by Anne Summers
Victorian Government
assistance to single mothers 613
Victorian Liquor Law League 501
Vietnam War 146, 578, 646, 650
anti-war campaigns 531
Viidikas, Vicki 143
A Vindication of the Rights of Women505
Violence against women 13, 16
Virginity 45, 324–25
tests 578
Virtue, Mr Justice 333
The Vivisector129
Vogue598, 601
Voluntary work by women 536–37, 561, 575,
Votes for women
see suffrage
female 6, 65, 68–72, 107, 218–20, 238–40, 244–45, 251, 395, 443, 486, 512, 538, 540, 562, 574, 579, 591, 608, 632, 645, 674, 677–80, 684, 698, 704, 747, 750
male 218–19, 448
see also equal pay, Harvester Judgement, Mr Justice Higgins, National Wage Case 1974, Rural Workers’ Case 1912
Wakefield, Edward Gibbon 434–36, 739
War Precautions Act 1915530
Ward, Paul 332, 734
Ward, Russel 99, 551, 725
Weir, Angela 269, 733
Welfare payments 3
‘Whig interpretation’ of Australian history 430–33, 443
White Australia, A
see also A White Australia
White, Patrick 129, 137, 139
White with Wire Wheels131
Whitlam government 2
Widows 299
Widows’ Pensions Act 1926545, 683
Wilding, Michael 144
Willacy, Dulcie 582
Williams, Raymond 183, 728
Williamson, David 133
Windeyer, Lady 499
Windeyer, Margaret 509
Winkler, Anne 203, 729
Witches 375, 376, 736
Wollstonecraft, Mary 505
Woman Voter514, 530, 743, 748
Womanhood Suffrage League (WSL) 480, 494, 498, 685, 745–47,
Woman’s Consciousness, Man’s World623, 723
Woman’s Day597–8, 600, 753, 597
Woman’s Journal506
Woman’s Suffrage Journal of NSW508, 747
Woman’s Suffrage Society 494
Woman’s Voice480
Woman’s World597, 598
‘Women and Doctors’ 313, 736
Women in Australia98, 427, 744
Women’s Air Training Corps Air Raid Precautions 575
Women’s Australian National Services 575
Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force 572
Women’s Central Organising Committee, Australian Labor Party
see Australian Labor Party
Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) 97, 483, 495, 501–503, 749
see also alcohol, barmaids, local option polls, temperance movements
Women’s College, University of Melbourne 466–67, 675
Women’s College, University of Sydney 470, 472–4, 471–72,
Women’s Electoral Lobby 252, 637, 655, 688, 698, 732, 744, 754,
Women’s Employment Bill 574
Women’s Employment Board 574–75, 579, 678, 684
Women’s Equal Franchise League 495
Women’s Federal Political Association 495
see also Women’s Political Association
Women’s Industrial Guild 500
Women’s Land Army
see also Australian Women’s Land Army
Women’s Liberal League 481
Women’s Liberal League, New South Wales 496
Women’s liberation movement 4, 44, 111, 154–48, 636, 693, 754, 436, 474
see also feminism, women’s movement
Women’s Literary Society 506, 747
Women’s magazines 56, 32, 56, 365, 369–72, 586, 591
and femininity 56–57, 369
readership 597–604, 491
Women’s movement 37–43, 62, 637–8, 641–37, 718, 731, 740–48, 754
Women’s Non-Party Association of South Australia 516
see also suffrage
Women’s Peace Army 530–32, 534
Women’s Political Association 519, 523, 530
see also Women’s Federal Political Association
Women’s Progressive Association 481
Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service 572–3
Women’s Services Guild 97
Women’s Social and Political Union 493, 520
Women’s Suffrage Bill 499
Women’s unions 452
laundresses’ strike 452, 676
tailoresses’ strike 452, 676
see also Female Employees Union
Woods, Greg 332, 734
Woolf, Virginia 127, 724
Writers, women 52, 127–28, 142–43
Yellow Peril 523
YWCA 513
Zaretsky, Eli 157, 169, 452
Zero population growth 417