Page 28
44. Ibid., p. 211.
45. Ibid., p. 198.
46. Bernstein (2009), pp. 247–8.
47. Fish (2010), p. 360; Headrick (2010), p. 40.
48. McNeill (2004), p. 202; Bernstein (2009), p. 249; Paine (2013), p. 407; Frankopan (2016), p. 335.
49. Cunningham (1996); Waltham (2005).
50. Cunningham (1996).
51. Frankopan (2016), p. 335.
52. Braudel (1995), p. 444.
53. Bernstein (2009), p. 247; Paine (2013), p. 404; Frankopan (2016), p. 335.
54. McNeill (2004), p. 202; Morris (2011), Kindle location 439.
55. Frankopan (2016), p. 341.
56. Braudel (1995), p. 444; Waltham (2005).
57. Bernstein (2009), p. 259.
58. Ibid., p. 297.
59. McNeill (2004), p. 169; Paine (2013), p. 410.
60. Marr (2013), p. 441.
61. Jones (2004), p. 41.
62. Bernstein (2009), p. 341; Morris (2011), Kindle location 7290.
63. Bernstein (2009), p. 338.
64. McNeill (2004), p. 169.
65. Marr (2013), p. 442.
1. Rackham (2009); Monbiot (2014) pp. 91–2.
2. Morris (2011), Kindle location 7721.
3. Needham (1965), p. 370.
4. Leveau (1996); Morris (2011), Kindle location 4617.
5. Greene (2000).
6. Bithas (2016).
7. Marr (2013), p. 272.
8. Smith (1997).
9. Bithas (2016).
10. Kenrick (1997); Karol (2001).
11. Nelsen (2016).
12. Hanson (2016), p. 56.
13. Lenton (2013), p. 307.
14. Hanson (2016), p. 56.
15. Weng (2010).
16. Nelsen (2016).
17. Ibid.
18. Lenton (2013), p. 307.
19. Fortey (2010), p. 168.
20. Thomas (2013), p. 53; Shubin (2014), p. 82; Wignall (2017), p. 171.
21. Morris (2011), Kindle location 470.
22. McNeill (2004), p.231.
23. Adams (2008); Schobert (2014), p. 64.
24. Allen (2009), p. 235.
25. Hillstrom (2005), p. 16.
26. Moylan (2017).
27. Macalister (2015).
28. BP (2017).
29. Speight (2015), p. 64.
30. Dalvi (2015), p. 5.
31. Bithas (2016), p. 8.
32. Castree (2009), p. 273.
33. Browne (2014), Kindle location 4203.
34. Castree (2009), p. 273.
35. Ulmishek (1990); Larson (1991).
36. Zalasiewicz (2012), p. 165.
37. Stow (2010), p. 131.
38. Helly (2004).
39. Stow (2010), p. 102.
40. Stoneley (1990); Ulmishek (1990); Larson (1991); Mann (2003); Sorkhabi (2016).
41. Lenton (2013), p. 54.
42. Wright (2013); Zeebe (2016).
43. McInerney (2011).
44. Gingerich (2006); McInerney (2011); Stager (2012), Kindle location 1178; Wing (2013).
45. Guinotte (2008); (Kroeker, 2010).
46. Fortey (2010), p. 164.
47. Stager (2012), Kindle location 489.
1. Douglas (2000); Zalasiewicz (2011); Zalasiewicz (2014).
The first hat tip for any large writing project should always go to the person who provided unwavering encouragement and guidance right from its very inception, and so an enormous thank you to my wonderfully supportive agent, Will Francis. Huge thanks as well to Rebecca Folland, Ellis Hazelgrove and Kirsty Gordon, also at Janklow and Nesbit in London, and PJ Mark, Michael Steger and Ian Bonaparte in the New York office. I am of course also exceedingly grateful to Stuart Williams at The Bodley Head for so enthusiastically taking this book on board for publication, and especially to Jörg Hensgen who has once again edited my manuscripts with incredible skill and thoughtfulness. Eoin Dunne helped with the figures, and the gorgeous jacket design is by Kris Potter. Thanks also to Alison Davies, Ceri Maxwell Hughes and Anna-Sophia Watts at Penguin Random House.
Many scientists and historians have also been tremendously generous with their time during the researching and writing of this book, and so thanks too (in alphabetical order) to: Christopher Beard, Davina Bristow, Alastair Culham, Steve Dutch, Chris Elvidge, Ahmed Fasih, Mike Gill, Philip Gingerich, Richard Harding, Will Hawthorne, Nicholas Klingaman, Paul Lockard, Josephine Martin, Mark Maslin, Augasta McMahon, Ted Nield, Lincoln Paine, Nicholas Rodger, Dave Rothery, Mark Sephton, James Sherwin-Smith, Ruth Siddall, Phil Stevenson, Dorrik Stow, Stuart Thompson, Christiaen van Lanschot, Christopher Ware, Shoshana Weider, Chuck Williams, Scott Wing and Jan Zalasiewicz.
It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to work with every one of you.
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