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Page 4

by Laura Sutton

  “Oh, she managed me just fine. I swear her Dom must have given her an order to not beat me. I tend to get a little crazy during projects and would wake her in the middle of the night to check something.”

  “You swear that this is an honest offer and the same you did for her?” The vulnerability was clear in Violet’s eyes as if she was trying to figure out the angle that he had. She trusted him but she also saw the guilt in his eyes when she had ended up in the hospital.

  “Yes and no. I didn't give her a wardrobe allowance. I chose everything and just filled her wardrobe.”

  “Why give me the choice? Because she was your sub?” Violet didn't realize it, but her jealousy soared at the thought of him having a sub. Her jealousy stopped turning as his laughter filled the room.

  “God no!” He shuddered in almost disgust. “She is my sister and a complete firecracker who I couldn't trust to dress appropriately for work. She'd dress in very revealing outfits just to drive me insane. I may appreciate a beautiful sub feeling confident in their skin but she’s my baby sister that I care for when she was young. It still freaks me out a bit.” Violet smiled as she already like this woman. It was definitely something that she had to do to mess with him, at least she would if she had the courage to; once she knew that she was safe.

  “What if I wanted you to shop for me?” Violet said quietly. She had never really been one to get too into clothes since she could barely afford the goodwill clothes that she wore when she worked at the local bookstore.

  The tent in his pants was hidden by the bars on her high hospital bed. He tried to shift when his cock hardened at her quiet voice that whispered around him. “Is that a challenge little one? I will do it if that means you'll take the job and I can stop going through all the interviews. Do you know how many people have issues with kink?” He sighed.

  “I'll take it. Please pick out my clothes, well for work only. I'll never give away my jeans and t-shirts in my off time. My entire family was against kink... so yes I know how many people have issues with kink.” Violet's arm broke out in goosebumps. Her family would have disapproved of what brought her the most joy in life, but she was alone now. This job would be hard for her but at least she could be close to Nate.

  “Good. You'll be released here on Monday if there are not any more problems. I'll make sure that everything is ready by then.” Nate smiled as he squeezed her hand. “I'll have Sylvia bring the HR paperwork for you so then everything's in order.”

  Chapter Four

  Monday. She was excited that it was finally Monday and she could begin the new part of her life. With being an orphan again, she didn't have to hide her true nature, care for anyone but herself, and she could finally be true to herself. She slipped from the hospital bed, glad that she could finally move around without too much pain. She had a new job today and she wanted to look good when Nate came to pick her up. She looked over to Sylvia’s sleeping body. She smiled as slipped into the bathroom and took a shower. She was a little stiff, but her surgeries were healing nicely. She would have some nasty scars, but she was alive and that's all she cared about.

  She walked out of the bathroom in a pair of gray slacks and a lilac button-down shirt. Her blonde hair still wet and hanging long. She smiled as she saw Nate standing there in his tightly fit suit. “I thought you'd still be asleep.”

  “Nope, I'm getting out of prison today, been awake for hours Sir.” She smirked as she slowly bent to grab the bag, but he stopped her.

  “You're forgetting a few things.” She looked around the room not seeing anything that she was missing. “The doctor has to check you out and then agree.”

  She made a discontented groan as she sat on the edge of the bed and he slowly lifted the shirt out of her tucked in pant and pulled back the new bandage that she had put on the cut. His hands were soft and gentle on her skin. The brush of his hand over her waist and near her breast made her bit her lip to hold in a moan. She had not been touched like this ever and from the man that was always in her dreams and such a sweet, caring, man. There was wetness ruining her new thong, her clit was pulsing with need. The need for his hand to travel below the pants and touch her was almost overwhelming. She closed her eyes tight as she tried to think about anything and everything but his touch. Hearing his laugh, she opened her eyes. “Did you even hear a word I said?”

  “Of course.”

  “So, it's Monday and my first day at The Manor. Let's get to work.” She slid from the bed as Sylvia just laughed behind her.

  “She's hopeless. Give her something to do before she goes stir crazy and plots your murder just for something to do.”

  “Let me guess, you two had a Criminal Minds marathon the whole weekend,” Nate spoke to Sylvia ignoring Violet.

  “Hey, I'm sitting right here.”

  Nate kissed her cheek. “Come on let's get you some work. Though listen to me.” He lifted her chin and held onto it. “You will not overdo it. You are still healing even if you are feeling better. You are to rest and eat right.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Violet smirked. She bent to grab her bag that was sitting on the end of the bed, but Nate grabbed it before she did. Sylvia got up from the bed and followed them. “What about my car?”

  “We will make sure we get it out to The Manor, but I don't want you driving for a little while outside the golf cart that you will have at The Manor.”

  “I think I'm going to sell my car.” The surprised look from Nate made her question what she said. “My grandma has a better, safer, small SUV. I'm going to keep that one. I don't need two vehicles.” Violet smiled as she was writing a list in her mind of what she needed to do. She had so many things swimming in her mind, but she was just so happy to even think about those things. She was going to be in the moment and enjoy her time with Nate.

  “Safe is always the best answer.” Nate nodded in approval.

  The Manor was set back off the road, deep into the property. “The Manor” sign showed the private horse breeding ranch; a large iron gate was manned by a security booth. The whole place screamed money and she knew the kind of money that went into place and not from the horses but from the BDSM part of The Manor. The membership for someone to come in started at fifteen grand and went up from there. Violet was extremely excited to start her new job, but she had never seen The Manor during the day and the Colorado countryside was breathtaking. “You own a lot of land? I knew there was privacy, but this place seems so huge in daylight.”

  “I forgot that you've only seen this place at night, on special nights at that. I will have to give you the whole tour since you will need to know where everything is. I also have a map for you as well. The place is large, and we are looking into buying the other farms around here. I would love to expand the “fun” parts of The Manor.” Violet kept watching out the window as she imagined all the things that they could do.

  “Tell me what you're thinking.”

  She looked back at him and smiled. “I don't think that is a smart thing.”

  Nate chuckled. “Oh, now I must know.”

  “You mentioned expanding; I must admit that my mind went a little into 'crazy' mode thinking about what we, well I mean you, could do to expand this place.”

  “You already have some ideas? I'd like to hear those.”

  She blushed as she looked to her hands. She had always thought about stuff like this. She had a mind for business and different types of things, but she couldn’t go to college very long after high school because she was a full-time caregiver and had to work all of the time. “I don't know much about that. It was just simple stuff I thought of.”

  “Violet, do not put yourself down.” The order was fierce with a slow growl. She looked over to him and smiled. He didn't know how much she wished that she was trained in business. The thought and that passion flared in her.

  “I haven't seen the whole place. You probably thought of everything that I could possibly think of.”

  “I will always want to hear your ideas. Don'
t put yourself down. Remember I've gone through your bedroom. I've seen your drawings and ideas.” She was shocked at his announcement. She had never allowed people into her bedroom, to see her private ideas. She never thought that he would have gone to get her clothes personally. She figured that he sent someone, or Sylvia had packed for her.

  “Shit.” She looked over to him quickly and what had brought a curse to his mouth. She saw a tall blonde hair replica of Nate standing there holding a small child.

  “There's two of you?” Violet could barely breathe at the thought of two of them in the world. Nate was the one who did it for her but two faces like Nate's in the world just was not fair.

  “Yes, my twin brother and co-owner Colton. He deals with the Security here. That's his two-year-old daughter, Sammie.” He jumped out of the car. He had not seen his brother with his daughter in a year. The mother of the child wouldn't allow for custody and he only had supervised visits. “What happened? Tell me you did not kidnap her.” Nate was almost fuming.

  “No. Nate we need to talk.” The southern twang of his voice was so different from Nate's professional business tone he kept. The twins were like two different sides of a coin: one was pure business, dark-haired, and the other one was blonde, and completely country.

  “Here, why don't I take Sammie so you both can talk alone.”

  Colton gave her a heated glare as he looked her over. “The new assistant I presume?”

  Before Nate could say anything. “Yes, Sir. I'm Violet Elling. Your news seems urgent and probably something a child should not hear.”

  Colton nodded. “Don't go far.”

  “Just inside the building to get her out of the harsh sunlight.” She gently took the baby on her good side and walked into the building talking to her quietly. The two-year-old child responded with a laugh and babbled urgently as if she was talking to the entire world. Nate and Colton watched until she was inside the building.

  “Talk,” Nate said as Colton turned from the door his daughter had gone through with Violet.

  “Anne was killed in a car crash last night. Police called this mornin' and now I have full custody of my kid.” Colton pushed his hand through his blonde hair, defeat in his shoulders. “God I'm screwed. I love Sammie like crazy, but I know nothing about children. This ain't a good place to raise a child.” Colton pushed his hand through his blonde hair flying across his face. His muscles in his arms flexing.

  “Colt. You love that child more than life itself. I saw you the moment you heard about Anne being pregnant. I was there when she came into the world screaming madly.” Nate smiled at the memory. “I was there through the divorce, the courts, and the first time that you were allowed to be alone with your daughter. I know that you would do anything for her. You know that on this side of the fence it's safe and you aren't alone. You have me and the others in our lives that would do anything to help. Come on let's go see my niece. If we need to, we can always open a nursery here since I need you here.”

  “No. This is something that I have to do.” Colton walked closer to the door. “I'm a dad.”

  “You're just realizing that?”

  Colton gave a small snort. “Naw but it's a lifestyle change.”

  “Yeah, you need to baby proof your house.” Nate shuddered thinking of all the ways a child could injure itself in a sexual sadist's house with all his sex toys.

  “Think I could borrow your assistant for a few hours while I go, baby, proof my cabin.”

  “No, but you can borrow both of us.” Nate smiled as he walked in the door and saw the baby asleep in Violet's arm as she was on the phone writing something down.

  “Yes, Sir. I will make sure he gets the message. Have a great day.”

  Her voice was so different as she put on the professional voice he had dreamed of hearing. He looked down to the small child that was sucking her thumb. “You got her to sleep and you're answering the phone already?”

  “You know I've always been a multi-tasker.” She smiled as she rocked the small girl a tiny bit, making sure to keep her on the stronger side and away from her injury. The phone rang, and she quickly answered it and went about writing another message as Nate took the baby out of her arms, rocking the baby with ease. She watched him; she knew he'd make a perfect father. He looked like a natural with the baby in his arms. Once she ended the call he moved around and put the phone on the instant answering machine. “Come on let’s get you to your cabin and show you around. The answering machine can handle all the calls. It's been that way for a couple weeks. Another day won't matter much.” Nate smiled as Violet stood up slowly.

  “Today is my first day. I'm supposed to be working.”

  “I'm the boss here. Am I not? Today is moving in day. Tomorrow is the working day.” Nate stood tall as he tucked her under is his other arm. “Plus, looks like we're babysitting today until Colton gets his house baby-proofed.” Nate snorted.

  “Is he a Dom?”

  “Sexual Sadist.” Nate smiled as he watched it dawn on Violet on how much he'd have to baby proof his house. She started laughing until the pain went up to her side.

  Seeing her wince, “It's time for more meds Vi.”

  “No Sir I'm fine. The pills make me loopy and I...” she bit her lip. She knew that she could tell Nate the truth, but it was hard to finally let go after holding her tongue for so long with Raymond. “I can't wake myself from the dreams with those meds.”

  Nate scowled at her confession. “You should have told me sooner. You know how important communication is. I will get you a different kind.”

  “The pain isn't bad. I've had worse.”

  The curse that Nate made under his breath made Violet flinch. She knew that she stuck her foot in it. Nate didn't need a reminder of her pain over the past seven months that she lived with the monster.

  Nate grabbed her bag out of the back of his SUV. She followed him to the loaded black golf cart that had his name etched on the side with The Manor logo. He slid into the seat as he turned it on and waiting for Violet to be seated and ready. He drove them past several cottages. Violet kept looking around, biting her lip. They kept going farther into the property and past a sign that “Cabin Owners Only Past This Point.” Cabin owners. She did not own a cabin, yet Nate said he was taking her to her house. Driving past a large cabin she saw Colton's truck parked beside it. Farther down the way there were two cabins that were on opposite sides of the road and small trees, close to one another. Both had large windows and looked expensive. Violet watched as Nate pulled in next to one of the houses and turned off the golf cart. “I thought we were going to where I was staying?”

  “We're here. Welcome to your new home.” Nate smiled. Violet could barely breathe as she sat there stunned as she stared at the huge cabin.

  “This is too much Nate.” Then a thought dawned on her. “How many live here?”

  “It's not too much and just you.” Nate put his hand out to help her out of the cart. “I live right across there. It's convenient for me if you are here since I will come over with stuff that needs taken care of.”

  “I can do convenient,” Violet said absentmindedly as she followed him into the cabin. The place looked like a mansion to her. She had never had much money and at times she had even gone hungry. Seeing the building was overwhelming when it had barely a week ago that she thought she would be living in her car again. She walked into the room and saw the sky-high ceilings, the different doors and the stairs on each side leading up to two large lofts.

  Nate talked as they walked through the 'mansion' cabin. Everything that Nate was saying barely registered as he showed her around. He looked back and grasped Violet's hand, squeezing it. “This is the Master bedroom. The closet is filled with anything that you should need and if you need more just let me know.” Nate ushered his hand out in front of him to let Violet go into the room first.

  Violet gasped, “Oh Nate. This place is breathtaking.” She walked deeper into the room and investigated the packed closet wit
h all types of clothing, lingerie, t-shirts, and even jeans. She walked in and touched the jeans. She didn't think that he would get her comfortable non-work clothes. “You got me all kinds of clothes. Not just work clothes.”

  “Of course. Plus, there are times you will wear all of this even at work. I don't require suits all the time. Especially if we are dealing with the horse side of the business. The little girl in Nate's arm started to whimper as he moved her as rubbed her back comforting her without a second thought. “Anything you want to change, feel free. This is your place now to decorate how you see fit.”

  “I love everything about the place. What's in the lofts?”

  “You can climb up there and see.” He grinned.

  “Could you just tell me? I'd rather avoid the stairs, right now. I can handle the pain, but I'd rather not push it.”

  Nate nodded in understanding. He knew that she hated the pain pills, but he had not given her a choice with all the surgeries that she'd undergone. “Both lofts contain a bed, dresser, and bathroom. These were originally built to hold four to five groups. The bedroom through that door was changed to a state-of-the-art office. Anything that you can do from the office, can also be done right in there. All the computers are linked on a secure network.” Violet turned and started towards the office. She had always dreamed of having an office but the closest she had come was the dining room table at her Grandmother's. Walking into the office she ran her hand on the top of the desk as she moved towards the bookcases that had several books on them already. “Again, anything you don't want I can move out of here easily.”

  “It's perfect Sir. Thank you.” Violet's voice cracked a bit. She absolutely loved everything about the cabin. She never expected something so grand and she would never take advantage of it. She had already been thinking hard about what she could do to repay Nate for all of the high-end living and the perks that he was giving to her. She vowed to herself that she would never disappoint him.


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