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His Girl: A Sexy Rom-Com Erotica

Page 6

by Mia Kendall

  I look back at her, not mistaking her meaning. “I’ll welcome it with open arms,” I murmur.

  Keeping her eyes on me, Meg takes the hem of my jersey and pulls it up her thighs. She drags it higher at a torturous speed, finally revealing the bare skin of her pussy mound.

  I adjust the driver’s seat back without taking my eyes off her body, already preparing for the ride of my life.

  Finally, Meg takes off the jersey completely, and unfastens her bra, tossing them both in the backseat. She is completely naked and bathed in the sun’s glow.

  A golden goddess, made for me.

  “Take it off,” she commands softly, and I am helpless to resist.

  I unbuckle my belt first, the metal buckle clinking in the silence of the car. Then I undo the button of my jeans, and slide the zipper down. Finally I tug the waistband of my boxer briefs down to reveal my cock, already stiff and standing for her.

  “Mmm…” Meg licks her lips and shifts over to straddle me. “You’re just so big.” She hovers over me and wraps her fingers around my shaft. I hiss through my teeth at the contact, but Meg keeps her brown eyes on me, looking like she’s a nymph that just emerged from the forests beyond us. “You’re my first, but not the first I’ve seen,” she murmurs. “I know you’re bigger than most guys, and it makes me so wet for you. It makes me glad I gave my virginity to this big, thick cock.”

  “Shit, keep talking.” My hands clutch her ass where she’s hovered just inches above my standing cock. “Just bring that sweet pussy down on me.”

  “Like this?” Meg’s eyes go heavy-lidded as she lowers herself, sliding her hot, tight passage onto my erection.

  “Yesss…” My head falls back against the driver’s seat as Meg starts to ride me. “Fuck yes, use that cock, baby.”

  “Mmm.” Meg braces her knees on the leather seat and clasps her hands around the back of my neck. She starts moving and snapping her hips, going deeper than my hands are urging her to and it’s So. Fucking. Good.

  “That’s it,” I groan, cracking my palm on her ass as she moves. “Baby, you’re doing it so good…”

  “I want you to think of me every time you come up here,” Meg whispers as she watches me. “I want you to remember how I fucked you, how I made you feel so good you couldn’t hold back your cum.”

  Megan Clark must be a damned witch, because my cock swells inside her at her words. I’m dying to empty myself in her pussy, to shoot my semen into her. Loud groans escape my throat, and I grab on to Meg’s ass and thrust upwards, fucking her hard. My four thousand pound Wrangler is even swaying from the movements.

  “Ohhh yes…” Meg’s voice is unsteady at the speed I’m bouncing her on my erection. “Liam, that’s so good…”

  It’s is good, so damned good that I’m going to come just like that. The sun outside has disappeared and we missed the setting of it, but shit, I’m having an even better show right now with Meg’s breasts bouncing right in front of my face.

  I take her left nipple in my mouth and suck hard.

  “Liam!” Meg clasps my head and holds it close to her chest. “Yes, suck me.”

  I suckle at her breast as I continue to fuck her. It’s so damned good that I never want it to end. “I’m close babe,” I release her nipple to say. “Gonna cum all over you if you keep working that body.”

  “I want it.” Meg kisses me, and our mouths clash so hard we taste blood. “I want you all over my chest,” she pants. “I want to feel your hot cum on my breasts.”

  “Then you’ll have it,” I growl.” But first, I want you to come for me.” I grab her hips and slam her down on my cock. Meg moans louder, and more dirty words come out of her mouth. Who knew that the cute virgin has a vocabulary like that?

  “Yes, oh god, yes, I’m coming.” Her eyes go blank as she keeps moving on me, and I know that the only thing she registers now is the pleasure in her body. “I’m coming… I’m—oh, yesss…”

  Meg’s body arches as she grinds her pussy on me, her insides clamping around every inch of my cock tighter than a hand. It feels so good that seconds later, I have to pull out of her. My hot cum shoots up and across her breasts in thick ropes as I pump my cock hard, squeezing every drop out.

  Meg looks aroused and fascinated as she watches me come, until finally, I fall back against the driver’s seat, completely spent. Then she bites her lip, looking down at the milky liquid coating her body.

  “Don’t suppose you have tissues?” she asks with a twinkle in her eye.

  I grin ruefully. “Sorry, I don’t usually get messy in my car.” I pull my t-shirt off, ball it up, and start cleaning her up.

  “Thanks,” she chuckles. “Wouldn’t want your jersey to be the one getting dirty.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty much a sacred artefact in this city.” After I toss the t-shirt in the back of the car, away from the jersey, I gather Meg against my chest again.

  The sky outside has darkened to a deep blue, and it’s time for us to go back before it gets late and we lose all the light. But I find myself stalling for some reason, wanting even just another minute here with Meg in my arms.

  It’s nearing the end of Saturday, which means that her parents will be back in town tomorrow. I’ll get only one more day with her before she heads back to Seattle on Monday.

  And I’m not kidding myself about how I feel about this, or how I feel about her. The thought of Meg leaving just guts me, because I’ve fallen in love with her.

  I look down at the drowsing girl in my arms, watching the way her lashes fan over her cheeks. Somehow in the course of two days, my crush on Meg turned into full blown love. Even though I’ve never felt that for a woman before, I know that’s what it is, because I’m looking at Meg the same way my dad used to look at my mum. And now that I have her here with me, I just can’t let go.

  But how can I convince her to stay when she’s not even my girlfriend?

  Chapter Seven


  “Mum!” I throw my arms around my mother’s neck the moment the front door opens.

  “Oh, Meg.” My mum squeezes me against her ample frame and rocks us side to side. “Goodness, how we missed you. Did you lose weight?”

  “The big city ain’t good for her, I tell ya,” comes a gruff voice from behind my mother. “Nasty air, nasty people, and God knows what they put in their food.”

  I crack a wry smile and raise my brow. “Papa, stop. I told you, things are fine there. Seattle isn’t perfect, but it’s still great.”

  My dad makes a triumphant sound and folds his brawny arms over his impressive stomach. “You hear that Gillian? She hates the damn place.”

  “Rob, let’s not talk our daughter’s ears off the moment she visits.” My mum shifts to let me enter just as I hear Liam’s footsteps clomping up the stairs of the porch. He went to park the Jeep earlier and is just joining me.

  Feeling strangely nervous, I turn to introduce him to my parents.

  “Mum, Pa, this is—”

  “The Evans boy!” My dad shoves past me to thump Liam heartily on the back, looking even happier to see him than he does me.

  I blink as Liam shakes the hand my father offers him, a definite sign that my dad respects him as an equal.

  O-kay, this is unexpected, but I guess everyone knows everyone here.

  “Have you been taking care of our Meg while we were gone?” my mum beams.

  Liam gives me an unmistakable, heated glance meant to remind me exactly how he has been taking care of me. I glare at him in warning.

  Thankfully Liam doesn’t say anything about how we’d slept together the past two days. He gives my parents a warm, innocent smile that could have come from an archangel.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he says smoothly. “Meg and I are actually pen pals. I offered my guestroom to her the past two nights.”

  Not a lie, though technically I declined and took up in his bed instead.

  “Oh, that’s sweet.” My mum patted Liam on the cheek, and the guy frea
king smiled down at her like he was a golden boy with a halo around his head.

  “Come on then,” my father blusters. “Let’s not stand in this damned wind.”

  The familiar scent of freshly baked goods wafts into my nostrils the moment I enter. The house looks exactly the same, with little that changed since the last time I visited half a year ago. My chest tightens at the warm familiarity. With my job taking up so much of my time, I barely have the chance to visit. Now I find myself wishing I did more often.

  After seating us on the overstuffed couch in the living room, my mum bustles to the kitchen. Knowing her habits, it is to boil water for tea. Mum never runs out of tea or biscuits for her visitors.

  “How’s Seattle treating you, dear?” she calls from the kitchen.

  “Not too well, I’ll bet,” my father jokes. “Else she wouldn’t be back here just before Valentine’s, eh?” He winks conspiratorially at Liam, who only returns with a faint smile that holds no humor.

  My father senses something wrong immediately.

  “What is it?” His questioning frown darts between Liam and me. “Something happened in the city, din’t it?”

  I clear my throat. This is it. Now’s the time to tell them.

  “Promise me you’ll stay calm, Pa,” I begin.

  “I’ll stay calm if it’s nothing to be worked up about, not when you tell me to,” my father says sharply. “Gilly! Gilly, come here. Our daughter has something to say.”

  My mum hurries over and perches herself on the couch beside my father and across me and Liam. “What is it, dear?” she asks softly.

  I look down at my clasped hands in my lap, aware of the three pairs of eyes staring at me. Liam doesn’t know the extent of what happened two nights ago in the office. I let him think it was something Richard said, and while it isn’t wrong, what really happened is so much worse. I don’t know how he’s going to react to what I’m about to say, nor my parents, and the uncertainty is making me nervous.

  I brace myself with a deep breath.

  “On Friday night after work, my boss tried to…” I swallow. “He cornered me in my cubicle and tried to force himself on me.”


  “He didn’t manage to hurt me,” I quickly say, my fingers twisting the hem of Liam’s borrowed shirt so tightly it’s a wonder it doesn’t tear. “He was dead drunk, so I shoved him off and ran before he got further than my top button. I knew gym class would come in handy,” I add with a forced laugh.

  More silence. There is only the ticking of the clock, the faint bubbling of boiling water in the kettle in the kitchen.

  I bite my lip as I look up at my mum, who has gone pale, and my dad, who has gone red.

  And Liam is completely still beside me, except for his furious eyes gleaming at me with pure rage.

  “I’ll kill him,” he says quietly, the simple vow scaring me more than any loud proclamation can. “I’ll fucking kill him.”

  Liam’s vicious words apparently trigger something in my father, because he shoves to his feet.

  “Where’s my shotgun,” he mutters as he strides towards the bedroom he shares with my mum.

  I curse in alarm. “Pa, wait—”


  My father doesn’t wait, and I hear protests coming from my mum within the bedroom.

  I turn to Liam desperately.

  “Liam, you have to stop him! He could go to prison if he does anything rash!”

  “Fuck stopping him, I’ll be right beside him.” Liam surges to his feet, his blue eyes wild and anguished, his physique tense and looking bigger than I’ve ever seen. “I’ll put that fucker six feet in the ground before he ever dares to look at you again,” he snarls.

  Oh god, this is going terribly wrong.

  I get up and hug his waist in desperation, not knowing what else to do. “Please don’t,” I say urgently. “This isn’t what I want. Please listen to me.”

  “Meg,” Liam’s voice is ragged. “If anything happened to you that night—fuck.” He pulls me to him and hugs me so hard that the breath leaves my lungs. “I can’t lose you. You can’t be hurt, you fucking can’t…”

  “I’m not,” I mumble into his chest where I’m pressed up against. “And I have you to protect me now. But to protect me, first you need to be around.” I look up and give him a watery smile. “You can’t protect me from prison, can you?”

  Liam’s jaw works furiously. He clearly wants to disagree and go on a killing spree beginning and ending with Richard Brooker, but I know that my words are getting through to him.

  “Stay with me,” I whisper, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Keep me safe. Keep my family safe.”

  Liam grasps my hand and turns his face into it, pressing his lips to my palm desperately.

  “Fuck me,” he breathes, staring down at me with stark blue eyes. “What are you doing to me, M?”

  Then he lets me go and heads to my parents’ bedroom where they are still quarreling. I hear shouts from my father, tearful pleas from my mum, and a low, persuasive voice from Liam, trying to convince Pa not to throw his life away for a piece of shit, not when they can end him in another way.

  Finally the arguments die down and my father comes back out into the living room, thankfully empty-handed.

  Something else stuns me, however.

  There are tear tracks running down my father’s weathered face.


  My father pulls me into his arms without another word, enveloping me against his barrel chest.

  “My baby girl,” he said brokenly, his entire body trembling with his crying. “Dear God, my baby girl. Thank Jesus you’re safe…”

  I start tearing too. My father is strong and brash and larger than life, and I’ve never seen him break down like this, not ever since we lost Gran.

  “I love you, Pa,” I whisper. “I’ll take care of myself.”

  “I’ll be by her side, sir,” Liam says quietly. “I won’t let anything happen to your daughter.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, son.” My father pulls back, staring down at me with eyes red-rimmed from crying. “Come back home, Meggie.” His expression is pleading. “We still have everything of yours. Didn’t touch a thing since you left.”

  “I’ll make you your favorite apple crumble,” Mum adds, smiling through her tears. “Every day, if you want.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I whisper, but I don’t know if I’m ready for that just yet.

  But as the two people who raised me hold me in their arms, as I stare past their shoulders at the strong, dependable country guy I’ve fallen in love with, I realize that maybe coming back home isn’t such a bad idea after all.

  Chapter Eight


  After Meg’s revelation at her parents, we drive down to the lake just outside town for a stroll. The sun has just set by the time we got here, and the sky is a soft shade of blue that darkens with every passing minute. The wind blows across the lake, crisp and cold. It dances through Meg’s long, brown hair and makes it swirl about her shoulders.

  I hoped that the brisk wind and the wilderness would clear my brain and cool my anger, but it doesn’t happen. I’ve hardly said a word since we left the Clarks’ house.

  “You’re angry,” Meg says quietly as she squats and picks through the pebbles lining the shore of the lake. “Is it because I didn’t tell you about it earlier?”

  I exhale, staring out at the even waters that stretches so far it reaches the horizon. I can almost pretend it’s the sea. “Partly,” I say in response to Meg’s question.

  Meg shakes her head, pushes to her feet. Her fingers are curled around a selection of pebbles. “I knew you’d react that way, that’s why I didn’t tell you. At that moment, I just wanted to be safe.” She picks a pebble from her left hand and flings it across the lake. The stone skips across the water three times before disappearing below the surface.

  I clench my jaw. “I would have kept you safe.”

  “You wo
uld have taken a plane down to kill him. And then where would I be? In the station giving a witness account of a homicide instead of a near-rape.” Meg throws another pebble, her aim too forceful for it to skip. It sinks immediately. “You can’t blame me for handling it the way I see fit,” she finishes softly.

  I curse under my breath, pulling Meg into my arms. “I’m not blaming you,” I murmur into her hair. “I blame myself. If I had gone to you sooner, maybe you wouldn’t have to deal with this.”

  Meg’s pebbles clatter to the ground, and she wraps her arms around my waist. “Guess it’s a downside of being just friends,” she jokes weakly.

  I choose to take that statement seriously. “I agree. And I plan to fix that right now.”

  Meg pulls back and looks up at me with surprise. “What do you mean?”

  “Be my girlfriend.” I gaze into her brown eyes firmly. I’ve never been surer of what I want. “Let me protect you. Let me cherish and love you.”

  Meg’s dark eyebrows draw together. “But how? We’ll only ever be long-D. We’ll be a thousand miles apart, Liam. Always.”

  I take her chin with my forefinger and thumb. “No, we won’t. I’m moving to Seattle to be with you.”

  Her face lights with hope for a split second, and just as quickly it dies. “You can’t. Your heart is in Castle Rock. Your dad and your friends and your business, everything you worked so hard to build, they’re all here. You’ll be so unhappy—”

  I silence her with a kiss. “I’ll have you,” I tell her simply. “And with the business under my belt, my resume will look pretty damn good. I’ll just find an office job.”

  Meg looks at my chest, her beautiful face miserable. “Liam, that’s not you. I’ve seen you. You work with people, and with your hands, not computers and corporate drones. You’ll be unhappy, and I can’t do that to you.”

  I will be unhappy, I know that. But being without Meg and knowing that she’s out there alone and unprotected? That’s just unthinkable.

  “You’re not doing jack to me, Meg. I’m making this decision for myself.”


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