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Ashe (Fuse Book 2)

Page 30

by E. L. Todd

  He gave an annoyed snort.

  “What more can I do?”

  I want you to make it bigger.

  “Make my mind bigger?”



  Ashe lowered his body to the grass, lying flat in front of her so their faces were as close together as possible. He studied her before he inhaled a deep breath that made his chest cavity emit a quiet growl. The bigger the mind, the more powerful it is. You can influence the world around you, directly or indirectly. So, I want you to push out your mind as far as you can, but more importantly, as hard as you can. You want your mind to be physical, not mental.

  “I’ve gotta be honest…I don’t really understand the instructions.”

  He considered her words, his head turning to regard the view. When you spoke to me, you pushed your mind forward. It has enough substance that it made contact with mine. I want you to do that again, but with other dragons on the island.

  “Okay, so you basically want me to talk to someone else besides you and Flare?”

  Yes, if that simplifies it.

  “I’ve never done that before without actually seeing them.”

  Elves can faintly feel the world around them. I’m sure you’ve felt the life around you in Eden Star, the birds, the butterflies, et cetera. It’s the same thing.

  “But I don’t have full conversations with birds the way I do with you.”

  He made a quiet snort, growing impatient. There’s something I’m trying to see. I can’t see it if you don’t try.

  “What are you trying to see—”

  Just do it.

  “Alright…” She closed her eyes and cleared her mind the way she’d done with Callon on a daily basis. The world went quiet before it became loud once more. There was life around her, just not the way it was in Eden Star. The serenity of the place was different, far more stretched out than it was in the forest where everything was condensed.

  Make your mind physical.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.”


  She focused her concentration, sharpening the edge of her mind, and then pushed out, slowly extending the radius toward the edge of the island.

  Say something.


  In your mind.

  Uh, hello?

  There was a stir in her mind, a collective response from multiple beings. Then the voices came, incoherent and provoked.

  A deep voice rumbled. Who speaks?

  The next was feminine. Hello?

  Another. Ashe, what are you doing?


  Who are you?


  The voices continued on and on, more joining.

  All Cora could do was listen. It was so much in her mind, so much to carry.

  Then the deep voice of Ashe came into her mind, louder than all the others. Cora, pull your mind away.

  She released the breath she held and opened her eyes.

  The voices disappeared.

  “What…what was that?” She rubbed her temple, feeling a headache come out of nowhere.

  Ashe regarded her, his eyes focused even more than they were a moment ago. I saw what I needed to see.

  Flare rose over the edge of the meadow, his red scales static flames, and dropped down into the meadow beside them both. Pretty, are you alright?

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She grabbed her canteen and took a deep drink. “Just got a bad headache…”

  I felt you, but you felt different.

  “Ashe and I are working on some things.”

  Ashe sat there, wings folded into his side, blending in with the rocks behind him because of his color and stillness.

  Flare walked closer then dipped his head so he could rub the softest part of his cheek against her shoulder, careful not to cut her with one of his sharp spikes.

  She leaned back into him and gave him a hug. “I think that’s the first time we’ve ever hugged.”

  It was nice.

  Ashe watched them both, unamused. Cora, I want you to push out your mind again.

  “I don’t know… I’ve got a pretty bad headache. And you still haven’t told me what happened.”

  I’m trying to show you.

  She took another drink then closed her eyes. It was hard to get to a state of relaxation when there was a pounding headache in her mind, so it took longer than usual. She felt the earth shake when Flare took a seat beside her.

  Now just push your mind to Flare and me.

  She pushed out her radius, but kept it enclosed around the three of them.


  Hello? She tensed, waiting for the sound of more voices.

  But there was only one. Pretty?

  Flare? Her eyebrows furrowed, hearing two dragons in her mind at once.



  Yes. I’m here.

  Her eyes opened, locking on to the black gaze that could stare into her soul. The eyes suddenly looked familiar, like she’d seen them before but couldn’t recall where. “I can talk to both of you…at the same time?”


  She turned to look at Flare.

  He rubbed his cheek against her again. You’re pretty like a dragon. Now you talk like a dragon.

  “How is that possible…?” She turned to Ashe for an explanation.

  Ashe turned his snout to look across the view, his mood darkening as he became deep in thought, contemplative. His body was constantly rigid and held with poise, balancing an invisible crown upon his head that he couldn’t allow to let slip. I do not know. But not once in my long life have I encountered anything like this. The advantages of this power are unparalleled.

  “How? Don’t get me wrong, I love that I can talk to both of you at once, but…I don’t see how this is a major advantage.”

  Ashe turned his look back on her, his eyes narrowed slightly. Think about it for a moment.

  She shook her head, unable to reach his point on her own.

  How can this help you defeat King Lux?

  Her mind left the serene island that had become home away from home, back to Anastille, back to the broken world that had been destroyed by a man with too much greed and too little heart. “I can speak to the dragons in captivity…”


  And…I can speak to King Lux’s dragon.

  Exactly. You can change the tide of the war—with just your mind.

  Flare landed on the grass outside the cave and kneeled so she could climb down.

  “That’s way more fun than being bunched up in his claw.”

  Flare chuckled in her mind. That’s no way to fly.

  “Is Rush awake?”


  “I can’t wait to tell him.”

  Well, it’s going to be a while. You two were up pretty late…

  She ignored his look and entered the cave to grab her pack. It was the perfect opportunity to hide the blush in her cheeks, even though there was no reason to be embarrassed. Flare probably already knew every single detail by now. She grabbed her things and returned, taking a seat on the grass so she could enjoy a meal while looking at the glorious red dragon.

  He’s very happy. I haven’t seen him this happy in…ever.

  She pulled out a bag of pecans and berries and started to snack. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy either.”

  I’m glad you came around, Pretty.

  She kept her head down and picked the next nut to eat.

  I know it’s hard for you. It’s understandable.

  “Yeah…it’s complicated.”

  You can talk to me. I won’t share our conversations with him.

  “I don’t see how that’s possible. Not when you’re so close.”

  I’m just as close with you now.

  She lifted her chin and gave him a soft smile. “I know.”

  Flare watched her eat expectantly, hoping she’d share her thoughts. When she didn’t, he spoke. Rush tortured me until I obeyed.
I watched him torture dragons that I loved. I watched him wipe out the kin who were noble enough to choose death over enslavement. When I didn’t choose the same path, I hated myself for a while. I was a coward.

  She stopped eating and watched him, this information brand-new.

  Years passed, and I was basically a horse to a rider. Just did what he wanted, no questions asked. Whenever we’d ride into battle, I hoped I would die—and take him with me. It was that way for a long time.

  “I’m sorry, Flare…”

  Whenever he was in control, I would sleep. Living through his perspective was pointless to me, like being trapped underground. But I stayed awake for one conversation he had with his father…and that started to change things. I felt his heartbreak when he lost his mother, and that was when I started to see him differently. I comforted him when I shouldn’t have. That was when everything changed. Flare lay flat on the grass in front of her, being as level with her eyes as possible. Our relationship changed. He changed. Quiet moments of self-reflection showed him who he’d become—his father. There was only one person he wanted to be, and that was his mother. He went from my captor to my savior. He went from my villain to my hero. I know he took someone from you who can’t be replaced, but I remember that day clearly. He was following his father’s orders, and I know he regrets it from the depths of his soul. He regretted it before he even laid eyes on you. I understand your feelings better than anyone, Cora. How can you find it in your heart to forgive someone who hurt you so deeply? I’m living proof that you can—in time.”

  She nodded. “I have forgiven him.”


  “But I can never forget…”

  His eyes dropped in sadness.

  “As happy as I am right now, I know it’s temporary. It’ll hurt when it’s over.”

  It doesn’t have to be over, Pretty. I think you two belong together.


  He turned quiet, struggling to find the right words. Because your bodies fit together the same way your minds do—perfectly.

  She looked away and into the valley below, the groups of colorful flowers swaying in the ocean breeze. “Even so…that’s not enough.”

  It can be enough if you want it to be.

  She shook her head. “In my village, a woman marries when she comes of age. It’s not about love, just the combination of families and dowries. Eden Star is nothing like that. Love is the only thing that binds two people together.”

  That’s beautiful.

  “The queen is unmarried now, and that doesn’t threaten her reign. Lots of elves, men and women, remain unmarried because there’s no pressure or expectation. Those are the values I hold. Perhaps it’s because of their long life, but there’s no consideration for the future. That’s how I feel about this. In the moment, this is what I want. But in the future…there’s no chance.”

  Flare dropped his snout slightly. Because you don’t want it…or because you can’t have it.

  She continued to look away, continued to treasure the sight of this beautiful place. The breeze moved through her hair, the ocean salt sprinkled on her skin and cleansed her lungs. Eden Star was home—but this place was a close second. “It doesn’t matter…”

  Like most nights, they enjoyed their dinner while they watched the sunset.

  Rush ate whatever she made without complaint, and if he and Flare hunted when she was with Ashe, he didn’t mention it. He set his bowl to the side then scooted closer to her. “So, you can talk to every dragon here—all at once?”

  “Yes. It was overwhelming, but I’ll get better at it.”

  “I’m sure you will.” He turned his head to regard her, wearing that handsome smile with brightness in his eyes. An invisible weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and now he was a different person whom she had never met before. “Ashe must be thoroughly obsessed with you.”

  “He doesn’t seem to be.”

  “Then he’s playing it cool. Flare considered you to be treasure the moment he saw you.”


  “Dragons love treasure. Expensive things. Jewels.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “I consider you to be treasure too—my treasure.” His smile dropped, but the brightness was still in his eyes, the unspoken affection passing from him to her, wrapping her in it like it was a physical blanket.

  She swallowed her heart back down her throat. Her stomach got tight and light as air at the same time, and inexplicably, she wanted to both melt and cry.

  He dragged his eyes away as he looked forward once more. “He’s right. It’ll make a huge difference in the war. You have the ability to stage a coup with the dragons in the dungeons. You could even do some psychological warfare with the dragons that are fused with their riders. You could lead, and Ashe and the others would be under your command—once he agrees. Truly, this is the secret weapon that could change everything.”

  She gave a slight nod. “You’re right.”

  “But you don’t seem happy about that.”

  “I just wish I knew what was wrong with me.”

  “Wrong with you?” His eyebrows furrowed as his blue eyes squinted in confusion. “You mean what’s right with you. If I’d never met you, I’d literally have no chance of accomplishing all of this. You are the reason we will win. You.”

  She dropped her gaze.

  “I’m serious.”

  “You’ve seen me with a blade… I suck so hard.”

  “You’ll get better. And even if you don’t, the strongest fighter doesn’t necessarily win. You have abilities that are more important than being a great swordsman. That’s what I’m for. That’s what Callon is for. You have a higher purpose.”

  She turned back to him.

  “If I weren’t already so happy, I’d be dancing around right now. But my meter is already at its maximum capacity.”

  “Why?” she blurted.

  His eyes softened slowly as he regarded her. A gentle smile moved on to his lips once more. One hand lifted and moved into her hair, pushing it back like he’d done many times, and he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “You know why, Treasure.”

  “I want to revisit that conversation we had the other day.” Rush lay beside her, shirtless with the blanket around his waist. His head was propped in his hand while his arm hugged her body close to his. There was a permanent smile in his eyes now, constantly burning like the brightest stars that could still be seen early in the morning.

  “What conversation?”

  “When you said I was hot. I mean, really hot.”

  The redness hit her cheeks, and she rolled her eyes automatically, doing her best to defuse the embarrassment.

  “Is it the dragon?” He winked. “Does that do it for you?”

  She gave him a playful smack on the chest. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Come on, I want to know.” He gave her a tug, pulling her close so he could dip his head and kiss her. “Is it because I can transform into this fire-breathing beast and destroy an entire town if I were having a bad day?”

  “The dragon helps…but not in that way.”

  “Then in what way?” he pressed.

  She dropped her gaze to his hard chest, the enormous pectorals that filled out his shirt in such a masculine way. “It’s the way you love him…and the way he loves you.”

  His playful smile dropped. “I’ve never heard that one before.”

  Her hand moved to his chest, and she watched herself feel him, drag her fingers down the center of his abs to his belly button.

  “What else?”

  “You’re really going to interrogate me about this?”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “You know I’ve got a big ego. It needs to be maintained.”

  She struggled to find the right words, to talk about something she’d never spoken of before.

  “I’ll go first.” His hand moved into her hair and pushed it away from her face before he forced her head to rise, for her eyes to me
et his. “Those eyes. They’re green like your forest, but they sparkle like the priceless ores on Rock Island.” His thumb traced her mouth, and his eyes dropped to watch his movements. “That beautiful mouth that kisses me so damn good.” His hand left her face and traveled down her neck, over her shirt, and then to her waist, where it slipped underneath the fabric and felt her hip.

  She inhaled a deep breath, her body on fire from his touches.

  His fingers explored her stomach before he dipped his head and kissed the bare skin. “This sexy body. These hips…these curves.” His tongue dipped into her belly button, and he tugged her pants down just a tad so he could swipe his tongue over her hip.

  Her hand immediately dug into his hair as she inhaled another deep breath.

  His face moved back to hers, his eyes deepening into that intensity he’d shown her countless times. “When you tell me off, it really gets me going. Even when you throw rocks at my head, I like it. Your heart, your bravery, your loyalty…you’re so damn perfect, and you don’t even know—”

  She tugged his face to hers and kissed him, giving him her tongue immediately, sucking the breath right out of his lungs.

  He moaned against her lips and tugged her closer.

  Her hands touched him everywhere, grazing up his hard chest and into his hair, cupping his face as she deepened the kiss, grabbing his muscular arm and tugging him a little bit closer. Their heated breaths rose, their arousal echoing off the walls of the cave, their passion hotter than the fire right beside them.

  His hand moved farther down her body until his fingers slid just underneath the waistband of her pants. “Can I touch you?”

  With her lips pressed to his, she opened her eyes.

  “You remember what we talked about at Bridge’s? Let me show you…” He kept his fingers outside of her trousers until he was given permission.

  Her nails dug into his shoulder before she gave a nod.

  His fingers slipped underneath the fabric and moved to the area that throbbed the most. With pressure and purpose, he hit her just right.

  And gave her pleasure she’d never known in her entire life.

  Come to me.

  Her eyes snapped open.

  Rush lay beside her, his arm tight around her body, his bare chest rising and falling with his even breathing.


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