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The Brides' Club Murder: the 3rd Jasmine Frame novel (Jasmine Frame detective)

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by P R Ellis


  Discovering Jasmine

  James Frame is 17 and struggling with his desire to be Jasmine. When sister, Holly, discovers Jasmine she suggests a venture into the outside world. Jasmine meets a transwoman facing severe hate and finds herself drawn to protect her.

  Published 2015. Available as an e-book (Kindle)

  “Cracking read, really well put together. Looking forward to reading more in the series.”

  Amazon customer

  “Very dramatic account of the life of a trans-sexual person”

  E. Guyver

  “As a ts streaky, got me thinking about how much I take my safety for granted.”

  Penny Evans


  Murder in Doubt

  James Frame is starting at university and experimenting with revealing Jasmine to his new friends including a young woman called Angela. When a new acquaintances, a transwoman, is found dead Jasmine is certain it is murder and sets out to prove it.

  Published 2016. Available as an e-book (Kindle)

  Volume 1 of Evil Above the Stars

  Seventh Child

  Peter R. Ellis

  September Weekes is accustomed to facing teasing and bullying because of her white hair, tubby figure and silly name, but the discovery of a clear, smooth stone at her home casts her into a struggle between good and evil that will present her with sterner challenges.

  The stone takes her to Gwlad, the Land, where the people hail her as the Cludydd o Maengolauseren, the bearer of the starstone, with the power to defend them against the evil known as the Malevolence. September meets the people’s leader, the Mordeyrn Aurddolen, and the bearers of the seven metals linked to the seven ‘planets’. Each metal gives the bearer specialised powers to resist the manifestations of the Malevolence, formed from the four elements of earth, air, fire and water, such as the comets known as Draig tân, fire dragons.

  She returns to her home, but is drawn back to the Land a fortnight later to find that two years have passed and the villagers have experienced more destructive attacks by manifestations. September must now help defend Gwlad against the Malevolence.

  Seventh Child is the first volume in the thrilling fantasy series, Evil Above the Stars, by Peter R. Ellis, that appeals to readers, of all ages, of fantasy or science fiction, especially fans of JRR Tolkien and Stephen Donaldson. If old theories are correct until a new idea comes along, does the universe change with our perception of it? Were the ideas embodied in alchemy ever right? What realities were the basis of Celtic mythology?

  ISBN: 9781908168702 (epub, kindle)

  ISBN: 9781908168603 (256pp paperback)


  Volume 2 of Evil Above the Stars

  The Power of Seven

  Peter R. Ellis

  September Weekes found a smooth stone which took her to Gwlad, the Land, where the people hailed her as the Cludydd o Maengolauseren, the bearer of the starstone, with the power to defend them against the evil known as the Malevolence. Now, having reached Arsyllfa she is re-united with the Mordeyrn Aurddolen with whom, together with the other senior metal bearers that make up the Council of Gwlad, she must plan the defence of the Land.

  The time of the next Conjunction will soon be at hand. The planets, the Sun and the Moon will all be together in the sky. At that point the protection of the heavenly bodies will be at its weakest and Gwlad will be more dependent than ever on September. But now it seems that she must defeat Malice, the guiding force behind the Malevolence, if she is to save the Land and all its people. Will she be strong enough; and, if not, to whom can she turn for help?

  The Power of Seven is the second volume in the thrilling fantasy series, Evil Above the Stars, by Peter R. Ellis, that appeals to readers, of all ages, of fantasy or science fiction, especially fans of JRR Tolkien and Stephen Donaldson. If old theories are correct until a new idea comes along, does the universe change with our perception of it? Were the ideas embodied in alchemy ever right? What realities were the basis of Celtic mythology?

  ISBN: 9781908168719 (epub, kindle)

  ISBN: 9781908168610 (288pp paperback)


  Volume 3 of Evil Above the Stars

  Unity of Seven

  Peter R. Ellis

  September is back home and it is still the night of her birthday, despite her having spent over three months in Gwlad battling the Malevolence at the seventh conjunction of the planets. She no longer has the Maengolauseren nor the powers it gave her. It is back to facing the bullies at school and her struggles with her weight and studies, but she worries about how well the people of Gwlad have recovered from the terror of the Malevolence. She is also unsure what happened to Malice/Mairwen as the Cemegwr said that Toddfa penbaladr, the universal solvent, would join the twins together. Is Malice inside her? Could she turn to evil?

  She must discover a way to return to the universe of Gwlad and the answer seems to lie in her family history. The five Cludydds before September and her mother were her ancestors. The clues take her on a journey in time and space which reveals that while in great danger she is also the key to the survival of all the universes. September must overcome her own fears, accept an extraordinary future and, once again, face the evil above the stars.

  Unity of Seven is the third volume in the thrilling fantasy series, Evil Above the Stars, by Peter R. Ellis, that appeals to readers, of all ages, of fantasy or science fiction, especially fans of JRR Tolkien and Stephen Donaldson. If old theories are correct until a new idea comes along, does the universe change with our perception of it? Were the ideas embodied in alchemy ever right? What realities were the basis of Celtic mythology?

  ISBN: 9781908168917 (epub, kindle)

  ISBN: 9781908168818 (256pp paperback)



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  P R Ellis goes by the names Peter or Penny. He/she (whatever) is transgender or gender fluid or non-binary.

  What that means is that I was born male, lived most of my life male but I have a feminine side (?) that I have been able to reveal for the last sixteen plus years. My ideas about myself and where I fit in the gender spectrum or map have changed during the course of my sixty-plus years. I now think of myself as “me”, i.e. not two people, not one person sometimes acting as another, but someone who while physically male likes to express feminine preferences in dress, appearance and perhaps other attributes, if not all the time, then whenever convenient.

  I was a science teacher, have always been a writer, and now, having retired from the career that paid the bills, am indulging myself by writing what I want to write and trying to get it published. As well as the Jasmine Frame stories, I write fantasy and SF, articles on science and still, occasionally, science education resources.

  Lou and I live in Herefordshire where we do all sorts of things.

  You can follow me and Jasmine on my blog www.ellifont.




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