Royal Wrecker: Barnes Family Romances Book 4
Page 9
I needed to be more clear in letting him know what I wanted.
I needed a plan.
“I just wanted to see it.”
Honoré and I sat next to a roaring fire in a secluded nook in the back of the hotel.
The cameras were gone. We’d already finished dinner, and it was too cold for a walk outside, so we’d come in here for a nightcap before going up to our room.
I’d been complaining about not getting to see the most powerful waterfall in the world. It had been on our agenda that day, but weather conditions made us cut our flight short, so we missed it.
“That sounds like a guy thing.” Honoré rolled her eyes.
“Hey, it might be, but most powerful? C’mon. You don’t want to see that?”
She laughed. “It would have been nice, but it’s better not to focus on the things we don’t see. We should be grateful for the things we did see. Like that field we saw yesterday with the sheep and the yellow wildflowers. That was beautiful!”
I placed a hand on her knee, and she didn’t shrink back.
“You’re right. You’re always right.” I pretended to surrender.
“Well, I’m glad you noticed. In fact, I saw this Icelandic proverb I wanted to show you…” She pulled out her phone.
“Let me see.” She scrolled down her device. “Ah, here it is. ‘If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.’”
I let the words sink in for a moment.
It was actually bloody brilliant.
Taking a mini-notebook and pen from my pocket, I asked, “Hey, do you mind if I…? That’s kinda inspired me, and I’d like to jot down some notes.”
“No, no. That’s fine. I’ll go on up to the room. See you there in a bit.”
She must have left, but I’d gotten so caught up in my scribbling that I didn’t see her go.
Most women would be upset if I bailed on them at the end of the night, but Honoré had shown a good deal of patience for my need to create.
Sometimes I would just sit on the balcony and strum my guitar. Play a few chords to help me get some notes down. She never seemed to mind. In fact, the opposite was true. It felt like she had a genuine respect for my need to create.
Time wasn’t something I was aware of when I was writing, so I didn’t know how long it was before I closed my notepad and got into the elevator, humming a tune I’d just composed.
When I walked into the hotel suite, I was surprised to see Honoré lounging on the couch in the living room in some short, blue nightgown.
“Hey.” I stopped, waiting for her to go cover herself. That definitely wasn’t what she usually wore around me.
“Hey.” She bit her lip.
“What are you doing?” It felt like I walked in on something, but I had no idea what.
“Waiting for you.”
She giggled, which helped ease the strange vibe in the air. “Yes, you. I wanted to ask you to do something for me.”
I shrugged. “All right. Shoot. What is it?”
“Teach me how to give a blowjob.”
I couldn’t have been more surprised if she asked me to rob a bank.
“Wait, what? Seriously?” I asked.
The girl was sexy as fuck and of age, so I kept forgetting what a sheltered life she’d led.
Her lips formed a thin line, and I could tell I’d said the wrong thing.
“Sorry. I keep forgetting.”
Her eyes narrowed, and she turned away from. “Never mind.”
“Aww, Honoré. Don’t be like that.” I crossed the room and hugged her tight. “There’s nothing I’d like more than to stick my dick in your pretty little mouth.”
She turned around and looked at my shyly. “Really?”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “My God, yes! Why would you think otherwise?”
She frowned again. “I don’t know. Because you don’t try to, you know, touch me anymore.”
What? When had she wanted that? She was blowing my mind.
“Honoré, you made it clear that you didn’t want that. That this was just business. I’ve been trying to be respectful.”
She shook her head. “I thought that was what I wanted, but I get confused. Part of me wants this.” She moved a finger from herself to me and back to herself again.
“I know,” I admitted. “I feel the same way. All this is fucking with our emotions. I mean, we’re supposed to act like we’re married, but we know it’s a show. But all this, you, it makes me want it to be real sometimes.”
“Yeah. Doesn’t it feel real to you, sometimes?”
“It does. And it makes me want you, being on a honeymoon with you.”
I pushed her hair away from her face. “Damn, girl. It makes me want you too.”
“You do?” Her bottom lip stuck out adorably, making my cock come to life.
“Oh yeah, and I’d love to show you how to please a man with those beautiful lips of yours.”
“You don’t think I’m stupid for being so inexperienced?”
“Babe, that is so fucking hot.” I closed my eyes for an instant, relishing the situation, then I repeated myself, “So fucking hot.”
“Okay, so should I just…”
I lifted my shirt up over my head and tossed it on the floor.
“Sit.” I pointed at the bed.
Her eyes widened, probably with nerves, but she had a seat on the edge of it.
She looked so beautiful sitting there in her light-blue nightgown or whatever it was. Her skin was so smooth and creamy, such a beautiful color, just slightly darker than mine.
I took a step toward her until I stood with my stomach in front of her.
She reached for me, but I caught her hands before she could touch me. “Let me tell you what I want you to do, okay?”
“Okay, but I just wanted to touch your abs. They're amazing.”
“I’m glad all the pain at the gym is paying off. I’ll let you lick them a little bit later. But first, I've got something else I want you to lick.”
Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, and my boner reached full engorgement, and it was all I could do to suppress a groan. “Go ahead and unbutton my pants.”
I released her hands which she quickly used to work at my buttons. It was actually perfect that I was wearing button-fly jeans because this was going to take her a few moments.
The anticipation was delicious, but I couldn't wait for her to set me free and take me in that little mouth of hers.
Once she got my jeans open, she pushed them down, revealing my underwear and the obvious appendage trying to escape them.
I stepped out of my pants and kicked them aside.
“Now put your hands inside my underwear and grab my dick. Wrap your hands around it, both of them. As she did what I said, I yanked my underwear down and ditched it too.
Now I stood in front of her, my cock pulsing between her fingers.
“Stroke it like this.” Placing my hand over hers, I showed her what I meant.
“Now use one hand to jerk it, then use your other hand to come underneath and fondle my balls.” I opened my legs a couple of inches wider to give her better access.
She was a good pupil. Eager. And though she started out tentatively, it wasn’t long until she got the hang of it, and I was biting my lip to keep from groaning.
Her touch felt so fucking good.
“Get down on your knees,” I said, my voice growing deeper with passion.
Her brows knitted together and for a second, I thought she might protest, but that passed, and she climbed down on the floor and knelt in front of me, hands still pleasuring me.
“Now I want you to put the head of it between your lips. Lick it like it is a lollipop. Like it tastes unbelievable and you want to taste it all.”
She stroked me with her hand like she knew what she was doing, then that litt
le pink tongue left her mouth and touched the head of my penis, and I thought I might die of pleasure.
There was something so innocent about her and her willingness to please me, and it set me on fire.
“Now I want you to focus on the length. I want you to bathe it with your tongue like you're a little kitten and you’re giving yourself a bath, only you’re giving me the bath. I want you to lick it all over. Make it as wet as your pussy.”
She went about the task with a single-mindedness that I appreciated.
“That's it,” I said as her tongue brushed the underside of my shaft. A shiver ran down my spine. “Just like that. Your mouth feels amazing.”
I could see a slight smile in response to my praise, and I reached out and patted her on the head. “Good girl.”
She arched her back, and her eyes fluttered up to meet mine.
My girl liked to be praised. That was something I was going to have to remember in the future.
But for now, it was time for me to fuck that pretty throat.
“Bob your head back and forth so my dick goes in and out of your mouth. Close your lips around it, but don't let your teeth scrape against me.”
With a little nod she took me into her mouth and began to take me an inch at a time. I kept feeding her my dick, watching it go deeper and deeper down her throat.
“Put your hands behind your back. I want you to clasp your hands together and open your mouth as wide as you can. I'm going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours. I want you to remember to breathe. Do you think you can do that?”
She dropped her hands and placed them behind her back, just as I asked. Her long, lush lashes fluttered closed, and I marveled at how lovely she was.
I started out slow, dragging my cock almost all the way out of her mouth then pressing it back inside, deep into that slick little hole.
She felt incredible.
With each thrust, I pressed farther toward the back of her mouth, and she was a good sport. She took me like a champ.
“Look at me. I want to see your eyes.”
I wanted to watch every reaction, see every emotion she was experiencing in her eyes.
It was all there—her desire to please me, a bit of fear.
She wondered if she could trust me, and I let her know she could as I probed deep into her mouth until I hit the back of her throat.
Her eyes flew open, panicked.
“Just breathe. It's going to be fine. I'm not going to hurt you, just breathe.” I rocked my hips back, letting her fill her lungs with air.
“If you're going to take me in your mouth like that, you have to relax. Trust that I'm going to take care of you. Pretend that your mouth that I'm fucking is your pussy, and let me enjoy you.”
She blinked her agreement, then I went slower this time, allowing her to get used to the pace.
As she grew accustomed to it, her tongue rolled languidly over my underside and the pleasure made me almost come all up in her mouth.
But I wasn't quite finished yet.
I placed both hands on either side of her head, sank my fingers into her scalp, and buried myself so deep that her mouth touched my pelvis. I did it swiftly so she wouldn’t choke, and I stayed there long enough to shoot my load down the back of her throat.
She wouldn't even have to swallow it, because I sent it so deep.
As I pulled out, she sputtered a little, and her makeup was messed up with black under her eyes.
“How was it?” she asked.
“It was goddamn magnificent.” I bent down and kissed her gorgeous mouth.
Then I stood, with her in my arms, and carried her to the bed.
“And now, my dear, you know how to give a blowjob,” I whispered.
Ensconced in the most amazing plastic bubble to view the Northern Lights, ribbons of brilliant color danced overhead, upstaging their sparkling counterparts in the night sky.
Filming had shut down for the night with us bedding down in our amazing bubble motel. Our bubble was nestled in a wintry wonderland. The tree boughs all around were covered in snow. And even though one whole side of the surrounding snowy carpet had been tromped on and mucked up by production, a light dusting of snow covered the ground after they left.
There wasn’t much in the little space under the clear bubble top other than a bed, a small table, and a chair. It was like camping Iceland style.
Earlier we used candles for light, but then the night blew up in these amazing colors.
Waves of purple.
Swaths of green.
Leo’s face turned green in the light, but instead of making him look strange, he glowed.
“You look kinda like an alien with your face all green like that.”
“You do too. A hot one,” he said.
I laughed. “Well, you’re a hot one too.”
“Maybe I should probe you,” he said, reaching for me.
I giggled, goose bumps rising on my arms. “That sounds interesting.”
“Oh yeah?” He squeezed my hand.
“Yeah. You’re certain they’re all gone?” I rubbed my arms to keep away the chill.
“The crew? Yes. We won’t see them until tomorrow morning. Do you want me to turn up the heat?”
“Maybe a little.”
“Okay.” He ratcheted up the thermostat. “Do you mind if I put on some music?”
“No. Something of yours?”
He chuckled. “I’m not that self-involved. No. I’m thinking this Van Morrison song, Into the Mystic. Ever heard it?”
“I don’t think so.”
He dialed up the music, and we lay on our backs, gazing at nature’s incredible light show.
Between the colorful streaks, the stars twinkled above. The sparkly field stretched on as far as I could see. The vast majesty of it made me feel like we were part of something bigger.
“Makes you feel small, doesn’t it?” Leo asked.
I nodded. “I was just thinking that.”
“The power and scope of nature is massive,” he said.
“Daunting, yet comforting.”
Leo smiled then turned to me. “Exactly. This is the kind of place that helps me remember who I am.”
“And who are you?”
“Just a little speck in the universe. Nothing special.”
I laughed. “Surely you don’t believe that.”
“I do. It’s all about perspective. To some people I’m this rock star. Ziggy Barnes’ son. Blah, blah, blah. But really I’m just a guy.”
“And I’m just a girl.”
He shrugged. “You are whoever you want to be.”
I shook my head. “People like you and me, we were born to a certain station in life, and even in this day and age, it’s not easy to shake the expectations that come with that. Especially with your talent. Everyone expects you to walk in your father’s footsteps because you inherited his talent.”
“Except I didn’t.”
“What do you mean, you didn't? You are one of the most talented musicians of your time. Everyone agrees about that.”
Leo made a face. Like something pained him.
“Okay,” I encouraged. “What is it? What's bothering you?”
“I'm not Ziggy Barnes’ son.”
“What do you mean you're not his son?”
“I mean that my blood type is not possible for a child belonging to my mother and Ziggy Barnes.”
My jaw dropped, but I quickly closed it, not wanting to show him a huge reaction.
“Yeah. Shocker, right?”
Apparently, I was too late to hide my surprise.
“Wait, I don't understand. What makes you think this?”
“I was in a motorcycle accident in Rome. When I got to the hospital, they asked my blood type. I didn’t know so they tested it and told me it was O positive. One day, I was looking through my mom’s wallet. She told me to run and go grab a credit card and bring it to her and when I did, I saw her blood do
nor card that said she was A positive.
“Now, when I was a kid, I read everything I could get my hands on about Ziggy. He was my dad, ya know?”
“Sure. I would have done the same thing,” I assured him.
He continued. “So, from my reading, I knew Ziggy had a rare blood type—AB. A mother with Lucinda’s blood type and a man with Ziggy’s blood type can’t have a child with an O blood type. I looked it up.”
“Oh my God, what did you do when you found out?”
“Nothing. I haven't told anyone but my newfound brother Eduardo and you.”
“Wait, this is not something that your family knows? Or knows that you know?”
“Just Eduardo and probably his wife.”
“But what about your mom? You haven't asked her who your father is or told her you know?”
“No. I mean, I'm a twin, so what the fuck? I mean, does that mean my twin sister has a different father than me? That was my first concern, but one day I asked her, and her blood is AB. So that confused me. I guess we have different fathers. How fucked up is that? Then I wondered if my mother even knows.”
“I know. Is that even possible, for her to not know?”
“No. She obviously fucked two different men around the time we were conceived. She had to have suspected.” Leo shook his head. “I’m sorry, Honoré, that you had to marry into this shit show of a family.”
I reached over and set my hand on his heart. “Don’t say that.”
He lifted my fingers to his lips and kissed them. “What I do know is that there is no way Ziggy Barnes was my father, and that fucks with me every day.”
“Do you have any suspicion who your father might be?”
He smiled wryly. “Yeah, actually I do, and you want to know the kicker? I think it may be my sister-in-law’s father. She may be more than just a sister-in-law to me.”
“Okay, now you're confusing me.”
“Okay so Ziggy, who was supposedly my dad, died in a plane crash along with his bandmate and best friend, Ray Evans, who is the father of my brother Nick's wife, Eden. Rumors circulated that my mother had been having an affair with Ray, but I don't know. I guess it could be anyone.”
“Not anyone,” I corrected. “Your mother would have a clue based on the timing. Don't you want to ask her?”