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Magi's Path (Aether's Revival Book 3)

Page 4

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Six months might seem like forever, but it goes by faster when you focus on your work,” Yukiko said. “Trust me, I know.”

  Daciana laughed softly. “Yes, you would know. I have time to learn to make myself worthy of the clan. I will show you how much I’ve grown when you return.”

  “We will look forward to it,” Jenn said.


  Returning to the clan hall, the three friends found Dia waiting for them on the porch. “Good, I would have been upset if you were late,” Dia said. “Let’s get going.”

  “Yes, Dia,” they each said.

  Dia led them down the path toward the gates. “Was your studying with friends appreciated?”

  “Yes, Dia,” Yukiko replied. “They’re both pushing hard to be worthy of being invited to the clan.”

  “The clans can’t begin to show interest until after the classes begin,” Dia said. “Do all three of you feel that they would do well with us?”

  “Nessa would fit in well. She is studious and eager to learn,” Jenn replied. “Daciana is applying herself as much as she can, and she’s assertive in a way that none of us are.”

  “She is definitely assertive,” Gregory chuckled. “Daciana has all the self-confidence in the world, but she’s aware of her flaws and is working on them. Nessa is more timid than any of us, but with Daciana beside her, she’s starting to grow.”

  “They balance each other very well together,” Yukiko said. “Apart, I’m not sure either would do as well.”

  “I see. Since our former novices endorse them, it does mean I am more inclined to invite them. I wouldn’t do that until the tournament, though.”

  “Because the novices of the Eternal Flame would target them if it became known,” Yukiko said. “Would we be able to let them know?”

  “Use it to motivate them,” Dia told her. “If they are to follow after you, they need to be able to bear the weight of the scrutiny.”

  “Yes, that does make sense,” Yukiko nodded.

  “Daciana will be even more focused,” Jenn snickered.

  “Have you heard of any other novices that might be worth approaching?” Dia asked.

  “No, but we can ask them when we return,” Gregory said.

  “I would like to hear what they have to say on the matter, but alas, I can’t speak with them directly.”

  “We’ll help, Dia,” Yukiko said. “Discreetly, of course.”

  They were nearing the stable and heard a commotion growing ahead of them. Gregory frowned and triggered his foresight, looking into the future by a handful of seconds.

  “Dia, wait!” Gregory called out to her, stopping.

  Dia stopped walking instantly, as if her feet were frozen to the spot. She looked back at Gregory with a questioning raised eyebrow.

  “Eternal Flame. They’re causing trouble,” Gregory said.

  “You three, wait here,” Dia said calmly. “I’ll return in a moment.”

  They moved to the side of the path and Dia started toward the stable yard again. Gregory wavered on if he should try to push his foresight. Taking a deep breath, he chose to hold off, as he had no idea if he’d need his aether or not.

  “What were they doing?” Jenn asked.

  “Harassing the carriage driver,” Gregory replied. “It’s their entire novice class, a handful of apprentices and initiates, and Magus Elkit.”

  “And Dia went alone?” Jenn asked tightly. “We can’t leave her to them.”

  Gregory exhaled and held out his hand. “I’ll push. Give me a moment.”

  Yukiko moved to his side. “I’ll be ready to support you, dearest.”

  Jenn was on his other side a heartbeat later. “I’ll help.”

  Closing his eyes, Gregory focused on foresight and looking further into the future. Several paths opened up to him, but he focused on the one where they went to help Dia. That path split into a dozen more, and in most of them, conflict came. Feeling his aether draining, he pulled back and focused on the future where they waited for her. Another multiple-branched pathway came to him, and in the majority of them, Dia returned uninjured.

  Panting as he let go of his foresight, Gregory’s legs shook slightly. “Wait. She’ll be fine.”

  Jenn and Yukiko both watched him closely and he gave them a tired smile. “I’m fine, and she will be, too, if we wait.”

  Jenn nodded. “Then we wait.”

  A loud voice drifted over to them and Yukiko’s head tilted as she listened. “The sergeant is there. I think the situation is being resolved. I can’t hear him anymore.”

  “What happened?”

  “He demanded to know what was happening, and ordered his men to fall in on him,” Yukiko said. “He’s been fair to us in the past, so I think it’ll be okay.”

  Gregory thought and nodded. “She’ll be fine. She mentioned them in one future.”

  Minutes ticked by, each feeling like a dozen. When Dia appeared on the path back to them, her expression was neutral. “We may go. Unfortunately, it is known that we’re leaving now. I had hoped we would go unnoticed, but there’s nothing to be done for it. However, the instructions from Elder Lightshield are now more clear.”

  Gregory shook his head and wondered when he would have the power to look that far into the future. He went to take a step, but his leg buckled.

  Jenn grabbed him. “Easy, Greg. I’ve got you.”

  “What happened?” Dia asked.

  “He used foresight,” Yukiko said. “We were concerned.”

  Dia’s lips twitched up for a second before returning to neutral. “What would have happened if you’d disobeyed me?”

  “Conflict,” Gregory said as he felt his legs firm up again. “A fight that could have become very nasty very quickly.”

  “I’m glad you obeyed me, then,” Dia said. “Come. It’s time for us to get on the road, as our journey just got far longer.”

  “To lose anyone who might try to follow us?” Yukiko asked.

  Dia’s lips creased up again. “You’re very astute. Now, let us go.”


  Gregory yawned when they stepped out of the carriage. It was well into the evening, and they had traveled in a seemingly random pattern. Part of him wondered about the different carriages they’d used during the day, including the last, which had a speed enchantment on it.

  “I will make sure our rooms are still ready for us,” Dia said as she got out of the carriage. “Collect the bags and come inside once you have them all.”

  “Yes, Dia,” Gregory said.

  “That was amazing,” Jenn said softly. “We were going so fast.”

  “The need to switch carriages was more intriguing to me,” Yukiko said. “I wonder what Lightshield saw that he thought that much precaution was needed?”

  “It is a worry,” Gregory agreed, “but we shouldn’t keep Dia waiting. I’ll take her bags in.”

  “I’ll take them, dearest,” Yukiko said. “You can take mine.”


  “I wonder if we have work in a few hours,” Jenn said as they picked up their bags and headed for the side door to the inn.

  “That might be interesting,” Yukiko said, then yawned. “We’ll have to get what sleep we can.”

  The taproom of the inn was nearly empty. Dia stood by the stairs that led up to the rooms and beckoned them to follow her. She didn’t wait, going up ahead of them. She went to the third floor and stood there until they reached her.

  “Rooms twenty-one and twenty-two,” Dia said, pointing to the corresponding doors. “I’m in twenty-three. I will be taking you to your instructors after midday tomorrow. Until then, the day is yours. Sleep well.”

  Yukiko handed off Dia’s bags to her. “Thank you, Dia. Sleep well.”

  “See you for studying in the morning?” Jenn asked them with a yawn.

  “Yes. I hope you have pleasant dreams, Jenn,” Yukiko said.

  “I will. Don’t stay up too late,” Jenn replied with a mischievous grin, then y
awned again.

  “We’ll be going straight to sleep,” Gregory replied.

  Yukiko’s smile and wink to Jenn went unseen by Gregory, and Jenn just shook her head. “See you in the morning,” Yukiko said.

  Gregory and Yukiko went inside their room, and Gregory paused in the doorway— it was pitch black inside. “I see a candle on the table,” he said.

  “I’ll get it,” Yukiko said, slipping past him. She found a striker beside the candle and got it lit. “There we go.”

  Gregory shut the door now that there was light inside the room. The dim, flickering candle gave him enough to navigate by. He placed their bags next to the armoire and smiled when his gaze went to the bed. The only time he’d ever slept in a real bed was on his wedding night. He looked over toward Yukiko, who was already disrobing and watching him.

  “Time for bed, dearest,” Yukiko said, “and even sleep.”

  Gregory shook his head— he wasn’t going to refuse what she had in mind. “We shouldn’t stay up too long, but I agree.”

  “Oh, I’m sure we’ll be ready for sleep quickly,” Yukiko giggled as her kimono slid free from her shoulders.

  Chapter Five

  Gregory woke slowly the next morning. He knew that he’d dreamt, but he couldn’t recall what. The soft, warm body beside him made him smile. Turning his head, he saw Yukiko was asleep with her head on his chest and one leg over his.

  Brow furrowing, Gregory realized it was light outside. Guess we slept later than I thought we would. Wonder if Jenn already tried to wake us? With a mental shrug, he leaned over and kissed Yukiko’s cheek.

  “Hmm...” Yukiko murmured and kissed his chest. “Again, dear heart?”

  Gregory chuckled. “It’s late. The sun has already risen.”

  Yukiko’s eyelids fluttered open and she looked up at him. “Oh, then we should get up. Jenn is probably already waiting for us.” She shifted her leg and giggled. “Or was I right, after all?”

  “I wouldn’t tell you no,” Gregory murmured. “I doubt I’ll ever get enough of last night.”

  “Agreed,” Yukiko kissed his chest again, “but we should be good and not keep our friend waiting any longer.”

  “You’re right,” Gregory sighed.

  “But if she hasn’t knocked yet...” Yukiko murmured, “maybe a little longer wouldn’t hurt?” With a mischievous smile, she began to kiss down his chest.

  “I’ll feel bad about not being able to return the attention,” Gregory told her.

  “You can tonight,” Yukiko said as she continued to trail kisses down his body.

  Gregory didn’t object— he planned on returning her attention at least threefold later.


  Gregory just finished getting dressed when a knock sounded. Yukiko answered the door and opened it to admit Jenn.

  “I thought maybe I was the only one to wake up late,” Jenn said. “I’m glad I wasn’t.”

  “No, we just got out of bed, too,” Yukiko replied, giving her friend a hug. “Do you know what time it is?”

  “I looked out my window,” Jenn said. “The sun is just fully above the horizon, so we still have time.”

  “Should we study first, then see about breakfast?” Gregory suggested.

  “That works for me,” Jenn replied. “We can ask about open spaces where we can do our meditation, too.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Yukiko agreed. “What are we studying?”

  “Empire’s Gambit,” Gregory said. “We can discuss the advanced tactics that are in your new book.”

  “That would be easier if we had the war room with us,” Jenn said. “It’s not a bad idea, though.”

  “Okay,” Yukiko said, going over to the armoire to get her book. “Let’s have a seat and we’ll get started.”


  They were all hungry when they finally made it downstairs. Dia waved them over to her table, where she had a lot of food piled on plates.

  “I see you all woke up late. The food is still warm, so dig in. The cook did the best they could, but it’s been some time since they’ve cooked for apprentice magi. I did make sure that your supply of additives was packed for this month.”

  “Thank you for that,” Gregory said. “We were surprised when we found it in our bags.”

  “I realized that you might not think of it ahead of time.”

  “Hmm, I should let Father know,” Yukiko said as they took seats. “We’ll need the same thing for our third year and possibly beyond.”

  Dia nodded. “It wouldn’t hurt to continue them during that time.”

  Serving themselves large portions, the three apprentices were eager to dig in. The food was amazing— they thought it might even be better than what they normally got at the clan hall. The aether-infused food hit them hard, and they had to slow their pace.

  “This is incredible,” Gregory said after a few bites, “and it’s very rich in aether.”

  “He is quite talented,” Dia said, watching them with a smile. “If he weren’t so abrasive, I’m sure a grandmaster or elder would have hired him as a personal chef.”

  “The cook is hard to deal with?” Yukiko asked.

  “Quite,” Dia replied with a grin. “You’ll see, I’m sure. Someone will upset him, and he will let his displeasure be known.”

  “Is he a magi, Dia?” Jenn asked.

  “He was trained and did his time for the empire, but never moved past the status of magus. As a chef, he is as skilled as the cooks of Sakura-ji. It is rumored they once asked him to join them, but he refused.”

  Yukiko’s eyes widened and she swallowed quickly. “He refused?”

  “That’s the rumor. His love of food is trying new things, and that isn’t what Sakura-ji does. If he comes out of the back, be respectful and do not try to flatter him.”

  “Yes, Dia,” they all replied, staggered, as they were still eating.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering where you might get your training in, correct?” They each nodded their heads and she smiled. “There’s a small park that can be utilized. If you go out the door, turn right, and walk for a while, you will find it.”

  They thanked her again between bites.

  “There is also a place where you can study Empire’s Gambit, if you wish,” Dia said, “I’ll have to ask the innkeeper to prepare it if you want to use it.”

  “We aren’t sure if we’ll have time,” Yukiko replied. “If we do, we’d like to.”

  “I’ll make arrangements,” Dia said. “It is a room in the inn, or was. It has been a number of years since the clan was here.”

  “About that,” Gregory asked, “where are we, Dia?”

  Dia laughed lightly. “We are in Waterrock, a small town a few days to the northwest of Wesrik. You’ll see why it is named that when you go train. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do. I’ll see you back here at midday.”

  Not waiting for their replies, Dia left them to their meal.


  The park wasn’t large, but it was well kept and big enough for what they needed. Dia’s comment about understanding the name of the town was readily apparent— in the center of the park was a six-foot-tall rock with a smooth vee-cleft splitting it to the center. A pool of water dozens of yards across surrounded it. From that cleft, a spray of water gently fountained.

  “That is interesting,” Yukiko said, going to study the rock.

  Gregory agreed with her and pulled up what he was dubbing “aether sight.” Thick strands of aether encircled the rock. Gregory’s mouth fell open as he stared at the sheer power in those strands.

  “Greg?” Jenn asked.

  “Whoever did that was powerful,” Gregory said.

  “Did what?” Jenn prompted.

  “The rock is nearly swallowed by thick aether strands,” Gregory replied after looking around to see if anyone was nearby. “I don’t think they will fade for millennia. Why did they do it?”

  “We’ll likely never know,” Yukiko said. “That
does answer the question I had, though. There are koi in that pool.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Gregory said as he dismissed aether sight.

  Jenn stretched. “I wonder how long it’s been here?”

  “As long as the town, if the town is named for it,” Yukiko suggested as she began to stretch.


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