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Bride of the Frontier (The Prophecy of Sisters Book 3)

Page 25

by Hayley Faiman


  I don’t even let him say another word, far too gone on my roll to stop. “We can leave once he’s born, but those aches are so bad, I’m really worried that this baby could feel them too.”


  “Maybe you can have a little cabin built for me in town, or maybe even at the edge of your property so you don’t have to see us all the time, maybe just when you want to.”

  Then, before I can say anything else, I open my mouth, but instead of words coming out, Colt’s tongue fills my mouth. I whimper immediately, then I lift my hands and grip his shoulders tightly.

  Both of his hands grip my ass and he picks me up, I don’t even realize what’s happening as he walks across the room, but my body goes flying before landing on the soft mattress. Colt is a few feet away, his gaze hungry—starving—exactly like an animal.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I watch as he quickly undresses, then grabs something from his pants before he makes his way closer toward me. Sitting up, I move backward to get away from him, but in this bulky dress, I can’t go far.

  “I’m not building shit for you,” he growls just as he leaps forward and straddles my hips with his knees.

  The sudden movement forces me to fall backward and my eyes widen when I realize what he’s grabbed from his pants. It’s a larger handheld pocket knife, flipped up and ready to strike. Oh God, he’s going to kill me.

  I open my mouth to scream as he plunges the knife downward, but he’s too quick. Pinching my eyes closed, I hold my breath waiting for the pain to take over my entire body. Instead of pain, I feel my dress being tugged and pulled from the center.

  Opening my eyes, I look down, shocked to see that Colt is cutting down the center of my dress. He’s not just slicing it, he is hacking it.

  The fabric is thick and strong, no doubt with metal boning sewn between the pieces, but none of that stops him and in just moments I’m in nothing but a corset and bloomers.

  “Colt,” I cry out.

  He is looking down, admiring his handiwork, then slowly lifts his gaze to meet mine. His eyes are dark, but I can’t read them. I don’t know what he’s thinking, and I hate that I truly don’t know him well enough to figure it out.

  “That dress will be burned, Birdie. Never again will my wife look like a common whore.”

  My eyes widen and I press my lips together. Looking up at him, I wonder why this man cares so much now? He didn’t seem to care weeks ago, but now, he’s all concerned with the way I look.

  “Why do you care now?” I ask.

  The words spill out before I can attempt to stop myself, not that I probably would anyway, I’m not really great at that whole self-preservation thing. Colt’s lips twitch into a grin and he lets out a grunt.

  “You’re mine, darlin’. You’re carrying my baby. There are hundreds of men outside that would love to get a taste of you.”

  “Gross and I highly doubt it,” I snap.

  His brows rise and he shakes his head a couple of times. “Truth, Birdie.”

  Pressing my lips together, I widen my eyes as I look up at him. “Colt, seriously. A couple inches of chest isn’t going to make them lusty toward me.”

  He snorts. “They’re already lusty toward you, darlin’. Firstly, you’re female. Secondly, you’re very beautiful, and thirdly, you’re mine which makes you very desirable to any man who wishes to have power.”

  Scrunching my nose up, I continue to look up at him, only to watch his lips curve up into a grin and he chuckles. Obviously, he’s not as worried as he claims, and now I’m totally too freaked out to even fall asleep at night. Visions of men climbing in through the bedroom window and stealing me in the middle of the night pop in my head.

  “Why would you think such things, do not do that, do not attempt to make something happen,” he snaps, all humor leaving his face.

  “What?” I ask.

  His eyes focus on mine again and he blinks. “You transferred your fears and thoughts to me, Birdie.”

  “I did?” I ask.

  He nods his head slowly. “You did.”

  “Wow,” I breathe.

  He tosses the knife to the side and I hear it clatter against the wooden flooring before he climbs off of me. I immediately miss the weight of him sitting against my hips. He’s still completely naked and I can’t help but spy his hard length and think about him sliding it inside of me.

  “You’re doing it again,” he says, though a bit rougher this time.

  “I am?”

  He nods his head once, then lifts his hand and motions for me. Pushing myself up, he faces his palm forward and I stop. Without another word, he walks around me and I feel his fingers roughly tugging against the corset.

  The corset that Sybilla’s country has, has quite a few differences from mine, one being that the laces are soft beautiful ribbons instead of string. When it’s loosened, I expect him to rip it off of me, but he doesn’t.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “This fabric, it’s very soft, is it easier to wear?” he asks.

  I hum, shaking my head. “Having your insides bound isn’t comfortable no matter what fabric you’re laced up with.”

  He doesn’t say anything as he continues to strip the corset, then the rest of the underclothes from me. I take the opportunity to remove my bloomers, but as I begin to roll down my thigh-high stockings, he grunts causing me to stop.

  “Keep them on.”

  Heat climbs up my neck and cheeks and I close my eyes, inhaling a swift breath as his lips touch my shoulder.

  “Imagine more, Birdie. Send me images of what you want me to do to you.”

  Pinching my eyes closed, I try not to do that. The last thing I want is to not only inflate his overly large ego, but to show him just how much I desire him. He’s a jerk-off. His tongue snakes out and he tastes my shoulder, then sinks his teeth into my flesh and it sends shots of desire throughout my entire body.

  “I want to know exactly what you like,” he purrs.

  I hesitate even breathing, mainly because what I like is everything that he does to me. He doesn’t even really have to touch me, just a whisper of a touch is enough to make me crave him.

  My blood starts to heat, it burns hot just beneath the surface and I try to push the images out of my head, but I can’t. They surface and when they do, they’re of him inside of me, but I’m riding him, his lips are wrapped around my nipple and one of his hands is buried in the back of my hair while the other is gripping the outside of my hip.

  “I can do that,” he grunts.


  Not only can this woman transport herself and others, she can tap into people’s thoughts and conversations, now she can send telepathy images to others. She is indeed growing in her powers and magic. She is spectacular and I don’t want to share any of her powers with the world.

  “Turn around,” I demand.

  My back is against the headboard of the bed, my legs outstretched and my length hard and ready for her to take. She turns around and I watch as the pink in her cheeks and chest turn bright red.

  She doesn’t need instructions to climb toward me, straddling my lap. I don’t let her align herself with my cock yet. Reaching out, I wrap one of my hands around her waist, gripping her tightly. The other I slip between her thighs.

  Birdie lets out a whimper as soon as my fingers touch her already damp and sensitive center. It hasn’t been more than just a few days since I’ve been with her, but it has felt like an eternity. I don’t know if that’s the gods doing, or just because I adore her and desire her as much as I do.

  Her hips roll as she rides my fingers, her eyes hooded as she looks down at me, watching. She licks her lips, her breathing coming out in pants as she lifts her hands and her nails dig into my shoulders.

  I want to bring her to release before I fill her, then I want to bring her to another release while she rides me. Her mind starts to spin and I am witn
ess to every single image that appears in her head. She’s showing me exactly what she wants, the way that she wants it and I highly doubt she is doing it purposely.

  It doesn’t matter, I will take whatever she gives me. Her hips roll and jerk, she bucks above me and I can do nothing but continue to give her pleasure with my fingers and watch. She’s close, not only can I feel it, I can sense it through her visions.

  Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I watch as her head falls back and she lets out a cry of pleasure. Her release takes over, her entire body stiffens, but I don’t stop touching and stroking her, not until I’m sure that she is completely satisfied.

  Her eyes flutter open and she shifts her head so that her gaze meets mine. “Colt,” she says on a shaky breath.

  “Darlin’,” I grunt.

  Birdie’s lips curve up into a grin and she dips her chin, her lips almost touching mine. Sliding my hand from her hip, I dance my fingers up her spine and curl them in her hair at the nape of her neck.

  Tugging her head back, I expose her throat and press my lips against her, licking her flesh and tasting the sweetness that is Birdie. Her entire body shivers above me and her hips jerk against my fingers that are still between her legs and coated with her release.

  Begrudgingly, I remove my hand from between her legs and smile against her throat when I hear her guttural groan. Wrapping my hand around her hip, I align her center perfectly against the head of my length.

  “Slowly,” I rasp.

  She understands my words as she slowly, so achingly slowly, sinks down along my length until she’s taken all of me inside of her. Birdie lets out a whimper, then a sigh as her hands release their strong grip against my shoulders.

  Releasing my lips from her throat, I loosen my grip on her hair and lean back slightly. “I want your eyes, darlin’.”

  Her eyes flutter open and she looks directly at me, but she’s not looking at me at all, she is looking inside of me. Birdie not only hears more than she should, she somehow sees it too. I don’t know why or how, but this woman sees more of me than anyone ever has.

  “What do you see?” I chance asking.

  I could play it off, pretend that she doesn’t see anything. I could pound into her body and take what I desire every night, then go about my days, as if I’m not falling deeply into her. I could do all of that, but it wouldn’t be true to how I feel inside.

  Her hips begin to roll ever so slightly and I don’t stop her, but my hand in her hair tightens again. She lets out a shaky breath, her gaze focused on mine as she begins to move, riding me as only she can.

  “Don’t fear the future, Colt. The gods did not bring us together only to tear us apart. They have written the fates and we must continue on together. Fighting what grows between us, what grows inside of me, it cannot happen.”

  Her words don’t sound as her own, but I cannot deny their truth. She is right. We must work together, we must allow our relationship to flourish and I must stop pushing her away.

  Sliding my hand from her hip, I press my hand flat against the middle of her back and pull her a bit closer toward me. I want to feel her warm, soft body pressing against mine. She lets out a sigh, her face nuzzling against my neck as her hips begin to move faster, grinding against my pelvis with each buck.

  I growl as she whimpers and it isn’t long before she cries out against my skin and I feel her cunt squeeze me, milking my own release from my body. We’re both breathless as I release my grip on her hair, wrapping both of my arms around her and just hold her against me, enjoying the quiet moment of just the two of us.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  I wake up with two strong arms wrapped around me and when I open my eyes I see the warm sunshine peeking in. Pushing back against Colt, I hum as I allow the warmth to fill me, but it isn’t the warmth of the sun, or even from his body, it’s the warmth of love.

  I love him and he loves me as well.

  I have a feeling that he’ll never be the man who professes it constantly, but instead he’s going to show me and I am quite alright with that. His hand moves from its place on my hip and he presses his palm against my belly.

  “Our child grows.”

  Smiling to myself, I turn my head to look back at him. He dips his chin, his eyes finding mine almost immediately.

  “Do you care if it’s a boy or a girl?” I chance to ask. I can’t help but think about his daughter and wonder if he’d never want another.

  He hums, touching his mouth to mine. “It doesn’t matter, just that the babe and you are healthy.”

  “And me?” I ask.

  He snorts. “Of course. I know I haven’t been the nicest, but I care for you, deeply.”

  Turning around in his arms, I tip my head back and smile up at him. “You care for me deeply?” I prod.

  He chuckles. “You know that I love you, Birdie. It is the truth, not just sanctioned by the gods, but me, the man that I am, loves the woman that you are.”

  Tears fill my eyes, but I don’t allow them to fall. Instead, I give him a shaky, watery smile. I open my mouth to say something when there is a knock on the bedroom door. Colt frowns before he throws the covers back and stomps toward the door.

  Quickly, I pull the bedding over my naked body and sit up, my hair undoubtedly a complete mess and watch my naked husband yank open the bedroom door. I blink, then blink again as a young, beautiful woman stands in front of him. A woman that I’ve never seen before.

  She glances down at his nude body, then glides her gaze back up to meet his, not an embarrassed bone in her entire body. Narrowing my gaze at her, I press my lips together and watch them.

  “May I help you?” Colt asks, his back stiffening.

  She turns her head to the side slightly in an attempt to appear demure and shy, when I can already tell that she is no such way. She bats her lashes at him before she clears her throat.

  “Breakfast is ready, Colton. I was hoping that you could take me into town today. I left some things at the Blue Bird Theatre that I need to gather.”

  There is a long moment of silence and I don’t know what I expect, but it certainly isn’t Colt’s willingness to take this woman to the whorehouse. Maybe he thinks that I don’t know the name of it, but I have that shit memorized.

  He tells her that we’ll be down in a moment, then closes the door and turns to face me. Then, the bastard, just doesn’t say a fucking thing. He walks toward me, past me, and into his wardrobe, tugs the doors open and pulls out some clean clothes, dressing without a word.

  “Are you going to pretend there isn’t a new young thing in this house who has things at a whorehouse?” I ask.

  He stops mid pulling his pants up, then turns to face me and finishes pulling them all the way, but doesn’t lace or button them. He tilts his head to the side and in this moment, I wish that I could tap into his head quickly, because he’s thinking something, but I don’t know what the hell it is.

  Then he shrugs a shoulder. “Made a deal with Bessie Silks. She wanted her girls here for the men. The only way she’d make that happen was by giving me Daisy.”

  “Giving you… Daisy?”

  I watch as he nonchalantly walks over to the wardrobe and continues to take his clothes out and dress, not giving a flying fuck that I’m about two seconds from blowing the roof off of this fucking bitch.

  Anger builds inside of me and there is a rumbling sound in the distance but I ignore it. Staring at him, I wait for Colt to give me some reasonable fucking explanation for this woman being here.

  “I guess you need help, right? To get dressed every day and things? Martha could always use help in the house, especially with so many people here at the moment.”

  Inhaling a deep breath, I try to calm myself down, considering the sunshine is now gone and darkness spills through the windows.

  Clearing my throat, I attempt to relax a little. It doesn’t work. I’m completely amped up and ready to tackle this no-good whore who is apparently sle
eping under my roof now.

  I hear the crack of thunder, then see the flash of lightning before there is a deep rumble that shakes the entire house. Only then does Colt stop and lift his gaze to meet my own. His eyes search mine, but he doesn’t speak.

  “I would rather walk around outside, in front of all of your men, naked, than to have some whore that you’ve either slept with or will sleep with touch me or my things,” I grind out.

  His eyes widen and he takes a step toward me, anger filling him as well. His cheeks turn red and I watch as he shakes slightly. He leans forward, his eyes sharp and glittering with what I can only describe as anger.

  “You will never say such things again,” he grates out.

  I jerk my chin up and look down my nose at him. “You are not only disrespectful, Colton James, you are also an asshole, and cruel,” I sneer.



  I understand the emotion, what I don’t comprehend is the way it consumes my entire being, just at the simple threat of her showing her bare body to a camp full of hundreds of my men. All of this especially when I know that she would not actually achieve it. Even if she attempted, I would chain her to the bed before she went through with the action.

  Watching her for a moment, I think about what I want to say. I could tell her that I never planned on Daisy staying long, that I am going to sell her off to the first person who wants her, but I am a stubborn man and now that she’s challenged me…

  The wind howls, the lightning strikes and causes light to flash throughout the room. I hear and feel the rumbling, then the crack of thunder as her anger toward me rises. I expect her to lash out verbally, but instead, she closes her eyes and inhales a deep breath, then lets it out slowly.

  When she reopens her blue eyes, they flash with a gray color that gives me pause. Then, they go back to their regular shade of bright blue. She smiles, her lips curving up, but it isn’t a kind smile, it’s almost menacing.


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