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Blood Hunter

Page 18

by Debra Jess

  Scott sat down on the bed and motioned for Hannah to join him. "We don't have to do this if you change your mind. Just say 'stop,' even if you're not sure."

  She sat next to him, put her arms around his waist, her head, both heavy and light at the same time, on his shoulder. "I'm tired of just dreaming about you."

  His gloved fingertips trailed light along her upper arms, eliciting a shiver. A cold calmness dropped her heartbeat from too fast to a slower, calmer rate, matching the rhythm he created. After running hot for most of the day, a more languid comfort wrapped around her. The slow weakening of her instinct to fight, to run, to save, made her legs wobble.

  The light tickle disappeared. She opened her half-closed eyes to ask why he'd stopped. One finger at a time, Scott tugged at his gloves. When his hands were free, he placed the gloves on the night table next to the bed. He'd made his choice, his commitment, to her. "Wherever you go, even if it's only in your dreams, I will follow."

  "You'll never need to follow me." She matched his decision, and tugged off her own gloves one finger at a time. When her own hands were free, she placed her gloves on top of his. "We'll walk together side-by-side."

  Hannah watched Scott as he undressed, each discarded piece of clothing revealing more of his forbidden skin. First his jacket, followed by his weapons, which he carefully placed on a chair next to the bed. Then the t-shirt, sweeping up and over his expansive chest, each rib distinctly outlined. A few new bruises on his arms and shoulders distracted her from the rest of his perfection. She swallowed back the urge to ask him how he’d gotten hurt, but she placed the question into her mental box. If Scott wanted her to know, he would tell her.

  His abs contracted as he sat down to tug off his boots, but he watched her watching him as he stood back up to remove his jeans. Adorably, he turned his back to her as he unzipped. His firm backside had no bruises for her to worry over, but he kept his back to her far longer than necessary, while he folded each article of clothing and placed them next to his weapons. She licked her lips in anticipation. When had her mouth become so dry?

  "Now you decide to become a neat freak?" she asked. "Last time you tossed your clothes on the floor."

  He looked over his shoulder. "Eager are you?"

  "You're killing me, Grey."

  He turned around and walked over to stand right in front of her, arms across his chest. He was built, just like she'd seen him last time. She cared about nothing else right now, other than Scott standing naked in front of her.

  It took a few moments for her to realize he was waiting for her to undress.

  “Sorry.” What a dork she was, but she couldn't stop staring. Deciding to lose your virginity and acting on it were two different things. Last time she chickened out because emotionally she knew it wasn't the right time. Right here, with Scott standing in front of her, she had to wonder if she shouldn't chicken out because he was so damn big. "It's just — you're amazing and I'm not feeling particularly amazing right now."

  “Let me give you a hand.”

  He knelt in front of her, and made short work of the knots in her sneakers. A second later, her sneakers slipped off her feet, followed by her socks. The shock of cool air caressed her toes, as she wiggled them. Firm fingers halted her mid-wiggle to massage the arch of her left foot, the warmth shooting along her nerves straight to her head. The light tingle of need mixed with the brandy. Her breath hitched, the rhythm of her heart followed the stroke of Scott's fingers as he abandoned her left foot in favor of her right.

  "That feels so good," she whispered.

  His gray eyes gazed directly into hers, low, intense, and aiming straight for the core of her being. She held his look, letting her need fall into a cloud of desire. His hands loosened, sliding up her calves, to the hems of her capris, where he paused to massage those muscles as well. It was a slow seduction, but her greed took hold and Hannah leaned forward to cup Scott's cheeks and pour all her unspent desire into her kiss. As she did, she widened her legs so he could slip his hips in between, his hands roaming higher, as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  "You are amazing." He stared down at her chest, as though he could see through her thin blouse. "I grow more in awe of you every day."

  He leaned in for another kiss, warm and sweet, and she remembered the last time he had her in his bed. She’d bloodsurfed then, not sure if she was ready, but not wanting Scott to think she didn’t care for him. From that experience she learned how much pleasure she could give a man. Stroking Scott to an orgasm, however, would mean she would have to wait until he was done for her to receive the same.

  This time it would be different. She vowed not to let her inexperience get in the way of her desire. The brandy still sang a sweet song, caressing her soul, making her tingle.

  Scott pulled his lips away from hers for a moment. "Music, classical, level four," he said.

  The strains of a violin weaved a spell through the night air.

  "Just remember," he said, his thumb reaching between her legs to rub the fabric separating them. "If you want to stop, just say 'stop' and I will."

  His voice tangled with her mood, stroking her core. All the love she wanted during her life spelled out in just a few words. "I promise. I want this. I want you."

  "Even if it means we have to run again?" he asked.

  "Even then."

  His fingers abandoned her core and reached for the buttons on her blouse, while his lips found hers again, distracting her from thoughts of tomorrow. She wanted his fingers back on her, but with nothing separating them. Emboldened, she unzipped her capris herself, shoving the material down to her thighs. They wouldn't go any farther unless Scott backed away from her.

  Scott obeyed her silent command after a sweep of his tongue along hers. The capris fell to the floor, followed by her blouse, underwear and bra. Scott's lips returned, hungrier, more demanding. The buzz in her head eased as Scott lay her back, his hands everywhere at once. Her skin tightened under the onslaught, her nipples peaked the more he fondled them. She arched her back, pressing herself against him.

  "Ouch." She froze with the sharp twinge under her ribs.

  Scott's hands stilled. "What's wrong?"

  The worry in his voice carried away her pain. He was so caring and considerate, the way he treated her like a treasure, desirable and beautiful.

  "Nothing. It's fine. My ribs are still sore."

  Scott didn't move to continue their lovemaking, but her body still screamed for more pleasure. "Really, I'm fine."

  Her fingers brushed through the hair on his chest while she explored his body, ignoring his bruises and praying he wasn't in any pain either.

  "If you're sure."

  "I am." She lifted her hips up to rub against his hardness. His breath increased the faster she moved. "See? Nothing's wrong."

  Obviously he believed her, because he pulled the covers over both of them, returning most, but not all, of his weight on top of her. She’d seen his body before, but she’d never touched so much of him, she'd never tasted him except for his kisses. Her tongue found the nape of his neck and traced a path down to his right nipple, where she sucked just long enough to make him moan before she continued her path down to his abdomen. Turned out, he was an innie, which she took advantage of by lapping her tongue around the circle before delving inside.

  His sharp intake of breath caught her unawares, and she didn't expect him to haul her back up so he could kiss her again, his mouth hard on hers. As he reclaimed her lips, his hand reached under one of her thighs, encouraging her to bend her knees, widening her legs and giving him more room. It still didn't satisfy, so she wrapped her legs around his again, letting his hand wander down to rub where he gave her pleasure the last time.

  Her moan begged for more of the enticing friction, but his hand disappeared to touch her elsewhere, leaving her wanting. Her nipples, already hard, became more sensitive while he massaged her chest, his fingers dancing across sensitive skin before sucking one nipple into
this mouth. She squirmed against him, silently demanding him to devour her. He responded by pulling away, trading his massage of her other breast with his tongue, lapping at her hardened peaks.

  The need to pull him closer forced her to grip her hands on his backside. With her hands full, she urged him to move faster as he rocked against her. His fingers returned to stroke her between her legs and sent her spiraling again into a vortex of want and need. She wanted him and needed him, but not the way that triggered her ability.

  The heels of her feet found his calves, so muscular, while she let go of his backside to run her hands through his thick hair. "I'm ready, Scott."

  "Not yet." He nipped the tip of her nose.


  He rolled off her in the opposite direction. Had she done something wrong?

  Crinkling foil caught her attention, while she spooned herself against Scott's back, trying to recapture the closeness she had just moments before. Her hand slipped around his waist seeking his hardness, but he stopped her before she could touch him. Instead, he placed her hand on his stomach while he rolled on the condom.

  He turned back to face her. "Are you ready?"

  Instead of telling him "yes", she wrapped her arms around him, her kiss first finding his bottom lip, then the top, then together she poured all of her passion into him. Working with nothing but primal instinct, she left his lips and worked her way down his jawline, the five o'clock shadow scratching her tongue. He had a bruise the size of a golf ball near his shoulder, so she left that area alone, heading for his nipples to tease him the way he teased her.

  "You feel so good." His voice hitched. She kept going, taking time to lap her tongue inside his navel. Her exploration didn't last long. Scott grabbed her upper arms and hauled her back up until she was eye level with him again.

  "Not yet."

  His kiss nearly stole her ability to breathe, while he pushed her onto her back. The tangled blanket wrapped around her legs, which she kicked free. Scott moved lower, his lips finding her nipples, which his tongue played with until each one until she thought she would scream in frustration. He moved lower, slowly paying her back for her exploration of his belly button. She thrashed, trying to create more contact, but he pinned her hips with his hands until his mouth reached between her legs. The heat he created burned away all resistance. She melted into him, thrust upwards, but it wasn't enough. It would never be enough, while he teased her body.

  The friction she craved stopped as Scott moved back up her body, slowly retracing the path his tongue had created, while his hand remained below, his fingers replacing his kisses.

  "Now." Did she say that?

  "Are you — "

  "If you ask me that one more time, I'm going to bloodsurf and make you finish this."

  Clearly, he needed nothing else. She opened herself wide and arched her back, ignoring her sore ribs, as Scott pressed himself into her. She gasped at the contact and forced herself to relax, secure in the knowledge he would be as gentle as he could. Scott moved slowly at first. There was pressure, a ping of pain. She groaned when his fullness entered her completely, her hips arching to meet his.

  "Are you okay?" he panted.

  While the lower half of her body adjusted to the new sensations, the urge to move set her rocking her whole body against him. "Yes. Keep going."

  He rocked along with her, his arms keeping his torso from crushing her. She matched his rhythm, pulling him back down, rubbing herself against him as best she could. The tension within her was like nothing she'd expected. From the inside, she'd seen Scott's body react to her touch, the dance of the nerve signals across his skin, the rush of blood as he came during her stroke. She had no guide here except for the expression on his face. He was close, eyes half closed, brows knitted in both concentration and ecstasy.

  His body sped up and she matched him, the friction tugging her into a world of new sensations. There were no words, just sharp gasps followed by frenzied groans until she spilled over, her cry of pleasure washing over in a wave of satisfaction.

  Scott joined her a moment later, his own orgasm speeding up even as hers slowed down. She didn't have to wait long until he thrust one last time into her, then stopped. She captured a mental picture of him at the moment, eyes closed, tension gone, free of the world around them. He lowered himself back onto her his breath soft as he cradled her in his arms.


  The sun woke Scott the next morning. Hannah was already looking at him, tucked up against his chest, eyes wide and unblinking. Music still played in the background.

  "How do you feel?" he asked.

  Hannah shifted against him, her skin so soft, but he had to make sure she had no regrets. She inhaled deeply, her chest now rubbing against his, tempting him to repeat their lovemaking.

  "I'm not sure. Having an aria in the background sort of made it like the movies, but — " She shifted, and winced.

  "You're hurt."

  "No, no. I'm fine. Just a little sore. I stretched a bunch of muscles I haven't used in a while. It'll go away."

  He ran his fingers through her long and messy hair. "There are pain killers in the medicine cabinet. Feel free to take what you need with breakfast."

  She propped herself up on one elbow to look around the room. "I guess we shouldn't stay here. Thomas might need the yacht."

  Scott pulled the blanket off himself and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "I shouldn't be here at all. If we're going to get busted, better they find us far apart."

  "Then what?" Hannah stayed in the bed, tucking the sheet around her chest. "If they really do go through with arresting us?"

  Scott stood and Hannah gasped. "What?" he asked.

  "I saw some of your bruises last night, but not all of them. What's Highlight doing to you at the Arena?"

  He didn't want to lie, so he turned to look out the window. He'd tell the truth, but leave out the details. He'd been doing that a lot lately. "It's not Highlight. It's McNamara's bodyguard. We've been sparring."

  "It looks as if he nailed you more than once."

  "He's a challenge, that's for sure." He looked back to see her face. To his relief, there was no condemnation there, no judgment. She knew he needed this, he needed to feel useful. He loved her, but he needed more in his life than just love. So did Hannah, which to his mind is what made them perfect for each other. Still, he wanted to confirm that she wasn't putting on a brave face for his sake. "You're not angry, are you?"

  A confused looked crossed her face instead. "Why would I be?"

  "You've literally rebuilt my body from scratch twice. You must be getting tired of seeing your handiwork destroyed."

  She slipped out of bed, leaving the sheet behind. They both stood nude, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "If sparring with the Shield makes dealing with Highlight's training easier, if it keeps you in shape, then I don't care how many times I have to heal you." She touched one of the bruises on his left shoulder. "That doesn't mean I'm going to leave you this way."

  With that, she disappeared, leaving behind only a vague shadow of herself. Scott stood still, trying to feel where she was in his body, but unlike when she’d stitched up his broken bones, all he could sense was an odd tingling in various spots. Less than a minute later she reappeared.

  "No more bruises."

  He leaned down and kissed her hard. "Thank you."

  "Do you have to train today?"

  His frustration escaped in a growl before he could stop it. "Yes, this afternoon. But I'm going to swing by to see Rita Han this morning, Betty Chung's sister. Nik agreed with me last night that I should talk to her too. He said I could get a different perspective on both Betty’s and Jimmy's behavior. He suggested a bunch of questions I should ask. After I pick up fresh clothes at the penthouse, I'll head over there."

  "Good. I'm going to go back to the hospital. McNamara said I would have access to Jimmy's records, now that I'm an official employee. It'll keep my attention off the Committe

  He couldn't resist one more kiss. "Call me tonight after dinner. If we're not in jail, we can talk about what we find out."

  "And if we are in jail?"

  She was so dear to him, how could not pull her back into his arms? "I'll translocate you to me and then translocate us both to somewhere safe."

  Her sigh broke his heart, as she laid her head on his chest. "Is there such a place?"

  "I'll find one. I promise." He stroked her hair one last time. "Shower here. I'll head inside, grab something to eat, and see if Evan will fly me downtown."

  She stepped away, picked up her clothes off the floor, and headed for the bathroom. He washed up in the bathroom across the hall before he dressed, and grabbed his gloves off the chair. Back at the house, he found Garret in the kitchen.

  "Alek left you a note on the table." The butler handed him a plate already filled with eggs Atlantic. "Will Ms. Quinn be joining us for breakfast?"

  If Garrett guessed what he and Hannah had been up to the night before, he used his best butler's discretion to keep it to himself. Besides, the smell of the salmon was making Scott’s mouth water. "She was showering last I saw her."

  "Very good, sir."

  Scott shoved a bite of drippy eggs into his mouth as he made his way to the dining room. Alek's note lay at the head of the table. He could have texted, but then, maybe Alek didn't have the number to the phone Scott had taken from Thomas's vault? He'd have to make sure everyone in the family had it before the end of the day.

  Brought your Harley back from the harbor before the Committee could confiscate it. It's in the garage. Filled the tank. Will be at Thomas's this afternoon. I have a plan. I'll give you the details when you get here.

  What was this plan? And why did Alek, and not Evan, bring back his Harley? Maybe Evan had asked him to? Was Evan not feeling well enough?


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