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by J. E. Keep


  Chapter 14 – The Matron

  The kaliak hunting lodges were made to serve as host to the scout parties they sent out to watch the tundra and forests of their territory. They were moderately sized, enough space to fit a raiding party in fairly close quarters with their supplies.

  As Aleena and crew approached the appointed long stone-and-wood building, Ramtok and Saghar split up to check out the area. The witch doctor took the outside, inspecting the area surrounding, while Ramtok went to the building itself and cautiously probed before opening the door. He caught the trap there, which the kaliak scouts left to protect their lodge then nodded to her. “It’s safe now, matron.”

  Safe and cozy, she thought. As she peered inside, she saw the spacious room with its generous fire pit at the center would make for a very welcome respite for her after the long journey to and from the Kron lands on the other side of the border.

  The moment she stepped inside she felt sweet relief that she couldn’t remember feeling in months. It was comfort that she’d almost forgotten, and she shook off the fur cloak and tossed it on a dresser. “Finally.”She moved to the fire pit and began stoking it.

  There were no supplies waiting for them in the lodge, other than a generous supply of firewood, which she used to great effect. Ramtok went about unpacking some of their things, and when Saghar returned and shed his overcloak to stand in the long lodge in only his white fur kilt and harness, he shut the door and reported. “The area is safe, matron. Or” — he hesitated — “as safe as I can judge it at least.”

  Ramtok gave a brief glance to his brother then rested his scimitar on the table near the fire pit. “He is never wrong, matron,” he stated with absolute certainty as he removed his belt and sheath.

  “Still, I like his caution.” She grinned as she rested back, her fingers stroking the heat of the fire in the air. Slowly the red drained from her face, and her pure white skin returned to its normal hue. “We’ll just have to make sure to keep the curtains drawn now.”

  The two Kron men were towering figures, like larger-than-life sculptures of men carved from stones of various shades. Their muscles so outlined and prominent, as if etched by a sculptor. The windows of the lodge were already shuttered by wood hatches, but Saghar checked them all the same as Ramtok shed his outer layer of armour, down to just his leathers beneath. It left his pecs and biceps exposed, and his thick thigh and calf muscles bulged through as he crouched beside her. “It is not quite time to eat yet,” he spoke to her in his deep, gravelly voice. “But shall I start some food for you anyhow, matron?” The brazen brute gave her a wry smile as he reached out, and touched her hand with his, his heat so prominent since they’d only recently come in from the cold.

  “I’m not hungry,” she said, her lips contorting into a wry grin. She always ate light, if at all, though her ample thighs and behind still remained. “I think I’d just like to focus on getting warm, truthfully.”

  They were so close, the pale, elven woman seeming so small in the shadow of that giant Kron. Her green eyes danced over his dark, strange flesh before resting on his lap. “I could use some relaxation.”

  The brothers were never shy of sexuality. They were used to being treated as objects of sexual use or desire back amongst their own kin, and at her words the large male very obviously twitched beneath his leathers, his groin swelling.

  “Whatever you say, matron,” he husked with some amusement, rubbing her fingers in his hand as he brought the other to her knee and rubbed up over her, across her thigh to her hip. He very obviously licked his lips in a suggestive manner to her as he reached for her belt.

  Her palms pressed into the floor as she leaned back, her body arching her small breasts up and giving him access to the white belt beneath. Her outfit was just as pale as she, the leathers bleached and treated until they were a snowy white. “Saghar” — she glanced behind her — “I have a kink in my shoulder.”

  She didn’t even need to ask, for the other brother was already coming up behind her. “Of course,” he said to her in a light rasp, those large hands of his finding her slender shoulders and rubbing them tentatively.

  “Here,” he said, reaching around her from behind to undo her top and pull the white leather from her chest. Her hips were so ample and rounded, yet her breasts were so perky and small. The tight, pink nipples pressed against him as he felt her bare flesh. His strong hands rubbed over it raw then, and he grunted in approval at his own handiwork, or the feel of her smooth skin.

  Ramtok, despite his great size and muscular bulk, undid her belt deftly, and curled his fingers into the tight leggings, tugging them down and off so he could touch and rub at her lower body as well. Though his dark gaze was obviously glued to her exposed chest, and his breathing had risen.

  Aleena hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time as she pushed the tight leathers off her arms and ankles, her body so lovely. It wasn’t the form of a Kron woman, certainly, but she held her own unique appeal. She leaned against them both, desperate for the feel of their warm bodies and strong hands.

  Her green eyes fluttered closed as the two brothers worked over her, and a sigh passed her lips. “Ramtok, my thighs feel tight.”

  The large warrior put his hands to her thighs, and despite his immense strength he managed to massage her firmly but with care. His powerful thumbs kneading her inner flesh and parting her thighs with their pressure. “You have had to go a long time roughing it, for a matron,” he said in his deep, dark voice.

  His brother Saghar agreed with a grunt, his finer touch working such sensational feelings through her slender shoulders and neck. “It is hard to provide real comfort on a journey such as this.”

  She could smell the scent of their masculine arousal on the air. The two men such a powerful force to be around. To be between.

  It was the exact thing she needed, and her head rested against Saghar’s chest as her legs parted for Ramtok, that thin slip of fabric all that separated him from her sex. The soft material delved between her slit, outlining it so sensually as her thick thighs were massaged by his powerful hands.

  She moaned and her eyes fluttered closed. “Just like that,” she murmured.

  As the brothers’ two pairs of hands worked at her fair skin with their dark digits, she could detect the increase in their breathing with her sensitive ears. They were diligent mates, much more so than what she was normally accustomed to. They tended to her needs and wants first and foremost, and she never felt Saghar’s hands stray to her breasts again while her knotted muscles needed the soothing rubs.

  Ramtok was a little more daring, however, and she felt his thumbs graze her clothed slit as he kneaded her inner thigh flesh. The larger brother looked over her elven form with such lust, despite the inherent perversion of their interbreeding.

  “You are not like the tales, matron,” came his gravelly voice as the Kron knelt before her in his leather vest, muscles bulging out from beneath.

  “Ah, the tales,” she practically moaned, her body writhing subtly beneath their attentive fingers. She was teasing them, surely, but with how heated her sex was, it was torture for her. Exquisite torture. “What did you figure I would be like? A witch, like that uncouth Captain?”

  Saghar chuckled at that, though his hands never ceased their attentive rubbing, the firm but soothing touch working her body as she was propped up against his hard chest. His fingers reached far, and skirted her breasts as he moved.

  Below, the larger brother worked in closer to her sex, leaving her thighs less tended as his thumbs began to work at her slit more and more. “No, matron,” he said with a husk and a lick of his lips. He had skill with his digits, and the way he strummed her quim was so delightful. “They just said your kind were all...” He hesitated a moment. “Unappealing. Stick thin. And weak.” Though the little swirling rub about her clit said he didn’t think that of her.

  Her pulse quickened and she felt so warm, yet it didn’t matter. Her body cried out for t
hem as the two sets of hands caressed her and she grabbed for Saghar. She drew his grasp down from her shoulders until he palmed her small breast, pressing him into it almost violently.

  “Well, you two lucked out,” she managed, but her throat was dry.

  The witch doctor bent to her neck, nudged her pale hair out of the way, and put his mouth to it. He had to be careful of those large, Kron fangs of his, but he suckled at her pale stem, kissed and licked her neck as those large palms squeezed and manhandled her breast flesh. He went to his new task with a dedicated fervor to please and enjoy.

  Below, Ramtok leaned in and she could feel his breath on her inner thighs. “We crave adventure,” he said in a low growl, and she felt his tongue lap over the thin strip of fabric that covered her slit. “We crave excitement,” he went on with another lap of his broad tongue, feeling it move across her folds, tugging her panties up into her tighter. “We crave the exotic.” And to them, she certainly was that. Ramtok gripped her thighs and pressed his mouth to her cunt, tonguing it over her panties in a show of his desire.

  Her legs were so lewdly spread, the alabaster thighs parted around Ramtok’s large skull. She felt his fangs graze along her outer sex, and that dangerous sensation made her clit throb harder. She was already so wet from their exquisite touching and she felt that she was the lucky one.

  For the first time in decades she felt like she’d finally caught a break as the brothers pleased her so eagerly, their bodies moving against hers so readily. Her hands grasped Saghar’s and forced them to squeeze, to tug at her so wantonly, and she gasped with need.

  On the journey she’d never had an opportunity to enjoy them simultaneously. It was never safe to do so, one always had to be watching. But now with the two brothers gripping and pleasing her in tandem, she got an idea of what she’d been missing out on.

  Saghar obeyed her urging hands, and he squeezed and groped her pert breasts with intense enthusiasm. She felt her stiff nipples dig into his palms as he worked his tongue up across her neck until he was nibbling her ear.

  Betwixt her legs the larger brother bit her panties and tugged them from out of the cleft of her pussy, baring her slit entirely before he returned his hungry tongue to taste her honey directly. The mighty groan of lust he gave was a delightful tremor through her loins as he lapped eagerly.

  The white down tickled his nose, and her pelvis lifted slightly, urging his tongue deep into her sex. She arched her back against Saghar as he tweaked her nipple hard and shuddered as the intense sensation traveled through her. “Yes,” she hissed, her green eyes shielded as she ground herself into Ramtok’s face.

  As that large tongue worked over her slit and sensitive clit, Saghar teased and tweaked her nipples. He tugged those stiff peaks and brought such a tingling fire of sensation to them as the brothers worked in concert to bring her satisfaction.

  They were so well behaved as lovers, so well intentioned. Ramtok delved into her cunt but never ceased to give her needful clit the satisfaction it craved, his hands rubbing her thighs and keeping them pinned back as he lavished her quim. He groaned against her almost as if he was getting as much pleasure from the act of cunnilingus as she was, his large, muscular body bent to her needs.

  She’d learned something so strange about them, that uncanny ability for them to cum only after her, and had delighted in it every single time. Yet she knew, in the safety of their lodgings, that she finally needed her fill of them. To enjoy them for hours, without fear of being caught.

  Or, at least, without as much fear.

  She moaned as Ramtok pushed her thighs back so far, folding her back as she felt that intense pleasure begin to flood her. “Yes,” she hissed as Saghar pinched her light-pink nipples, feeling her cunny pulse harder against his brother’s diligent tongue.

  “Right there,” she moaned to the both of them and her head knocked back against Saghar’s hard chest. “Cumming,” she gasped as her eyes flew open and her body struggled to contort. The two brothers held her in place, but she bucked and writhed as warm juice flooded Ramtok’s mouth.

  They held her throughout it. Saghar’s grip upon her breasts, those arms around her chest. Ramtok’s tight hold on her thighs as he tongue-fucked her to orgasm. He never ceased throughout, just continued to lash at her sensitive twat to continually prod her to new heights of pleasure as her climax went on.

  Together they dragged out the sensations, made it the longest and most satisfying orgasm of her life. Their hands and mouths working separately but cooperatively upon her. As she neared the end of her tolerance for it, Saghar moved his mouth to hers and kissed her deep and hard there, probing her with his tongue.

  Her moan reverberated through them as her hand mashed his larger head to hers. His mouth was so big, his lips so full as she traced her tongue around his. She could barely stand it, the exquisite talent of the two brothers making her body buck and spasm, and as another orgasm crashed through her, she broke off the kiss. “Stop!” She gulped for air, her entire body on fire with sensations.

  Despite her order they did not cease abruptly. They were too attentive and skilled for that, and they eased off in a soothing manner, gradually winding down so that they were rubbing and kissing her in less sensitive, but still sensual manners.

  Ramtok moved down her thigh, kissing and nipping her pale flesh there with a fascination and interest for her elven body while Saghar nuzzled her neck and kissed along her jawline. “Was it too much, matron?” rasped the striking witch doctor behind her, his hands gently massaging the less sensitive underswell of her breasts.

  She moaned and hated having given the order, but her body still trembled with the doting caresses. She was nearly stupid after having lost count of her orgasms, but she shook her head. “To the bed,” she managed through her dry throat.

  There was no hesitation. Saghar put his arms in underneath her and lifted her body with ease. As the slender brother carried her to the hide-covered bed, Ramtok stripped out of his leather vest and pants, so that when Saghar laid her out upon the large but tough bed, she looked up and saw that hulking warrior completely bare. His bulky form, jutting with muscles, and peppered with dark hairs across his chest then pointing down in a trail towards his impressive loins.

  The two brothers looked so stunning side by side. As tall as giants, both so exquisitely muscular, but in different manners. Ramtok’s exposed cock twitched to life, throbbing with its thick, ridged veins in the air.

  She’d been vaguely worried about jealousy, about how it might affect their ability to work together, but she understood their relationship a bit better after spending so much time with them. She knew she was safe, for she appreciated both of them. Two parts of a greater whole, and she beckoned them both to join her.

  The two brothers worked together well without much outward indication of it. As if, she presumed, to compensate for the time Saghar had spent with her already, Ramtok went to her first as the other brother disrobed.

  The heavy warrior climbed atop the mattress where they carried her and loomed over her, leaned down and kissed her on the lips as he palmed one of her pert breasts. He gave a husky groan as he tasted those lips his brother had so recently supped upon, and when he finally smacked their lips together as he broke away, she saw Saghar climb to her side, nude and with a raging stiff cock that rivalled his brother’s.

  It was exquisite, both of them, yet she tried to hide her awe and appreciation. It still registered on her pale, elven face, however. She leaned back, her white hair framing her face as she looked between the two Kron brothers.

  Elves found them repulsive and vile. Hideous.

  She knew how wrong it was, how easily her people would cast her aside if they knew what she’d done with them, what she wanted to do with them, but she didn’t care. The other elves would soon learn her prowess, and her eyes narrowed in determination as she reached for Saghar’s cock.

  The thick, ridged organ fit into her hand, but just barely. The brothers were well endowed, eve
n for their sizes, and that heated girth swelled so large against her fingers and palm, a lewd groan escaping those thick lips of his. She could see a clear bead of precum form on the dark tip, and knew these Kron brothers were not so different from the men she knew after all.

  Above her, Ramtok kissed along her cheek, down to her neck, and massaged her teat as his own cock dangled down, brushed against her thigh, and grazed her slit. He was hungry for her, she realized. He’d not had the personal time with her his smaller brother had, and perhaps it wasn’t jealousy that motivated him after all, just desire and need that had built up over the trip.

  Or perhaps some of each.

  She could feel her slickness all down her thighs, his saliva and her cum making her so sticky as her free hand went down her firm stomach. She hooked her finger into the panties and pulled them aside once more, making the reddened sex puff out towards his needy member.

  Aleena tugged the foreskin back from Saghar’s dark crown and her eyes partially lidded in excitement to be pinned between the two beasts.

  They were huge, and powerful, and they pleased her in a way no elf had ever even cared to, and her pink tongue darted between her lips to whorl about his head.

  The guttural groan of satisfaction that Saghar gave was followed by his larger brother taking the offered opportunity to nudge his broad crown to her puffy slit. With her legs pushed back far, he began to force that gargantuan shaft into her. It was no less daunting than his brother’s, which she’d had an opportunity to enjoy, yet they were both so large it felt like being a virgin all over again.

  Ramtok managed to cram that thick, ridged tip into her though, forcing her canal wide as he began to sink down into her, and his brother watched as she tended to them both at once. He reached out and stroked her white hair as she suckled him, the two brothers grunting in unison.


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