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Seizing Rain (Seas of Seduction Book 1)

Page 3

by A. E. Murphy

  I thank him quietly and quickly yank on the trousers after dropping the sheet. His cheeks pink when he catches sight of my current lack of dress and I wonder if even at his age he can be so virginal as to blush at the sight of a woman.

  I estimate him to be at least thirty at the oldest but definitely no younger than twenty-five.

  I pull on the vest over the satin and then the coat before slipping the weird little paper-like bags onto my feet. They don’t do much but they do make me feel a little warmer.

  “And this,” he hands me a rubber band. “For your hair. Though I wouldn’t use it on more than the ends. My sister got one tangled in her hair once. It was a tragedy. Maybe braid it?”

  “I will.” I try to smile at him but I can’t. I can’t smile at all.

  I sit in my scientist cosplay, watching him move around his lab, nodding at all of the right moments as he talks.

  We sit and eat together, the same broth as yesterday and I wonder if they have anything else on the menu. Not that I’ll ever ask.

  I slurp it greedily, famished after only a tiny breakfast and no lunch but it doesn’t sit right in my stomach.

  “We’re expected to go to the mess hall usually,” he comments, his mouth full of stale bread as I still struggle to keep my food down. “The captain must be taking pity on you because I forgot to feed you at lunch.”

  “The captain notices things like that?”

  “He sees everything. He has spies everywhere.” He nods to the man in the corner who is eating his own food silently. “The men here are loyal to him, myself included. He’s a good captain. Doesn’t take any crap. Keeps us in line which is a hard thing to do considering we’re all mostly criminals, ex-convicts, etcetera.”

  Well shit. I probably got taken to the worst boat in the ocean. Fuck my life right now.

  The mute man stamps his foot on the ground and Geoffrey winces.

  “I’m telling you too much,” he explains, looking at his remaining broth.

  I watch the sun slowly set on the horizon. An image that would be beautiful were it not for my predicament messing up my ability to feel happiness.

  “Why am I here?” I ask carefully.

  “I’m not at liberty to say.”

  Two hours pass, I know this because of the clock on the wall. I wish I could take it with me.

  “Come on, wench,” Clunk barks at me. “Time for bed.”

  I move away from the table where I’m helping to clean out little glass vials with cotton swabs and some kind of sterilising fluid.

  “Goodnight, Rain,” Geoffrey says, giving me a little wave. “Remember what I said.”

  “What the fuck did you say?” Clunk snarls, sounding defensive and uncertain.

  “I told her to behave herself, you raging bull man. If you’d let me medicate you for that anger we wouldn’t all be fearful for our lives around you.”

  Clunk slams the door after me and shoves me forward.

  We ascend the stairs, passing a door that I know leads to near where I’ve been kept captive. I start to panic, wondering if he’s going to hurt me like the men did last night.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, my voice trembling. “Why are you not taking me to my room?”

  “The captain wants ya.” He gives me another shove. “You don’t move I’m tossing you overboard. Don’t have time to be babysitting.”

  That has me picking up the pace but it’s easier said than done because the floor is rough on my feet even through the paper covers.

  “What does he want with me?”

  “The fuck you think?”

  “Wait… please… just take me back to my room.”

  He sighs and grabs my arm, yanking me along as though I weigh nothing which to him I probably do. “Like I said, don’t have time.”

  We move towards the stairs leading to the bridge but enter the heavy door by it. I spy two doors opposite one another, both say Captain on them engraved in gold plaques.

  I’m tugged towards the left and he hits the metal with the side of his fist before opening the door and shoving me inside.

  “Wait,” I beg, turning, but he closes the door after me, plunging me into darkness.

  Only moonlight filters in through small windows and shows a large space with soft rugs and a large dining table. I try to make out the art that lines the walls in heavy frames but the light doesn’t allow it.

  I’m alone again, in a room that looks like it should be a living room but feels void of life and homeliness.

  What now?

  I stand on the closest black rug and relish the soft feeling of it beneath my sore feet.

  “Come here,” the captain calls through a thinner door opposite. Light escapes the edges just enough for me to make it out in the dark. “Now.” I don’t move. “If I have to stop what I’m doing to get you I’ll be annoyed.”

  Closing my eyes and inhaling for any amount of bravery I pad towards the door and tug on the handle until it opens.

  Warm orange light warms me, bouncing off the white of my jacket as I look down.

  “Close the door,” he instructs, his tone harsh.

  I do so, looking around carefully, spying a large, king-size bed with heavy green duvets and thick-looking pillows. There are books in closed shelves around the walls. Lights are fixed into the wall that have been switched off so the only light comes from the faux fireplace.

  “Eighty-seven,” he grunts aloud, his voice sounds strained. “Eighty-eight.”

  I find him carefully and my heart stops for a moment. The sheer power of his muscles in this light as he hangs upside down from a metal bar by his feet and pulls his shoulders towards his knees with his arms crossed at his chest.


  I missed a few in my stupor.

  The orange lighting shows the curve of every muscle hidden beneath tanned, smooth, tattooed skin. I’ve never felt so tiny and insignificant in comparison to another person before.

  Beads of sweat trickle along his abdomen, catching in the light hair on his sternum. Some escape and move to his neck as he continues to work his abs as though I’m not here.

  “One hundred.” With a loud cry he folds his body upwards, grabs the bar with one hand and slowly lowers his feet like a trained gymnast. When he drops I feel the earth shake and press my back against the door.

  “You look ridiculous,” he comments. “What are you wearing?”

  “Anything I can,” I reply, keeping my eyes on his knees as he wipes his face on a towel.

  “You’re prettier than I expected.”

  Did he not know who he was kidnapping? Does he even have the right person?

  Does it make me an awful person to hope he did and he’ll get them instead?


  I hear the smile in his voice when he changes the subject. “Why won’t you look at me?”

  I gulp but stay silent and keep my eyes down.

  “Look at me.”


  He takes a wide step towards me. I try to melt into the door but science won’t allow it. “You’re to sleep here tonight.”


  “Apology accepted.”

  I look at him with wide eyes and immediately wish I hadn’t. The topping is just as good as the cake below.

  His hair is mahogany, I can see a glimpse of it above his ears, peeking out from under the black bandana. He has dark, striking brows above the purest green eyes I have ever seen. They’re like leaves at the beginning of spring. The flickering flames reflect a dangerous glower in them that has me shrinking away, fighting to pull my eyes free. They finally find a new path along a thick scar that spans from the inner corner of his eye, where the bridge of his nose meets his brow, to his cheekbone. It in no way mars the dangerously sinful beauty of his face and only makes me more alluring.

  He's perfection without being too perfect which only makes him more perfect. I hate him and everything he is.

  “Stay away from me,” I snap when h
e breaches the invisible line three feet from me.

  To his credit, he stops and stares me down, his perfect, plum-coloured lips lifting at the edges with a smirk. “Get in bed. Sleep.”

  I look around for a spare bed but there isn’t one.

  “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  He shrugs. “Take the floor then, but I have to be up at daybreak and I need to sleep. I can’t protect you from half a ship away.”

  “Protect me?” I snap, feeling my anger return. I thought it was lost forever in a sea of fear. Much like me, in this sea of water. “If you want to protect me why put me in this hell in the first place?”

  He stares at me, his face unchanging.

  “I almost got raped… by your men.”

  “An unfortunate situation that I’m dealing with.”

  I shake my head at him. “By trapping me in your room?” When he doesn’t reply I rip a hand through my hair. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Choose where you want to sleep,” he orders quietly, turning away from me. “I’m going to shower. Don’t be stupid. You’ll have more freedom if you behave. If you don’t, you’ll be back in that room until I decide otherwise.”

  “My boyfriend is a detective, he’ll find me, he’ll kill you.”

  He stops and smiles at me over his shoulder. “We shall see.”

  I wait for him to pad into another room, this one brighter than the one I’m in. The door remains open but I hear the hum of a shower before water hits the floor.

  I run, not for the door but for his belongings. If I can get anything to arm myself with, a pen, a knife… anything. I pull open drawers, revealing papers, trinkets, but nothing that will work as a quick and deadly method of self-defence.

  When I find nothing but a pen which I stuff into the pocket of my jacket, I steal a pillow from the bed and hug it to my chest as I look out of the window.

  How far is home?

  How worried is my family?

  My mum… what if she has a heart attack or something awful? She’s older than most mums and has a heart condition. What if I don’t get to say goodbye?

  I hug the pillow tighter and sink to my knees, resting against the corner walls on a soft rug. Tears spill down my cheeks as desperation consumes me. I won’t give him the gratification of seeing me cry, not tonight.

  Tonight, I have to be strong. I always have to be strong. Until my soul leaves my body for a happier place.

  My eyes close as exhaustion and trauma take hold and I finally fall asleep, again into a slumber that even dreams cannot save me from. Only nightmares terrorise me, nightmares I can’t escape when I wake up.

  I wake with a crick in my neck from sleeping with my body twisted awkwardly against the wall.

  Beside me are my sneakers, a pair of large shorts and a T-shirt that definitely isn’t for women. I rid my body of my current attire after ensuring the room is free of people, and don the clothes which are miles too big. Luckily the shorts have the elasticated waistband with the rope to tighten so they aren’t too bad. The shirt, however, buries me.

  I move to the desk and pull out the comb I saw the night before and use it to brush my hair. After braiding it to one side as best as I can, I look around the room again. The bed has been slept in. I didn’t hear him after his shower and the thought of sleeping this close to a man that isn’t Niall makes me feel ill.

  I had considered killing him in his sleep but without a weapon or brute strength that’ll likely be a failed attempt that leads to my death. I have to be smart about this.

  “You’re awake.”

  The sound of his voice has me screaming and tripping over my discarded clothing. My butt hits the floor with a thud and my hand gently seeks the pocket of my jacket which is fortunately teasing the edges of my splayed fingers. I ready to grab the pen and use it as a weapon should he test me.

  He leans against the doorframe, his hands holding the part above his head, stretching his arms, showing the grooves of his armpits and the tightness of his chest.

  I count eight abs before my eyes shoot to his.

  “Why aren’t you dressed?” I croak, placing my other hand over my heart.

  He smirks, making his eyes crease at the corners and I wonder how old he is. I’m not good at guessing age but I know he must have at least six years on me, probably even more. “I saw you undressing and thought I’d join in.”

  “What?” My voice is a high-pitched squeak.

  “You’re too easy.” Releasing the doorframe, he prowls towards me forcing me to stand, concealing the pen in my hand by my thigh. “I was already undressed when you started undressing.”

  “I looked, where were you?” I press my back against the wall again. There’s something about the way he moves that feels predatory.

  He stops in my space and with his hand on my shoulder he pushes me to the left and uses his other hand to tilt my head until I’m looking at a chair in the far corner of the other room, beyond the table.

  “Sitting right there.”

  I close my eyes and pull free, moving away from him the moment his hand drops.

  “You’re very skittish.”

  I give him a look of absolute confusion. “You’re my fucking kidnapper. How else do you expect me to be?”

  When he smiles, I resist the urge to punch him. I wouldn’t win that fight. “Good point.”

  “Are you insane?”

  “I’ve been told so on more than one occasion so it is highly likely.”

  He is infuriating. Frustrating. I’ve never wanted to hurt somebody like I want to hurt him.

  “Why are you here?”

  He looks around, his smile still in place. “In my room?”

  Right. His room. “I thought you said you have somewhere to be?”

  “I’ve been.” He motions for me to follow. “I thought to bring you breakfast. If I’d have known it would have angered you so I’d…”

  “If you’re expecting a thank you, you won’t get one.”

  Laughing, he grabs my braid so suddenly I have no time to react. I slam into his body as he yanks me towards him, jolting my bones and liquifying my legs.

  “You’re a feisty one,” he mumbles, still holding my braid as my body presses to his from knee to chest.

  I peer into his eyes with indignation but my body trembles with fear and something else. Something I want to deny and will deny if asked. There’s just something to be said about having such a strong body against mine. Why am I reacting this way? Heating this way to his touch that I definitely do not want?

  I feel him harden, a lump in his jeans between us, pressing against my hip.

  My lips part. He smiles again, gripping my hip to stop me from moving.

  “You seem to forget yourself and who has the power. I could snap you like a tiny little twig.” His words are a breath against my lips. “I could take you right now, nobody would stop me, nobody would care.”

  “You wouldn’t,” I reply, my voice trembling as fear replaces my indignation. “You’re not like them.”

  “You’re right.” I watch his smile twist into something evil, something not quite normal, something harbouring hatred and anger, worse than the woman from the hall. Worse than anyone and anything I’ve ever seen. It unsettles me. “I’m much, much worse.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Then you’re foolish.”

  “You won’t rape me.”

  He moves closer until his lips hover a feather’s width from mine. I smell the mint on his breath and resist the urge to lick my lips. He’s so close I’d lick his too. “Perhaps because I won’t need to.” He plants a gentle peck on my unresponsive lips, leaving them cooler upon his retreat from the slight moisture. “You’ll come to me on your own.”

  A gasp leaves my parted lips and he strides away, reaching for a phone that rests on the dining table. One I was hoping to be able to steal. “I would never.”

  He looks at it, dials a number and grins at me again as he says, “
Niall, Niall, Niall.”

  “Niall?” My heart drops and my eyes burn with tears.

  “The clock’s ticking, Niall.”

  “Let me talk to him,” I beg loudly. “Niall!”

  I hear him shout back, calling my name, his desperation evident and nearly as rough as mine. “Rain? Are you okay? Are you hurt? I’m coming for you, baby, I swear…”

  Captain hangs up, his large thumb on the button that just stopped my world. My face and body crumble to the floor and I growl out a scream as I hit the ground with my fist.

  “I always hated the term baby. So fake.”

  I ignore him and choose to stare at my splayed hands on the glossy wooden floor. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Because I can, baby.”

  He leaves me sobbing at the ground wishing him and his crew a painful, horrendous, torturous existence and then death.

  I curse more than I ever have in my entire life until there’s just nothing left in me to fight with.

  Breakfast goes ignored, my stomach can’t handle it anyway. I take myself back to my corner with a book and another pillow and wish the day away.

  “Feel free to shower,” Captain insists as I hold the pillow tighter to my chest while watching him climb from his plush bed and stretch his back.

  I glare at him, unwilling to acquiesce to any of his suggestions. If he wants to hold me captive then he can suffer how badly I’ll smell in a few days.

  “Or bathe.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” I mumble, shivering against the pillow. Likely from fear, exhaustion and cold, but I can’t tell anymore. All of my emotions and feelings are blurring into one.

  He scans me up and down and then his eyes fall to something beside my hip. I look down and want to sob as he assesses the black and gold pen that I had planned to use against him.

  Coming closer, he lifts it from the ground. “Planning to send a message in a bottle?”

  I don’t reply, I wait, still trembling, for my punishment.

  He uses the pen to move a strand of my hair from my face. I whimper and when my eyes flutter closed, they push tears down my cheeks.

  “Even if you could kill me…” He moves the tip down my arm and goose bumps break out across my creamy skin. I shift away and close my eyes but it doesn’t deter him. “What then?”


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