Purpose: Whisperer of Night
Page 72
“What’s going on here?” Carter asked Aaron as he turned to finish getting himself loose while she was gone.
“I don’t know, she’s crazy,” Aaron mumbled.
“Well she seems to think you did something,” Carter said as he continued to rub his rope against the hook conveniently sticking out of the wall beside him. Aaron sighed loudly.
“She’s my daughter,” he answered reluctantly.
“And this is how she treats you?” Carter asked shocked.
“I can’t say that I didn’t deserve it. I left her and her mother to take care of a family friends family while he went off to war, me and her mother were planning on getting a divorce anyways so I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal.”
“Are you sure that’s the only reason? It seems a little petty to go to such extremes for something as small as that,” Carter said as he tried to get himself loose.
“I don’t know she talk in riddles so if there was something else then I didn’t understand the meaning of it.”
“What do you mean she talks in riddles?” carter asked as he concentrated harder.
“These stupid emails she sends me,” Aaron said as he kicked the laptop Carter’s way. Carter read the email.
“This seems to be about you abandoning her.”
“I figured as much but I don’t know what the others mean.”
“Why don’t you just ask her?”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried?”
“What is she going to do to me?” Carter asked a bit worried.
“What she does to everyone else she takes and sacrifices.”