legs. It feels downright unnatural to stand on solid ground.”

  He moved close to her and slid his arms around her waist. He smelled heavenly: salt and sea air, mingling with his warm male scent.

  Their lips met in a steamy kiss, and her hands slid around his waist to enjoy the muscles of his back through his rumpled cotton shirt.

  When they pulled apart, she was breathless and wobbly. “I’m not sure that helped.”

  “Sorry.” Rick shrugged and winked. “I guess we’d better get you home so you can recover in bed.”

  The flash of desire in his eyes suggested she would not be recuperating alone.

  Heat crept through her. Then she hesitated. “I don’t know. Maybe I should go back to the ranch and see what’s going on.”

  “No way.” Hands on hips, Rick made a show of barring her way. “The only place you’re going is the penthouse suite of the Omni. Any other plans will have to wait.”

  Before she had a chance to protest, he slid one arm around her waist and the other behind her legs and swept her off her feet.

  Alicia shrieked as he lifted her into the air. “You can’t carry me!”

  “Just watch me.” He marched along the dock, a grin creasing his handsome face.

  “I’m not that wobbly. I can walk, really.” She tried to wriggle free, but she only rubbed against his hard chest, which made her pulse quicken.

  “You give your sea legs a rest. You’ll need your strength.” His smile revealed even, white teeth. “Trust me.”


  The tray of fruit from room service was a work of art. Sliced peaches, plump berries, lush slabs of pineapple…but Alicia had no appetite for food.

  “Champagne?” Rick popped the cork without waiting for her reply.

  “Sure.” She tried to sound calm, though her eyes were probably wide as saucers.

  They’d showered—separately—and while she’d donned a soft, silk robe after drying off, Rick had marched into the living room wearing…nothing at all.

  His body was tanned a deep nut brown from the waist up. Clearly he devoted ample time to leisure rather than sitting hunched over a desk all day.

  His legs were paler, but sturdy and muscled. A spreading line of dark hair accentuated the ripped muscles of his chest as he held out the glass.

  Alicia took it, trying not to stare.

  “One of us is overdressed,” he murmured, as he poured a second glass.

  His dark hair curled, still damp, over his forehead, hanging almost to his piercing blue eyes.

  “Moi?” she managed, taking a sip of champagne.

  She’d never thought of herself as especially self-conscious about her body, but the idea of stripping off her robe—it was still broad daylight, after all—made her belly clench.


  “You speak French.” Another surprise.

  “Of course, I…” He hesitated, and a shadow passed over his brow. “I learned it in school.”

  He turned and walked across the living room, then pulled down the shade. They were so high up that no one could possibly see in, except perhaps from a helicopter, but she was touched that he considered her modesty.

  The champagne sparkled over her tongue and the sight of his toned body heated her insides. While his back was turned, she undid the knot at her waist and slipped the robe down over her shoulders.

  He walked to a second window and pulled the blinds. “Alicia, I have something to tell you—”

  He turned, then stopped and stared, openmouthed. “Oh, Lord.”

  She’d let her robe fall to the floor and stretched out on the chaise like a Victorian courtesan. “Yes?”

  “I…I…” His voice was a husky groan. “I can’t seem to form a sentence.”

  “Then don’t.” She lifted a finger and beckoned.

  Rick’s chest rose as he inhaled deeply and walked across the floor, champagne glass in hand.

  He knelt on the floor next to the chaise, and feasted on her with his eyes.

  “The only reason people look at art is because they don’t have a view like this to admire.” His words caressed her ears as his hungry gaze heated her skin.

  She writhed a little, exploring her newfound sensuality.

  He didn’t even have to touch her. Just being close to him made her insides shimmy and dampened her private, female places.

  Her breathing quickened as he leaned closer. “You drive me crazy,” he whispered into her neck.

  “It must be my razor-sharp intellect,” she teased. His intense arousal was shockingly visible—and only heightened her own fierce desire.

  “Yeah, that, too.” His eyes roamed over her breasts and belly, and along the length of her thighs.

  Under his admiring gaze she felt deliciously sensual—beautiful—seeing herself for the first time through another’s eyes.

  The ordinary body that got her from A to B and stayed mercifully healthy and strong regardless of how many late nights she worked, had suddenly transformed into a garden of pleasure that begged to be explored.

  Rick reached out his fingers slowly, as if afraid they might get burned. He held them above her waist, so close that she could feel his heat.

  She lifted herself a fraction until her skin met his palm. His eyelids slid closed and he let out a sigh.

  Then his hand started to roam. Over her hip and along the full curve of her thigh. A seductive smile played on his lips as he slid an inquisitive finger in between her legs. “It’s hot in there,” he whispered.

  “Burning hot,” she breathed, as her hips jolted under his touch.

  “I’d better do something about that.” He lowered his he
ad. “We don’t want to set off the smoke alarms.”

  He pressed his wet mouth to her hot flesh and sucked.

  Alicia’s back arched and she moaned as sensation snapped through her. She reached for him, threading her fingers into his thick, damp hair and writhing under his mouth.

  Already, the tension built inside her and she got that heavy, throbbing feeling that she was almost ready to explode. “Wait!” she cried. “Stop.”

  Rick stopped, eyes open and glowing.

  “It’s my turn.”

  A smile tilted the corner of his mouth when Alicia slid out of her prone position and pushed him gently down on the chaise.

  She inhaled deeply and took his hard length in her hand. His erection throbbed, alive and sensitive, as she lowered her lips over its tip and savored a man for the first time.

  Salty and silky, the taste only fueled her raging appetites. She took him into her mouth and sucked, enjoying the low groan that told her he loved this every bit as much as she was. She wrapped a hand around the shaft and caressed it while she licked the tip.

  He touched her breasts—careful and cautious as a curator—while she explored and enjoyed his arousal. When she couldn’t stand the spiraling increase of tension, she slowly pulled her mouth back. “I’d like to go on top,” she whispered, blushing.

  “I’d love that.” Rick’s throaty enthusiasm gave her the encouragement she needed. Didn’t he always? She was so lucky to have found a man she could trust with her embarrassing innocence.

  They rolled on the condom together, then she climbed over him on the wide chaise and took him—slow and careful—into her hot, moist depths.

  “Oh, my,” she heard herself moan, as his hard length stroked ultra-sensitive nerve endings deep inside her. “I think I found the G-spot again.”

  Rick’s chest shook in a silent laugh as she moved just enough to spark sensation that made her gasp. Somehow the feelings were even more intense and overwhelming in this position. Every move she made sent shockwaves of pleasure shooting through her.

  She lifted her hips and slid back and forth, glad that she didn’t have to pretend to be knowledgeable or cool or even capable—that she could enjoy the brand-new experience with the wide-eyed excitement she felt.


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