by Anne Summers
Married Women (Lecturers and Teachers) Act1932557
Married Women’s Property Act 1870504
Marsden, Rev. Samuel 418
Marsden, Ms, SJ 547–48, 749
Martel, Ms 517
Masters and Johnson clinical studies 342, 735
Maternal deaths 565–66
Maternity Allowance 224, 240
Maternity leave 592
to single mothers 613
Mateship 122, 131–132
see also alcohol, Anzac Day, the Depression, gambling, sport
Matriarchies 374
Matriduxy 618, 754
Mayer, Professor Henry
Maze, John 187–188, 728
Medical Practices Clarification Bill 358, 615
Medical profession 374–75
attitude to women 207–209
attitude to women doctors 377–78
as colonising agent 347–48, 359–66
and women consulting doctors 207–209
women doctors 376–78
see also abortion, colonisation of women, contraception, nursing, the pill
Medical Society of Victoria 463
Mejane154–55, 726, 728, 733, 746, 754
Melbourne City Council 580
Melbourne Hospital 502
and adoption of children 634–35
attitude to feminism 383–84
attitude to women 373–74
and childcare 634
and the Depression 556–57
devotion to football 166–67
and the double standard 381–82
and female convicts 406–407
and femininity 370–71
greater freedom of 336–37, 617–18
see also alcohol, Anzac Day, the family, gambling, marriage, mateship, sex roles, sport, vasectomy
Menopause 197–198
Merbentyl 364
‘Middle Australia’ 59
Midwives 363, 375–76
Mildura Fruit Pickers’ Case
see Rural Workers’ Case 1912
Miles, Bea 235
Mill, John Stuart 313, 505
Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) 210–11
Mitchell, Juliet 190, 652–53, 747, 754
Moffitt, Ian 152–53, 725, 726, 727
Molesworth Report on Transportation 1837408
Monilia 364–65, 369
Montefiore, Dora 504, 746
Moore, Ms 517
Moorhouse, Frank 130–31, 724
Morgan, Lewis Henry 374
Morrison, General David 1
and education 472–78
child endowment 511–12
legal recognition of 482
as a science 482
and the state 482
as a vocation 10, 485–86
and First World War 535–36
see also child endowment, education, the family, maternal deaths, Maternity Allowance, poverty, Supporting Mothers’ Benefit, widows
Mothers’ Clubs 483
Mother’s Day 294, 542, 607
‘Mother’s Friend’ 462
Ms29, 37, 42, 156, 50
Mudie, James 405–406, 418–19, 421, 737
Mundy, Lt Col Godfrey Charles 446, 740
My Lai massacre 340
National Agenda for Women 55
Nation Review156–58, 313–14, 726, 733, 736, 754
National Council of Women 284, 473, 477, 630
National Council of Women, Victoria 530
National Emergency Services 575
National Leader526, 529
National Library of Australia 150, 746, 755
National Security Act 1942 573
National Security Regulations 574
National Times28–9
National Wage Case 1974244, 251
Nationalism and women 458–59
Nationalist Party 559
Neales, Sue 32
New Idea597, 598, 734
The New Lost Feminist622
New South Wales Corps 403
New Zealand
women’s suffrage 491
Nietzsche, Friedrich 119
Nightingale, Florence 376
Niland, D’Arcy 567, 751
Norton, John 500–501
Nursemaids 456
rise of 376–77
Nymphomania 345–36
Oakes, Francis 94
Oakley, Barry 134, 727
The One Day of the Year132, 136
One Woman One Recruit League 534
extent of women’s 626–27
Oral contraceptives
see the pill
Order of the British Empire 537
Orgasm 10, 343–45
female 547–48
male 346
myth of vaginal 342
The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State374
Orr, Sam 156
Osborne, John 132
O’Sullivan, Michael 463
Oz, magazine 152–55, 726
Paid parental leave scheme 6, 704–705
Pankhurst, Adela 506, 529
Pankhurst, Christabel 520
Pankhurst, Emmeline 493
Paraguay 451, 509
Parenthood Controlled547, 749
Parkes, Henry 427, 450, 499
Parkes, Ms, Molyneaux 496
Parramatta Female Factory
see Female Factory
Parramatta Lunatic Asylum 424
Patterson, George, Pty Ltd. 594, 752
The Patterson Report594, 752
Pearl Harbour 573
Pearson, CH 466–472, 476
Pharmacy Guild of Australia 203
Phillip, Governor, Arthur 400–404, 736, 737
Piddington, Commissioner, AB 484
The Pill 348–59
Australian women’s attitude to 349, 354
and depression 353
and doctors 354
and infertility 357
male pill 356
and monilia 364–65, 369
side effects 350–55
Pioneer women 453
POL 598, 601–602, 754
Policewomen 104
Polkinghorne, Ms 538
Population 414, 435–36, 454–55
see also zero population growth Porter, Jimmy 132
among women 216–46
Aboriginal women 233–34
‘fatherless families’ 229–30, 613–14
homeless women 234–36
inebriate women 236
old women 226–27
pensioners 225–27
physically handicapped women 237
sexism of poverty surveys 220–21
see also Australian Council of Social Service, Commission of Inquiry into Poverty, Poverty in Australia, economic dependence of women, Henderson poverty survey
Praed, Rosa Campbell
see Campbell-Praed, Rosa
Pram Factory 134
Premenstrual tension 198
Presbyterian Ladies College Melbourne (PLC) 466, 469, 476
Price, Tom 487
Prichard, Katharine Susannah 123
Pringle, JD 146
girls’ detention homes 267–68
men in prisons 270
women in prisons 267–70
Profile of Australia159, 723
Prohibition 543, 749
Promiscuity 345–46
Prostitution 261–65, 512–13, 578
see also age of consent, brothels, Contagious Diseases Acts, female convicts, Ms Gordon, prisons
Psychiatric patients
inpatients 196–97
women patients 196, 200–201
Psychoanalysis and Feminism190
Public School Act 1882465
Public Service
see Australian Public Service
Puritanism 153–54, 258, 486–87, 546
and Government
assistance to single mothers 613
Race and women 629
see also Aboriginal women, racism
Race Improvement Society of New South Wales 542
Racial Hygiene Centre (later Association) 541–43, 547, 563–64, 749
Racial Hygiene Clinic 565
and class 106–107
of labour movement 523–24
Rape 318–340
as assertion of male power 335
and the colonisation of women 336–37
illegal rape329–330
judicial statements 334, 338
marital rape 321–22
of Sabine women 375
petty rape326–327
rape by fraud324–26
rape crisis centres 391, 656
rape jokes 331
rape myths 330–31
‘Rape: The All-American Crime’ 313, 736
reported to police, 1966–1972 339
the way it divides women 385–93
treatment of victims 385–93
Recreational activities, sex segregation of 176–82
see also alcohol, gambling, sport
Red Cross 535, 538, 575, 577
Red Cross Letter Service 575
Refractory Girl18, 112, 115, 155
Refuges for women and children 236, 560, 638–39
Reibey, Mary 403
in convict period 429
see also the church and women
Repression of sexuality
and ‘the family’ 299–302
role of the mother 303–304
see also colonisation of women, the family, femininity, sexuality
Returned Soldiers’ and Patriots’ League of Queensland 529
Rhodes, Sue 326, 734
Rich, Ruby 541–42, 647
Richardson, Henry Handel 125–28, 142, 724
Ridley, Ian 170
Right to Life Association 616
Robson, LL 407, 418, 425, 737
Roche Products 211, 729
Rosenthal, Sir Charles 543
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 479
Rowbotham, Sheila 19, 109, 623, 640, 723, 754
Rowley, CD 151, 726
Royal Australian Air Force 572
Royal Commission on the Basic Wage 1919 484, 544
report on child endowment 544–45
Royal Commission on Employees in Shops 1883 502
Royal Commission into the Hours and General Conditions of Employment of Female and Juvenile Labour 1911 485–86
Royal Commission on Secret Drugs, Cures and Foods 1907 460–62, 741
Rudd, Steele 122, 126
Rural Workers’ Case 1912485
Ryan, Col. Charles 535
Rye, Ms 445
Sabine women, rape of 375
Sackville, Ronald 613, 731, 753
Sand, George 127, 506
School for Mothers 483
Schreiner, Olive 505
Scott, Rose 490, 494–95, 499, 514, 746, 748
A Season at Sarsaparilla130
Second World War 255, 583, 631
effect on women 578–81
mobilisation of women 572–81, 631
see also American servicemen, Australian Women’s Land Army, Women’s Employment Board
Select Committee on the State of Gaols 401
Select Committee on Transportation 1812 402, 416, 738
Select Committee on Transportation 1837 405, 414, 738, 739
Senate Select Committee on Drug Trafficking and Abuse 201, 447, 728
Seneca Falls Convention 1848 504
Sesame Street586
Seven Little Australians536
Seven Poor Men of Sydney137, 155, 726
Sex Discrimination Act 19845, 6, 39, 46, 58, 67, 72–73, 75, 77, 80, 699, 701, 706, 718, 720,
Sex education 341–42, 541–48, 647, 694, 699, 751,
see also repression of sexuality, sex roles, socialisation
Sex objects
women as 381
Sex roles
and child-care centres 585
and children’s books 586–87
expectations 586, 605–607
see also the family, socialisation, sex stereotypes, sexism
Sex stereotypes 11, 100, 258–59, 464, 438–39
in Australian literature 129–44
as colonising weapon 379–81
and feminism 382–85
relation to family 271–83
see also God’s Police stereotype, Damned Whore stereotype, sex roles, sexism
Sexism 27, 31, 45, 52, 93, 100, 103, 104–111, 458–59
towards Aboriginal women 233–34
of Australian historical writings 95–99
and class 106–107
effects on women 620–40
of ‘the left’ 154–55
as oppression 110–11
of poverty surveys 216–17
and racism 106-7
of radical press 153–58
and women’s education 307–311
of writings about Australia 145–58
see also Damned Whore stereotype, the family, feminism, God’s Police stereotype, sex roles
Sexual harassment 4
Sexual perversions
outlawing of 301
attitudes to 464–67
suppression of women’s 340–66
see also age of consent, castration of women, clitoris, the family, femininity, nymphomania, orgasm, promiscuity, venereal disease
Seymour, Alan 133
Shaw, AGL 399, 407
Sherfey, Mary Jane 345–47, 374
Shop assistants 499, 595
Shoplifting 213, 730
Shute, Carmel 528, 535–36, 748
Silverwater Detention and Training Centre for Women, Sydney 270
Single mothers 546, 612–13
attitudes towards 613–14
Single women 611–14
Six o’clock closing 502, 543
The Slow Natives174, 727
Slut-shaming 13
Slut walks 12
Small, Mary Parker 93
Small, Rebekah 93, 675
Social attitudes to nonconformist women 612–14
Social Darwinism 476, 479
Social Services Act 1947–1972224, 230, 232
moralism of 232–33
Socialisation 304–308
acquisition of self 185–201
processes of sex differentiation 188–93
see also the family, repression of sexuality, sex roles
Solitary confinement 418–24
South African Government 368
South Australia
Wakefield’s plan 434–36
women’s suffrage 491
Spence, Catherine Helen 468, 476, 505, 685, 742, 744,
Spencer, Herbert 476, 479
Sport 58, 159–82
women’s sports 58, 172
see also football, horseracing, surfing
States Grants (Deserted Wives) Act 1968 613
Stead, Christina 135–37, 684, 724, 726
Steinke, John C. 241, 732
Stephenson, Rosalie 557, 750
Sterilisation 357–58
see also vasectomy
Stillbirths 565–66
Stock and Station Journal539
Stone, Louis 126
Stone, Lucy 506
A Stretch of the Imagination134
The Subjection of Women 313, 505
Suffrage, women’s
and feminism 505–507
and the labour movement 497–500
myths about women’s 490–94
and temperance 494
see also Maybanke Anderson, feminism, Vida Goldstein, labour movement, Rose Scott, Womanhood Suffrage League, Women’s Christian Temperance Union, Women’s Political Association
Suicide attempts 208–2
increased rate in women 212
suicidal behaviour by women 212
The Summer of the Seventeenth Doll131–32
Supporting mothers 119
Supporting Mothers’ Benefit 224–31, 285, 310, 613, 696, 698
Suppression of Brothels Bill 1907 487
Surfing 154, 160
Sydney City Council 483
Sydney Licensed Victuallers’ Association 500–501
Sydney, Lord 401
Sydney Mother’s Union 465
Sydney Rape Crisis Centre 18
Sydney University
see University of Sydney
Sydney Women’s Club 510, 745
Syphilis 488, 543, 749
TAB 161
employment of women in 165
Tailoresses’ strike 452, 675
Tattersalls’ Club 163
Teachers’ Association, North Sydney District 478
Teachers’ Federation 542, 658
Tell Morning This137, 751
Temperance movements 487–88, 542–44
Tennant, Kylie 137–38, 142, 148–89, 578, 724–45, 751
Tennison, Patrick 582, 754
Testator’s Family Maintenance andGuardianship of Infants Act 1916, NSW 505
Thalidomide 210
Thompson, EP 279, 733
Tomasetti, Glen 14, 717
Townend, Christine 143
Trade Union Women’s Committee report on sustenance for unemployed women 557
Trades and Labour Council 452–53, 498
Trichomonas 365
Tryptanol 204, 209
Turner, Ethel 536, 748
Turner, Ian 171, 491, 744
Twopeny, REN 501, 746
Typographical Union 494
The U-jack Society 56, 443
Unemployed Girls’ Relief Movement 374–75, 376–77
female, in the Depression 369–70
male, in the Depression 369
unemployment relief in the Depression 372–73
of women 127, 374–75
see also Unemployed Girls’ Relief Movement
and equal pay 371–72
exclusion of women 289–90
and women 291
see also women’s unions
United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women, Department of Labour and National Service, Report for 128
admission of women 302–307
admission of women medical students 305–306
see also education, medical profession, motherhood
University Constitution Amendment Bill 303
University of Adelaide 302, 461
University of London 303
University of Melbourne Council 303
University of Sydney 96, 306, 311, 313, 443, 461, 462
University of Technology Sydney 1
Vaginal infections 198, 364
Valium 204, 209–11, 535, 729
consumption by women 209–10
Vasectomy 3 57
Venereal disease 262, 364, 391, 471, 487–88, 524, 541–46, 694, 744
and lunacy 543
see also syphilis
Victoria, women’s suffrage 491
Victorian Electoral Act 1863491