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Stage West - Dalton

Page 4

by Annie Pelle

  “Sarah, I am not talking with you about work right now. I am talking about you coming home to see the Matthews’ clan. Gabby wants to do up a big dinner.”

  Home? Who did he think he was talking to? I have to get off this phone call. I can’t think of Stage West as home. This call got more painful with each minute.

  “Sarah, answer me! When are you going to come to the ranch?”

  “I’m not.” she whispered to herself but to Dalton she replied “I have another call that I need to take. Please contact me if we can be of assistance to you.”

  “Sarah, I will talk to you at the gala. And I will have Lindsay with me who will beg you to come. Goodbye for now.”

  She is exasperating Dalton said to his empty office as he disconnected from the call. Was she always like this? Why doesn’t she want to come home to see everyone?

  Sarah was never so glad to be off of a phone call. “That was terribly difficult” she announced to the empty room. He wants me to come home. Stage West was never going to be my home. I thought it might have been my vacation place but now vacation is whatever exotic place Greg and CeCe fly too.

  I have to remember to talk to Desiree and Cameron and stress how much they need to keep Lindsay and Dalton occupied tomorrow so that they cannot track me down. For now though, I need another run through on my speech for tomorrow night.

  Friday morning, Sarah and CeCe met for their morning swim and conference time. But neither had much time for chatting. It was going to be a very busy day. “CeCe everything is arranged for you and Greg. I am going into the office for a little while to have a conference call with the hotel, Tyler and Amy. Then I am going to do any last minute things that come up; then head to the hotel by early afternoon. Tim has your schedule of arrivals and departures. I also had Greg’s PDA programmed also. I will meet you at the hotel.”

  “Sarah, take a deep breath. We have gone over this stuff numerous times; everything is organized and will go as it should. You are going to be great. This party is going to be wonderful, magical even. Go to the office but before your conference call, take 30 minutes for yourself to be proud of all you have done.”

  Sarah thanked her good friend and boss for the advice and went into the office. Shutting the office door and reveling in the quiet for a few minutes was a good plan. I will be much calmer if I take a few minutes for myself. Sarah thought. Thirty minutes later she was on her conference call with the hotel, Tyler and Amy.

  “Tyler, have you contacted the transportation companies regarding the limos?”

  “Yes, they have confirmed all the arrangements.”

  “Amy, have the items for the auction been moved to the hotel and is the security in place?”

  “Yes, the holding company just called me as they arrived at the hotel. They were met by the security team and escorted to the room. I also talked to the door security and confirmed their arrival at the ballroom for four pm.”

  “Dustin, have the decoration’s teams arrived and finished the set-up of the fantasy themes? Have you talked to the catering staff for last minute instructions?”

  “Yes, we all met this morning and everything is on schedule. I have your rooms booked and the communications set ups are complete. We will double check your earpieces when you arrive.”

  “Amy and Tyler, I am headed home to gather up my clothes and I will see you at the hotel. Check into your rooms and meet me in the ballroom at one, okay? Dustin, I will have the front desk page you when I get there. Are the special arrangements in place for the Cates’ party?”

  Everybody agreed and signed off the call.

  Sarah walked across the compound to her house to gather her personal and party items. She was very excited that this day was here and what this party could do for the foundation and those that it served. That was what this night was all about. It was unfortunate that most of the people who benefitted from the foundation were not well enough to attend the gala. But that is why more funds foundation were needed so more could be done to help those in need.

  Chapter 5

  Chambers Hotel

  Sarah arrived at the hotel and was met by Dustin. “Dustin, your help has been most appreciated. You have kept me sane throughout this whole process. My thank you is inadequate.”

  “Sarah, it has been my pleasure to work with you. You are a dream client and I believe we have become good friends during this planning. If you need me, page me and I will come running. I am really looking forward to this night. Your friends, the Cates, have not arrived yet but the reservation notes say to contact me when they arrive. Everything is on schedule.”

  “Thanks, Dustin. I am going to my room to put my stuff away and then I will be right back to the ballroom. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  At one o’clock Sarah arrived at the ballroom. As she pulled open the doors she was swept away by the fantasy that had transformed the ballroom. Gold showed from everywhere. The tables were covered in pale golden tablecloths that shimmered and looked like water because of the reflections of the lights. Each place setting was to include the mission statement of the foundation, a gold pin in the shape of a helping hand and listing of the generous contributors to date. The dance floor was magical. Tyler and Amy had designed it to simulate a night in Paris. The perimeter of the room was decorated by gold columns that listed the main functions of the foundation: career counseling and assistance, research, financial, medical, counseling, education, and domestic assistance.

  “I am speechless” Sarah exclaimed. “It is more beautiful than I imagined. Tyler and Amy, you did a fantastic job.”

  “You are the one who dreamed it; we just helped put into place. Come see the auction items, they have been arranged to your specifications.” Tyler urged Sarah to the room on the side of the ballroom.

  The auction room as it had been referred to in the planning sessions was just after the entrance to the ballroom. The receiving line would lead them directly into the auction so that the attendees could view the items and determine if they would bid. CeCe had been responsible for so many of these great items. She had cajoled her “Hollywood” friends into contributing items and to come to this gala. The holding company staff and security were in the room to answer questions of the guests and to insure the “silent” auction would be anonymous. Each guest would be given a number and they would sign the bid sheet with that number and their bid. Closer to the end of the night, the winners would be announced and directed how to pick up their winnings.

  The items in the auction included: a trip to Greece for seven days, a Mediterranean cruise for ten days, an African safari, a gold necklace and matching earrings worn by the late Hollywood actress Deena Carters at the Oscars in 1960, a dress of your choice designed by the royal dressmakers at Buckingham Palace, a 50 foot yacht from the collection designed by David Trees, the winner of the America’s Cup last year. These were not items for the everyday working man, but then the guest list for this party including some of the wealthiest and most influential people in the country.

  “Everything looks perfect.” Sarah said as she toured the room. “All the items are clearly described or pictured. The bid sheets are easy to fill out and placed in the corresponding boxes.”

  Sarah walked back to the main ballroom and began to get and give last minutes instructions, her cell phone range. The display indicated that it was Gabby.

  ‘Hello Gabby, are you checked into the hotel?”

  “Yes, our suite is 810. It is beautiful. Thank you.”

  “It is my pleasure. I am just finishing up down here then I will come see you.”

  “Okay, we can’t wait to see you.”

  Sarah hung up and turned to the staff. “You have done a spectacular job. Thank you! I am going to see some friends, then go to my appointment at the salon. I will meet you back here about seven for last minute communications set up.”

  Amy and Tyler watched Sarah head for the exit
. “I hope this hasn’t been too much for her to handle. I know she is taking some time off next week, but we need to take as many things off of her plate as possible so that she doesn’t end up in bed for a week.” Tyler commented.

  Amy nodded her head in agreement. “I am headed to the salon also and then back to my room for some relaxation. I will see you at seven. Bye Tyler”

  “Goodbye Amy”

  Sarah moved rapidly to see her favorite people in room 810. The door opened at her knock and Mama Gabby grabbed her in a great big hug. Nathan was right behind her to do the same.

  “This room is beautiful and the staff is taking very special care of us.” Gabby stated in awe of her surroundings.

  “I am so glad. This is my special treat to you for your wonderful support of me and my dreams. I could not have made it this far without you.”

  “Nonsense, girl, I knew you would go far the first time Lindsay brought you home.” Nathan grabbed Sarah for another big hug. “We are glad to be here with you though. Seeing your dreams come true.”

  Sarah walked to the sitting area and took a seat near the window. “Did you tell Dalton or Lindsay that you would be here tonight?”

  “No” replied Gabby. “We told them we were taking the day off and spending the night in Phoenix.”

  “When they see you here, our secret will probably have to be revealed.”

  “Maybe it is time for that anyway, five years is a long time.”

  “Not long enough” Sarah muttered to herself. “Maybe you are right. I would have chosen it to go on for a while longer. I never dreamed Dalton would take steps to get involved and end up meeting Greg thereby finding me again.”

  Gabby glanced at Nathan. “We were pretty surprised to hear Dalton announce at a family meeting that he had found you. We did not know he was going to contact anyone about the foundation.”

  “We are not sorry he found you though. It is time for you to come home.” Nathan stated in his most fatherly voice.

  Sarah got up to pace by the windows. “Nathan, Stage West is not my home. My home is at the Davis estate. Just because Dalton “found” me doesn’t mean anything has changed. The reasons I left that day still exist and they probably won’t ever go away. I know you hoped for a different answer and I know you hoped I could tell you what happened. But I can’t. I really can’t. No one knows but me and that is how it will stay. Please try to understand.”

  Gabby went to the window and grabbed Sarah’s hands. “Sarah, we do understand. We know this has been hard for you. For some reason you left Stage West and your best friend. We will always support you. We love you as much as we love our sons and the Matthews children. That will never change.”

  Sarah hugged Gabby and whispered past the knot in her throat. “I love you both very much too. Thank you for being my adopted parents.”

  “Now, don’t make me cry anymore. I can’t have swollen eyes when I go the salon. The makeup artist and hair stylist will shoot me on the spot.” Sarah said after a deep breath. “Are you ready to go Gabby, we have appointments at three. Nathan, relax and enjoy the suite, I will send your girl back to you with a glamorous new hair style.”

  “Enjoy ladies, I am going to take a nap. We old cowpokes want to dance the night away.” Nathan winked as he sent his ladies away.

  “Call Nick, he wanted us to check in with him.” Gabby reminded her husband.

  Nathan picked up his cell to call his oldest son. “Hey Nick, we are at the hotel.”

  “Great. What are you doing there by-the-way, you were very secretive this morning?”

  “Well, I guess I can tell you now. We are Sarah’s special guests at the gala for her foundation.”

  “What? How did this happen?”

  “That is kind of a long story. Here is the short version. We have known all along where Sarah was. Dalton did not “find” Sarah. She and your mother keep in regular contact by email and phone. And we come to Phoenix once a month to visit her.”

  “For five years you have been in contact with Sarah and didn’t tell me or Lindsay or anyone else?”

  “We were respecting Sarah’s wishes. We knew she would disappear again if we didn’t. We told her we would keep her secret.”

  “Dad, I get that part. Why has she been gone all this time?”

  “I wish I knew, Nick, she still won’t tell us either. It will remain a mystery until Sarah chooses differently. Also, can you keep this conversation between you and me for a little while? Sarah believes this secret will come out tonight when Lindsay and Dalton see us here.”

  “Yes, I will. I am not at the ranch right now anyway. So there is no one to tell. I will be talking to you and mom about this later. Right now, give Sarah a hug for me and I will see you tomorrow. Have fun at the party. And I want that girl’s phone number when you get home.”

  “Thanks, bye”

  Sarah and Gabby grabbed the elevator to the salon. They had talked to the makeup and hair stylist after they had picked out their clothes for the evening so there wasn’t going to be any guess work on how to do their hair. “We are going to look fabulous at this party.” Gabby beamed.

  “I even felt glamorous at the test run we did a couple of weeks ago. CeCe’s designer has given me a superb gown and the stylists here can make even me look like a movie star.”

  Gabby frowned at Sarah but kept her comments to herself. Sarah never has believed she is beautiful, maybe some man someday will sweep her off her feet. Maybe tonight even. It feels like magic around here today.

  Chapter 6

  Sarah’s cell phone rang just as she was gathering her purse to leave her room. Tim’s name was on the display. “Hey Tim.”

  “Hey Sarah, we are about ten minutes from the hotel. I am just giving you fair warning.”

  “Ok, I am headed downstairs and meet them. I just talked to security and the press is here but being reasonably quiet and respectful. See you shortly.”

  Sarah reached the lobby of the hotel just a minute before the limo arrived. She met Greg and CeCe at the front door to direct them to the ballroom. Security had the press under control and they would notify her if something went wrong.

  “CeCe you look amazing tonight. You will outshine everyone here.”

  “Not you, my dear Sarah. I almost didn’t recognize you. Celina did a magnificent job on your dress.”

  Sarah blushed and turned to Greg. “You clean up pretty good too Greg. Come and see the ballroom. It is glorious.”

  As Sarah opened the doors and they got their first look at the ballroom, Greg and CeCe gasped at the elegance. “Sarah, you did it. It is beautiful.”

  “Thank you both. I cannot tell you how much this means to me. Your support of my dream is so important to me. Just as important as you are to me.”

  “That works both ways Sarah. We love you and we know this is going to be successful for you.” Greg replied since CeCe was busy trying not to cry.

  “Don’t cry CeCe, I don’t have time to repair my makeup. I have to go get set up with my communications equipment. I will be back in a few minutes. Go look at the auction items. Tyler should be in there to help you out.”

  Thirty minutes later Sarah returned to the ballroom to make one last inspection. Everybody was in their assigned places. The posters announcing the gala were in the hotel lobby. The greeters were ready to check in the guests. Amy and Tyler were manning the entry table to welcome everyone. The fillers were already milling around the ballroom. Desiree and Cameron were positioned next to the door with their special instructions to entertain the Matthews. And Greg, CeCe and Sarah were ready for the receiving line. The party was ready to begin. Sarah double check with everyone through their earpieces and then nodded to security to open the doors.

  “Relax Sarah; everyone will have a great time.” Tyler said through his communications unit.

  “Yeah Sarah, listen to Tyler” announced Amy th
rough her unit.

  “All right, I’m trying. Now get busy”

  “Yes, ma’am” they replied and saluted.

  Several minutes later the guests started arriving. Greg and CeCe kept the receiving line flowing as only “seasoned” pros could do. Everyone wanted to stop and talk to them. But they kept ushering them on. As the guest passed Sarah she motioned them off to the fillers to direct them to the auction items. Gabby and Nathan had already arrived and were being shown around the ballroom exhibits. The flow was moving swiftly when security announced to Sarah that the Matthews had arrived. Sarah thanked them, motioned to Desiree and Cameron to go to the Matthews. Sarah also made her excuse to leave the receiving line before they approached. “Dustin is motioning me, something must be wrong. I’ll be right back.”

  Lindsay and Dalton Matthews were greeted by Desiree and Cameron. “Miss Matthews and Mr. Matthews, my name is Cameron and this is Desiree. Welcome. Sarah has asked that we introduce ourselves and show you around. She wants you to call on us for anything you might need this evening. If you would, please follow me to greet Greg and CeCe Davis.” Cameron asked as he extended his arm for Lindsay.

  “Where is Sarah?” asked Lindsay. “I cannot wait to see her.”

  “She is greeting guests as we speak. You will see her inside the ballroom.” replied Cameron.

  “Dalton, it is great to see you again. May I introduce my wife, CeCe?” Greg announced as Dalton approached him.

  “Hello Dalton, it is nice to meet you. I cannot wait to tour Stage West.”

  “I am assuming that this beautiful young woman is your sister, Lindsay.” Greg asked as CeCe was finished shaking Dalton’s hand.

  “Lindsay, this is Greg and CeCe Davis. Sarah is their personal assistant and president of the foundation.” Dalton made the introductions and turned back to CeCe “We are anxious for you to visit also. My brother is able to meet with you when your schedule permits. Please plan to stay for the day so we can get better acquainted.”


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