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Page 12

by Shani Greene-Dowdell

  In a Bohemian dress, Malaysia snagged herself a glass of bubbly, taking her place across the room on the loveseat by herself. “What happened tonight?”

  Andre didn’t give anyone else the chance to speak. “Chad showed up. Tobin ran after him. I got stuck with Cherise. She kicked me for not letting her go with Tobin. Chad got away because he left his truck running for that purpose. I think he’d have snatched Cherise if given the chance. Somebody needs to find out where the hell Chad is holed up in Long Island. The man is appearing out of thin air and vanishing into it. I hate being on the defensive.” The offensive sounded pretty damn good right now.

  Tobin took a swig of beer. “What Andre said.”

  A discussion ensued of how to go about pinning down Chad’s hidey-hole and his ass to a wall. One o’clock in the morning hit. I didn’t know that until Tobin was carrying me up to my room. The last thing I remembered was leaning my head on his shoulder to rest my eyes that had grown heavy.

  Tobin mounted the final step with me in his arms. “Woke now, sleepyhead?”

  Very aware of morning breath’s existence and my contentment in his arms, I yawned into the valley of his enormous pectorals in case I had a severe case of stank mouth. “Yes, I’m sort of woke now. Where is everyone else?”

  He veered to the right into my bedroom that was extra dark with the curtains pulled. “Andre just left. Malaysia went to bed about an hour ago.”

  “An hour? Why didn’t you wake me? I’m shocked she didn’t wake me herself.” And put them out on their asses with no preamble.

  Tobin set me down on my feet. “Nobody wanted to wake you. She said she’d trust me if I brought you home safe. I did, so I got to watch you sleep without her chaperoning. Besides, you’re not a hellion when you’re sleeping, and I enjoyed watching you rest for a change. I think Andre likes Malaysia.”

  I gaped at Tobin. “A hellion?” It didn’t escape me that I had passed out a second time when he was near. The man was better than a lavender bath, and let’s not forget hypnotically alluring. Most importantly, he made me feel secure.

  Tobin heaved me against his body, snaking his arms around my back. “Yes, a hellion. I got your number now. You’re innocent, sweet, and professional until provoked. Then, the feet, unicorns, and tiny fists start flying toward people. I’m not surprised I forgot that about you after fifteen years.”

  I slapped at his arm. “I’ve never struck anyone in my life.”

  He twisted his lips into the ‘Yeah, right’ configuration that everyone understood. “You’d have struck the night we met if things went sideways. I saw it in you, and stupidly, I forgot that about you.”

  He had me there. “It’s different when you’re protecting you and yours. I’m usually nonviolent.”

  His head dipped, lips resting right against mine. “I don’t remember threatening you tonight either, Cherise, and I still got hit.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You menaced my sanity. That’s worth fighting for, don’t you think?”

  “I won’t forget that. It’s your bedtime. Kiss me goodnight,” he uttered just before taking my mouth.

  The mind-blowing encounter went on endlessly. That may have been my fault. It wasn’t enough. I hadn’t had my fill of Tobin, hungering for more than his lips. I wanted him here with me, his soul, and his essence. I wanted his lovemaking. Tonight was just as good as any other for that. We didn’t really know how things would turn out with Chad from day-to-day. Sometimes, the bad guys won, and that was why I didn’t want anyone else involved in this situation initially. Did I really want to not be with Tobin in every way I could before Chad made his final play for me? Hell no.

  I had better say something before I lost my nerve. “Tobin, stay.”

  He brushed the tip of his nose against mine. “Gladly.” Nibbling on my lips, he added, “Go get ready for bed.” That required a trip to my bathroom, where my nightgowns hung behind the door.

  Moving sideways into the bathroom, I shut the door to quickly brush my teeth then strip. Tossing every article of clothing I wore in the hamper behind the door, I snatched the smallest, thin-strapped gown off the hook. Towing it over my head, I flipped off the light. Swamped in complete darkness, I was ready to find my way back to the bed from memory. Opening the bathroom door, Tobin had opened the curtains. Moonlight was sneaking in through the window. The silhouette of Tobin became my focal point. He had gotten under my coral duvet, leaning against the headboard with his head cushioned on an arm. I climbed in the bed on the empty side.

  Tobin scooted next to me, propping up on a powerful arm. “How do you want to sleep?”

  I gazed up at him. “Who said anything about sleeping?”

  He chuckled low. “I did. You have to work tomorrow, and you’re tired today.” Not to mention, it had been a long day and complicated night.

  I had not one single care about either. “And?”

  “And I want you rested so you can protect you right along with me. This is what we’re going to do.” Tobin straddled me.

  My anticipation rose so high, I began fearing a nosebleed. I trailed my fingers in zigzags over his arms as he walked backward on his hands and knees down my body. Spreading my legs open, he bunched the silk gown at my waist, the slightest touches leaving goosebumps behind. Lifting one foot, he pressed his lips to the ball of it. A sharp gasp broke the silence. There were many more to come as he systematically worked his way up the inside of my thighs, leaving his lip prints behind.

  With no panties to hamper his journey, he breathed over my closely-shaved mound. My chest worked overtime to take in air. He was virtually exploring me. No one in my past had done that before, and damn if it didn’t feel good to be discovered. I could come right now just from his kisses. I knew it was about to be a night to remember for as long as I lived.


  It didn’t make sense for me to put Cherise through a long night of lovemaking just to have her tired in the morning. Chad’s mania demanded we both be wide awake and alert tomorrow. However, I wasn’t going to leave her unsatisfied. My hands touched down on her legs to spread them. She jerked and hissed.

  I could almost see the anticipation rising from her as I planted my lips on her skin. She writhed beneath my touch, evoking my name and waking up the possessive beast in me. No other’s name would depart from her lips in that way ever again. The beast within was going to make damn sure of that. I just had to keep a leash on the primal part of me.

  My mouth actually ached to get intimate with each inch of her, brand her. The loose gown fell down her thighs as I parted them. She moaned and fidgeted, her knees bending and unbending, arms windmilling until there was a snow angel in the bed. Fuck, she was so reactive. I forced the gown further up her body, unveiling the gleaming wet sins and secrets guarded by her supple thighs. Her gown was almost as erotic as she was.

  The black silk clung just enough to hint at her decadent curves underneath. Her clothes embodied her, modest and effortless in their beauty. Gliding my hands under her knees, I hoisted them over my shoulders. Her abdomen contracted under my palm as I placed it over her, and then I began to make a meal of her.

  “Oh damn, oh damn, oh damn,” she groaned, scissoring her legs around my head.

  The thick part of my tongue forced its way among her lush folds, the tip of it lapping at her tight ass. I employed suction to her canal, evading the little nub peeking out of its hood at the top of her lips. Her clit was wanting its turn to be fed on by me. I wasn’t ready for her to orgasm yet. When I served that part of her, I wanted her to fly away. She hadn’t been raised high enough for that yet. I watched her clit as it stalked me. When it swelled out of its hood, liquid heat poured out her, coating my tongue, and saturating my chin.

  She went stiff as a board. Clapping an arm over her face, a muffled cry still skated out around it. She was coming anyway, had gone off too fast. It just meant I had to do it all over again. This was going to be entertaining. I drank the fluid climax from her and sl
urped from her clit at the same time. She kangarooed up to a sitting position.

  “Tobin, wait!”

  ‘Wait’ wasn’t part of my strategy. Palming her breasts, I coerced her down to the mattress again, feeding on her some more. The starving beast in me wanted every drop of her come. Her legs cycled on my shoulders, fingers pressing on my forehead. I held steady. No one was more resolved than me to make her go higher, orgasm harder, or feel as if she would come forever. It was almost sad when she crested again a few minutes later.

  “Goddamnit, Tobin!” She twisted wildly, head lashing side to side. “No more!”

  ‘No more’ wasn’t in my strategy either. I alternated from feasting on her clit to flicking it with my tongue at warp speed and humming against her womb. The vibrations by themselves would’ve set her off again eventually, but her climax came quick. Using her arm as a muffle again, a muted chant of, “Oh my God, Oh my God,” filled the room.

  Not satisfied that she was still conscious, I launched a second attack on her. This time, I damn near swallowed her clitoris, drank deeper from her canal, and ran faster circles around her opening. Her legs locked around my ears.

  “Yes!” she shouted, then bucked her body in a powerful attempt to escape. Impossible when my hands were holding her in place.

  When she was hyperventilating and too worn out to fight for her release, I knew my job was done. If I heeded to the beast within, she’d come two more times. Except, she was on the verge of passing out as it was. Hopefully, tomorrow if luck smiled down upon me, I’d give her the ultimate gift of my cock. For now, I crawled up the bed, gathering her in my arms.

  “Sleep, baby.”

  She would sleep peacefully all night. I wouldn’t. The treasure beside me, her home, and the street had to be checked on at least once every hour. Two hours prior to her alarm going off, I woke with a bad feeling. I went home right quick to bathe and change into more military wear.

  Andre had gotten up when I exited my bedroom forty minutes later. He stood at the stove bare-chested with a dishtowel thrown over his shoulder, cooking a hearty breakfast. “I did a loop of the office at three. Nothing was out of place. Coffee’s done.”

  “Thanks,” I acknowledged from the couch, lacing up my boots. Today, I had my gun strapped to my side. “Did you sleep?”

  “Some. The time zone change is a bitch. I’ll make another round after I clean up the kitchen then call my connect in the Harlem Police Department about locating Chad. Meet you at the office in two hours?”

  “Sounds good.” I got to my feet. “I’m out. Later Underwood.”

  Andre tipped his head back in a goodbye. “Later, Graham.”

  I covered the ten blocks to Cherise’s home in half the time. Her bedroom light was on when I pulled up beside her car. I’d like to think my absence woke her. My presence would hinder her from getting ready for work, so I stayed outside. Daylight was just dawning when she emerged in the condo’s doorway an hour early. A black sedan drove slowly by the gate. I gave it a thorough inspection like I had all the other cars that had driven by. Cherise walked out, stealing my focus with waving to me and heading for my truck.

  I got out. “Get in the truck with me, baby. Out in the open is not where you want to be when Chad could be out and about too.”

  Her face blanked of emotion. For a little while, she’d forgotten about her troubles. Being the one to have to remind her of them sent my blood pressure through the roof. I didn’t know what would happen if I ever got my hands on Chad, but it wouldn't be pleasant.

  “Alright.” In heels and a black sundress with yellow pixelated flowers to her ankles, getting in the truck was going to be a challenge for her. With her back to me, she took her time switching purse and attaché case to one hand then finding a grip with one shoe on the running board of the truck. We were going to discuss her choice of footwear at crucial times later. Capturing her waist in both hands, I lifted her up.

  Taken off guard, Cherise whooped and planted her feet inside the truck to regain her balance, dropping down in her seat. "A little warning next time, Tobin."

  Against Andre's advice and my better judgment, my fingers couldn’t resist fondling a springy coil of her hair, testing the texture of it in its natural state. Incredibly soft, it stretched out for several inches. Cherise didn't go loco on me, so that was a plus.

  "Shrinkage is real for women, too," she quipped.

  I loved that her hair was so versatile. Never sure what I'd get next with her, I hooked her eyes with mine. "Sorry about not giving a warning, but I didn't want you struggling to get in. I know I'm not supposed to touch your hair, but it's fascinating."

  Grinning, she reached out to caress my jaw with one hand. "A struggle was definitely about to occur in these heels. Touching my hair in its natural state is fine. It's when I've sat for over an hour to get it straightened that makes it off-limits."

  I understood. "If I sat that long for a hairdo, I wouldn't take the chance of anyone messing it up either."

  "Exactly." Stabilizing my chin with two fingers, she compressed her lips tenderly to mine then backed off before I could get any more into it. That didn't stop the organ in my briefs from standing at attention.

  "Shit," I huffed in not quite so loose any more camo pants.

  Cherise snuck a glance down at my growing problem. "Good morning to you too." Then, grinned in at me deviously. "We should go. I have good news. My business landlord knows about my situation and put a rush on the alarm and door buzzer installation for this morning."

  "That is good news.” Circling the truck, I got in. “I was close to buying out your schedule to keep you in one place until Chad's dealt with."

  "Don't waste your money like that. We may need somewhere to lay a trap for him. We'll keep narrowing down his ways to harass me until he's caught, gives up, or gets run over by a bus. Whichever happens first." He'll probably meet a bullet of mine first.

  I kept that graphic possibility private and got us on the way. "Laying a trap for him, there is a good idea. I'll talk with Andre more about it. How'd you sleep?"

  She smirked. "Like a brick until I got cold. Someone left and took their heat with them. Don't talk to Andre without me, although I'm sure you already have this morning. How was the walk of shame?"

  I smirked right back at her. "It was fabulous. I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime."

  "How about tonight then? I don't open on Sunday." How about I wasn't going to let her out the bed all day if she cooperated?

  "I will—" The truck’s ringtone for my phone intercepted my reply. Andre was on the line. That bad feeling that left Cherise's bed with me came back. "Hold that thought, sweetheart. Andre, what's up?"

  "Same ole, same ole," he relayed cynically. "Your boy Chad made another deposit at the office in the last few hours."

  Cherise’s breathing picked up. She reached for my hand that was stretching out for her at the same time. She grasped it, balling all ten fingers around mine tightly. "What did he leave this time, Andre?"

  "A box big enough to fit an adult cat in comfortably. I haven't touched it, waiting on you guys and the cops. Hopefully, they can dust for prints to tie Chad's ass to this new package. I'm getting tired of this bastard already. I can only imagine what you're going through, Cherise."

  "I wished I only had to imagine it too. Being a target is getting aggravating ."

  I moved our joined hands to my lap, trying to be closer to her while driving. "Describe the package, Andre."

  "It’s a small, brown box with no writing on the sides, at least. There’s one round of clear packing tape around the middle for quick opening, I guess. An average size, white envelope is laying on top of it addressed to Cherise. I’m pretty sure there’s a weird smell coming from it, but I can’t be sure with the construction going on next door.”

  "No red bow?" she interrogated him, leaning forward as if she didn't want to miss a word.

  "Not that I can see, Cherise. Is that part of the stalking?"

  “Yes,” she stated plainly.

  “Then, he’s probably escalating. I’m sure we can attribute that to you and Tobin’s steamy kiss at the carnival last night. Chad will see that as Tobin encroaching on his territory. You can bet he’s heated about that, and this little gift is to let you know it. The letter he left is not going to be anything nice either.”

  Gripping my fingers even tighter communicated Cherise’s worry. I wanted to haul her closer badly and make her forget about Chad. For just a moment today, she was trouble-free. My aim was to make her days happy throughout from now on.

  “How far away are you guys?” Andre inquired.

  “Three blocks,” I chimed in. “I saw a black BMW ride by the condo just before Cherise came out. I’ve seen Chad’s truck, so it stands to reason he’d change up vehicles. Keep an eye out, Andre. If he saw me last night, he likely saw you too. Today, we’re going to have a long talk about catching this bastard. Cherise offered up her office for that operation.”

  “Operation Fuck Chad Up. I like it. I’m in,” Andre asserted. The smooth stop of a car on his end resonated in the background. “I have company, guys. Get here as soon as you can. Later—”

  “Don’t hang up, Andre,” Cherise leveled at him. “I want to hear what’s going on.”

  “Understood. Putting you on speakerphone. Mute me on your end.”

  Cherise needed no prompting to utilize the mute button on the radio’s face herself. Both of us were engrossed with the conversation taking place on Andre’s end as he explained his discovery. I swung into the building’s lot and parked with a squeal of brakes. Two officers glimpsed back at us scrambling out of the truck. One, young and likely a rookie, approached us with his hand out, intending to keep us from getting near the sidewalk.


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