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Page 27

by A. E. Via

  Edison put on his best appreciative smile and entered the room behind Mila. She threw her hands up and started clapping, encouraging everyone else to join in.

  “Here’s to the best boss in the world!” she said with a huge grin on her face, but it was clear that no one else was sharing in her enthusiasm.

  He stepped around Mila, ignoring the few slow claps he got around the irritated expressions. Mila eyes went wide when they landed on the conference table.

  “What is this?” She looked up at her coworkers in horror.

  Most of the people were on their phones, a few were conversing with each other, and a couple of members had even brought their laptops and were working. Edison almost laughed. He’d told Mila this whole show was ridiculous, but she’d insisted that he deserved some recognition.

  “I said a potluck, people. That means cook something.” Mila’s tone had everyone pausing. “Did you all read the memo? What did you think I meant when I said bring a savory dish?” Mila picked up the two bags of Doritos someone had brought and laid on the table next to two boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts. “Who brought this? How is this even remotely savory?”

  “I’m sorry, Mila,” Robert said hesitantly, inching up from his chair. His cheeks were dark red, and his pale-blue eyes were so wide, his brows practically disappeared into the front of his toupee. “My wife is on strike. She wouldn’t cook anything even though I asked her about this last week. So I…” He pointed at the chips. “I think Edison said those kind were his favorite.”

  “What the hell?” Mila gritted as she continued to take in all the grocery-store purchased foods.

  Edison chuckled and put his hands on Mila’s tense shoulders, massaging her fury away. He appreciated what she’d tried to do and he wanted her to know that he wasn’t upset. He’d have a great, home-cooked meal with amazing company in just a few, short hours. He kissed his assistant on her cheek as she whispered, “I’m sorry, Edison. You’re always cooking for us. You do deserve better because you’re the best boss there is.”

  “And that’s all I wanted to hear… from you, Mimi,” he whispered back, using her nickname. He took her hand and raised his voice so everyone could hear him. “Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate you all taking the time to… um… go to the store for me.”

  “We’re not all chefs,” Jessica said as she stood with her mean-girls clique. “We did the best we could.”

  Edison sighed. He wasn’t a chef either, but he could apply himself. This was not what he’d call an appreciation lunch. Next year he was going to insist that Mila didn’t make everyone do this. He was borderline embarrassed now. “I’m sure you did. Like I said, thank you all so much.”

  Edison tucked his hands into his pockets when no one moved, meeting some of their eyes. This was crazy. He picked up a paper plate and went around the table trying to choose something appetizing. He didn’t particularly like store-prepared foods because he never knew how long the food had been packaged and if it had been cooked properly. Mila knew this about him, which is why she’d tried to arrange a potluck.

  His assistant fell in step beside him while he stood in front of the fruit trays. He put several pieces of cantaloupe and strawberries on his plate before he moved down to the cheese and meats platter from BJs. There was no way he was eating that potato salad from the WaWa gas station or the sushi from Walmart. He made sure to dump a few Doritos on his plate next to his one turkey and cheese pinwheel for Robert since he was still looking dejected in the corner.

  He sat at one of the empty chairs and several people filled their plates and joined him. No one engaged him in conversation, choosing to talk with whomever was next to them, but that was perfectly fine with him. Edison had no idea what to talk about with some of them that wasn’t work-related, anyway. Jessica was crowded at the far side of the room with Skylar and his group of guys, who flocked behind him like baby ducks wherever he went.

  “Here Edison. I made your favorite… chili.” Mila beamed proudly, placing a bowl next to Edison’s plate. He smiled up at her. Her round cheeks flushed with pride. “I used the recipe you gave me last year. I never lost it.”

  Chili was one of his favorite dishes… in the winter. Not when it was ninety-nine in the shade at the end of a Virginia Beach summer. Edison shook his head at her. “You’re amazing, Mimi. This looks delicious.”

  Many of their coworkers agreed as they got bowls and began to help themselves. Edison kept checking his watch inconspicuously, wondering when it’d be an appropriate time for the guest of honor to leave. He feared his employees would stay in there—not doing any work—for as long as he allowed it.

  Mila turned back to him after she’d been speaking with their receptionist Rosemary, for several minutes. She glanced down at Edison’s leftover food. “You didn’t eat all of your chili. Was it too spicy?”

  He leaned in close to her and whispered. “No, it was perfect. I have a date tonight.” He patted his stomach. “I don’t think I should partake of too many beans.”

  Mila threw her head back and laughed loud enough to attract everyone’s attention. Edison rolled his eyes at her as he ducked his head and fumbled with his tie to hide his own smile. He was unable to conceal the warm feeling that spread in his chest anytime he thought of Bishop.

  “That’s so awesome.” She squeezed his arm. “I have to meet him.”

  “Shhh,” he said, giving her a look that said he wasn’t talking about that here.

  “Yes, of course. Before we all go…” Mila stood and walked to the other side of the conference room and took a single card from behind the podium. “We all signed this, Edison.”

  All he could think was, I’m so glad this is almost over as he got up and met her halfway. All the random conversations had come to a halt when he tore open the envelope. The greeting card was full of so many signatures on the inside that he could hardly find the card’s message.

  “Read it,” Mila said.

  Edison glanced at her in annoyance, then cleared his throat. “Wishing you a Happy Boss’s Day, with great appreciation for everything you do. Once a year isn’t enough to express how much our team appreciates you every day.” He glanced up to see a bunch of stiff smiles and thanked everyone again. He held up the gift certificate to Whole Foods Fresh Market, that’d been tucked inside the card and again thanked everyone. “This is awesome you guys, I—”

  “Deserve so much more than a grocery store gift card.” Skylar’s smooth voice broke into Edison’s thank you.

  He turned and locked eyes with Skylar’s dark green ones, wondering what he was up to now. Skylar had a demeanor and charisma that demanded attention any time he opened his mouth. He moved like a panther on the prowl as he walked across the room with one hand tucked into his pants pocket, kicking back his designer jacket, while the other held a beautifully wrapped box. “Your leadership and mentoring mean a lot. To all of us… but especially me. If someone had to be the boss of me… I’m glad it’s you, Edison.” Skylar winked.

  There were several ooh’s and chuckles from around the room, but Edison wasn’t amused. Actually, he was getting pissed. Why was Skylar lying to everyone? He’d hated Edison as a boss from the moment Presley had hired him. Skylar must’ve noticed Edison’s skepticism because he kept advancing until he was only a few feet away. He extended the gold and black box, almost tapping Edison in his chest with the corner if he hadn’t reached up to take it.

  “And I hope this token of my appreciation shows that.” Skylar finished, gazing down at Edison as if no one else was in the room.

  Edison cleared his throat and murmured, “Thank you, Skylar, you shouldn’t have.”

  “Its Sky, remember. And, just open it,” Skylar said softly.

  Edison glanced up, noticing more of the women—Skylar’s fan club—had moved closer. He began tearing the box open while everyone stood around gaping, waiting to see what Skylar had given him. He peeled back the gold-speckled tissue paper, his eyes widening in surprise at on
e of the most gorgeous ties he’d ever seen. He stroked the silver-colored silk, then lifted it out of the box when someone asked from behind him what it was. Mila assisted him with the box and Edison held the tie up for a closer inspection.

  His staff began to applaud, and Edison glanced around in confusion. Were they actually clapping for Skylar? He believed they were, because several of them told him good job and how amazing an employee he was for picking such a thoughtful gift.

  Skylar shrugged, laying on the charm extra thick. “Well, I wouldn’t dare try to cook a dish for a palette as refined as Edison’s, but I do know something else he likes just as much, if not more, than cooking.”

  “Ties,” several of the girls said in unison, laughing, including Mila.

  “Yes.” Skylar smirked. He turned his hot glare back on him, almost challenging Edison when he told him, “Put it on, let’s see it.”

  Edison shook his head, but the group was already urging him to do it, saying how well it matched the suit he had on. Better than the tie he was wearing. Edison admitted that the cobalt-blue pinstripes did go flawlessly with his blue suit and black Gucci belt with the sleek silver buckle. He ran his thumb over the hand stitching, noting the fine quality. He turned it over and read the name.

  Holy crap. It was Armani. Edison jerked his head up to find Skylar watching him thoughtfully. He only had one other Armani tie that his pop had given him as a gift after he’d graduated college; and the last time he’d worn it was to his father’s funeral. He felt Mila tugging at the collar of his jacket. “Oh, come on you guys, really. I don’t think you all care about seeing me in this—”

  “Yes, we do.” Mrs. Parker clapped. She was Mr. Duff’s paralegal and she was probably the oldest of them. “Don’t be rude, honey. Skylar wants to see if it fits properly, I’m sure.”

  There was more pressuring and agreeing as he conceded and let Mila remove his jacket. Skylar was still standing close, so he took a couple of steps back and hurried to remove his own solid blue tie. His face was heating, since it felt as if he was undressing in front of everyone as he flipped his starch-white collar up to settle the new one into place.

  He whipped the thin and wide ends around with skilled ease as he quickly tied a full Windsor knot without needing to glance at a mirror. He folded his collar back in place and ran his hand down the tie, the tip just grazing the tip of his belt buckle. Perfect.

  “Wow. You are something else,” Skylar murmured just loud enough for Edison to hear. He didn’t have a chance to figure out what he meant by that before he was tugged around in Mila’s arms. Her leopard-spotted nails stroking the smooth tie.

  “Skylar this is beautiful. Oh my gosh.” She smiled. She turned to Edison and they both gave each other what-a-nice-surprise looks, maybe both of them thinking the same thing. Has Skylar turned over a new leaf for good?

  “Thank you.” Edison held his hand for Skylar to shake. He was slow in accepting the gesture and when he did, he slid his hand into Edison’s as if they were doing a shady deal, and pumped his hand slowly.

  Skylar squeezed his palm. “You’ve earned it.”

  Mila wrapped up the party and Edison gave her the rest of the afternoon off to go to her niece’s soccer game. Which was a good thing because it felt as if he got more work done with his assistant out of the office. Edison was clearing off his desk at four fifty-five. He’d never let anyone see him leaving early, but he didn’t feel guilty about leaving on time. He’d busted his ass today and now he wanted his reward.

  Edison was all smiles when he came out of the building at five minutes after five. Bishop and Trent were standing off to the side at the bottom of the steps as if they were waiting for him. Edison bit his bottom lip at the sight of Bishop in dirty construction boots, with his coveralls half on, cinched tightly around his waist. His tight Stockley Lawn Care T-shirt was clinging to his sweaty chest and Edison felt his dick thickening when he thought of running the flat of his tongue between the grooves. How had he missed him so much in just a day and a half? His body needed again so badly.

  The sound of Trent’s laughter broke Edison’s daydream as he stood there gaping at the top of the stairs as other people moved around him. “Your guy’s eye-fucking the shit out of you, dude.”

  Bishop’s head snapped up to Edison, and it took everything not to trip over his feet and fall face first down the stairs. Trent laughed harder when Bishop elbowed him in the chest. Edison reached the bottom step unwounded. “Hey,” he said breathlessly.

  “Hey, Eddie,” Bishop said, his voice deep and husky, like he loved. Bishop’s intense gaze roamed over him and Edison’s groin heated in his slacks. “You ready to go?”

  “Yeah. You gonna meet me at the house?”

  “I can shower there if you want,” Bishop murmured.

  “I want.” Edison smiled.

  Bishop quirked one side of his mouth, his finger reaching up to stroke his tie. Edison kept his eyes on Bishop as he ate him up. “You look sexy as hell in this tie, baby.”

  Edison smiled and glanced down at his suit, his eyes blowing wide in shock when he noticed he was still wearing the Armani tie. Shoot. “Actually, this was—”

  “So, you like the tie, huh, garden boy?”

  Edison closed his eyes. No… no, no, no. This isn’t happening. “Skylar. I’m having a private conversa—”

  “Yo, who the fuck you calling a boy?” Trent scowled, stepping closer to the three of them. Edison’s heart began to beat frantically, but Bishop looked as calm as ever as he put his hand against Trent’s chest, not taking his eyes off Skylar.

  “Chill out, T. It’s all good. I already know the deal with Sky,” Bishop mocked, “His eyes are that green for a reason.”

  Skylar’s smile was disturbing before it transformed into something cunning. He focused all of his attention on Edison and licked his thin lips, mimicking the exact leer that Bishop had been giving him. “I must admit, I am just a bit jealous. But my time will come.” Skylar ran the tip of his finger down the center of Edison’s chest, along the expensive tie. “I’m glad your lawn boy likes the gift I gave you, Edison. Like he said… very sexy.”

  Edison stared speechless at the back of Skylar’s tall frame as he left him standing there in front of a seething Bishop.

  “Oh damn,” Trent muttered.

  Edison was shaking his head, but no words were coming out of his mouth.

  “I know my fucking boyfriend is not standing here in front of me wearing a gift another man gave him. A gift you let me compliment right in front of him?” Bishop’s jaw was clenched so tight Edison thought it might shatter. Bishop had every right to be pissed, and now that he’d put it that way, Edison could see how truly messed-up all this seemed. He shouldn’t’ve accepted such an expensive gift from Skylar.

  “Damn. Bye, Edison,” Trent mumbled and left before he could stammer anything.

  What? Bye? Why did Trent’s bye sound so permanent? Edison started to panic. His voice was shaky when he was finally able to speak. “It’s not like that, Bishop, I swear. Not at all. Remember I told you today is Boss Appreciation Day.” Edison smiled, trying to lighten the terrifying mood, but Bishop’s frown only grew deeper. “There was a luncheon and—”

  “How many other gifts did you get?” Bishop gritted, his big fists clenching at his sides as he inched close enough that Edison could smell his sweat.

  Edison didn’t wanna answer that question. He’d gotten one collective gift from the staff like always. No one did anything over-the-top… except Skylar. And he’d done it for one reason only.

  “I thought so. Only him, right?”

  “Bishop no—”

  “And you liked it so much you had to put it on right away.”

  Edison could feel his spirit sank to the hot concrete. Bishop’s devastated expression was killing him. Edison was shaking his head so much it was staring to hurt. “No. I mean… I put it on because everyone was saying—”

  “I hope you liked his appreciation, Edis
on. Goodnight.”

  He didn’t call me, Eddie? Bishop turned his back and left Edison standing there in a two hundred dollar tie, with zero understanding of what the hell just happened. Had he just lost his boyfriend? Edison couldn’t chase after Bishop, especially when he was still wearing the offending material around his neck. Instead, he speed-walked to his car and threw his messenger bag inside and dropped into his seat. He pounded his fist against the steering wheel, then turned that aggression towards the silk around his neck. He damn near choked himself as he yanked it from around his throat. He tossed it to the floor and gripped his steering wheel, trying to calm himself enough to drive home. He needed to get there so he could call Bishop and straighten this whole mess out.

  Chapter Forty-One


  “MOTHERFUCKING, SON OF A BITCH!” Bishop yelled, pounding his fist into the dashboard as Trent raced down I-264 towards Norfolk, Virginia.

  “B, calm down man.”

  “Calm down! Calm down! How the fuck am I supposed to calm down when…” Bishop held the side of his head, the pounding there felt like someone was beating a bass drum against his temple. “Fuck me.”

  “You’re gonna give yourself a migraine.” Trent scowled, gripping Bishop’s shoulder.

  Bishop shrugged his friend off and continued to beat up the raggedy interior of their work truck.

  “Okay, fine then. Break your damn hand, see if that makes you feel any better.”

  Bishop knew it wouldn’t, but never in his life had he wanted to destroy something as badly as he wanted to damage Skylar’s smug face. Each time he squeezed his eyes shut at the pain in his head he saw Edison standing there in that nice tie—which probably cost more than he’ll ever be able to afford—while another man touched him. And Edison hadn’t done anything but stand there.

  Bishop shook his head. He was so beyond disgusted he couldn’t think. “I knew that bastard was gonna take a shot at me eventually but… but… shit,” Bishop growled. “I didn’t think he’d fucking come like this.”


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