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Page 6

by J. E. Keep

  “I don’t see anything, Major,” she said, her head tilted to the side. Her hair was long, and she’d left it down beneath her hat as protection from the early-morning breeze. “Any sight of her?”

  “We’ll hold out until sunrise,” he stated, and then she saw his harsh gaze turn towards her, a reflection of the moon in those steel-grey ovals. “Tits out, Lieutenant,” came the abrupt and crass command from the severe Major, as if it belonged in the conversation as much as anything else he’d said.

  Her breath stopped and her eyes moved away from his, even as her deft fingers unbuttoned her collar. Her pale flesh grew a brighter pink and she swallowed, but she knew they were safe. At the top of a steep hill in a remote area of the country. No one would find them. No one would hurt her.

  The second button popped open, then the third. She didn’t dally or protest, and when finally that last brass piece was pushed through the hole, she shrugged off her blouse, revealing the slim, toned figure beneath. She was so brilliantly pale, her nipples a lovely shade of pink atop her small breasts, and her held breath pushed them out to him.

  His attention was so cool, emotionless. She watched as he slowly plucked the gloves from his fingers one at a time before pulling one off his hand, then moved to the next. His hard grey gaze swept over her slowly, soaked in those pale features in the moonlight.

  Few women served in the military, and most that did took positions away from the front lines. Hers was something in between, though no less dangerous. The only thing that kept her from the untempered lusts of the soldiers was him. A commanding officer who kept them at bay. For as much as morale and order had broken down, the men still knew not to cross an investigator of the Royal Ministry.

  He turned and walked a few paces to a side of the hill where the trees grew and blocked sight of them better.

  “On your knees, Lieutenant,” he ordered, and gestured to a flat stone before him.

  She moved, though it wasn’t too stiff. She didn’t fear him, or what he would do to her. She understood him at times, and felt that cold, hard stone beneath her knees. It sent a brief shiver up her spine, and her head tilted back. Her lips had dropped open, showing the white teeth within, the warm muscle of her tongue prodding her lower lip as a puff of breath clouded the air.

  She watched as he stuffed his gloves in a pocket and looked down at her, ogling her exposed chest with a cool detachment and twisted enjoyment. It was with the same meticulous gestures he did his work that he unbuttoned his black jacket then the trousers beneath.

  “Time to earn your keep,” he said crassly as he reached in and plucked out that long, sizable member. Pale as the man, it throbbed full of veins that crisscrossed its length to the sheathed tip.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said on an exhale, her hands going to his thighs to hold herself steady as she leaned forward. Her entire body felt so warm, the pink buds on her chest stiffening in the cool morning air. She was conflicted about him, but her respect for him overshadowed her doubts, though it certainly didn’t make them disappear.

  As her mouth parted around the swollen, purple tip, her warm breath enveloped him. Her eyes closed, the lovely half-elf devoting herself fully to her new task. Her tongue laved along the underside of his cock, playing with him just the way he’d taught her.

  All the while he watched, enjoyed the sensation of her peeling back his foreskin to suckle at his bulbous purple crown. He only intervened to reach down and take hold of her jaw, twist her head to the side so he could appreciate the sight of her fair-skinned face stuffed full of his length. It swelled out her cheeks as she fellated him, and he licked his own lips in his first outward sign of enjoyment.

  “Drop your pants and get on your hands and knees,” he instructed as his hand pulled her face back, leaving the shaft glistening with her saliva as it popped free of her lips to bob in the cool morning air.

  Her mouth still hung open as she quickly stood. It was so formal, so quick the way she dropped her black pants over her pristine, slender thighs, her firm ass, those strong legs. She was a fit woman, a bit on the skinny side, and as her legs spread and that fair prize glistened betwixt them, it was a lovely sight to start the morning. Her hands dug into the earth, the chill making her nipples poke out further as her breasts succumbed to gravity pulling on those small tits.

  It was bizarrely formal the way they interacted, even in their illicit trysts. He bent one knee and came down behind her. He took hold of her slender waist brought his cock to her lovely, waiting slit, where he wasted no time in filling her moist depths.

  She didn’t fail him at any of her tasks, and she knew how annoyed he’d be at finding her dry. Instead he was able to waste no time. With his hands on her he began to pump that large shaft hard and fast. This was her price, and he exacted it to his full satisfaction, his balls slapping against her clit noisily atop the dark hill as he grunted.

  She didn’t loathe him for it, or resent him. In fact, she figured herself rather lucky, considering her options, and she moaned her enjoyment. Her eyes fluttered behind her lashes and her head tilted back as she helped him ram into her.

  She was lucky, she told herself. It was better him than the countless others who’d lusted after her, who’d cornered her and threatened her, only to be batted away by her Major.

  Those hands of his, so deceptively strong despite his lean stature, moved up and grasped her petite breasts. Her nipples were pinched between his long, slender digits and he rutted into her harder.

  It was one of the few moments he ever seemed truly vulnerable, when the sex got going and he truly started enjoying it. He seemed nearly human, then, and not simply a military commander. She heard him groan, gasp, and moan as he plowed into her. The slap of his sac peppered between his sounds of satisfaction.

  He was so much stronger than her, and her moan was part groan as he pinched her aroused nipples a little too hard. Her pussy quaked around him, and her body slammed back into his. They made a pretty pair, rutting in the forest. Their slim, pale bodies slapping against one another, the way her back arched into his pinch and made the stiff bud tug against his strong grip. Her breast stretched and she cried out at the exquisite mix of intense pain and pleasure, her body flushing deep pink.

  She felt him begin to tense then, and knew his release was at hand.

  The thrusts had grown erratic, and he bent nearly over her as a shudder passed through him. With such a powerful moan of satisfaction he hilted himself into her and shuddered. His cock spasmed inside her as he flooded her depths with his virile seed atop the hill, those cruelly strong fingers gripping her tight until the last of his cum had spurt into her and he was left drained at last.

  She was left on the peak of ecstasy, so close and yet so far away, and she felt her eyes burn with agitation. She would never show it, though. Not to him. Even though her lip trembled as her head hung down, looking over his hands containing her breasts, seeing his balls slap against her cunny one final time. She sucked in a breath of cool air and shuddered.

  The stillness of the morning as the very edge of the horizon began to turn orange with the rising sun was only broken by the heavy breathing of her commanding officer.

  After a delay, he reached into a pocket and pulled out a kerchief. With careful precision he reached down, slipped his shaft from her, and wiped himself clean before leaving the cloth pressed to her messy cunt.

  He rarely said much after such sessions with her, but he showed consideration beyond most men with his care for the mess. Then after he stood and buttoned his uniform again she saw him take out the familiar metal case that contained those precious, illegal pills that would prevent pregnancy.

  “Ready, Lieutenant?” he asked, a bit of the edge taken off his voice.

  She held the cloth to her, wiping her sex partially free of his cum as she nodded, still on her knees. She looked so small, like a dog begging.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said in her sex-laden voice.

  He lowered himself to one knee, and she saw
that tiny little betrayal on his lips. It wasn’t a smile, but it was near one. He enjoyed this part, for whatever reason.

  Cracking open the metal case, he took out one of the tiny pills. They were banned, in conjunction with breeding and family obligation laws. Contraceptives were something only the richest of nobles typically had access to. Yet she knew her commanding officer could get or accomplish anything he put his mind to, and he held out the little morsel to her and placed it on her tongue like a treat to reward her.

  She held it there, her gaze intent upon his before she slowly pushed it back to her throat, swallowing it down. She never looked away from him through the entire process, and a true smile laced her lips when it was safely down.

  “Thank you, Major,” she said with gratitude.

  There was a brief moment of something special there. Or almost. It was hard to tell with the stoic Major. He stroked a hand over her beautiful elven hair then stood up.

  He trotted upwards to the crest of the hill again and looked out over the countryside.

  “Come here, Lieutenant,” he ordered.

  She moved quickly, dressing herself back up as she went so that she managed to still look impeccable, just as a woman of her station should. She tucked in her blouse as her gaze followed his. “What is it?”

  “See that?” He pointed off into the trees, a small pinprick of orange light amidst the dark of the forest further northeast. “That wasn’t there before.” He turned and began to head down the hill at an impressive rate, though never lost his cool composure.

  Liena’sa followed after him, and wondered if perhaps he was just seeing things with a clearer head. The thought made her smile as she deftly moved behind him.

  Chapter 7 – The Rebels

  Rosa cried out as her foot struck a branch, toppling forward before catching herself. She cursed herself under her breath. The noblewoman had been wandering for days and was already out of supplies. She only had her backpack with a sleeping roll and two pieces of hard tack left to get her through, and she didn’t even know where she was going.

  The road would be instant torture and death, so she stayed in the forest, knowing that she had no allies left, no friends. She’d tried to assassinate the Queen, and all she had to show for it was a starvation march. She’d given up her friends, her cushy home, her lovely marriage proposal, all to help the lower class. To stick it to the rich monarchy that thought they could buy and sell people’s lives so cheaply.

  She’d sacrificed it all and then botched it at the last moment. It was sheer luck that she was able to escape the city, but when she’d pissed off the only man that could help her, she was left stranded. Deserted.

  Even the self-pity had begun to bore her, though, and she was trying to come up with a plan. There had to be some farmers around that she could hide with. It would be a risk to their lives as well as her own, and even though the thought made her stomach knot, she was starving.

  Her legs ached, and she already felt those large curves begin to give way to muscle, protesting with every step. The brown leather outfit she wore fit a bit looser, and her once pristine golden hair was just tied back in a bow, keeping it out of her face.

  She hadn’t seen a soul since the mysterious contact had disappeared, but she knew there were others out there. People who would make use of her skills and abilities without making crass propositions such as he had done. There had to be.

  Rosa came at last to some sign of humanity. The scent of roasting meat carried on the air to her, and as she followed it along she found it didn’t come from a farm house as she had expected. Instead, it was a small clearing in the trees where a fire burned. It was the first time she’d come across other human life since she’d angered the golden — haired rebel before, and it was satisfying just to hear the faint sound of whistling. Loneliness and desperation had a way of wearing on the psyche, after all.

  She realized she was clasping her fists so tight that little half-moon indents were left on her palms, and she tried to relax. One hand found her knife as she slowly began to scout around the area. She wanted to leap out, to beg for help, but she was smarter than that.

  There was just the one man at the fire. Dressed in an old, tattered trench coat with ragged furs about him for extra heat, he huddled at the fire with the hare he roasted suspended over it. In the middle of the woods, as they were, he whistled, carefree, as he watched the meat slowly roast against the will of the cold air.

  She felt her mouth water, and stared at the spit with such longing that she’d never felt before. Her stomach rumbled and her free hand went to still it as she moved closer, her dagger still clutched in hand. He looked like a peasant, that much was certain, but she didn’t know who she could trust.

  The answer was “nobody,” but she didn’t know that yet.

  Abruptly she felt her shoulder and arm grabbed from behind, a powerful hold keeping her knife hand from moving.

  “Go to take a piss and come back wit’ a girly,” came a harsh, growling voice behind her.

  The brute that held her locked in place looked worse than the one at the fire. He had missing teeth, and he grinned so broadly down at her.

  She gasped and jerked her arm, feeling that tension as she struggled fruitlessly. Her face went red with anger more than fright.

  “Let me go!” Rosa’s voice felt so pinched, but it sounded strong and commanding regardless.

  “What’s all this?” came another gruff voice behind her, the man from the fire approaching.

  “Found a lil’ birdie on me way back from a piss,” came the response from the filthy brigand who held her. She could smell the sweat and grime off him she was so close. “And ain’t she a pretty one,” he remarked, a glint in his eyes.

  Her disgust outweighed her panic, and she tried to swirl, only causing herself more pain. She had fought mock battles with two foes, but never had she been at such a disadvantage, and she let herself go limp. It was the hardest thing for her to do to let her body go soft, for that rage to fall from her face.

  “Please, let me go,” she said, her voice filled with as much pleading as she could manage, “I’m lost and scared!”

  “Awww, don’t worry, lil’ one,” came the voice of the other man behind her as he petted his grimy hand over her blonde hair. “We’ll take real good care o’ ya. Won’t we, Grit?”

  “Oh ya bet we will,” came the retort, as she was pushed between the two filthy brigands. “Ya ain’t lost no more. Sam an’ I know these woods real well. Been out here long enough,” he said, and she could see the scars upon his pockmarked face. His nose crooked from having been bashed in a few too many times.

  “Let me go.” Rosa narrowed her eyes, the resolve to remain calm dissolving almost instantly as that dirty man touched her. Her arm was strained, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t going to let them touch her like that.

  “’Ey, whassa matter, lil’ girly?” said Sam behind her, his arm going around her waist to keep her pinned to him.

  “She don’t seem ta like us, Grit,” said the other one. His fingers dug into her shoulder and arm tighter. “She prob’ly just needs a bit of time ta get used ta us,” he said with such a malicious grin.

  “Some breakin’ in,” came Sam’s addendum.

  Her free arm instantly went back, her elbow aimed for Sam’s rib just as her knee jerked up towards Grit’s groin. There was no way she was going down to these two dirty bums without a fight. She’d rather die than have them touch her, and she grunted as she tried to beat them away.

  Sam took the elbow strike and his hold on her loosened, but Grit blocked her leg and in a blinding flash head butted her. All the world was black.

  She awoke mere moments later to the cold dirt in her face as she felt one of their knees press into the center of her spine. “Rotten bitch!” said one of them, Sam, she thought. Her hands were tied in some corded rope as he bound her up.

  “Fuck you!” she cursed right back as she squirmed, feeling lightning-hot strikes go up her
spine. She didn’t care, though, and her legs flailed, her arms tried to get free, regardless of how fruitless it all was. Even just making it slightly harder for them would be worth the pain.

  Her head was pushed into the dirt at the side and one of their fists impacted the other. The world was ringing, she couldn’t hear a thing, and all around her reality spun.

  She didn’t hear the first thud. Nor the second. Nor did she even notice when the pressure upon her back suddenly vanished. It was only when she was being pulled up onto her knees by the handsome elf in his dark leathers that things began to make sense again.

  She was so dizzy, her head still spinning, and for a moment she thought it was all a lovely fantasy. A dream brought on to see her through the terror, but when her hand tightened around the elf’s wrist, he didn’t disappear.

  Her mouth dropped open as she stared at him dumbly, then over at the bodies of the dirty scumbags. “You... took care of that easy enough.”

  As her vision cleared she saw the scowl upon her rescuer’s face. “Yeah, they were distracted,” he responded dryly, and she saw the severed pieces of rope dangling from her wrists as he helped her to her feet then led her towards the fire.

  “See, I make a great distraction, too. Think of how useful I’d be. I could just stumble into the people you want to kill and distract them as they punch my face,” she said sarcastically, but she stayed so close to him. Her voice lowered, and she looked up at him with sincere eyes, “Look... thanks. Really,” she sighed. Her pride was bruised, her ego was almost nonexistent, and her face felt swollen, but he’d saved her.

  He took a deep breath as he sat her down where Sam had previously been, the rabbit stuck near to the fire to keep it warm. “Couldn’t very well let what was about to happen occur,” he said plainly. With a sigh he added, “And I didn’t kill them. I told you, I’m not a killer.” Looking to their tied, unconscious bodies, she realized more time must’ve passed since that last hit to her head than she realized.


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