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At My General’s Command

Page 14

by Romeo Alexander

  Except for the damn sunlight hitting his face.

  Christian groaned again, rolling away from the window that was letting the accursed light filter onto his face. Instead, he pressed his face against David’s chest and held it there with a grumble of complaint. It was followed by a low, rumbling chuckle echoing out of David’s chest as the other man adjusted his hold on Christian, keeping him close.

  “Good morning,” David said, voice rough with sleep.

  “Would be good if the sun would go away,” Christian muttered.

  “It won’t go away from this side of the house for a good few hours,” David told him.

  “That’s the worst thing I’ve heard this morning.”

  “Then let me make it better by saying you’re absolutely adorable when you wake up.”

  Christian paused, then smiled. “Okay, that made it better.”


  He was content to lie there for a little longer, still greedily soaking up the heat of David’s body. Neither one of them had been ready to follow through on David’s promise when they’d stumbled through his door the night before. The Gala had wiped Christian out completely, and he had sensed David wasn’t much better off. The most they could manage was to pull their clothes off and stumble into bed, Christian still wearing his underwear and one sock. In contrast, David, at least, managed to get completely naked.

  It was a few hours later when Christian woke up to a familiar thick presence pressing against his back that he found he had a little more energy. David had woken a few minutes before him and had taken to stroking Christian’s body tenderly, trying not to wake him. Christian wasn’t sure if it had been the light touches that had brought him awake, or if it was the man’s bare cock pushing against his back. Either way, he’d been more than happy to roll over and pounce on the man, eager to feel his cock inside him again.

  And now he found himself wrapped up in the man’s arms, his body a little tender still, but happy and wondering what was going to happen. He had to believe that after the night’s events, something good was coming his way. Christian couldn’t believe that David would kiss him, promise they’d talk, and then spend the night like they were lovers, and it all have been for nothing.

  Christian grunted. “Great, now I’m awake.”

  David chuckled, rubbing a hand over Christian’s lower back. “That’s what happens when you wake up.”

  “Yes, I always wondered about that.”


  “Tender ass more like it,” Christian grunted.

  David leaned back to peer down at him. “Really? I thought I was pretty gentle last night.”

  “In comparison to the first time, yeah.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  Christian chuckled, kissing the other man quickly. “Don’t be. That wasn’t a complaint. Plus, no amount of lube and gentleness can completely take away from the friction of a condom after a little while. Well, and you’re the first person I’ve slept with in body isn’t exactly used to it.”

  “Well, maybe we should do something about that,” David said.

  Christian raised a brow. “Yeah?”

  David smiled. “Why don’t I make us some coffee, and you and I can talk like I promised.”

  “This isn’t going to be a...bad talk or anything, is it?” Christian asked as his nerves finally got the better of him.

  David leaned forward, kissing Christian’s forehead. “I certainly hope not.”

  He wasn’t quite sure what that was supposed to mean, but Christian would accept it. David wasn’t exactly a man who rushed into anything and erred more toward heavy thought than he did immediate action. In truth, Christian had expected the older man to take far longer than a few days to come to a conclusion, and he wondered what had changed that patient habit of David’s.

  “Alright, but I’m the one making the coffee. I don’t trust your non-coffee drinking ass to make it,” Christian said, wriggling out of David’s grip.

  “Someone’s eager,” David said with a smirk.

  Christian hopped off the bed and stretched. “You promised me coffee. Once you offer me coffee, I’m going to want it and immediately.”

  David rolled onto his back, eyes roving Christian’s naked body greedily. “By all means, help yourself. Truth is, I wasn’t going to make any for myself anyway.”

  “Ooh, so I get to make it my way?”

  “That you do.”


  Christian almost skipped off toward the kitchen, where the delicious brew of the Gods waited for him. He hesitated, however, as he watched David take his own turn to stretch before getting out of bed. Christian’s groin stirred as he watched the man’s well cared for body on full display in the invading sunlight. Dark hair glistened on his stomach in a thin but bold line, and Christian could see just a peek of the dark hair that rested above the man’s cock. He knew all too well what the blanket was hiding, and for a moment, he was tempted to dive back onto the bed and help himself again.

  David snorted, pointing to the kitchen. “Weren’t you about to make coffee?”

  “What, like you weren’t just checking me out?”

  “With an ass like that, how could I not?”

  “And when you look as good as you do, all sleepy and sexy in bed, how can I not do the same?”

  David smiled. “Because you have coffee to attend to. And afterward, we should probably take a shower.”

  “To get clean or to get dirty all over again?”

  “I suppose that depends on you, now doesn’t it?”

  Knowing he was being dismissed, Christian turned on his heel, still grinning and marched out of the room. Once more, he found his mind immediately wondering what David was going to say to him. Christian wasn’t foolish enough to believe that he and David being something, dating seriously, and maybe falling in love wouldn’t be dangerous. The two of them were more than a couple of decades apart, and in reality, their positions made a romance very dangerous for both of them.

  Yet, his mind couldn’t help but fixate on the few moments they’d had together. Something about being with David felt right. Some part of him, his heart, if Christian wanted to be romantic, just felt perfectly at home in David’s arms. The sex was mind-blowing, their conversations came easily, and they knew they could depend on one another when the going got tough. Maybe there were plenty of reasons to avoid any sort of romantic relationship, but Christian also thought there were plenty of reasons to stick with it as well.

  As he rummaged around to find the coffee, he felt an arm wrap around his waist and pull him back suddenly. Startled from his thoughts, Christian let out a small yelp as he felt his back collide with David’s front. He let out a soft laugh as he felt David’s other arm wrap around his chest, keeping him in place so he couldn’t wriggle away.

  “David! I’m trying to make coffee like you ordered,” Christian protested.

  “And I come out of my room, finding you bent over in my kitchen. How could I resist?”

  The growl in David’s voice was no longer because he was still half-asleep. Oh no, Christian could hear the man was wide awake, and that was all desire in his rough voice. And if his voice wasn’t any indication, the press of David’s cock into his back was certainly a strong indicator.

  Christian shivered. “We’re not making it to the shower first, are we?”


  With that simple word, Christian found himself melting back into David’s arms. It was only then that he realized one of David’s hands was not gripping onto him but to something else. A low gasp broke from him as he saw the familiar bottle of lube and the shining wrapper that signified a condom.

  “Damn, and you came prepared,” Christian murmured, turning his head to kiss David as best he could.

  “I might have gone back and grabbed what we needed,” David told him.

  Christian managed to succeed in his attempt to kiss the other man, moaning softly as their lips parted. An idea
blossomed in his head, and while he knew it was probably a bad idea to bring it up, he couldn’t help himself.

  “Do you trust me?” Christian heard himself ask.

  David pulled back, raising a brow. “Of course I do.”

  “No,” Christian began, reaching down to pull the condom from David’s grasp. “Do you trust me.”

  David’s eyes lit up in understanding, his brow falling to a frown. “You...want to go without?”

  It was one hell of a question to ask the other man, considering he still didn’t even know if they were going to be something serious. Yet, he knew damn well that he could trust the other man to be honest with him if going bare was safe for them. On the one hand, he desperately wanted it, wanting that display of pure trust between them, and hopefully, foreshadowing what was going to come when they finally talked. On the other hand, a far more horny side of his mind wanted to feel the general’s bare cock and to feel him come inside him.

  “If you think we can,” Christian said.

  David’s bottom lip was caught between his teeth. “It’s been...quite some time since I went without.”

  Christian chuckled nervously. “I’ve never.”

  David’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “I’ve never gone bare before.”

  He knew enough about going bare to know it felt better for both partners, and there tended to be less irritation for the person who received. Christian had always wanted to feel someone’s bare cock inside him, to know what it felt like to be bonded, skin to skin. Still, he’d never quite trusted any previous partner enough for that. Trust was not something he gave easily, even though he tried to find the best in people. His health was not something he was going to throw away on a fling, or on a short term boyfriend, he barely knew.

  But for David? He’d do it in a heartbeat.

  “Feels like that should be for a more special moment than me fucking you on a counter,” David said, eyes darting between Christian and the condom.

  Christian laughed. “Are you kidding me? Just having you inside me is going to be romantic enough.”

  David’s pupils swelled, but his grin returned. “A man of simple tastes.”

  “And easy to please,” Christian told him.

  David released him, taking the condom from him and tossing it absently onto the counter. The bottle of lube, however, he placed nearby after opening it. Christian hummed happily a moment later when he was pulled into a hungry kiss, now facing David as he was pulled close. It required him to stand on the tips of his toes to reach the man’s lips comfortably, but he considered it well worth it.

  He jumped when he felt cold fingers, covered in lube, find their way to his hole. Christian wasn’t quite sure when David had managed to coat his fingers, but he knew the older man could be quite sneaky when he wanted to be. Instead, he moaned as the first digit slipped into him, sliding up and lubing his insides. A moment later, a second finger joined the first, drawing a low chuckle from him.

  “Something funny?” David asked as he spread his fingers apart.

  Christian grunted. “Just, how patient you usually are with everything, but when it comes to sex, you’ve got zero patience.”

  A third finger probed him as David grinned. “Maybe it’s your effect. Problem?”

  Christian moaned as the third finger spread him open, making him clutch onto David harder. “God, no.”

  “Good,” David murmured as he pushed his fingers deeper.

  The little bit of tenderness from the night before’s antics was quickly lost as David’s fingers found the right place deep inside him. Christian arched his back, giving in almost immediately to the demands of David’s hands on him. As much as he loved to tease and taunt the older man in their everyday lives, it was perfect giving into David when he wanted Christian so plainly, so obviously that he felt the need to claim him on the spot.

  David broke the kiss, whispering harshly against his lips. “Lean on the counter, spread your legs.”

  “Fuck,” Christian muttered.

  But he didn’t argue. Extracting himself from David’s grip, he turned toward the counter and did as he was told. In truth, he would have probably bent over double if David had ordered him to, and would have gripped his ankles with a smile on his face. Thankfully he needed only to lean over the cool countertop and spread his legs apart, knowing he was putting himself on full display for David.

  He didn’t have to wait long for the other man to take advantage. A hand came to rest on his lower back, pinning his hips against the counter with a firm hold. Christian looked over his shoulder, a shiver running through him when he caught David’s pale eyes locked on him as he moved forward. The next moment, he felt the blunt head of the man’s cock pressing against him.

  And then, he opened for him. Christian bowed his head forward, moaning softly as he felt David’s cock begin to slide into his stretched hole. He wasn’t sure if it was smoother because David had taken the time to open him, the fact that they hadn’t gone that long without sex, or the lack of a condom, or some combination of the three. What he did know was, it felt absolutely amazing.

  “Damn,” David hissed as he eased in to the halfway point.

  “Agreed,” Christian said with a shaky voice.

  David’s cock still had to spread him wide, his fingers hadn’t done the job completely. Christian relished the feeling of the man’s cock sliding into him, filling him so much that his body was forced to adjust. There was almost no burn this time around, just the sensation of David, unimpeded and uncovered, moving deep into him. He would swear he could feel the man’s heartbeat without the condom in the way, and his own cock was already straining against the side of the counter.

  Christian was pressed even harder against the counter when David reared back and slid into him again with a grunt. Christian didn’t need to be told to keep still as he felt David’s grip on his hips tighten, nails almost digging into his skin. It didn’t stop him from arching his back, though, or the wanton moans escaping his lips as David began to thrust into him again and again.

  Skin met skin with a sharp slap each time David bottomed out, hitting Christian deeply and dragging desperate sounds from him. Never had he known a bout of sex to start so smoothly, and escalate so rapidly into pure pleasure. He was never more glad that David’s house was a distance away from the other buildings on base until he found himself crying out with each thrust.

  “Stamina isn’t going to be so good this time around,” David warned.

  Excitement, unlike any other, zinged through Christian with the force of a lightning bolt at those words. Eagerness took over, and he found himself pushing his hips back into David’s thrusts as best as he could. No longer just there for the ride, Christian wanted to feel David come, wanted to feel him explode deep inside him.

  “Christian,” David hissed.

  “Oh, please, do it.”

  David’s grip on his hips redoubled, and the man thrust hard against him. The next thrust was just as brutal, pinning Christian against the counter as David hammered against him, getting as deep as possible on each thrust. He felt the other man stiffen, shoving hard one final time and letting out a deep growl.

  Christian moaned as he could feel the twitch of David’s cock inside him. Warmth flooded his ass as David came deep, his hips pushing against him with every spurt. It was too much for Christian, knowing it was David inside him, coming deep. Christian let out a low cry, sagging against the counter as he felt his own release wash through him, painting the front of the counter.

  David panted, his hands firmly on Christian as he held him steady. “Did you just…”

  “Yep, hands-free. Oh, holy shit,” Christian said breathlessly.

  He felt himself yanked up forcefully, his head turned to be kissed fiercely by David. Christian moaned as he felt their kiss force David’s cock to twist and twitch inside him. Even post-orgasm, he never once felt a twinge of regret, glad that it was David he had waited for before he’d taken the plunge.

  “You, are too much fun,” David whispered.

  “One of my many talents,” Christian said.

  David chuckled, stroking Christian’s face. “I guess we should see about that shower now.”

  “When I can walk right, sure.”

  David said nothing, a playful smirk on his face as he gently eased himself out of Christian. For a minute, Christian thought the other man was going to let him drop to the ground before he felt himself hoisted into the air. He flailed, instinctively wrapping his arms around David’s neck and squeezing. He was safe, however, cradled in David’s arms as the older man turned back toward the bedroom.

  “I’ve got you covered,” David said with a grin.

  Christian laughed as he was carried through the house and into the bedroom. “You know, your dick didn’t cripple me.”

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  “But I’m not going to argue with being carried either.”

  “Good, because we’re almost to the shower anyway.”

  Christian leaned up, kissing the corner of David’s mouth. “My hero, saving me from my wobbly legs.”

  “Well, I wobbled them, so I might as well do the rest.”

  Christian laughed, feeling a little high on the moment. There was no way David would have gone bare with him if he wasn’t prepared to make something more of the two of them. Christian knew he had chosen the right person to give himself to completely, and his stomach fluttered as he thought of having more mornings like this, and more nights like the one before. Everything was falling into place for them, and he couldn’t be happier.

  A sharp knocking echoed through the house, killing Christian’s laugh.

  “What was that?” Christian asked.

  David’s eyes shifted toward the front of the house, frowning. “The front door.”


  Still frowning, he gently placed Christian on the tiled floor of his bathroom. “Stay here.”

  “Yeah, I’m just going to go answer your door butt naked,” Christian said.

  David frowned at him but could sense the tension in Christian and left it alone. Instead, he turned and grabbed up the pair of lounge pants and t-shirt he’d laid out for himself the day before, and had never worn to bed. The knocking came again, just as insistent and demanding as before, drawing David’s brow together even tighter.


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