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The World For My Zombie Kings: A Reverse Harem Romance (Zombies Rule The World Book 3)

Page 13

by McCoy, LeeSha

  “Holy shit, babe.” He kisses my neck. “You’re fucking squirting.”

  I rest my head on the table as I continue to whimper and clench Axe’s dick that’s still buried deep. That’s never happened to me before, but I’m too breathless to say anything about it.

  That was so fucking good…

  He finally pulls out of my pussy, but I know he’s not done. His word of ‘two’ confirms it. He is nice enough to let me recover while he kisses me all the way down my back, though.

  “I can't wait to call you my wife, babe.”

  My heart flutters, but then I completely lose it because his touch is suddenly everywhere again.

  “Ready for three?”

  I can only nod.



  The kids and the rest of my kings get back a few hours later, and then while the kids explore the house, we start on breakfast.

  “Why don't you have a bath, Princess?” Dagger suggests. “Take a few hours to relax.”

  “Yeah, that would be nice.” This is the longest we would’ve stopped anywhere, and with it being the last night of work, I might actually be able to switch off long enough to enjoy it, too.

  He kisses my forehead and takes the knife from my hand. “I'll go run it.”

  I sit at the table and when he returns, Blade pours us all a glass of bourbon and coke before passing them out.

  “To the last few nights of having zombies in the world,” he says, and we all raise our glasses.

  “Except us,” Pin says, smirking.

  “Except us,” he corrects himself. “We did good.”

  “We did,” I agree.

  Our thoughts all turn to how much the kids’ lives are going to change now, and I feel emotional thinking about it. Seeing how much they’ve grown mentally over the past month has been everything. They’re really grown-ups now.

  Thorn sits down beside me to pull me into his arms and rest a kiss on my head. “It's okay, Angel. We feel the same.”

  He lets me go and I hold his hand. “We really raised the most incredible kids.”

  “We did,” they all say in unison.

  “Thank you, sweetness.”

  I turn my head to look at Blade across from us. “Why thanks now?”

  “For everything,” Dagger says.

  I look back at Thorn, and he nods. “For taking a risk for us, for following your heart and not your head. For all the sleepless nights, for never stopping to search for answers for us—even when we tried to stop you. For being you.” He holds my face and gently strokes his thumb over my lips. “You really are an angel.”

  My breath catches. “Kings...”

  “You're seriously fucking special, babe,” Axe says. “Seriously.”

  I turn to face the others. “So are all of you.” And I mean that so deeply. “I'd do anything for you.” I take a quick look back at Thorn. “I think I would’ve from the day you showed up at my lab with your incredible acting skills.”

  He laughs at that, and so do his brothers.

  “Yeah, and Pin went to Cheshire instead of Cambridge,” Blade says.

  I laugh and turn to see him leaning against the counter, shaking his head. “I forgot about that. How the hell did you get them mixed up?”

  He eyes Thorn. “I'm pretty sure a certain brother had something to do with that.”

  I shake my head at Thorn. “You didn't…”

  Thorn remains tight lipped, but I know Pin’s right.

  “You're terrible.”

  He shrugs. “I wanted to find you first.”

  “But,” Pin says, coming to sit down beside Blade, “even though he was an asshole and sent me on a wild goose chase, I'm glad it was him that reached you first. ‘Cause I don't think any of us would've been able to get you to change your mind about us as quickly as he did.”

  I smirk, not completely agreeing with that. “I still think we would've ended up here. The Clarke charm is irresistible, believe me.”

  “Oh, we know,” Dagger says, but then I feel an argument brewing over who has the best skills.

  “Seriously, though,” I say, putting a halt to the arguing, “thank you, for being so much more than I could’ve wished for, for loving me the way you do, and for our incredible children. I wouldn't change a thing, and if we had to do it all again, I would in a heartbeat. Even if you all had small, human dicks.”

  Thorn rolls his eyes, but the rest of the brothers laugh.

  “Y’know, that has me thinking,” Axe says, “once this is over, y’know the kids are gonna wanna start fucking, right?”

  I literally feel Raeni roll her eyes. ‘We heard that.’

  “So?” he says, knowing they can hear us.

  “Well, you better make sure you speak to the boys about strapping up, and to the girls about what kinds of shit men say to get it.” I don’t know how it will work with them having babies, or if their DNA allows it, but we need them to be careful just in case.

  “We’ll talk to all of them,” Thorn says, and I know he’s going to struggle with that.

  “Damn right we will,” Pin agrees. “I ain't about to be a granddad yet.”

  Axe shakes his head vehemently. “Fuck all that. They'll be asking us to babysit and shit.”

  ‘No we won't,’ Raeni says. ‘We're not idiots. We'll be safe.’

  “Make sure,” Thorn practically growls before pulling me up. “Bath for you, Angel. We'll call you when food’s ready.”

  “Wake your ass up, Mimi.”

  I open my eyes to see my brother staring down at me. I only came up here after breakfast to check my phone, but I must’ve fallen asleep.

  I rush to sit up and throw my arms around him. “Oh, my God, Vince! What are you doing here so soon?”

  He squeezes me tightly and chuckles. “It's called a surprise.”

  I pull back to hold him at arm’s length. “Wow, look at you. Been lifting weights a little bit, huh?”

  He tilts his head. “Just keeping young.”

  “Uh-huh.” He’s wearing a red t-shirt and dark jeans, something he’d never wear before. I know he struggled with his weight when he moved out here, said it was all the good food, but he seems a lot more confident now. “You just seem to be glowing. And I love your hair.”

  “Thanks, sis. I wanted to cut it short for ages, but I always chickened out. Mum hates it, but I love it.”

  I chuckle at that. Typical Mum. She never was good with change. I open my mouth to ask where she is, but I suddenly hear her downstairs gushing over her grandkids. “I see mum got distracted on her way up here.”

  He widens his eyes and nods. “I think it's the first time I've ever seen her run.”

  We both laugh as I get up. “Let me brush my teeth real quick. Where's Cary?”

  “He didn't come. But fuck all that, how fine are your brother-husbands?”

  I almost choke on my toothbrush. “They can hear you.”

  “So? Hunny, they are like adonises. Especially the one with all those beauty marks. Do you lick them?”

  I snort. My brother always asks the most intimate questions. He used to ask me about my sex life every other time he called when I worked at the lab. “I haven't tasted every one, but I know where they all are.”

  His eyes widen. “Does he have them everywhere?”

  I nod before I spit. “Pretty much.”

  I hear his thoughts in overdrive, debating whether he should find himself five brothers. “Lawd, do they come from a big family? They got cousins?”

  I wipe my mouth and laugh harder. “No. Sorry.”

  He pretends to fan himself. “You are one lucky bitch. How do you even handle them all? They look like animals. In a good way,” he adds quickly.

  I hear the brothers laughing in the kitchen. “I handle them just fine, believe me. I recommend everyone to get a harem. It's the best way to live life.”

  He shakes his head before getting up to link his arm in mine, so we can make our way downstairs. “I d
on't doubt it. They worship you, too, y’know?”

  I frown. “How do you know?”

  He suddenly pushes me down the last step, almost making me fall. “Oh look, there's Mum.”

  I glare at him before finding mum amongst the kids in the hallway. Prodding, poking, and generally checking them all for any ailments. She’s wearing a bright purple headscarf and traditional Kenyan dress. Same mum, but I love the way I can smell her scent so much stronger than before.

  I’ve missed how comforting it is.

  I shake my head as I make my way over to her. “They're perfectly healthy, Mum.”

  She drops her hand from Angel’s face and turns to face me. “Mikka!”

  I hear the relief in her voice as much as I feel it. “Long time no see, Mum.”

  She runs the last few feet to me, and then pulls me into her arms. “Oh, darling, you feel just the same.”

  I chuckle. “I haven't turned into the hulk.”

  She squeezes me harder. “I know, but, I thought you'd all be different in person. I'm sorry.” She pulls out of my arms to look at the brothers. “I don't mean to offend.”

  “You aren't,” Dagger says, trying to stop himself from laughing. “We can hear what you think now that you're near us. Just be yourself.”

  “I will.” She looks back at Angel. “She's too skinny, Mikka. You need to feed her more.”

  I only just stop myself from rolling my eyes, and I see Angel smile when mum looks back at me. “She's fine.”

  “Don’t worry, baby, Bibi will feed you up.”

  Angel laughs and I see Axe wink at her. Thank God she’s Axe’s child and doesn’t let anything phase her. The last thing I need is her getting a complex over her weight.

  “So, what made you come today? Did you want to watch the last zombies fall?” I ask her and Vince.

  “Actually, Mum,” Raeni says, so I turn to look at her. “How would you feel about marrying our dads today?”


  She comes closer with the rest of her siblings. “Yeah, today.”

  “But…” I hear their thoughts about all the plans they’ve been making, and I can’t contain my smile. “How on earth did you get all that past me?”

  Her eyes light up as they all laugh. “Well, we've kinda been working while you've slept, and, when all of us work together, we're quite good at distracting you.”

  I almost turn red at the memory of me and Axe this morning.

  ‘The distracting part was a bonus. Trust me, you would’ve gotten all of that the same way.’

  I turn to the brothers who are all smiling at me. “You sure you want to get married here? Now? In America?”

  “We'd marry you anywhere, Mikka,” Pin says. “We only waited because we knew you wanted your mum and Vince to be there.”

  Mum’s hands suddenly rest on my shoulders. “And now we are.”

  “I…” I suddenly feel emotional over the thought of leaving here as Misses Clarke. “I’d love nothing more.”

  “Us either, baby,” Pin says for them all.

  “I have something old, borrowed, and blue for you, too,” Mum whispers in my ear, and I smirk at the blue item.

  “Thanks, Mum.”

  “Then let us get you ready, Mum,” Hope says, holding my hand. “The pastor will be here soon.”



  “Isn't this a little weird? It will be dark soon. I don't want the dead watching me get married.”

  My sisters laugh while I pull a few of Mum's curls over her shoulders. I hold her arms. “Mum, it's fine. We have plenty of time, okay? We can always hold them back until you have the same surname as us.”

  She smiles. “Alright. Thank you, sweetheart.”

  I step back to admire how amazing she looks. I saw her looking at a dress like this a few months ago and remembered it to the T. Paris and I spent seven nights straight making it before we left Wales. We screwed up the first two attempts, but this one is perfect.

  It’s completely fitted, all white satin—which is a fucking nightmare to work with by the way—has short sleeves, and stops just above her knee. Mum is simple in most things. She’s not materialistic and even the littlest gestures are everything to her, so I know how much this means, even without hearing or feeling it.

  “You look beautiful, Mum,” Angel says, and we all agree.

  “Do you think your dads will like it?”

  I nod. “More than.” Our dads adore her, but still not as much as us. We know all about what she did before she had us, and how much she did after. She deserves the world.

  She looks amongst us all. “I love you all so much. I know things will change soon and you'll be going off to do what you've always dreamt of, but you know you'll always be our babies.”

  “We know,” Hope says for all of us.

  There's no doubt we'll always feel most at home when we're close to her and our dads, but we also have dreams. Some simple, some crazy, but most completely different. I for one, can't wait to go to school. To have friends, to go to parties, to meet boys...

  I want to meet one guy who treats me how my dads treat my mum.

  I keep those thoughts to myself, but I think mum heard…

  ‘You're an adult,’ I hear her in my mind. ‘Sex, or wanting to find love, is nothing to be ashamed about. It's the best part of being an adult, too.’

  I smile back at her. It must be, because that’s all her and our dads do. I learnt at a young age to block it out, but there have been times I’ve overheard things. It enabled me to learn how to use my mind better, though, so it wasn’t all bad.

  Like hiding my deepest darkest thoughts from them. Some things do get through if I’m not careful. Most of us can hide things from them if we really try, except the youngest ones, but we’ll keep teaching them until they get it.

  Manipulating minds came easy, though. We’ve never been able to sway mum, and Axe is a little more difficult, but our biological dads aren't hard because as much as they say no, they don't fully mean it.

  We don't take advantage in any other ways, though. We're not that bad.

  “Thanks, Mum. Are you ready?”

  She nods. “Yes.”

  “Then come on,” Treasure says. “It’s time to put our dads out of their misery. They’ve been desperate for this.”

  And that’s the truth. Their thoughts have always wandered to hearing mum say, ‘I do’. Their every waking thought pretty much revolves around her. They have since as long as I can remember hearing them.

  Our brothers let us know that our dads are ready, and so we walk mum out to the back of the house. Emerson’s set up a camera to record it all. I know they hadn’t thought about that, but there’s no way we couldn’t record this.

  Our dads are standing at the end of a path made of yellow roses, in black tuxes that they picked up in Rome, and our brothers are with them, all dressed in black suits. Us girls are wearing dresses we found in Germany of all places; gold traditional bridesmaid dresses that mum also wanted us to wear. There was a time I thought I’d never find any that matched what she wanted. I thought we’d have to make them, too.

  It's been slow going, trying to do everything while mum slept, but our dads have also kept her mind busy. I’m just glad it's over now.

  Uncle Vince links his arm with mum’s and walks her in front of us to give her away. We can all feel her nervous excitement, and our dads are beside themselves. The plan was to get them married in Rome, but because Bibi missed out on all of us growing up, mum couldn't bring herself to let her miss out on this, too.

  Mum gives us all a kiss when her brother releases her, and after our dads give each of us one, we move back to stand with Bibi and Uncle Vince.

  Our dads are a little speechless at first, but then they all tell her how beautiful she looks, amongst other thoughts they try to keep private, and although there is the hint of anxiety coming off them, more than anything, they're happy as hell.

  We've heard the story ab
out how they met, hundreds of times, but I never get sick of hearing it, and we admire mum so much for what she did. Ignoring even her best friend and following her heart…

  And while human, too. I often wonder what it would be like to be human. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate what I am, far from. I just think things would be simpler sometimes if I wasn't a zombie. No one's thoughts inside your mind except your own…

  My siblings think I'm crazy, but I can’t help but be intrigued by the thought of being ‘normal’.

  The pastor begins the ceremony, and we all watch with smiles on our faces. Even Bibi is the happiest woman alive right now. It took her a little while to come to terms with her daughter being in love with five brothers, and them her, but all their secret conversations over the past few weeks has really helped to reassure her of just how much my dads love her daughter.

  Uncle Vincent really helped out, too. He spoke to Mason to arrange the licence, he arranged the pastor, and he helped Bibi get the cake together. A three-tiered strawberry cake. Mum’s favourite. I’m hoping he comes back to the UK soon, ‘cause we all adore him already.

  He’s funny, too.

  “Do you, Mikka Rose Rishan,” the pastor begins, “take Thorn, Dagger, Blade, Pin, and Axe Clarke, to be your lawful wedded husbands, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, now and always?”

  She smiles at all of them. “I do.”

  “And Thorn, Dagger, Blade, Pin, and Axe Clarke, do you take Mikka Rose Rishan, to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, now and always?”

  “We do,” they answer together.

  ‘This is so amazing,’ Amber says.

  And it really is.

  It might not be the norm, yet, but growing up with five dads and one mum has been pretty damn sweet, and there’s no doubt that we have some amazing parents.

  “Then I now pronounce you, Husbands and wife.”

  They all kiss each other, but they keep it PG for Bibi’s sake. Then they make their way over to the cake table to sign the papers. Their happiness is everything and more. They really do love each other so much.


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