by Anne Summers
and sexism 106–107
and women 106–108, 239–40
see also capitalism, feminism, liberation, sexism
Cleo597, 598, 603
Clift, Charmian 141, 725
Clitoris 341–342
Clothing Trade Union 553
Cobb, Joan E. 523, 740
Cobbett, Richard 431
Coghlan, TA 457, 740, 741
Coleman, Peter 146
Colonial Sugar Refinery 570–71
Colonisation of women 313–18
and ‘the family’ 393–94
profits from 393–94
see also rape, femininity, medical profession
Come in Spinner573, 578, 751
Commission of Inquiry into Poverty, Poverty in Australia216, 221, 120–21, 449
Interim Report: Poverty in Australia108, 112, 232–33, 730
Commission on Human Relationships 47
Committee Concerning Causes of Death and Invalidity in the Commonwealth, 1916–17 487–88
Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration 244, 554, 574
Commonwealth Employment Service 127–28
Commonwealth government assistance to single mothers 417
Congregational Church, Bourke Street, Sydney 542
Connell, RW 146–47, 587–88, 725, 752
Conscription and feminism 154, 530–31
Consumer protection groups 110
Consumerism and ‘the family’ 293–94
women as 594–95
Contagious Diseases Acts 512
Contraception 63, 487–89
during the Depression 562–63
and doctors 361–61, 378
feminists’ views 514
reforms by Labor Government 615
use during Second World War 79
see also abortion, birth control, birthrate, infanticide, intrauterine device, the pill, sterilisation, vasectomy
Contraceptive methods
and female orgasm 547
sale of 460
Convicts 399–25
see also female convicts
Convict, Lunatic and Invalid Establishment, Parramatta 424
Convicts and the Colonies399
Conway, Ronald 118, 151, 248, 611, 723, 725, 753
Cosmopolitan598, 603
Council for the Single Mother and Her Child 614
Country Party 630
Country Women’s Association (CWA) 539, 749
Crimes Act565, 615
Crimes by women 269–70
see also baby battering, shoplifting Crowley, FK 443, 740
Cullen, Mr, Justice 555
Cultural images of women 253–55
Cultural oppression and liberation 624–25
Curtin, Prime Minister, John 573, 580
Cusack, Dymphna 138, 751
Cuthbert, Grace J. 527
Dalla Costa, Mariarosa 240, 732
Damned Whore stereotype 103, 133, 259–61, 380–81, 399–25, 432, 455
see also female convicts, female immigrants, lesbians, prisons, prostitution
Darling, Governor, Ralph 405–406, 419, 737, 738
Darlinghurst Hostel for working girls 513
Darwin, Charles 479
Date rape 4
see also rape
Davis, Elizabeth Gould 374, 391, 736
Dawn494, 743
Dawn Club 494, 509
Dawson, Madge 598, 753
De Chair, Lady 543
The Decline of the Birth-Rate in New SouthWales457, 741
Democratic Labour Party 591–92
Denford, Susanah 418
Depression among women 183–200
postpartum depression 197, 347
see also baby battering, drugs and drug-taking, the family, menopause, premenstrual tension, psychiatric patients, shoplifting, suicide
The Depression
effect on marriage 562
myths of 549–52
sacking of female teachers 557–58
and sex roles 554–56, 560–61,567
special problems of women 562–63
unemployment of women 557–61
withdrawal of women’s social services 559
see also Muriel Heagney, Unemployed Girls’ Relief Movement
Destroy the Joint 15
Divorce 308–11
and children 309
unequal grounds 504
in 1920s 548–49
see also marriage, the family
Docker, John 129, 724
Dolly597, 598, 601–602
Domestic Economy courses 481
Domestic servants 451, 486, 522, 558
Domestic service 552–53
Domestic violence 4, 714
Don’s Party131–33
Drake-Brockman, Henrietta 123
Drake-Brockman, Judge 553
‘The Drover’s Wife’ 124, 453
Drugs and drug-taking
analgesics 201
barbiturates 202–204, 212
codeine 202
drug-taking by women 201–12
see also ‘Mother’s Friend’, Senate Select
Committee on Drug Trafficking and Abuse, Thalidomide, Tryptanol, Valium
Dugdale, Henrietta 494–95
Early Closing Act 1899 499
Economic dependence of women 223–26, 238–39
equal education for girls 70, 465–66
and motherhood 473–79
opposition to girls’ education 477
see also medical profession, motherhood, universities
Education Acts 469
Eggleston, FW 146
Eliot, George 127
Ellis, Havelock 479, 743
Elsie Women’s Refuge 4, 18, 112, 223–25, 731
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 506
Emigration and Transportation RelativelyConsidered1, 426
changing nature of workforce 609
married women 241–42, 486, 590–91, 609–10
part-time employment 242
sweating of women workers 451
women as reserve labour force 608–609, 632
women in workforce 2, 3, 8, 9, 162–63, 522, 539–40, 551–52
see also childcare, domestic servants, equal pay, maternity leave, nursemaids, shop assistants, unemployment, unions, wages, women’s unions
Employment of women
opposition to 537–538
Encel, Sol 98, 146, 728, 748, 751, 754
Engels, Frederich 278, 374, 447, 733
Equality and liberation 630–35
Equal pay 244, 552–53, 631
and female basic wage 552–53
Higgin’s judgement 1912 485–86
opposition to 360–61
opposition by employers 540–41
and unions 553
and Women’s Employment Board 574
see also basic wage, Muriel Heagney, National Wage Case 1974, RuralWorkers’ Case 1912, Unions
Eugenics 358, 541–42
Everywoman314, 735
Evolution of the Diseases of Women477
Factory Girls Club 500
The Family 47, 116, 193, 274–75, 275–282
and basic wage 485–86
and capitalism 311
changes in size 464
consolidation during 1920s 540–49
and emotional sustenance 287
establishment in Australia 447–50
extra-family living situations 101–102
and feminism 518–20
functions 271–273
history of 273–283
and immigration 431–32
immigration schemes 434–35
involvement of women 116–17
and labour movement 523–24
and privatisation 295–298
and production 284–290
to the state 459
and reproduction 290–92
and self-realisation 295–97
subordination of women 281
use by sociologists 100
working-class families, 1850s 446–47
see also divorce, housework, incest, marriage, matriduxy, repression of sexuality, socialisation
Equal pay anthem 14
Family allowances 48
Family Colonization Loan Society 442
Family Endowment Act 1927545
Family Law Bill 593
Family Planning Association of New South Wales 358, 749
family planning clinics 616
Farmers’ Department Store, Sydney 547
Farrelly, Midget 180
Father’s Day 294
Federated Clerks’ Union 165
The Feet of Daniel Mannix134
Female consciousness 110, 635–36
Female convicts 399–425
see also convicts, Female Factory, Flash Mob, solitary confinement
Female culture 97, 374–79
see also femininity, housework, midwives, witches
Female Employees Union (FEU) 452
Female Factory 407, 408, 416–25
Cascades 417–422, 738
Parramatta 407, 416–25
see also Ms Gordon, marriage mart Female immigration 412–13, 438–39, 444–46
see also Caroline Chisholm, immigration, John Dunmore Lang
Female Immigrants’ Home 438–39, 560
Female Middle-Class Emigration Society 445
The Feminine Mystique42
achievements 523–24
definition 110–11
and ‘the family’ 518–20
and free love 513–14
and God’s Police 507–10
and labour movement 522–23
middle-class composition 498–99
and pacifism 529–34
and party politics 515–16
and revolution 635–36
and sex stereotypes 382–85
and sexism 520–21
and socialism 497
and women’s education 472
and women’s suffrage 493–98, 502–503, 505–10
see also the family, female consciousness, feminist movement, women’s liberation movement, First World War
Feminist movement 4–5, 282–83, 520, 636–38
see also suffrage, Women’s Electoral Lobby, women’s liberation movement, First World War
Femininity 367–74
and women’s magazines 368–69
Femocrat 35
Fett, Ione 377, 376
Figes, Eva 255, 259, 723, 733
Fink Commission 477
Finland, women’s suffrage 491
First Fleet 1, 103, 399–402
First World War 458
effect on women 527–29
and feminism 529–34
and motherhood 535–36
sexism of war effort 534–38
see also conscription, feminism, Vida Goldstein, Cecilia John, Adela Pankhurst
Fitzgerald, Scott, F. 142
Fitzpatrick, Kathleen 102, 723, 737
Flash Mob 421–22
Football 166–71
For Love Alone137, 724
The Fortunes of Richard Mahony123, 128–29
The Fountain of Age62
Franklin, Lady Jane 419–20, 738
Franklin, Sir John 421, 737
Franklin, Miles 123, 138
Fraser, Malcolm 48
Freud, Sigmund 191, 300, 359, 734
Friedan, Betty 589, 752
Frilingos, Peter 170
From a Woman’s Point of View582
Fry, Elizabeth 420
Furphy, Joseph 122
Gambling 160–67
women as gamblers 164–65
see also horseracing, TAB, Tattersalls’ Club
Gender 4
The Getting of Wisdom128
Gillard, Julia 10
Gilmore, Mary 99, 123–26, 724
Gipps, Governor, George 439, 560
The Girl Who Met Simone de Beauvoir inParis131
Girls’ Employment and Welfare Movement 559
Glass ceiling 4
God’s Police stereotype 103–104, 380, 453, 455, 507–10, 531–32, 590–603, 635–36
see also Caroline Chisholm, feminism, policewomen, suffrage
Gold in the Streets567, 751
Goldstein, Vida 495, 513–24, 530–32, 743, 746, 747
Gollan, Robin 550, 744, 750
Goode, Dr, John 418
Goodisson, Lillie E. 563, 565, 751
Gordon, Florence 539–540, 747, 748
Gordon, Ms 418
Graham, Caroline 313–14, 364, 736, 754
The Great Australian Stupor248, 723
Greer, Germaine 45, 62, 322, 328–29, 723, 734
Griffin, Susan 313, 736
Guardianship of Infants Acts 482, 504, 746
Guerin, Bella 471
Gunsynd 166
Haire, Dr Norman 564, 579, 751
Haley, Eileen 115
Half Way to Equal57
Hancock, WK 145–149, 151–55
Hanford, Bruce 143–44
Harris, Max 145, 146, 171, 725
Harrower, Elizabeth 139–40, 723, 724, 725
Hartz, Louis 430–31, 739
Harvester Judgement 238, 484, 744
Harwood, Gwen 141, 725
Hawke, Bob 33, 34, 36
Headley, Walter Balls
see Balls-Headley, Walter
Heagney, Muriel 526, 553–54, 558–59, 566–67, 750
Health centres, women’s 638
Health, New South Wales Department of 234
Heath, DD 414
Heldman, Julie 172
Henderson, Ms, GC 558
Henderson, Ronald 216, 221, 730
Henderson poverty survey 220–21, 226, 730
Hewett, Dorothy 134–35, 724
Hibberd, Jack 134
Hicks, Dr Neville 459, 741
Hicks, Shannon 138–139
Higgins, Mr, Justice 238, 484–85
‘The Higher Culture of Women’ 468
History of Australia453, 737
Holly Jones, Suzanne 143, 725
Home Child Care Allowance 49
Homemakers 538
Homosexual liberation 626
Hope, AD 129
Horin, Adele 33
Horne, Donald 116, 146, 149, 151, 161, 175, 183, 725, 726
Horseracing 162–64
boredom 590
contraction of role 605–608
dissatisfaction 584–85
as ‘neurotic’ 619–20
and productive labour 240
skills required 173–174, 606
see also homemakers, housework
Housewives’ Associations 110, 538
Housewives’ Progressive Association of New South Wales 570
Housework 284–90
in colonial period 447
Hughes, Wilfred Kent
see Kent Hughes, Wilfred
Human Rights Bill 593
Ibsen, Henrik 132, 138, 505
Immigrants and immigration 415–16, 424, 428–32, 437, 443–49
see also Caroline Chisholm, female immigrants, John Dunmore Lang
Incest 302–303
Industrial Revolution 278–280, 481
Infant mortality 417–18
Infanticide 462, 566
see also ‘Mother’s Friend’, stillbirths
Intercolonial Trade Union Congresses 451
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 593
Intrauterine device (IUD) 355–36, 359
John, Cecilia 529–30
Johnston, George 137, 141–42
Johnston, Jill 522, 748
Jones, Derek Llewellyn
ee Llewellyn-Jones, Derek
Jones, Suzanne Holly
see Holly Jones, Suzanne
Jung, CG 118–19
Keating, Paul 24, 36–7, 46, 49, 50
Kelly, Ned 122
Kenney, Annie 520
Kent Hughes, Wilfred 559
Key, Ellen 479–80, 483, 743
Kiddle, Margaret 98, 739
Kindergarten Union 480, 482
Labor Government
and contraception 616
and working women 591–92
Labour and National Service, Department of 241, 243, 732
Lady Juliana1, 399
Lady Shore402
Lane, William 451
Lang, John Dunmore 434–35, 441–42, 448, 740
Lang, Premier, JT 560, 568, 751
The Lavarch Report73
Lawler, Ray 131–32
Lawrence, Emily 139
Lawson, Henry 122, 124–25, 142, 453
Lawson, Louisa 139, 494, 496, 513, 743, 45–746
League of Rights
see Australian League of Rights
League of Women Voters 630
Lee, Mr Justice 332
Legacy Club, Sydney 543
Legal discrimination against women 627–28
Lesbians 265–67, 521–22, 611
Lesbian mothers 611–12
Liberal Party 481, 630
of Victoria 495
Liberation 627–32
and cultural oppression 623–27
Lippmann, Lorna 151, 726
Liquor Amendment Act 1905488
The Living Daylights157–58
Llewellyn-Jones, Derek 314, 343, 735
Local option polls 488, 502
The Long Prospect116, 139, 723
Look Back in Anger132
Loreto Convent, Victoria 481
The Lucky Country183, 723, 725, 726, 727
Macarthur, James 421, 738
Macarthur, John 450
MacDonald, Louisa 472
MacKenzie, Norman 98, 427, 485, 578, 744
Macnab, Dr Francis 582, 619–20
Macquarie, Governor, Lachlan 404–405, 411, 415–16, 429, 737
Maguire, Emily 10
McCarthy, Peter 562
McGregor, Craig 116, 146, 159, 723, 728
McMillan, Robert 539
McQueen, Humphrey 151, 412, 428–29, 447, 724, 725
McQueen, Thomas 405
McKay, HV Pty Ltd 553–55
Macquarie University 203–204, 334
Madden, Dr John 467
Mahony, Mary 128
Mahony, Richard 128
Male chauvinism 45
Mann, Tom 518, 748
Manning, Sir William 467
Director-General of 577
Regulations 577
Marriage 249–254
in convict period 404
and the Depression 562–63
and female convicts 404–405
and female immigrants 445–46
in the 1920s 540
romantic myths 251–52
see also divorce, and the family
Marriage Act 1873, New South Wales332
Marriage mart 418
see also Female Factory
The Marriage Wilderness582, 619, 754