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Flawed (The Clans Book 12)

Page 10

by Elizabeth Knox

  “An offer?” I question, furrowing my brows together.

  Gabriele nods and smiles brightly until he shows off a gold tooth. “Given the similarities we both have I feel compelled to give you this offer. Consider it a way for me to show my humanity. I want you to turn on your Romanian people and join me. Provide me with the information I need and I will pay you handsomely in return, provide you with the best of the best, and ensure my people know your name and celebrate you.”

  I stare, blinking in complete disbelief. Has the man gone mad? I am Romanian, through and through. Not an ounce of me comes from Italy, and yet he thinks I would turn my back on my people? On my king and queen? On my friends?

  “You’re delusional if you think for a moment I’d accept such treachery.” I snarl, lunging at him, though it doesn’t do much since I’m still bound to the chair. Though, Gabriele shoves me over to the grand piano and I knock back into it, causing the blue and white vase to fall to the ground beside me.

  He appears to be frustrated, throwing his hands up in the air and babbles a bit. While he’s busy I pick up a jagged piece of the vase and rub it against the binding on my wrists. It scrapes against my skin, cutting my flesh as well, but I have no choice to continue working through the burning sensation shooting up my arm. If I don’t act, if I don’t fight back, I will die and be reunited with my friend Jan.

  Many things might not be going right in my life, however I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet. Plus, I won’t let a man as vile as the one who stands before me hurt the people who care for me. But they don’t just care for me, and they’re not just friends. The Clans are my family. Gabriele was right about one thing, I did lose my mother and father at a young age . . . but the Clans ensured I never felt alone. They were there for me when I needed them the most.

  I feel a snapping sensation at my wrists and suddenly I don’t feel like my wrists have molded together. Moving quickly, I pull my arms to the front and stand up, charging toward the old man while he’s still yammering around about God knows what.

  I lunge and we both topple to the ground right in front of the stairwell. I wrap my hands around his neck and slam his head back into the bottom step repeatedly. “I will never betray my people, Gabriele, and you should know better than to try and coerce a Romanian into doing what you want. We’re the most ruthless of them all.”

  Gabriele struggles, clawing his hands at my face, but I have a good bit of height on him. I pull him back up and slam him down into the step again until there’s a loud cracking sound and blood starts to drip down onto the floor.

  Looking into his eyes I want to verify there’s no reaction, so I wave my hand in front of his face. Nothing. I wait and see if I can spot the man breathing, but again, there’s nothing.

  Gabriele DiGiovanni is dead.

  I fall back onto my ass and stare at his lifeless body, pressing a hand to my forehead, a bit shocked by what I’ve just done.

  Valentin Volkolv was just killed a couple years ago, and here I am, sitting across from the leader of the Italian mafia’s body. Former leader I suppose.

  I start to stand up when I hear the front door opening behind me and I realize I don’t have a gun, nor does the old man. The door opens and a blonde man in his late-thirties stares at me, smirking, and starts applauding. “Well, I thought we were going to come in here guns blazing and all . . . but you managed to handle yourself very well.” This guy is acting like we’re decades old friends.

  “Uh, do I know you?”

  He chuckles, “No, but I know everything I need to about you. Name’s Christian Steele, and I’m a friend of Melody’s. She asked my brothers and I for a favor.”

  “This motherfucker seriously do all that?” I see an Asian looking man come in from behind him, with an excited glint in his eyes.

  “Yes,” Christian answers him.

  “Fuck, man. We need someone like him on the team. I gotta tell Reg’ and Lucian.”

  “I’m not looking for work.” I quickly reply to the man, while looking to this Christian fellow.

  “How did you find me?” I question, needing some sort of answer. This could all be a charade to buy them some time. He could be working for Gabriele for all I know.

  “The answer should be fairly simple,” Christian steps out of the way and I see none other than Melody. Her skin is a bright shade of tan, while her hair is more voluminous than I can seem to remember.

  “You?” I question, not able to put the pieces together.

  “I remember rumblings, the names of the warlords who were giving you some trouble. Arno had said their names one time . . . and it was a lucky guess, but I told Christian. He found out that this home was recently re-titled in Jabulani’s name. One way or another, I think we all knew we’d find some sort of answers by coming here.”

  “Why did you come here, Melody?” I ask, and it might be odd I’m asking in front of strangers as well . . . though she made it clear she was done with me, how she didn’t want to give us a chance given my field of work.

  “I can’t bear to lose you, Mikel. I . . . I felt so hopeless when I heard what happened at the school, when it was reported you were missing . . . it felt like part of me was lost too and I . . ,” Melody breaks the distance between us, standing right before me, and clasps my hands in hers. “I’m a fool for ever leaving the way I did, but our time apart made me realize something, Mikel Lungu, I’m whole-heartedly in love with you and I don’t care about anything else. The only thing that matters is us.” Melody wraps her arms around my neck and pulls my lips down to hers.

  I embrace this woman, one who I prayed would return to me . . . but never was too hopeful of the idea. I hold her like she’s my entire world and I’m sure she doesn’t realize it, but she is. She’s the thing I thought I’d never have again. I was lucky enough to love a good woman once before, but what’s the saying? Lightning hardly ever strikes in the same place twice.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Are you okay?” Melody asks from beside me on the plane. We’re sitting on the couch, trying to relax as much as we can. She’s asked me the same question about fifty times in the last few hours since we took off. I’ve never seen her like this, so cautious, so scared. For a few moments after we left that house, I had wondered if she really meant everything she said . . . but her attitude the last few hours has shown me she’s being genuine. She’s simply stopped fighting and has allowed her heart to take over.

  “I’m perfect. I’m with you. What else could I wish for?” I ask, kissing the top of her head. I pull her in a little closer, loving the feeling of her body pressed against mine.

  We’re using her friends’ jet, and they’ve accompanied us on our trip to New York, making a special pit stop for us. I figured it was better to meet with Mariana and Ion in person. It’s exactly what I’ve told Melody, though she doesn’t have any clue I informed Arno to tell them we were on our way. I requested for them to arrange a surprise for Melody as well, something I’m hoping she’ll accept and won’t say no to. Arno informed me that everyone who could be there would be and everything would be taken care of.

  “You two are disgustingly cute.” Christian says. He’s the closest of Melody’s friends, sitting a little way to the left of us.

  “They always are when they’re in the honeymoon phase,” Jordan, one of his brothers, gripes from beside him. The rest of the plane is filled with some of the security team who was sent to aid me in my escape, though I didn’t need them very much. I am, however, extremely thankful Melody would ask for help from the most resourceful people she knew.

  We’re about fifteen minutes from landing, and while it’s been an extremely tiring day . . . we won’t be going to bed just yet. I will have a meeting with Mariana and Ion Petran, and then I will show this woman what awaits us.

  The pilot comes over the speakers and informs us that we’ll be descending and landing soon, to buckle up our seatbelts and secure anything that’s loose.

>   “You’ll be flying out after you re-fuel, right?” Melody asks her friends.

  “That was the plan, but we’ve decided to stay in New York overnight. It’s been a while since we’ve had an evening in the big city.” Christian replies.

  The two of them have a short conversation over the course of descending and landing. We disembark the plane and take the SUV that was provided for Melody, Arno, and I by Mariana and Ion.

  We flew just north of JFK to a smaller airport and now have a long car ride due to the horrific city traffic. No matter what time of day, it’s always horrible. One time I was stuck driving in New York after my driver had come down with the flu. I could take a standoff with two men who had guns over doing that ever again.

  Forty minutes pass irritatingly slow before we’re pulling in front of Mariana and Ion’s brownstone. I’ve been here a handful of times on personal Clan business, but today things are much more different. The driver parks on the street while Arno, Melody, and myself go up the short stairwell and ring the doorbell.

  Within a moment one of their staff is answering the door, allowing us in and tells me I may go up to their office while Melody and Arno have a drink in the library. Each time I’m here I’m reminded how fitting the brownstone is for the Petran family. It’s dark, and ever so unique. Dark floors and wood is spread throughout the home. Deep earthy-grays are splattered on every wall with abstract photography and paintings every few feet.

  I rap my hand against the doorway as I arrive to their office, “Come in.” A woman’s voice calls out.

  Placing my hand on the door I push it open. Once I’m inside, I close it. “Mariana, Ion, Bianca, it’s lovely to see you all again.”

  “Likewise,” Ion states.

  “You as well,” Bianca replies.

  Mariana is the last to speak, nodding. “How are you after your ordeal?”

  I smirk, which is odd . . . but the way she carries herself is so much more different in the last fourteen years since she’s been our queen. Now she has an eighteen-year-old daughter and three other children. She must be nearing her forties now, at least.

  “I was lucky, but forever fortunate. I hate to cut to the chase, my queen, but we don’t have much time.”

  “You’re correct. We all have an hour and a half to get to the church.” Mariana confirms.

  “Thank you so much for aiding me. Were you able to grab them?” I ask, and she motions to Bianca, who pulls a black box out of her pocket.

  “Personal things like this are all well and good, but tell us what we need to know. Gabriele is dead?” Ion questions, and I nod immediately.

  “Yes, I killed him myself. The man got what was coming to him after what he tried to do, my queen.” I state, showing Mariana the utmost respect.

  “Thank you, Mikel. I appreciate your kind words, and more than that, your loyalty.”

  “No thanks are needed. Gabriele was trying to get me to turn against the Clans. I feel as if this is something of importance. His children could attempt the same with others.”

  “They could, though hopefully they’ll stop their madness and not follow in the same footsteps as their senile father.” Bianca makes her opinions clear as day.

  “We need to call Desmond and alert him of what’s happened. Caprice is still Gabriele’s daughter, and even though they weren’t fond of each other . . . she deserves to know from friends rather than being blindsided.” Mariana says to her husband, who agrees with her.

  “We’ll call her as soon as we’re finished speaking to Mikel, and after we finish telling him the truth.” Ion states.

  Mariana furrows her brows, not liking the plan. “Do as you wish,” She grits through her teeth.

  “Gabriele isn’t dead. He was close to it, though. Arno is employed by the Clans, Mikel, and his loyalties are to me. When the Steeles, Melody, and Arno arrived to the home, Arno immediately checked Gabriele and stated he was breathing on his own. Now, we haven’t done anything to keep him from dying . . . considering he’s more valuable to us alive, but we will assess how to handle him later. He will be arriving in about an hour and will be in a secure location close to the airport. No one else is privy to this information. Now, were there others at the house, anyone who could’ve seen you, followed you?”

  I think back to my time in the home, and the possibilities are endless. “There were three prostitutes in the house, but I didn’t see anyone else. However, I won’t lie to you . . . after we got out of there I wasn’t paying much attention to our surroundings. Someone could’ve followed us back.”

  “Very well, we’ll prepare for the worst and I’ll have extra security on the location where Gabriele will be monitored.” Ion declares.

  “Perfect, now please know this is privileged information, Mikel. Do not go rummaging about and informing the others.”

  “Of course,” I reply.

  “Perfect. Now, I need to get going and check how things are going at the church. We have a massive night ahead of us.” Mariana smiles brightly, tugging Bianca alongside her as they leave the office.

  Ion smiles, “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into. Before long you’ll be like me, stuck in a house filled with children.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Why have you been walking me around for the last hour? I’m exhausted, Mikel. Can’t we just go to the hotel and go to bed? Aren’t you tired too?” Melody’s tone is exasperated, even more exhausted than I’ve ever heard it before.

  Little does she know what I’ve been planning since she put her feelings on the line for me earlier today, and soon she’ll know the way I feel about her.

  “We’re almost there, I promise. I just want to take you to one last place,” I say.

  She groans, “Do you know what it’s like to be lugged around in heels all day? My feet are raw at this point.”

  “I wasn’t the one who told you to wear those death traps, now was I?”

  “No,” Melody rolls her eyes.

  “You see that church over there. It has the most beautiful architecture and I want to show you the inside.” Melody is quirky, but early on she told me how much she loves old Victorian architecture.

  “Fine, but after this we’re either going to bed, or you’re feeding me. I’m starved.”

  I laugh, “Sounds like a deal. Food, then bed.”

  “Perfect!” Melody giggles, sliding her hand into mine and I make sure to walk a little bit slower. I don’t know if that’ll help her feet feel a little better, but it’s the only thing I can think could help. It’s worth a shot.

  We walk up the stone path and head up the five steps until we’re right in front of the doors. “You do love me, right?” I ask as I place my hand on the door handle.

  She cranes her neck, starting to realize something is up. “Yes. Why would you ask me something like that?” Melody blinks a couple of times before she opens her mouth, but I open the door before she can say anything. I’m sure she was just about to ask what I had done, and now she’ll know.

  The doorway opens to show the entire church is packed with the Clans, and even Christian and Jordan are here. I drop down to one knee and take her hand. “Melody, this may seem a bit rushed, though I won’t make apologies for it. I knew the moment I saw you there was something special, and then things progressed . . . and that leads us to this moment. I lost you once and I refuse to have it happen again. I love you, and you love me. I want you to be part of my family, the same way the Clans are my family. Melody, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Melody’s hand shakes in mine. She’s obviously in a state of shock. “I . . . I . . .”

  “This is the part where you say yes, Mel.” Christian pipes in, throwing a wink my way.

  Melody busts out laughing, nodding her head.

  “Is that a yes?” I question, wishing I had a verbal confirmation.

  “I think it’s the best you’re going to get.” Jordan laughs, getting a bit of laughter from those in
the benches by him.

  I rise and hold onto Melody’s hand, walking up the aisle, passing friends, family, cousins, and more. Mariana stands at the altar with a booklet in her hands. Bianca stands off to the right of her, and Ion is to the left. I had spotted the rest of her children in the back with Natasha and Anton Balan and their children.

  Bianca meets us as we step under the altar, opening the rings her mother had fetched for me. Melody’s eyes widen in shock. “That’s . . . so beautiful.”

  “Anything for you, my love.” I state, smiling softly.

  “This is the part where you take the rings, guys.” Bianca giggles, trying to hide her smile.

  Melody and I both laugh, each taking the opposite ring.

  “We’re going to keep this rather simple, since I loathe being put on the spot and speaking in front of others.” Mariana declares to the room, and a bit of laughter comes out from the crowd. Look at her making jokes.

  “We’re gathered here today for the union of Mikel and Melody, who will be joining the Lungu clan as Mikel’s wife. We’re celebrating their love, every triumph and tribulation they’ve been through, and the lengths these two will go to fight for one another. I think I can say for everyone in this beloved church that we all want both Melody and Mikel to be happy, and there is no one who opposes to their union. If there is, you’d better shut your fucking mouth before one of us shoves a gun down it.”

  Again, laughter fills the church, even from my fiancée.

  “Mikel, do you take Melody to be your wife? To love and to cherish her above all else? To be there for her in her best moments and her worst, and to never lose hope when it comes to the power of your love?” Mariana asks me, and I nod.

  “Yes, all of it and so much more.” I declare, clearing my throat through the middle as I push the ring onto Melody’s finger.. Fuck. I didn’t think this would make me so emotional.

  “Perfect,” Mariana looks to Melody. “Melody, do you take Mikel to be your husband? To love and to cherish him above all else? To be there for him in his best moments and his worst, and to never lose hope when it comes to the power of your love?”


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