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The Long Way Home

Page 5

by Cassandra Javier

  “Glad it does.” He said.

  “No, seriously,” She said, “Art has always been my rock.” She told him, “It keeps me hanging on.”

  “Tell you what,” He said, “It kept me hanging on, too.”

  “I can’t make stuff like these, though…”

  “But you are a talented fashion designer, and soon, your works will be worn by who knows? The rich and famous?” He smiled.

  She nudged him, “I’m actually nervous. I don’t wanna let your sister down, she gave me the scholarship.”

  “You won’t,” He said, “I have complete faith in you.”

  She looked at him, “Yeah?”

  He nodded his head, “Positive.”

  They walked some more and Serena noticed a painting that resembled Tryke on a wall. “Is that you?” She asked.

  “Yeah, uhm, Leah made that…”

  “Oh,” Serena muttered, “Wow.”

  “I was actually supposed to take it off the wall but the clients told me it was one of those things that made the gallery what it is…”

  “I think I agree,” She said, “It’s wonderful…also those other paintings to tell you the truth.”

  Tryke smiled a bit, “Leah was quite a talented artist.” He said.

  “Does she still visit here?”

  “Oh, no,” He said, “No, she uhm…She rather started detesting the place since…Since before I went to Wales.”


  Silence and then, “Good thing you didn’t think of closing the shop…” Serena said.

  He smiled, “There are things that keep you alive, no matter how painful.” He told her.

  “I believe you,” She said, “That’s actually how it goes, most times…The things you want almost always have that tinge of hurt, or pain, or sadness…”

  “Fashion for you?”

  She smiled and nodded her head.

  He took a deep breath, “So, what’s it like?” He asked, “Teaching PE?”

  “It’s…hard work,” She answered, “Especially for me, I mean, it’s not really my area of expertise…but sometimes, when you’re there, you meet people who remind you of who you really are and what you really want…”

  “And now, you’re here.”

  She nodded her head and smiled, “And now I’m here.”

  The Only Exception

  It’s been a week since Serena moved to Tuscany.

  It’s been a week since Blake has been staying in Mike’s house.

  That afternoon, Mike came home to get a file he has forgotten early on, and found Blake by the large windowsill, looking depressed.

  “Blake,” He said, “You know I have no problem with you staying here, but…you could take a bath, you know?”

  Blake looked at him, “I did.”

  “Oh, sorry,’ Mike said, “Your hair just looks…messy.” He told him, knowing Blake had always been conscious about his hair and his looks. He then went up to him and sat down beside him, “Blake, come on, it’s been a week. You weren’t even together.”

  “She doesn’t wanna talk to me.”

  “Blake, she may just be tired, she may just be fixing things, she just moved.”

  “It’s been a week.”

  “Blake,” Mike sighed, “Come on, let’s go out, go to the restaurant with me, then we can come to a party later…”

  Blake looked at him with sunken eyes, “Thanks but,” He said, “I want to be alone.”


  That afternoon, after hours of sulking, as usual, Blake logged on to yahoo messenger and found that Serena was online, He hurriedly talked to her.

  Iamblake: serena?

  Iamblake: pls don’t log off

  Itsmeserena: I wasn’t going to.

  Iamblake: I just really wanted to talk to you. I’m really sorry, if you’re still mad at me, but…I love u. u know that. And..i just. I’ve been in pain since u left.

  Itsmeserena: blake..pls don’t be.

  Iamblake: how are u? up early?

  Itsmeserena: yeah, up early. Going to the vineyardsl today so…

  Iamblake: that’s good. How’s Tuscany?

  Itsmeserena: beautiful, it’s beautiful.

  Iamblake: I’m glad you’re safe.

  Itsmeserena: blake, can I say something?

  Iamblake: anything.

  Itsmeserena: look…I appreciate this, but…but I’m seeing someone else.

  Iamblake: what?

  Itsmeserena: the reason why I’m here is because tryke, an online friend, has a sister who works in this big fashion school, and…and they gave me a scholarship, so, now I’m here, living with my cousin, and…tryke and i..we’re hanging out.

  Iamblake: is this…true?

  Itsmeserena: yes.

  Iamblake: serena

  Itsmeserena: blake, I told u it would never work out between us. Don’t hold your life back for me, just..just go on.



  Itsmeserena has logged off.

  And Blake, sitting there on his own, felt the tears rushing out of his eyes, as if someone took his heart and didn’t bring it back.

  The Broken Road

  “This is it,” Minerva told Serena as they were standing near a cliff’s edge in the Vineyard that Minerva owned, “This is where he died.”

  Serena looked at the cliff then at Minerva, feeling sad about the awful memory Minerva will always have in mind. Her husband, Ricardo, died here six years ago. “I’m really sorry.” Serena said.

  Minerva shook her head, tears filling up her eyes, “It was…really awful. An accident…Of everything that could happen, there was an accident. He just, just slipped off the edge, they say. They found him down there…”

  “Did you ever ask for an autopsy?”

  “There was no reason to,” She said, “It was an accident. He was here, alone…He was, he was supposed to meet some people, I think, though he didn’t really tell me. He does his meetings here, most days…And besides, I trusted everyone here, no one would ever think of killing him. He was a good guy.”

  Serena just nodded her head.

  “I shouldn’t cry anymore, you know?” Minerva said, But every single time I go here, the memory just…comes back. I wish I could’ve done something, but then again, life happens.”

  “Have you ever thought of selling this property?”

  “Yeah, but, same thing with the house, there are also some good memories here…And, he worked hard to achieve this so…it would be an insult to his memory if I ever sold it.”


  “She must be so brave going through all these,” Serena told Tryke later that afternoon while they were having coffee, “I know it has been six years but…But there are some things that will always hurt, right? And God, just seeing her there, in that cliff, it broke my heart…”

  Tryke wasn’t saying anything.

  “Are you listening?”

  “Yes,” He answered, staring ahead, “It’s devastating, what she went through…No one should go through that again.”

  She bit her lip, “Have you ever been friends with Minerva and Ricardo?”

  He looked at her, “Yeah. They were really nice people.”

  “Were there ever no suspects? Was it really an accident?”

  “It was an accident,” Tryke said hurriedly, “And if something really happened, it wasn’t…it was an accident. People here respect Ricardo too much, and no one has grudges with him or Minerva. If something happened that day, and if people did see Ricardo falling down, I know they wanted to help him…It was just that, maybe, they weren’t able to. But who knows? Maybe, up to this day, the scars of the past still haunt them, maybe, their conscience still ain’t allowing them to sleep well at night.” He took a deep breath, “Anyway…you’re starting fashion school tomorrow, must be excited, huh?”

  She smiled, “I am, a lot, actually.”

  “I’d pick you up tomorrow after class, would you like that?”

/>   She smiled, “That would be wonderful.”

  I hate this part

  “Hello? Tito Mark?” Blake spoke on the phone with his uncle, weeks after that conversation with Serena online. “Yes, yes,” Blake said, “I’m really sorry it took me a while to consider your offer but…uhm…Yes, I’m getting it. I’m going there.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Mike asked Blake after that phone call.

  “I have to, man,” Blake said, “I have t star over.”

  Mike tapped him on the shoulder, “Goodluck.”


  Come pick me up

  It’s been weeks since Serena started fashion school. She was doing well, getting along with some people, enjoying the lessons. That afternoon, she was getting out of the building with a new friend, Lottie, to wait for those who would pick them up. For Serena, it was Tryke, while for Lottie, it was her sister.

  “I’d actually like you to meet her,” Lottie told Serena, “You’d probably get along.” She smiled.

  “I’d love to.” Serena smiled back.

  Seconds later, a maroon corvette honked its horn near them.

  “Oh, that’s her!” Lottie exclaimed, as her sister, a beautiful woman in her late 20’s, with her hair in curls, wearing a Black and White polka-dotted dress and Black pumps walked up to them.

  Lottie kissed her sister on the cheek, “Leah, I’d like you to meet Serena, my classmate.”

  Leah. Serena thought, Could she be Tryke’s ex? “Hi,” Serena held out her hand for a handshake.

  Lean smiled lightly and shook her hand, “Hi, Serena.” She said, “If I’m not mistaken, you’re a friend of Tryke’s, aren’t you?”

  “How did you know?”

  “Oh, uh, weeks back, I was driving by that coffee shop, Cicero de Luna, and I saw you with him.”


  Just then, a Black Porsche pulled up. It was Tryke’s car. He went out and found the girls by the roadside.

  “What’s going on?” He said as he gave Serena a peck on the cheek then saw Leah, “You…what…”

  Leah pointed to Lottie, “She’s my sister, she’s studying here. What can I do?” She said, “Small world, huh?”

  “You okay?” Tryke asked Serena.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, don’t worry…”

  “You worry too much, Timothy,” Leah said, “We were just being introduced.”

  “Yeah, she’s right,” Serena said, “Nothing was happening.”

  Tryke nodded his head and took a deep breath, “We uhm…we have to go.” He said, “Drive safely, Leah.”

  “You too.” Leah said.


  “You okay?” Serena asked Tryke as he was driving, “You aren’t speaking…”

  “I’m okay,” Tryke answered, “Just surprised to see Leah there…”

  “She’s beautiful.”

  Tryke smiled lightly, “I can’t believe Lottie’s grown up. And studying at that school, too…Of all schools…”

  “Relax,” Serena said, “She’s a nice girl. And…besides, it’s the top fashion school here, you can’t blame her.”

  ”Serena, if anything happens and Leah says something or…whatever, tell me, will you?”

  She nodded her head, “Yeah, sure. But don’t worry, I don’t think she’s gonna do anything…”

  “Just tell me, okay?”

  “I will, don’t worry.”

  Talk show on mute

  “You knew that Lottie was enrolled in your school and you didn’t tell me?” Tryke said as he was talking to Marcela later that night.

  “Because I knew you would react that way.” Marcela said, fixing her hair.


  “Timothy, you are over-reacting,” She said, “Okay. If you must know, I didn’t want her to be in the school, too, but she’s an exceptional student, and I cannot just tell anyone to sabotage her stay there, or do something to expel her.” She went on, “And, Timothy, even if she’s Leah’s sister, it doesn’t matter. She has nothing to do with you two. She’s barely a teen when…when it happened.”

  Tryke sighed, “I just have no idea what to say.”

  “If you’re worried about Serena, don’t be, I’ll handle it…” She said, “At least for now.”


  “I figured you would call…” Leah said as she heard Tryke’s voice on the other line.

  “You planned this, didn’t you? You wanted Lottie to study there and—“

  “It was her own decision,” Leah cut him off, “I can’t tell her to go find another school to enroll in just because my ex-boyfriend’s sister is working there…Oh, and just because my ex’s new girl is there.”

  Tryke sighed, “I like Serena.”

  “I know,” Leah said, “Saw you weeks ago at the coffee shop…” She paused, “Does she know the truth?”

  “No, not yet,” Tryke answered, “How about your boyfriend?”

  “Fiancé, Timothy, Fiancé.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. Does he know?”

  “Depends on what your version of the truth is…”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Leah, there’s only one truth. We both know what it is.”

  “Well, then, I think you owe her the truth.”

  “Don’t tell her anything,” He said, “I’ll do it in time.”


  Troubled Waters

  The following day, Marcela called Serena to her office. She gave her a peck on the cheek and handed her an invitation to her wedding.

  “I know it’s early but, I don’t wanna worry about the invites later on, so I’m giving them away…” Marcela smiled.

  “I’m so grateful,” Serena said, “But…you barely know me…”

  “Oh, don’t worry too much,” Marcela said, “You’re Timothy’s friend and I like you, so, why not come?”

  Serena smiled, “Thank you.”

  Marcela nodded her head. “So…” She said, sitting down, “Timothy told me you’ve met Leah…”

  “Yes, yesterday,” Serena said, “I didn’t know she was Lottie’s sister…”

  Marcela took a deep breath, “Serena,” she asked, “Do you trust my brother?”

  “Yes, of course,” Serena said, “He’s a nice guy, and without him, without you guys, I wouldn’t be here…”

  “Listen, Serena,” Marcela said, “My brother…he’s…he’s a good guy. There may have been mishaps in his life, but…but that doesn’t change the fact that he is a good person. And…and I just want you to know that.”


  “Whatever happens, promise me, you’ll listen to my brother and listen intently.” Marcela said, “And…if the day comes that Leah might tell you something, ask Timothy first. Because…Because between the two of them, it’s Timothy you should trust more.”


  That conversation in Marcela’s office left Serena confused. She went home directly that night and found Minerva setting the table for dinner.

  “Hey,” Minerva greeted, giving her a peck on the cheek, “Just in time, the Lasagna’s almost ready.”

  Serena smiled, ‘Uhm, Mini, can I ask you something?”

  “What is it?” Minerva said, taking out the Lasagna from the oven.

  “Have you and…uhm…Tryke ever been close?”

  “Timothy?” She stopped and looked at Serena for a while before answering, “Well, yes…Yes, but he’s closer to Ricardo.”

  “Oh.” Serena muttered.




  “No, not really,” Serena said, “It’s just that…Well, Marcela told me something about…About I don’t know, but its seems like Tryke is hiding something from me…And Leah, his ex, knows it too…Do you have any idea?”

  “No,” Minerva said silently, “Well…maybe it had something to do with him going to Wales back then and the break-up with Leah, but I have no idea what it was about. All I know,” She said, “is that Timothy is a good guy.�
� She took a deep breath, “I haven’t seen him in a while, though…Actually, haven’t seen him much since Ricardo died. He went to the funeral, crying, shaking…I think he was very much affected by his death, as well.”

  Serena just nodded her head.

  “I think,” Minerva said, “you should just wait for him to tell you whatever he has to tell you, in his own time, in his own terms…”


  Minerva smiled lightly, “Come, let’s eat.”

  Party in the U.S.A.

  “So, this is what you’ll do,” Blake’s uncle, Mark, was telling him during his first day of work at this Hollywood studio he owns. Blake’s now in the US, trying to start fresh. “You’d help us out in editing the videos, and calling the talents. You see, we’re making a new TV show, with most of the stars from our most successful movie—yet,” He tapped Blake on the shoulder, “The people are clamoring for it, so we’ll give them what they want…”

  Just then, a very beautiful woman in her 20’s, with light blonde hair in curls, up-to-the moment clothes, Christian Loubotin heels, and an aura that said “hot” and nothing but came inside the studio. She caught everyone’s attention. Blake would recognize that face in an instant. It was Paulee Anderson, top model, heiress to the Anderson fortune, and Hollywood’s newest “It girl.”

  “And here she comes,” Mark told Blake, “our star…”


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