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Roping the Cowboy

Page 2

by Kennedy Fox

  Remembering the soft moans that escaped her lips as I fucked and kissed her has my dick growing hard. I force the thoughts away, but it’s almost impossible while her sweet scent surrounds me.

  Kat opens the box, and Colton snags a muffin.

  I try to keep my comments to myself, but it’s too damn hard with how I feel right now. “Oh, is that some more of that gluten-free, sugar-free, taste-free organic crap you bake?”

  The last time I saw her, I made crude comments about her healthy shit, and she wasn’t impressed. Good. All I want her to do is go away so her memory can stop taunting me.

  Kat’s mouth transforms into a firm line. “Why are you so damn rude? They don’t teach y’all manners in Alabama?”

  She has no right to talk about manners, considering hers are subpar.

  “You can’t knock ’em till you try ’em,” Colton insists around a mouthful.

  “Sounds disgusting. I’d rather not. I don’t like eating pumpkin-flavored cardboard.”

  If looks could kill, I’d be dead right now, but I get way too much satisfaction from pushing her buttons.

  “When will you learn that if I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it?” she asks between gritted teeth.

  I shrug. “Just being honest, which I think is a good trait in a person. Something you wouldn’t know much about.”

  She scoffs, and I watch her face flush with anger. “You’re an asshole.”

  I snort. “That’s all you’ve got? Hmm. Disappointing.”

  Just as she opens her mouth to say something back to me, John walks up. “Double the order for tomorrow until we can figure out a good number of pastries each morning.”

  “Each morning?” I ask, knowing it’s none of my business. Several months ago, he’d mentioned she might be providing the B&B with healthy options, but I didn’t think it’d really happen. This is the South. We ain’t got room for that hippie shit.

  “Yeah, she’s gonna be delivering pastries each day, startin’ this week.” He looks at Kat with appreciation, and she gives him a sweet smile. Just like flipping a switch, she’s covering up her emotions and pushing her anger away. Yet as soon as John walks off, she narrows her eyes at me once again.

  “Guess my mornings are gonna suck from here on out,” I tell Colton, pretending she’s not there.

  “Well, you’re not a bundle of joy to be around either.”

  Colton bursts out laughing. “You two are ridiculous.”

  “Maybe if she wasn’t a spoiled brat and actually cared about other people, it wouldn’t be like this,” I tell Colton, expecting her to retort with something harsh. Instead, she storms out of the B&B in a huff. Perfect.

  Colton stands and puts away our dirty plates. “So that went smooth. You two gonna be at each other’s throats every day now?”

  All I can do is shake my head. Having to see her every morning is going to be absolute torture. I haven’t been with another woman since that night with her. The truth is, I haven’t wanted to, which is really putting a damper on my player reputation. I’m pretty sure Kat broke my dick and my ego.

  As we walk outside, I know I need to get her out of my head, and the only way for me to do that is to go have a good time and get laid. “Let’s go out this weekend.”

  Colton looks at me and grins. “Okay, but Presley’s coming along.”

  “At least we’ll have a designated driver.” I shrug and realize I’ve become the third wheel.

  Fuckin’ great.

  Chapter Three


  Oh my God.

  If I had a pitchfork, I would’ve stabbed him, then hung his corpse in the cattle field.

  Okay, that’s extreme, but he gets me so fired up with his condescending attitude and rude comments. He has every right to be upset with me, but Lord, it’s been six months. I would think he’d be over it by now.

  Apparently not.

  I could be the bigger person and apologize to end our little spats, but I refuse to stroke his ego. Especially after he criticized my pastries. I’m not a spoiled, entitled rich girl like he and half the town think, and I’ve worked my ass off to prove that.

  I opened my bakery without help, then learned how to make delicious muffins that are also healthy. This area has limited places to eat as it is, so offering gluten-free options makes my shop stand out. People travel from all over for my baked goods, so I know it was the right decision. Baking has been a passion of mine since I was a kid, so being able to bring my dreams to reality is my best and most successful accomplishment to date.

  My cousin Mila helped me get the B&B as a daily client. The Bishops pay well, and I hope it’ll help spread the word about my business. Most of the guests aren’t from around here, so they wouldn’t know my shop even existed without the variety of my pastries offered each morning.

  After my night with Braxton, I really thought I’d never see him again. I don’t know why I reacted the way I did, but I freaked out once I realized what I’d done. Sleeping with someone right after meeting them is not something I do nor what I want to be known for. Between being stood up and drinking straight tequila, I acted impulsive and was embarrassed. I knew any chance of a real relationship forming after that was unlikely, so I just wanted him out of my house as soon as possible.

  I figured he was just passing through town or visiting, considering I’d never seen him before. I was even more shocked to discover he worked on the Bishop’s ranch. I’d been there dozens of times since Mila moved here, but I really only went to her and John’s house and didn’t venture out around the ranch. Once I told Mila about our night together, she made sure to give me proper shit for it. Then she told me I should “go for it” and give him a chance. It was easier said than done after my outburst the morning after. Once we saw each other again, things were tense and awkward, and they haven’t gotten any better since. He continues to make my life hell whenever we run into each other.

  Now I’ll have the pleasure of seeing him each morning at the B&B if he plans on being there at his usual time.

  I try not to think about our night together, but truthfully, it’s all I envision when I’m alone and taking care of my own needs. I can’t help it, though I really wish I could. Just the thought of his lips and hands on me sets my body on fire.

  Too bad we can barely speak to each other.

  I’m up early each day to get fresh muffins, cupcakes, and pastries ready for my customers on time, so when a guy like Braxton shits all over them without even trying one, I instantly get defensive. Though I’m sure he does it to piss me off, I’m not going to allow him to see how much it affects me.

  For the past three days, I’ve done my best to ignore Braxton and his insults when I make my delivery. I’m pretty sure he gets off on it now, but I won’t let him break me down. I know my food tastes amazing and my customers are happy, so that’s all that matters to me.

  “Presley, hey!” I greet as soon as she steps into the dining room.

  “Morning. How’s it goin’?” she asks, taking a plate and piling food on top. She sometimes meets Colton here for breakfast, which I find ridiculously cute.

  “Not bad, I guess. Exhausted, but can’t complain too much.” I flash her a sincere smile. “Any wedding plans to announce?” I ask eagerly. "Colton gave me nothing when I asked him the other day."

  Presley laughs as if she’s not surprised. “Well, just little odds and ends. My older sister, Callie, wants to help, so she’s flying here for Thanksgiving.”

  “Oh that’s awesome,” I say. “Hopefully, I can meet her.”

  “Of course! I’m hoping I’ll be able to talk her into moving here, but don’t tell her I said that.” She laughs mischievously.

  Slowly, I look around to see if Braxton is here yet, and when I realize he’s not, I release a breath of relief.

  “The guys are running behind this morning,” she states as if she caught me searching for him. “So you don’t have to run off today.”

  I roll my eyes, pretending no
t to care.

  “You wanna come out with Colton and me this weekend? I could use a girl to drink with so he stops giving me shit for my girly drinks.”

  I laugh at the way she groans. Since I close early on Saturdays, I won’t be so dead tired, so I actually consider going. “And be the third wheel?” I pop a brow. “I don’t think so.”

  “No way! I’ll help you find a hot cowboy. Please? Please, please, please?” She bats her eyelashes and pouts out her lower lip.

  “Ugh, fine.” I smile. “But no tequila this time.”

  The next morning rolls around quickly, and I’m glad it’s finally Friday. This week has been long, and I’m ready to sleep in an extra hour tomorrow. I do my normal delivery to the B&B and somehow miss Braxton again, though I’m sure it’s not by accident. He’s more than likely avoiding me. Coward.

  I make it back to the bakery just in time to flip the closed sign to open for my morning regulars who anxiously wait for their muffins and coffee. The elderly ladies in this town love their routines, and ever since I’ve opened, my bakery has become one of their stops.

  “Mornin’, Charlotte,” I greet as soon as she steps to the counter. “I have a poppy seed muffin with your name on it!” I smile wide. She’s in her eighties and in great shape.

  “Don’t forget my raspberry truffle,” she reminds me like she does every time.

  “I’d never! You’re my favorite customer.” I bag her items and hand them to her.

  “I think you say that to everyone.” She snickers. “But I appreciate it nonetheless.”

  “Tell Mr. Davis I snuck a donut in there for him, too.” I flash her a wink, and she shakes her finger at me.

  “You know a way to a man’s heart...” Charlotte begins. “ through his taste buds.”

  “So I’ve heard.” I chuckle.

  “Then why are you single, dear? You’re a professional baker! You should have a line of men waiting to ask for your hand in marriage,” she tells me earnestly.

  I snort, not meaning to, but I can’t help it. “Not sure.” I shrug. “Guess I intimidate them all.” I half-smile, wishing that were the truth.

  “You gotta go out there and fetch them. They don't just come crawling to you, darlin’. Men are like fish. You have to bait them properly.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” The corners of my lips tilt all the way to my eyes at her advice. Hell, maybe she’s right. I’m going out tonight to do just that.

  Chapter Four


  I repaired fences and ran miles of barbed wire for the entire day. After I finish, I head home and quickly grab some leftovers from the fridge to eat, then jump in the shower. Once I’m done, I put on a button-up shirt, some clean jeans, and my nice cowboy boots. I’m going out tonight and can’t wait to drink the thoughts of Kat away.

  Since it’s Saturday and my day started a little later, I was able to avoid seeing her this morning. I skipped breakfast Thursday and Friday, so I haven’t seen her for three days, which is a relief.

  After I’m dressed, I grab my phone and walk to my truck. Before I drive off, I text Colton and let him know I’m on the way over.

  Colton: Wanna just meet us there? Dunno how long it’s gonna take Presley to finish gettin’ ready.

  Braxton: You put a ring on it, and you’re instantly whipped. See ya there!

  Colton’s reply of the middle finger emoji makes me laugh. I drive straight to the Honky Tonk, where I plan to drink and dance the night away. Though I’m happy he found a nice girl to settle down with, I can’t help but wonder about myself. Between my reputation with women and my reservations, dating hasn’t been easy. And to make matters worse, I have Kat poisoning my mind.

  I blast the radio, hoping it’ll put me in the right mood, and decide I’m going to have fun tonight.

  Soon I’m parking and walking inside. Heading straight to the bar, I order a drink. I’m not surprised to find the dance floor crowded since there isn’t much else to do in this town. As soon as I have my beer, I down it in a few gulps. I’m ordering another one right as I hear my name being called behind me. With a smirk on my face, I turn and see Colton with Presley and following behind her is Kat.

  My smile transforms into a scowl, and I turn to face the bar. I’m pissed and annoyed, considering Colton knows the whole story. A moment later, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

  I swivel around and find myself face to face with her. “What are you doin’ here?” Kat asks, shooting daggers at me.

  I roll my eyes, wondering if the universe is laughing at me right now. Shaking my head with a grunt, I grab my beer, then go to the dance floor. I know Colton followed me when I feel a firm hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, man. Presley told me she invited her after the fact.” He shrugs. “I couldn’t uninvite her. That’s rude as hell, and my mama taught me better than that.”

  I glare at him, not entirely believing his lies. “If Presley’s tryin’ to play matchmaker or have us reconcile our differences, it’s not happening.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that. Not after what Kat had to say about you.” He chuckles. “Your next drink is on me.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, curious as to what she said. “How about the next five?”

  Colton waves his hand in the air and walks back to Presley and Kat. I finish my beer, and a waitress takes the empty bottle just as a cute little blonde smiles at me from across the room. I shoot her a wink, and she walks over.

  “Hey,” she says, looking me up and down. I love her confidence right now.

  “Hi, sweetheart. Wanna dance?” I hold out my hand, and she happily takes it. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her tight, and we glide around the room, twirling and turning to the beat of the country music.

  “I’m Leah,” she tells me.

  “Braxton. Nice to meet you, darlin’.” I pull her in tight as a slow song begins. When I look past her, I catch a glimpse of Kat watching us. Our eyes meet, and she quickly turns her head. Kat can talk all the shit she wants, but she’s mighty intrigued by what I’m doing, so maybe she can’t get me off her mind either.

  Leah and I dance the night away, and eventually, she’s replaced by a cute redhead. Knowing Kat is witnessing this brings me nothing but joy. Colton and Presley step onto the dance floor and make out like teenagers at prom, so I randomly keep tabs on Kat. A man walks up to her and makes small talk, which I knew would ultimately happen. She’s the prettiest girl in this place even if she has the worst attitude of them all.

  I’m half-tempted to give him a warning, and when her body language says everything I need to know—she’s not into him—I lock my eyes on them. She’s being polite and chatting with him, but he’s standing too close, and she keeps taking a step back, which only causes him to step forward. I’m trying not to be rude to the girl I’m dancing with, but at this point, I’m worried about Kat’s safety.

  The asshole grabs her wrist and tries to pull her onto the dance floor, but she’s not having it. He moves closer, violating her personal space, then tries to kiss her. I quickly excuse myself and see nothing but red as I cross the room. I’m too damn sober for this since I’ve been dancing and not drinking at the bar.

  I step between Kat and the idiot, forcing the space she’s tried to create for the past ten minutes.

  “You need to back the fuck up,” I demand, pressing a hand to his chest and literally pushing him back a step. I should beat the shit out of this guy for not understanding when a lady isn’t interested, but somehow, I keep my temper in check.

  “Don’t touch me, asshole. My girl and I were havin’ a chat.” He attempts to intimidate me, but his breath reeks of alcohol and cigarettes.

  Instead of beating him to a pulp, I push him again, harder this time, and he stumbles back and falls on his ass.

  “She ain’t your girl,” I correct.

  What confuses me the most is when he bounces up like he hit a trampoline and rushes toward me with his fists drawn.
“You wanna fuck her too, huh?” he yells, attracting attention to us. “She’s mine. I claimed her!”

  People surround us, and I see the bouncers making their way over.

  All it takes is one swing, and I lay him out flat. There are too many eyes on me and Kat, and I know she tries to avoid that, considering her parents basically own half the town. Looking at her, I notice she’s upset. I reach for her so I can make sure she’s okay, but she rushes out the door. I quickly follow her.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as soon as we’re outside.

  She spins on her heels, pointing a finger in my face. “You should’ve minded your own damn business, Braxton. I don’t need you riding up like some knight in shining armor trying to save the day. I had it under control,” she hisses.

  “Are you sure about that, Kat? I don’t think the guy was getting the hint.”

  She takes a step forward and jabs her finger into my chest. “That’s not your decision to make, now is it? I don’t need your help, Braxton.”

  I shake my head, tasting the venom in her words. “A thank you would’ve worked just fine.”

  Before she can reply and before I get arrested, I walk to my truck. I know she doesn’t want my help, but I make sure she gets in her car and drives off before I leave.

  I don’t give a fuck what she says. No man will ever be allowed to take advantage of her on my watch, and if she doesn’t want me to intervene, then she needs to stay far away from me.

  Chapter Five


  Going out with Colton and Presley was a bad idea. They neglected to mention Mr. Showoff would be there flaunting his muscles and good hair. Assholes. All of them.

  When some guy who was five drinks over his limit stumbled to the bar to talk to me, I only gave him a smidgen of attention so I would feel less like a loser, considering I was the only person in the bar sitting alone. Colton and Presley ditched me, and Braxton was going to third base with some chick on the dance floor.


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