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Half Brains, Sacred Water book 1

Page 15

by Charles Kaluza

  Chapter 12

  Heather and her troops were traveling along the trade route but the weather slowed their progress. The ruts along the trail filled with water from the rain and soon the ground turned to mud. The wind was from the south pushing the rain into their faces and thoroughly soaking them. They made only a few miles before Heather called a rest. There was only two hours of daylight left and after a short rest they began moving again. The troops would take turns turning the wheels of the wagon to help move it along through the mud. The tank was now full of the mud saturated with the sacred water and was heavier than usual. Stretches of the trail with significant slope drained better and the ground was less muddy which made travel easier. It was almost dark before they set up camp. Firewood was scarce and they managed only a small cooking fire.

  The night weather deteriorated further as the temperature dropped. The rain became a mixture of sleet and snow. It was a tough night to sleep, everything was wet and everyone chilled. Heather and Daniel huddled together in the tent. Heather made the comment, “I thought it wasn’t supposed to rain in this high desert country.”

  Daniel answered her, “I would expect the storm to blow through fairly quickly but the temperature will probably drop as the storm passes.”

  “I would prefer the cold to the wet. At least I have you to keep me warm.”

  As Daniel had predicted the morning brought much colder temperatures and several inches of snow fell before the sky began to clear. It was mid-morning before they got moving. A frozen crust was present but the wagon wheels kept breaking through into the mud below. Each mile they gained was a battle. The sun was low in the sky but provided enough warmth to gradually dry them. Though, their feet remained wet because of the snow. Daniel had hitched his horse to the front of the draft horses helping to pull the wagon along. It did not take long for him to tire walking in the snow and mud and he was forced to again mount the horse and ride. Where the trail was hard they made good time but where the road was soft each yard of progress was a major effort.

  Their evening camp was much more comfortable without the rain. Firewood was again hard to come by and they had only their small cooking fire. The scouts reported a small village about a half-day ahead. The traders were familiar with this route and told Heather that it was the first of a series of villages each spaced one day’s travel apart. The village consisted of only a couple dozen houses and an inn. Jeremy offered to check out the inn, which, at his gait, was only a few hours away. He also suggested Daniel should accompany him. Daniel deferred but asked Jeremy to find out if the villagers had enough sacred water. Heather agreed that the risk was outweighed by the information Jeremy could gather. It would be much easier to stay on the road than to try to move their heavy wagon around the village. Jeremy and Randy had no sooner left when Ben arrived in the camp. He brought news of the war. The Southern army continued to pull back and would soon have retreated to their walled city. The King was already planning his siege. The battle for the southern city was going to be brutal. Heather asked about the smaller division which had headed east to secure their approach. Ben reported that this division had made good progress and significant resistance had been overcome. The fighting continued and the Southern army seemed to be continuing their retreat to the walled city.

  The news brought by Ben was encouraging. Heather wanted to know if Ben could guide their traders to her father’s camp by a direct route. She wanted the sacred water delivered to the people of the Northern Kingdom as quickly as possible. As slow as they were going it was going to be at least two weeks before the sacred water arrived at her father’s camp. Ben reported that he had made the journey in three days but felt a half-day could be saved because he now knew the route. The traders and a dozen of the hunters agreed to deliver the water directly. Heather thanked them and suggested that everyone would benefit from a good night’s sleep. She and Daniel retreated to their tent but the stories went on amongst the rest of her miniature army.

  Dawn arrived clear and cold with heavy frost covering everything. They broke camp with Ben and the traders headed directly to the King’s camp. Before they left Heather gave Ben the small box the Queen had asked her to give to her father. She had forgotten about it during his visit. Her letter told her father not only of their military progress but also of her love for Daniel. The main troop headed south and east along the trade route. They traveled for about two hours when approaching figures could be seen in the distance. They met up with Jeremy and Randy. Heather called for a rest. Jeremy reported that the villagers were without any sacred water. The innkeeper was willing to trade food and lodging for just a small vial of sacred water. Despite the regular passage of the tank wagon no sacred water had been available to their traders for several months. Daniel wanted to know if there were pregnant women in the village. Jeremy assured him that he had not checked every woman but that it was very likely. This innkeeper was very outspoken about the Southern King. His business had suffered because of the war and the cessation of normal trade. The innkeeper felt the death of the old King and the rise of King Alvin, were both the results of some evil which had descended upon their land.

  They moved on and by midday came to the small village. Jeremy had gone ahead to discuss trade and the whole village was assembled when they arrived. They were served a hot meal and Daniel spent the next two hours examining and treating the villagers. Their need of the sacred water was obvious to Daniel, but most were very hesitant to eat the soil saturated with the sacred water. Daniel worked hard to convince them to taste the mud to prove it truly contained the sacred water. They traded the mud made with the sacred water for supplies and containers of oil to be used for cooking. It was late afternoon before they moved on and they covered only an additional 2 miles before darkness forced them to make camp. The trail was just too rough to move the heavy wagon in the darkness.

  They’re slow progress continued and as the villages became larger Daniel’s work took longer and longer. Heather brought the subject up after dinner while they were sitting around the small oil pot fire. She said, “I know these people need our help, but there is a war going on and we need to do our part.”

  Daniel replied, “The people suffer and I must do what I can to help.”

  Heather took his hand saying, “I knew when I married you that I would have to share you with everyone who needed your skills as a healer. I was thinking that we could speed our progress by keeping the wagon moving and having you ferried on your horse. You could move ahead and do your work and at the end of the day catch up with us.”

  “I would be willing.”

  “Jeremy seems quite bored with our slow progress and would probably be willing to check out the inns while you worked.”

  “And you, Heather of the Northern Palace, could use some training in the healing arts. I would enjoy having you work with me.”

  Heather replied, “You, Daniel of Issip, could use some training in the martial arts. Though I doubt you are much interested. I’m not sure our marriage is meant for sharing everything in our lives. It is perhaps better we be who we are and respect the other for what they are.”

  The next morning Jeremy and Daniel set off along the trade route before camp was broken. They traveled a good pace with Daniel riding his horse and Jeremy setting the pace with a sloping trot. By midmorning they had arrived with their single cask of their mud. Word had obviously traveled ahead because they were expected. Daniel set up his impromptu clinic in the back of the nicer inn. He treated those ailments he was able and dispensed small quantities of their mud with careful instructions on dosing. Several of the women were pregnant and had been without any sacred water. A baby had been born and it had coarse facial features and a protruding bellybutton. Daniel was sure if a midwife had delivered the infant it would have failed her test and died. He wasn’t sure if sacred water now would allow the infant to develop more normally, but he was going to try. He
told the very worried mother to give the infant just a tiny pinch of the mud in its mouth twice-weekly for a month and then weekly.

  Seeing this deformed infant tired Daniel greatly. He found it difficult to concentrate because the question of why this King Alvin would harm his own people’s babies kept intruding on his consciousness. He took a short break when Heather arrived at midday. They shared a hot meal together and then she departed. Daniel returned to his work. The sun was low in the southwest before the final patient was seen. Jeremy was eager to get going and when they were out of the village, he began explaining to Daniel what he had learned. One of the villagers was a representative to the Trade Commission which was headed by a nephew of the old King whose name was Alvin. They had a ceremonial dinner which the King attended. During the course of the dinner the King suddenly developed trouble breathing and began shaking violently. The physicians were called but he died shortly after they arrived. Confusion reigned and most of the delegates left the city. The village trader had unfinished business so he stayed on for a few more days. The old King’s son, Jason, abdicated the throne as soon as the funeral was finished. The nephew, this guy named, Alvin, then became King. Things began deteriorating soon thereafter and Jason departed the city for his family’s traditional summer residence in the country.

  As they continued on, Jeremy’s talk became more centered on the beauty of the dark skinned Southern women and the quality of their ale. Daniel wasn’t listening anymore. He was thinking about the old King’s death. The death was almost certainly secondary to a poison, but what kind? This question kept him occupied until they arrived at the campsite. It was now dark and Jeremy was actually leading his horse. Heather greeted them warmly and helped Daniel take care of his horse. As they worked he related the tale Jeremy had told about King Alvin. Heather had specific questions but Daniel could only shrug his shoulders and defer to Jeremy. Heather did not pursue the questions until they had finished their evening meal. She then began asking Jeremy specific questions most of which he had no answer for. Heather’s frustration was obvious and Daniel asked, “Why do you need to know these things?”

  Heather replied, “Don’t you see. This King Alvin is not a rightful King. Jason is the legal King and his abdication was obviously forced. We need to find Jason and return him to his rightful throne. He will be the secret to re-establishing peace.”

  Daniel said, “Remember, my love, we of the forest do not understand this business of kings. If you say this is important we believe you.”

  Heather turned to Jeremy and said, “We need to find this Jason and protect him. Do you have any idea where this summer residence may be?”

  “No, but I’m sure I can find out. I will need some of our small vials of sacred water to use as a trade item. It is the one thing everyone is willing to trade for.”

  The discussion continued but Daniel was completely worn out. He was half asleep when he heard Heather say, “It is time that I took my husband to bed, we will finish our planning in the morning.”

  Daniel awoke in the morning feeling unrefreshed. His joints ached and his throat was sore. It was obvious to Heather that Daniel was more than simply tired from his heavy workload. Daniel figured he would be okay after he got moving, but Heather disagreed. Heather finally said, “You may be the healer but I’m the commander and I say we are staying put until you feel better. I’ll send Jeremy ahead and tell the villagers you will be delayed.”

  Daniel didn’t protest too loudly, he didn’t have the energy. His sore throat worsened and he began to run a fever. The fever made it hard to think logically and he didn’t even think of using any willow bark until Heather asked him if he had used any medicine. For five days the fever continued intermittently and his throat was so swollen that he could not swallow anything but a small amount of warm broth. He layed on his mat and would intermittently chill when the fever spiked to the point he would be shaking and unable to get warm. His thinking would be delirious and his dreams filled with wild scenes. During one such episode Daniel found himself falling into an ice crevasse. The further he fell the colder he was. He just kept falling deeper into the crevasse, falling past the two bodies already frozen in the ice. The cold penetrated deeply within him and he was shivering violently. Heather was awakened by his shaking and gently woke him. When the fever would subside he would be drenched in sweat but his thinking would improve.

  Heather worried about Daniel but other than soothing his brow and encouraging him to take some fluids she felt helpless. She did use the time to send her scouts out looking for the summer residence of the Southern King. Jeremy had reported that the residence was perched along the edge of the cliff overlooking the great gorge. The scouts found the residence three days journey east. They reported the small palace was situated on the very edge of the cliff and at least a garrison of soldiers guarded the entrance. The illness Daniel had contacted spread through their camp quickly. Most people suffered only mild symptoms. Daniel apparently was paying the price of his weakened state and excess workload.

  They had lost another week and Heather fretted some about their delay. She spoke with Jeremy about the possibility of getting a letter to Jason. He was bored and agreed to try and deliver a letter. When Heather asked him who he would take with Jeremy replied, “Well, I’d normally take Daniel but I don’t suppose he’s up to the trip yet. I’ll ask Randy.”

  Heather debated with herself about sending more troops with Jeremy and decided he was probably better off this way. She spent the afternoon writing and rewriting the letter to Jason. If only she knew more about why he abdicated the throne, the reports the Northern Kingdom agents had brought them never explained the abdication. She did her best and read the letter to Daniel after dinner. His only suggestion was that she ask Jason to join them directly. She began to explain how diplomatic requests are always indirect and then thought, “I am living with those of the forest. Why not try their simple methods?” She rewrote that section of the letter as she copied the letter onto a piece of fresh paper and sealed it with wax and the imprint of her ring. She was going to address the letter to, “Jason, King of the Southern Kingdom” but instead simply addressed it, “Jason.”

  The morning came with some clouds and the feeling of snow. Jeremy and Randy were ready to go when Heather and Daniel appeared for breakfast. She handed them her letter and was giving them last-minute instructions when Betty appeared dressed for travel. She was wearing clothes from the half brains they had taken in. When Heather gave her a questioning look, Betty said, “I had better go with. They may need me.”

  Before Heather could object both Jeremy and Randy were already thanking Betty for volunteering. They were both obviously pleased to be traveling with her. Heather said, “I’m not sure I like this idea but since you obviously do, I’m charging you to take good care of her.”

  Heather and Daniel watched the three of them march off. Flanked by the two tall hunters Betty appeared as a child. Heather asked Daniel why they wanted Betty along. Daniel explained, “We of the forest believe in our amulets and Betty with her courage may be the most powerful amulet of all.”

  “I just don’t want anything bad to happen to her.”

  Daniel squeezed Heather around the shoulders thinking how much she was like her father. He said, “Betty’s destiny must be allowed to develop. We cannot protect her from her destiny.”

  They broke camp and headed on to the village. Heather had decided to keep Daniel with her and pay the price of slower travel. She would allow Daniel two hours for his healing and then they would move on. Daniel’s strength was still quite limited and he did not even argue. When they arrived in the village there were many people waiting for him. Heather addressed the villagers, “Daniel, our healer, will help as many as he can in the next two hours but then we must move on. If you bring your containers to the wagon we will share our sacred water with you. Daniel will explain how to use the mud.”
  Daniel spent his time evaluating the sickest of the villagers. Many were suffering the early effects of not enough sacred water. The two hours went much too quickly and many who wished to be seen could not be. Heather was forceful and her troops began moving on. When they reached the edge of the village a man came frantically running after them. He pleaded with Daniel to help his wife who was in childbirth and not progressing. Daniel looked at Heather who rolled her eyes upwards and said, “Okay.”

  Daniel went off with the man and was gone for another hour. When he returned the worry and sadness on his face were evident. When Heather asked how things went he said, “The baby is deformed because of the shortage of sacred water. I’m not sure if the mother can recover, she lost too much blood.”

  Heather asked tenderly, “Would it help if you stayed?”

  Daniel was quiet for a long time before he replied, “No, I have done what I can. It’s more important that we return this world back to the way it was. This evil, if that is what it is, must be purged from the land.”

  They moved on in silence. Heather knew that Daniel’s own mother had died in childbirth. It was a heavy burden that her Daniel was carrying.

  They had repeated their routine seven more times and still no word from Jeremy. They were making camp when one of the scouts arrived with the message from Jeremy asking for the use of Daniels horse. The explanation was very sketchy but they dispatched the horse without further questioning. They finished making camp and Heather asked that a special meal be prepared for Jeremy’s return. It was approaching midnight before Jeremy returned to the camp leading the horse which held two people one of which was obviously Betty. When they dismounted Jeremy said, “I know you wanted me to deliver a letter but this fellow insisted on coming with us.”

  Heather replied, “And who would this fellow be?”

  The large man turned towards Heather and bowed saying, “I am Jason. I request permission to join with you as you seek to return normal to our world.”

  Heather returned his bow saying, “We will speak of an alliance after you have eaten.”

  Betty’s giggling disrupted the formal nature of the greeting and Jeremy interjected, “This subject of eating has been much discussed during our days of travel. It seems Jason has not before traveled with the rations of those of us from the Forest.”

  Before he could go on, Heather interrupted saying, “Let us eat first and hear the tale, after your stomachs are filled.”

  The simple meal was only partially finished before Jeremy began telling the story of their rescue of Jason. When the three of them had arrived at the summer residence it was obvious that the guards were there not to protect those within but to keep anyone from leaving. Only the half brain servants were seen entering our leaving the gate. Betty had joined with the servants and passed into the fortress. She carried your letter and found Jason in his quarters. She returned to us the next day when the servants went out again to collect firewood. She brought us a note from Jason accepting your offer to join with us. The only issue remaining was how to extract him from the palace. Randy had scouted the cliff and it was fairly easy to scale but the palace walls were built with care and were too smooth to climb without a rope. We had to send Betty back again asking Jason to lower a rope.

  Jason interjected, “Having spent the last three years and two months imprisoned in the palace I knew there wasn’t a long enough rope. Your Betty took charge and tied together cords and sheets to make a long rope. I was sure glad when Jeremy showed up with the real rope.”

  Jeremy continued the storytelling of how he used four turns of the rope around a timber to slowly lower Jason down to the first ledge where Randy was waiting. Jason again interrupted saying, “I had not been allowed outside the palace for over three years and I found myself swinging from a rope being held by someone less than half my size. My joy of being rescued overcame my fear of dangling by the thin little rope.”

  The story continued, relating how after Betty was lowered and Jeremy followed, they worked their way across the cliff and back to their hidden camp. They left immediately but their pace was slow. They took turns urging Jason on and scouting the guards’ camp. Apparently Betty’s instructions to carry on normally were well received by the servants and no alarm was raised. Jeremy figured that it may be months before they realize Jason was gone.

  Daniel’s fatigue was again showing and he and Heather excused themselves for some needed sleep. The camp was much slower getting going in the morning. When they were finally underway Heather walked beside Jason discussing the war and the political situation of the Southern Kingdom. Jason admitted that he had abdicated the throne because of the threat on his life. The offer of being allowed the Summer Palace with all of his books seemed much preferred to challenging Alvin. He came to realize his mistake and found his imprisonment, although less harsh than the palace dungeons, to be an ongoing torture of his soul. He saddened noticeably when Heather told him of the plight of the villagers because of the apparent deliberate withholding of the sacred water. Daniel asked if Jason knew why Alvin was withholding the sacred water. Jason replied, “My cousin has always wanted power over everything else but it makes no sense why he would subject our own people to this.”

  As they approached the next village Heather made the decision to keep Jason’s presence a secret. Word was passed to everyone that Jason was not to be mentioned. She and Jeremy took Jason and skirted the village. Randy led the troop into the village and Daniel spent his two hours caring for the sickest of the villagers. They moved on and met up again with Heather on the far side of the village. They were joined by Ben and the returning traders as night approached. They listened to Ben’s report of the ongoing war effort. The siege of the outer wall had begun. Ben did his best to answer Jason’s many questions. The losses both armies had sustained obviously caused Jason pain. He finally said, “If I had only not been such a coward, none of these people would have needed to have suffered and died.”

  Daniel spoke up saying, “Sir, if you had confronted this Alvin you would have suffered the same fate as your father. It is perhaps better that you’re here now to join us.”

  Daniel’s kind words brought little relief to Jason. Heather was more direct when she said, “Jason, you are the key to peace and for this we needed you alive. Your role has yet to be played.” Heather continued, “I think it is time we held council with my father.”

  Ben had estimated that they were separated by a four-day journey. Daniel had assumed they would simply travel the four days to her father’s camp but Heather felt otherwise. She said, “I would like to keep Jason’s presence unknown. It would be best if any spying eyes in the large camp were not allowed to see Jason. I would ask my father to meet with us one day travel from his camp.”

  In the morning Ben departed carrying Heather’s request for the secret meeting. The traders agreed to continue moving their wagon and its precious cargo forward towards the walled city. They were to continue sharing the mud saturated with the sacred water with all of the villages they passed through. Daniel was prepared to continue his two-hour periods of healing but Heather insisted, “I would have you with me.”

  Their camp divided with the traders and the main party continuing along the trade route towards the walled city. Heather with Jason and twenty of the hunters would head out cross-country to meet her father. They would rejoin the traders outside the eastern face of the walled city in seven or eight days. Betty just assumed she would be traveling with Heather and her assumption was not challenged. Elrod began one of his long-winded explanations of why he should also accompany Heather. Jeremy listened with fascination to the ongoing monologue which continued until Heather held up her hands and agreed that Elrod should accompany them.

  As they started out Jeremy addressed Elrod saying, “Guard whose wife is named Martha, I have never heard one speak so continuously before. I’ve been accused of dominating the conversatio
n but your ability for continuous talk is amazing.”

  Elrod responded, “I would not be so insistent but I promised my Martha that I would look after our Princess. So it is best that I accompany her.”

  Heather sent scouts out in all directions, she didn’t want any surprises. The small troop moved along at a reasonable pace with Jason riding Daniel’s horse most of the time. Daniel’s strength had definitely improved. Daniel and Jason visited about many things. Jason’s interest in science was keen and they had many common interests. Jason was in particular interested in Daniel’s theory of the half brains. He told Daniel, “My only companions for the past three years have been my half brain servants. I learned from this interaction that they are more like us than I ever imagined. It is strange how a simple element can cause such problems both physical and social.”

  Daniel asked Jason, “Would you be willing to allow the half brains’ to take the sacred water?”

  Jason was silent for some time before replying, “What you ask seems honorable but the political and social price would be extreme. Is there not another way for them to obtain this element they need?”

  “I have identified another source of iodine in the soil of a volcano. Eating small amounts of this soil would suffice. If we of the forest provided this soil would you allow the half brains to use it and accept any healthy babies as citizens?”

  Jason silently argued with himself for some time before replying, “If I accept your theory then I must acknowledge that we are practicing slavery which I find repugnant, especially the practice of castrating the male infants. If I grant citizenship to any children of a half brain born without the stigmata, then the slavery would end in one generation. The church will oppose any change but if we accomplished the goal without changing the rituals of the sacred water I think it would be possible.”

  Daniel said, “I speak only for myself, but I promise you my support. The little ones should be helped not abused.”

  They began discussing the techniques Daniel used to isolate the iodine. Jason told Daniel how one of the old books had mentioned this substance. Daniel in turn was interested in what else the old book had to say. Jason was not able to give much specific information because the text was written in the old style but it definitely talked about a substance called iodine which was essential for health. The book also made references to the original hard times but talked only of the medical problems not of the cause of the hard times. Daniel said, “Our priest would do well to read your book. He is skilled at the reading of the ancient scrolls.”

  “When we return our world to normal I will give your priest the book to study.”

  Heather had joined them and listened to this discussion. She asked, “Does your book tell of the times which were before?”

  Jason said, “My studies of our history give occasional vague references to an ancient time and people but I know not what it means.”

  Their three-day sojourn was pleasant and when they made camp for the third night Heather was excited to again see her father. Her scouts had reported a troop being led by Ben were only two hours away. Darkness had arrived when her father’s small band arrived at the camp. Heather was more formal in her greeting and waited until her father had approached their campfire. After the initial greeting she said, “Father, I would present to you Jason, the rightful King of the Southern Kingdom.” She continued, “Jason, I present my father the King of the Northern Kingdom.”

  The two men shook hands and Jason said, “Sir, it has been many years but the time appears to have treated you well.”

  “I remember meeting you at the funeral service for your grandmother. You have grown since then.”

  Jason laughed and said, “I must admit I prefer my books to outdoor activity but if I spend much more time with these hunters of the forest I will be a mere shadow of myself.”

  Heather invited her father and his troops to sit at the campfire and eat. The talk was informal and lighthearted. After they had finished eating Heather said, “I would speak to my father and Jason.” Everyone began leaving the vicinity of the campfire. Heather put her hand on Daniel’s arm signaling her desire for him to remain.

  Heather opened their small council by saying, “Jason is the rightful King of the Southern Kingdom. Returning him to his throne is our best hope of lasting peace.”

  Her father replied, “I would agree with you but the question is can that be done without a total destruction of the Southern army?”

  Heather replied, “If there are those still loyal to Jason who would be willing to lead a revolt against this Alvin, then, yes, it would be possible. The death and suffering would be much reduced on all sides.”

  Everyone looked at Jason who was thoughtful before saying, “I would expect there are many who would prefer my cousin be gone. One in particular is an old childhood friend whose loyalty I would not question.”

  Heather asked, “And is this friend in a position to help us?”

  Jason explained, “Arthur was the commander of the palace guard but he was demoted by my cousin and the last I heard he was commanding the forces of some district. Unfortunately, for the past three years I have been denied outside communication. My only knowledge of current affairs was from what my half brains learned and relayed to me.”

  Heather’s father responded, “I now have some agents within the city. I will learn what I can but there is still the issue of contacting this Arthur.”

  Heather asked Jason, “All cities are porous even those under siege, what part of your city would the smugglers most likely use?”

  Jason smiled and said, “The east wall is notorious for having multiple security breaks. The terrain is very rugged and steep on this end of the city making an assault very difficult consequently, that portion of the wall never received the attention the other sections did. Even during peace a fair amount of trade bypassed our tax system through the eastern wall.”

  Daniel’s fatigue returned and he excused himself from the planning session. The discussions and planning went on until late into the night. When morning came Heather’s father departed for his own camp. They too departed on an angled course towards the wall city. As they traveled Heather explained their plan to Daniel. Her father would continue in his preparations for the siege but would hold off the actual attack for eight days. This was their window of opportunity to prevent all the death and destruction that a siege would cause. They would need to find a way into the city and locate Jason’s friend Arthur. If enough loyal forces existed for an internal coup then Jason could be installed as the rightful King and peace restored.

  Daniel asked, “How are we to find this Arthur? It is not as if we could simply blend in with these people of the Southern Kingdom.”

  Betty spoke up, “Me and my friends will find him.”

  Heather replied, “An offer well-made but it is too risky, I can’t ask you to do this.”

  Betty had tears in her eyes as she replied, “Please, let me help. I heard Jason say he would let us little ones have normal babies and let our boys grow up without fixing them.”

  Daniel reached out and took Heather’s hand saying, “Just as your father cannot protect you from your destiny you cannot protect Betty from hers. Betty’s plan is a good one. I would wish that you take time to consider her offer.”

  Heather was quiet for a ways as they walked on before she said, “I will consider it, but we must also consider other options.”

  The scouts had located a campsite a couple of hours away from the eastern wall that had good protection. They set up a semi permanent camp and Elrod took charge of establishing sentry points. The hunters combined their scouting expeditions with hunting efforts. Large game was rare but small game was plentiful. Their trading of the sacred water saturated mud had provided them with adequate supplies for the near-term. While others worked to finish their camp, Daniel began working on making more of his powder. Their traders had found him the sulfur and charco
al he needed. He and Jeremy ground the materials in a small hand floor mill. It was slow and the powders they made were courser than he liked but they had to make do. It was several days work to make a new batch of his powder and it filled only half of a cask.

  As soon as the camp was fully established Heather began her exploration of the eastern wall. The most effective method was simply watching the smugglers and following their entry into the city. The eastern wall was built on the edge of a bluff but some sections of the bluff had collapsed from draining water creating small openings under the wall. Several sections had obviously been repaired but as Jason had suggested, entry into the city would not be difficult.

  The scouts explored many of the passages but did not penetrate into the city. Guards protected the inner aspect of the wall on a random basis. A workgroup of half brains was situated not far from one of the openings. Heather spent several evenings analyzing the reports and debating her options waiting for word of Arthur’s location from her father. When Ben arrived and informed her of the agents report that Arthur was 2nd in command of the south or eastern defense units, she called for a council. She opened the meeting by saying, “It is time we sought out Arthur the friend of Jason’s. Our routes into the city have been explored. Betty has volunteered but I wish to explore all options.” As she expected several of the scouts also volunteered. She acknowledged their efforts but pointed out that their physical height and forest dialect would make them quite obvious. No, it seemed that the only person qualified other than Betty would be herself.

  Daniel objected saying that her blond hair would obviously standout as much as their height. Heather responded, “As a woman I can make my hair dark and keep myself covered with a cape and hood. My physical features are of relatively similar dimensions, I could fit in.”

  Jeremy spoke up, “If the mission fails and you are captured we would be left without a leader. If Betty or one of us from the forest is captured we continue as a unit. I would speak against your assuming this role.”

  Heather had already considered this but she needed to have the support of everyone. The discussion continued but, in reality, the decision was already made. Betty would be their envoy to Arthur. Betty would enter the city that night and join with the work party of half brains. She would be on her own as she explored and sought out Arthur.

  Jason stood and said, “When we have returned our world to normal I will honor my pledge to you little ones.” He took a small chain from around his neck and placed it over Betty’s head explaining, “Arthur made this ring for me when we were young. He spent hours tapping on a silver coin forming it into this ring. He will recognize it. Tell him I need his help.”

  The evening wore on and it was soon time for Betty to depart. Jeremy guided her to the small opening and watched as she worked her way under the wall and into the city. As she exited the tunnel she found herself between a stable and a tavern which was quite smelly and noisy. She worked her way around the edge of the stable towards a group of tent shelters where the half brain workers were sheltered. Betty approached one of the older women who was cleaning up some dishes. She began helping and said, “I need your help.”

  “You’re not from here.”

  “No, I’m trying to make it so us little ones can have normal babies.”

  “How would you do that?”

  “I have a friend would give us something like the sacred water and then our babies would be normal. Boy babies wouldn’t be fixed anymore.”

  “What then?”

  “Normal babies would grow up to be regular people.”

  “You mean no more little people?”

  Before Betty could answer a tent flap opened up and a large man stepped out yelling, “What are you half brains yapping about I’m trying to sleep.”

  Betty was scared and started to run away but she tripped and fell. Before she could get up the man had grabbed her and jerked her to upright. He looked at Betty and said, “You’re not one of mine. What’re you doing here?”

  Betty didn’t answer and the man bent her arms behind her back until she thought her shoulders would come apart. Still she kept quiet. The man grabbed her hair and pulled her head backwards while still bending her arms and Betty cried out in pain. The man demanded to know what she was doing. Betty didn’t answer. He pulled even harder on her head and she again let out a cry. The man noticed the chain around her neck and while holding her arms ripped her blouse open to look at the chain. He said, “Now this is strange, why would a half brain have jewelry?” He grabbed the ring and chain and jerked it off of Betty’s neck.

  Betty said, “No, mine!”

  The man pulled her head back again by the hair and said, “I want to know what you’re doing here.” Betty said nothing. He dragged her over by the fire and grabbed a firebrand which was glowing red. He pushed her to the ground and knelt on her arms. He held the firebrand in her face and again demanded to know who she was. When Betty refused to answer he said, “Well, I guess I’ll just have to brand you as one of mine.” He touched the glowing firebrand to Betty’s bare chest between her small breasts. Betty screamed out in pain but the man continued to burn his initial “R” onto her skin. Suddenly the man slumped forward and Betty was pulled out from under him.

  When Betty looked over she saw several of the little ones attacking the man with stones. The attack went on until he no longer moved. The old woman gave an order that the man be dragged into the trench they had been digging and covered with stones. As they start to drag the man towards the trench that Betty called out, “Wait, I must have the ring.” She reached into a shirt pocket and withdrew the chain and ring.

  The old woman coated the burn with some grease and helped her close her blouse. She said, “We will help but I am afraid for these little ones now.”

  Betty said, “You must flee and join those of the forest who are outside the wall. I did not want anyone hurt. They will take care of you.”

  The old woman straightened the best she could and said, “First, we help you.”

  Betty explained how she was looking for a soldier named Arthur who was somewhere on the east or south side of the city. The old woman said, “I am called Ally. I will go with you to find this Arthur.”

  Betty asked what the others would do and Ally said they would do as they always did. They would work on the rock wall and tell the inspector that the man was in the tavern. She would have them leave gradually. Ally gave her orders and packed a few things into her backpack. She added a stack of kindling sticks on top of her backpack. She explained to Betty, “We must look like we’re working.” When Betty was similarly loaded with kindling they headed off towards the army camp. The streets were narrow and seem to twist every which way to Betty. They had walked for almost two hours before Ally said, “There’s the camp.” The guards were too busy playing cards to pay them any attention. A few of the little people were still cleaning up outside the kitchen area. They approached them and Ally said, “We need your help.”

  A relatively tall eunuch responded, “What?”

  Betty said, “I am looking for a soldier named Arthur. He is one of the important ones.”

  He responded, “I don’t know him. We’ll ask Sally. She services most of the important ones.”

  While they waited for Sally to be found they helped him complete his task. When Sally arrived Betty said, “You are pretty, no wonder they chose you.”

  Sally shrugged her shoulders and said, “I do as I am told.”

  Betty said, “I am looking for one of the important ones called Arthur.”

  Sally said, “I don’t know one named Arthur.”

  Betty’s disappointment was obvious as she thanked Sally. Ally simply said, “He must be at the other camp.”

  They started to leave but the eunuch said, “It is late. You should stay here with us. You’ll be safe. Nobody bothers checking on us.”

  They agreed and the space was made
for them. Betty slept only fair because of the pain from the burn. In the morning Ally again dressed the wound with grease and a soft cloth. They shared a meal with the other little ones and headed out towards the south camp. They followed the directions the eunuch had given them as best they could. Whenever they became confused they simply asked one of the many of their kind they encountered. As always the little ones helped each other. It was evening before they arrived at the south camp. This camp backed up to an open marketplace. Several of the little people were washing the cobblestone areas down with water. Betty asked how she could talk to the little ones inside.

  One of the women said, “If you wait by the back gate those who were sent out for firewood will be returning.”

  Betty and Ally did as they were told and waited outside the gate until a small troop of little people returned carrying firewood. They entered the gate with the others and followed them to the service area. They unloaded their kindling with the other firewood before Ally said, “We need your help.”

  Another woman who was also stooped with age and work said, “Why?”

  Betty let Ally explain their search for Arthur. When she asked if Arthur was the one who would help them have normal babies Betty spoke up saying, “No, it is a friend of his who has made us this promise.” When pressed for more information Betty would say no more. The woman accepted this and said, “We will need to find Tilly. She is the one the important ones call for. We have worked hard, let us eat.”

  Betty ate her food and enjoyed the bantering of her own kind. It was getting very late before Tilly arrived. When Betty asked her about Arthur she said, “He is nice but I don’t think the big boss likes him.”

  Betty asked if she would take her to see him. Tilly seemed suspicious until Betty said, “I have a message for him from an old friend.”

  They chatted about camp life as they walked through the camp. Several soldiers waived at them trying to get them to join them but Tilly would just point ahead, signaling that she was already answering a call. They arrived at a small building near the center of the camp. Tilly pointed to a closed-door with light coming through the window. She asked if Betty wanted her to wait. Betty said, “I can find my way back, thanks.”

  Betty was so nervous when she knocked on the door that it could not even be heard. She knocked harder and a man dressed in a blue uniform opened the door. He looked down at Betty and said, “I didn’t call for anyone.”

  Betty said, “I have a message for Arthur from an old friend.”

  The man looked out and seeing no one looking; said, “Come in quickly.”

  Betty stepped through the door which he closed after glancing around once again. He looked at Betty and asked, “Who has sent this message?”

  Betty handed him the chain and ring. He took the ring over to his lamp and examined it closely. He asked, “How is the one who gave you this?”

  Betty replied, “He is well and requests your help.”

  Arthur asked, “Is he here in the city?”

  Betty couldn’t help but visualize Jason trying to crawl through the small tunnel; she giggled and said, “No, he’s too big.”

  Arthur wasn’t exactly sure what that meant but continued, “What does he want from me?”

  Betty said, “He asks that you come and meet him.”


  “Outside by the other camp.”

  Arthur realized that he would be gone for the better part of two days. He told Betty to wait while he manufactured an excuse for his absence. Betty sat quietly and waited. She noticed the ring by the lamp and examined closely. She could see letters and numbers on the inside of the ring which seemed to be from the original coin. She wondered how Arthur got the letters on the inside. When he returned he began packing a small pack and Betty asked him about the ring. He explained how the coin turned itself inside out from the tapping. Betty still didn’t understand but accepted it. As they were leaving Betty said, “We must stop by and get Ally.”

  Arthur listened to her explanation and said, “It would be better if Ally stayed here and listened to things. Would you ask her to do that for us?”

  Arthur told Betty that he would wait for her outside the gate. She returned to the servant’s quarters and found Ally by the campfire. She asked, “Would you stay here and watch things for us?”

  Ally agreed saying, “Sure, one place is pretty much the same as another. When will you be back?”

  Betty said, “I’m not sure.” With that she left and headed out the gate. The guard stopped her and asked where she was going. Betty replied, “I’ve been sent to get some special stuff for one of the important ones.”

  The guard mumbled something about the officers under his breath but opened the gate for her. She walked straight away from the gate not knowing where Arthur would be. She was startled when he stepped out and joined her. They kept up a brisk pace and he commented on her ability to travel quickly. Betty smiled to herself thinking about how fast the Forest Folk moved but said nothing. It was nearly dawn before they arrived back at the place Betty was attacked. She led Arthur around the stable to the small tunnel. Arthur was somewhat hesitant to enter the tunnel but Betty encouraged him saying, “You fit, my friends will be waiting.


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