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Stone Sober: A Hawke Family Novel (The Hawke Family Book 3)

Page 18

by Gwyn McNamee

  As soon as Savage mentioned it, the hairs on the back of my neck had stood on end. And I know why. I’ve seen that car several times, across from my office, outside the courthouse, even outside the coffee shop where I ran into Nora. Savage, Dani, Gabe, and Skye aren’t the only ones being followed. He has people on me too.

  Though I have no fucking clue why.

  I rise and make my way over to the bar to pour myself another glass.

  Ah, fuck it, make it a double.

  I tug on the hem of my black dress, willing it to stay at least to the knee. Something tells me if I go into Stone’s house with it riding up my thigh, there's no way we will make it out of there and to dinner on time. The dress had seemed Hawke dinner appropriate when I pulled it from my closet and put it on earlier, but now that I’m walking up the steps to his place, it’s riding up at least half an inch with every step I take.


  His text from earlier has had my head spinning all day about what his plan might be.

  The last Hawke family dinner I attended, he practically undressed me with his eyes. And he wasn't exactly subtle about it given the way that everyone reacted.

  I don't think Stone has a subtle bone in his body. He's more the come-in-with-a-bang-and-a-crash type guy.

  Which is actually really hot during sex, but it doesn’t bode well for us remaining under the radar this evening. After giving it some more thought, it’s not the right time to out ourselves. We’ve only been together one night, and even though I think there’s more there, I hope there’s more there, going public would make things very messy if we don’t turn into anything more than a flash in the pan, get it out of our system type thing.

  Double crap.

  I barely have time to knock on the door before it’s open, and he tugs me in. His lips descend on mine, and his hands clench my butt, hugging me against him.

  Jesus, he's hard already?

  I just walked in the door.

  His hands slide under the hem of my dress until he’s cupping in my bare ass. Heat floods my core. Fingers slip between my cheeks and brush against the sensitive flesh. I shudder against him as his tongue licks along mine and probes exactly like his cock did the other night, working me in and out.

  My head swims.

  It's physically impossible for me to be within ten feet of Stone Hawke without losing my mind. And I hate that. I hate that he can do this to me. It's hard to retain any semblance of control over myself when I'm complete mush around him.

  I half expect him to pin me against the wall and do me right here. And that sounds pretty gosh darn good right now with the way his fingers and tongue are toying with me.

  But instead, his mouth closes, and he pulls his head away and removes his fingers from where I so desperately want them.

  Great, now that he’s got me all hot and bothered, he's just gonna stop?

  What a turd.

  He takes a step back from me then pulls on my dress until it bunches up around my hips, exposing me to him.

  “I'm happy to see you followed my directions and came sans panties.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “Like you wouldn’t have just taken them off yourself if I had worn them, sir.”

  A grin splits his face, and he chuckles. The sound vibrates through my chest like a freight train barreling down at me.

  God, he's hot when he laughs.

  He needs to do it more. I get that his job is important, and he’s probably required to show some decorum around colleagues, but he’s so stoic all the time…except when he’s flirting or when I do something to amuse him. And it seems he likes when I talk back to him a little and call him out on his BS.

  After another appreciative glance down my body, he checks his watch.

  “Fair point. We don't have much time, and we shouldn’t drive together. So let's get you ready.”


  “Uh, Stone, aren’t I already ready?”

  That dang sexy chuckle surfaces again, and he shakes his head, a devious glint in his blue eyes.

  “Oh no, darling, I've got something special planned for you for dinner.”

  He reaches into his inside coat pocket and pulls out a pair of black underwear. They aren’t particularly sexy, just a basic black thong, so I'm not really sure what the purpose is. But then he drops them in my hand.

  They're way heavier than they should be, and there’s definitely something hard and firm inside.

  What the what?

  I reach out to open them to see what they are when they suddenly start buzzing and vibrating against my palm.

  Jesus H. Christ!

  My jerk back almost makes me drop them as Stone’s laugh echoes in the entryway.

  It's a dang vibrator.

  I shake my head. “Oh no, Stone, this is so not happening. We're going to be sitting at a table surrounded by your entire family and my sister. It would be one thing if it were just the two of us, but you can't seriously expect this to be going on at a Hawke family dinner.”

  With a grin, he holds up a tiny electronic device and presses the button on it, sending the panties into convulsions on my hand again.

  “That's what makes this game even more fun.”


  This doesn't sound like much of a game to me. It sounds more like Stone wanting to mess with me in front of everyone we know.

  The panties stop quaking, and he drops the remote back into his pocket then reaches out and takes the panties from my hand.

  His fingers slide deftly into the fabric, and he holds them open. “Step into them.”


  I don't particularly feel like defying him today. The opposite, actually. Everything I've learned about Stone so far has convinced me that it’s probably a pretty bad idea. Not that I think he would ever hurt me, physically at least, but that look I always thought promised debauchery was exactly right, and I know I've only seen the tip of the iceberg with him. It’s fun to joke with him, but truly defying him is a whole different ball game.

  So I take a deep breath and step into the panties. He slides them up, slowly, intentionally slowly, letting his fingertips graze my calves and thighs on the way to cover my wet core. When they’re finally situated, he adjusts the vibrator until it's directly on my clit. Then he cups me and squeezes gently while leaning in and pressing his lips to my throat.

  “This gonna be so much fun, Nora.”

  Yeah, a real freaking circus.

  Only, I'm the one on full display in the center ring while he’s the ring master, directing the entire performance as he sees fit.

  A grin splits his face.

  “I think we need to take this for a test drive before we get to my mom’s house.”

  Test drive?

  The question is on the tip of my tongue when the vibrator clicks on, sending an immediate jolt straight to my core and through my body. I have to grasp his shoulders to keep from falling to the floor.

  Oh, my God. There's no way. My legs quiver as the hellish thing assaults my clit.

  He leans in and chuckles against my neck, his warm breath against my skin only adding fuel to the fire the vibrator has already ignited within me. He frees one of his arms from my death grip and reaches into his pocket. The vibrator stops, and my panties are normal again.

  “Jesus, Stone, no way. You can't do that while we're at dinner. I won't be able to handle that.”

  The evil grin that spreads across his face before he presses his lips to mine spells trouble, and when he pulls away, determination blazes in his eyes. “Oh, sweetheart, you need to give yourself more credit. I have faith in you.”

  That makes one of us.

  He steps back and pulls my dress back down. “I've been meaning to ask why the black dress?”

  “Harder to see panty lines.” His grin makes me smile in return despite what I know I'm walking into.

  Stone is such a bad decision. I knew it from the beginning, and his intention to humiliate me in front of his entire family and my siste
r just confirms it for me. He has no boundaries or sense of decorum, which is pretty funny considering he's a lawyer. But apparently, the only decorum he possesses is used in the court room, not with me.

  He’s a lion, and I'm a helpless gazelle with a broken leg sitting in the middle of the Sahara waiting to be eaten.

  And Lord, can this man eat…

  When he steps back, he surveys me up and down, his gaze burning my skin everywhere it lands.

  He looks like he wants to dive in and devour me right now, and frankly, I wouldn't mind that. It will be a lot better than whatever is going to happen at the Hawke dinner, I can tell you that. A tug pulls me away from the wall, and he smacks me on the butt.

  “You better get gone, love. You need to get there before I do. I'll be ten minutes behind you. I have something to work out.” His erection rubs against my hip, and my mouth waters.

  Maybe I can just skip this whole thing. I could just head home or go to the club and get in a few extra hours. However, I know if I attempted to escape, it would only be setting me up to face his wrath later. Stone knows what he wants, and what he wants is apparently to play with me tonight.

  I’m all for fun and games, but if things get too out-of-control, I’ll bail.

  At least, that's a promise I make myself as I step outside into the light drizzle and head toward my car. The drive to the Hawke house gives me time to think and consider.

  There's no way I can get away from Stone—not now, not ever. Even if I were physically able to do it, he's already wound his way into my heart in a way that terrifies me. The only thing that scares me more is the thought that he feels absolutely nothing toward me.

  I'm beginning to think that might be the truth.

  Maybe I'm just a toy, a plaything, something to be entertained by. At first, I was okay with that…sort of. We both needed to get whatever was going on between us out of our system, but it's become more than that to me, and I can't help but wonder where I stand with him.

  Maybe tonight will help me get a grasp on it, but somehow, I think that's doubtful.

  What’s more likely is I’ll leave dinner tonight either ready to kill him or jump his bones.

  “Whose phone keeps buzzing?” Ben asks the question for the third time tonight. He’s apparently missed the two dozen other times the sound has permeated the room despite my best efforts to keep my thighs pressed together to muffle it.

  Someone kill me now and put me out of my misery.

  I get why the bad guys use torture as a way to get what they want. It definitely works, and Stone is doing a bang up job on me right now. I’ve never been so horny and angry at the same time before, and that’s saying a lot, considering how Stone’s toyed with me. Horny and angry seem to go hand in hand with Stone.

  Tonight is a whole other level, though.

  Every time I get close to coming, he stops the vibrator, leaving me hanging, frustrated, and murderous. It’s a good thing we aren’t having steak tonight. A sharp knife would likely be in his eye right now.

  But I could use this spoon…it hurts more anyway.

  I chuckle to myself at the Robin Hood reference, and let out a soft sigh when the vibrator stops. Ben carries on despite not receiving an answer to his inquiry. “Caleb has been a huge help. I’m so glad you guys hired him to manage THREE. He really has a good eye for the interior design and layout. He mentioned something was slightly off about the bar design, and after going over everything with him, I think he's right. We need to adjust the bar depths along the back wall so that the girls with shorter arms will be able to reach all the bottles without having to call someone else over to help them.”

  Savage nods and glances to Gabe. “It’s not a bad idea. I know Byron does that at the club for the girls, but it would save a lot of time if the girls could get everything themselves. We can just keep the extra bottles on the higher shelves and bring them down when needed.”

  Gabe seems to contemplate the suggestion. “I understand what you’re saying, but I kind of want to look at it myself so I can see what we would be doing instead of what we have now. When are you and Caleb heading over there again?”

  Before I can hear the answer, the dang vibrator starts up again, and I grit my teeth to keep from moaning.

  “Seriously, whose phone is that?”

  Stone smirks across the table while I try not to squirm in my chair or bite my darn tongue off. “I'm not sure.”

  The vibrations roll through my body, making my legs quiver and my core damp with need. I’d give anything right now to come, from the vibrator or Stone inside me. I’m not picky. Just no more of this godawful torment.

  A moan threatens to move up my throat, but just in the nick of time, Stone stops the demon panties and smiles at me over the table.

  Ben, Savage, and Gabe return to their conversation, but Stone also returns almost immediately to his infliction of absolute anguish on me.

  Bits and pieces of voices and words break through the constant on and off buzzing of the vibrator and jerking of my body.

  “…wish you could find more employees like Caleb and Vance…”

  “…hard to find good workers…”

  With an evil glint in his eye, Stone leans his elbows on the table, showing me he no longer has a hand on the remote, and the vibrator is on at full speed.

  Evil, evil man.

  “Well, it’s so hard to find dedicated workers nowadays. People are always buzzing from here to there, quitting jobs left and right, working themselves up into a vibrating frenzy with their inability to remain still in one place.”

  Heat crawls up the back of my neck, and Stone leans back in his chair and drops his chin down, trying to hide his smile. The vibrations stop, and I suck in several deep breaths.

  So. Dang. Close.

  He is the Devil.

  At least he’s given me a reprieve.

  The relief is short-lived though, because he cranks the vibrator again, and I gasp this time, unable to keep it from leaving my lips.


  It stops, and I almost sigh with relief. “What's with you tonight, Nora? You're acting all weird…very jumpy?” Dani couldn’t be more right. I glance over and offer her a reassuring smile.

  “Nothing, I'm fine.” Which is only true momentarily before Stone cranks up the dang vibrator again.

  Holy Hannah!

  My fingers grip the edge of my seat to keep me from bucking around like a cowboy on a dang wild bronco.

  Stone grins at me from across the table, that sly, knowing smile that makes me want to punch him in the face even though I know I could never do it. It's embarrassing enough I'm squirming and jerking around, but I'm probably also leaving a giant wet spot on this chair because…oh, my God…this thing has had me so close to coming a hundred times already in the last hour.

  And that man knows exactly what he's doing to me.

  I don't know how much more of this I can take. Maybe I can sneak over to the bathroom and relieve some of this tension. That might make the rest of the evening more bearable.

  The vibrating ends, giving me a moment to create a game plan.

  Good, because Lord knows I won’t be able to walk with that thing going to town on my lady bits.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I push away from the table. “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” I smile politely at everyone around the table, including Stone, who raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything.

  His reaction is troubling. It’s almost as if I can see him calling me out on my lie. And I know I’ll have to pay the price. But I don’t care right now. I need to get off more than I’m afraid of the repercussions with Stone.

  I'm a real bastard, and I know it. But I can't help myself from toying with her.

  Watching her squirm in her chair as the flush spreads across her breasts, up her neck, and over her cheeks every time I turn on the vibrator has my dick throbbing in my pants. Thank God they’re jeans and not some loose fabric where my raging hard-on would
be standing out proudly.

  I can't even stop myself from smiling while she's fuming at me from across the table. She could cut ice with the daggers she’s shooting at me.

  “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.”

  Well, well, well, what do we have here?

  She can't possibly think I'm going to let her sneak off to go masturbate.

  But she offers everyone a smile, and I raise an eyebrow. That smile wavers slightly before she beelines for the hallway, almost as if she thinks if she moves fast enough, she can get away.

  I need to be quick if I'm gonna catch her before she can lock the bathroom door on me.

  Game on.

  Trying to appear nonchalant, I push away from the table and point toward my wine glass. “Looks like we’re running low on wine. Why don’t I grab another bottle?”

  Mom smiles at me. “Oh, thank you, dear. There should be a bottle of white in the fridge and a couple bottles of red on the counter.”

  I dodge into the kitchen as quickly as I can without being obvious and sneak out the other door into the hallway. Nora’s shooting down the hallway toward the bathroom as fast as her heels can carry her.

  A couple quick, jogging steps bring me to her—the benefits of long legs—and I wrap my arm around her waist and flatten my hand across her chest, halting her progress.

  “Where do you think you're going?”

  Her heart thunders underneath my palm, and her chest heaves. It might be from the constant vibrator action, but it could also be because she knows she's been caught red-handed.

  I brush my lips against her ear. “Did you really think I was gonna let you slip away to go touch yourself?”

  “What? That wasn't what I was—”

  “Don't even bother, sweetheart. You're a really bad liar.”

  She shakes her head. “But Stone…please.”


  The pleading and begging in her voice practically makes me cave and drag her in there to get her off. Practically.

  “You think you're the only one this is hard for?” I grab one of her hands and shove it between us until she grasps my rock hard cock. “I have to sit there watching you squirm and flush, knowing you're wet and close to coming, and there's nothing I can do but watch.”


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