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Page 11

by Laura Sutton

  “Edging. What did I do wrong, Sir?” Violet looked back with wide eyes, looking at Nate, as she turned in his arms.

  “It makes you stop thinking and maybe then you will stop hiding stuff.”

  “I'm not hiding anything, Sir. I just wanted the whole idea thought out before I brought it up. I have a few ideas finished to show to you. I kind of penciled in a meeting to your schedule tomorrow.” Violet shrugged.

  “Why not just tell me now?”

  “I think you may have a better idea for us right now.” She stepped up, letting her leg rub against his erection.

  “I can make you wait as long as I want. I'm in charge here. What're your ideas?”

  Violet moaned, knowing that she was not going to get anywhere with him until she told him the truth. “Well, you always talk about wanting the room to grow and to provide your clients with options when it's called for. So, when someone mentions something they'd like to see, I write it down. I have a list of rooms and a few ideas for training and relaxation. Make it... more.” Violet shrugged. “It's all on my computer. I can't think of it all right now.” She admitted as Nate's hand had moved around her waist, pulling her flush against him. “My degree is important to me and I want to be a help to you and be an asset.”

  “You are already an asset. You mean so much to me little one. I've told you before... I want to hear all your ideas, always. They don't have to be fully thought out sometimes just a simple idea gets the ball rolling when you put several heads together.”

  “Several heads, sir?” Violet smiled as her cheeks blushed red.

  “Oh, you're bad little one.”

  “That's what you love about me.”

  He smacked her ass, hard. “One of many things I love about you, little one.” He smiled as he kissed her.

  “What about your bedroom, Sir? I was promised that you had a better bed than me. I'm hoping for a waterbed.”

  Nate's eyes showed his shock and amusement at her statement. “Waterbed? Seriously.”

  “What? I always wanted one, so I could play pirates.” Her eyes held a bright sparkle.

  “Oh, we can totally play pirates.”

  “So, you do have a waterbed?”

  “No, but there are other ways to rape and pillage you.” He chuckled as her eyes went large, he could see her playing the scenario in her mind. He loved her creative mind that seemed to be overactive when it came to her submission to him.

  “Maybe... later.” She said huskily as she looked down to her feet. Nate took her hand as he led her from the office. “Let's finish the tour.”

  He led her down the hall and pointed out the bathroom and then to the stairs. “Downstairs is the dungeon and playroom. Upstairs is the master bath and bedroom.”

  “The whole upstairs?”

  “Yes. I like an open floor plan.” Violet slowly climbed the stairs as her stomach was full of butterflies from the anticipation. Nate followed her a few steps down. He was enjoying that Violet seemed to really enjoy the house. He didn't know that he was this nervous until he saw her eyes wide and a smile on her face as she saw the whole upstairs of the house. He would never admit that he'd been slowly redoing bits of the cabin to go with some of her styles that he had noticed in her cabin.

  “It's beautiful Sir.” Violet barely whispered.

  “You are more so.” Nate slid up behind her, kissing her neck as his arms slid around her waist holding her against him. She fit so perfectly with him. He missed his wife and child but, in many ways, he had let them go this past year that he'd spent so much time with Violet. He wasn't sure when it happened, maybe when she passed out in his arms when he fell in love with her completely. “The bathroom is through there.” Violet looked at him and smiled as she saw a look in his eye. She walked towards there and stopped when she saw the amazing large tiled shower that you stepped down into with a rain shower head. Violet bit her lip as she thought about everything that could happen in the shower. She didn’t realize that she had touched the glass until Nate slid up behind her and placed his hand over hers. “I can read your mind little one. It’s shouting so loud at me.” He kissed her neck as his hands slide up her shirt.

  “What is it saying to you, Sir?” Her voice low as his hands ran down her sides; making her legs tremble a bit.

  “That you want a shower to wash away the nastiness.”


  “Oh yes, to wash away every nasty thought and every nasty deed that I’m going to do to you in this shower.” He opened the shower door and hits the button as the water came on along with some steam.


  “Yes, you are darling.” He kissed her as he pulls up her shirt and throws it to the ground. Her bra was next as he pushed her up against the shower glass. The cold made her shiver, but he only pressed his body into her tighter. He slid his knee in-between her legs as his hand slipped into her unbuttoned unzipped jeans and into her underwear. His hand rubbing her.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “To be naked and filled with your thick cock.” She smiled as she looked at him. “Of course, I would love to be in the shower though cold water might be better because you have my boiling right now Sir.”

  “Boiling is how I love you to be. Pants off.” He commanded as he stripped out of his own clothes. His nakedness was breathtaking to Violet every time that she saw him, and she did not see that changing anytime soon.

  Violet bit her lip as she saw his cock pulsing from his turned-on state. “May I sir?” Violet asked not taking her eyes off him.

  Nate lifted her chin up to him. “Use your words little one. Always your words.”

  “I want your cock in my mouth. Please.” She looked at him and kept trying to look down, but his finger kept her chin up.

  “On your knees sub. Take in my cock in that sinful mouth and worship it.” Nate huskily said as Violet kneeled on their clothes and licked the tip of his penis, then licking the length of him. “Stop teasing me little one or you will pay for it later.” He threatened. Violet smiled as she quickly took him into her mouth all the way up to her fist that she had around him. She had been in this position before, but she’d never been able to put his length all of the ways down before. She took him in, forcing him in until he touched the back of her throat. His moan mingled with her groan. She gripped his thighs as she started to move him in and out of her mouth. “Rub your clit little one. Bring yourself to the edge. You don’t have permission to come.” He reminded her. He thrust deep into her mouth as they quickened the pace. She was on the verge of erupting when his voice echoed around the room. “Stop.” She did, and she looked up at him. Her first thought of going to that she had done something wrong. He put his hand down for her to stand. “When I come it’s going to be deep inside of you not down your throat. At least for now. I want to be deep inside your throbbing channels, the cum being milked from me as you scream my name.”

  Violet followed him into the shower. Smiling like an idiot staring at his Greek god sculpted ass. She couldn’t resist as she reached out and gripped his ass. “What are you doing?”

  “I couldn’t resist Sir. It’s just so squeezable.” She giggled as his arms wrapped around her and lifted her. The water spraying over both of them as she wraps her legs around him, and he kisses her. The spray flowing around their bodies. “Please, sir. I need you inside of me.”

  “I don’t want to be anywhere else.” He slides her down his body, keeping a grip on one of her thighs. He lined himself up and pushed in with a haste to claim her. Her moans filled the huge shower as it felt like his kisses where all over her with the spray of the water. He quickened his thrusts.

  “Nate I can’t hold it.”

  “Come now!” He commanded as she shattered around him and soon, he followed her off the ledge. Her limbs felt like liquid as she let Nate hold her.

  Fully satisfied, Violet fell asleep in Nate’s arms as they had found their releases on the stairs, the kitchen counter, the living room couch, an
d the bed. The time she spent with Nate helped to chase away her fears of Raymond and the trial. She was ready for it to be done and over with, but she could imagine leaving Nate and this was his home. She would never ask him to run with her. She took a breath as she told herself that she needed to focus on the time that she had with Nate. Violet turned and snuggled deeper into Nate’s chest as he tightened his grip.

  Barely an hour later, Violet was sitting up quickly. Running to the bathroom she lost her dinner into the toilet. Her head was pounding like a jackhammer. Feeling like death she stood up and looked in the mirror. Her eyes were sunken with dark circles underneath. She hated being sick, but she’d never felt like this before. She started to see what Nate meant about the stress is too much and she needed to rest. She turned on the shower and slipped inside. Sitting down on the bench, she let the hot water pound into her sore aching body.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A week without work was about to drive her insane. She had already finished her class work and cleaned out her cabin and moved everything over to Nate’s. She had been getting sick every time she ate anything. She was worried that something was wrong with one of her surgeries, but she refused to tell anyone. She knew that Nate had enough on his plate and didn’t want to worry him with her sickness. Nate was being her rock and she knew that her attitude was annoying him, but she couldn’t help it lately and she hated feeling so out of control. Her stomach rolled as she ran to the bathroom. Getting sick again, she laid on the cold tile in the bathroom. Her mind rolling. She was not working, why was she so sick all the time? Laying there, a coldness fell over her. There was no way. There couldn’t be, right?

  Violet pushed herself up from the floor and got dressed. Walking across the small road to where her car was sitting. She got in and left The Manor. She knew that she was not supposed to leave the grounds, but she needed to know the truth. Driving to the local store she walked in and purchased a few things she needed.

  Nate was sitting at his desk. He was a coward for leaving Violet at the house, but her moodiness was about to get her spanked raw or even whipped in punishment. He knew that she hated being idle, but he knew he had to protect her even if he lost his mind. He needed to find something to occupy her time and then he saw the folder sitting beside him for the renovations. Grabbing the file, he stood up and walked out of his office.

  Violet barely stepping in the front door when her phone rang. Figuring that it was Nate, yelling at her for leaving but Nate’s lawyer’s voice came through the phone. “Ms. Elling?”

  “Hello, Mr. Pine. Is something wrong?”

  “I’m afraid more things have come to light. You mentioned your families crash when we were speaking. I contacted the police. Raymond is being charged with manslaughter. There is enough evidence that he paid someone to take them out.” Violet gasped as she fell to the floor. He had done it, he had killed them. It was not her fault that she had gone to his house instead of driving them to the doctor. “Ms. Elling? Are you still there?”

  “Yes, Morgan I’m here.” She said quietly not caring that she was using his first name instead of keeping it professional. She’d seen him naked on the premises of The Manor. At this moment nothing really mattered.

  “I had the police check your car. It was still sitting in the driveway of your Grandmother’s house. You were lucky that you didn’t drive that car. The brakes were almost sliced. It was only a matter of time.”

  “He tried to kill me, again.”

  “Yes, I’m afraid. You are in danger and I would like for you to use one of the F.B.I.’s safe houses. I’d say be with the cops, but Sylvia may kill me if I did that.”

  “She would,” Violet said without any emotion. She was completely drained. She didn’t have any fight left within her. She was not allowed to work anyways. Though could she give up her last week with Nate. She knew now that she would have to run and hide. Fighting was off the table. She would always be in danger, and worse, Nate would be in danger because of her. She could not allow him to be hurt because she had not had the patience for Nate to claim her.

  “I can call Sylvia and get everything set up for you.”

  “No, I will do it. She’ll be at work and she will answer with one code.” Violet admitted. They had a special code between one another. “Plus, I need to say goodbye to Nate.”

  “No, take Nate with you. You both need protection. Did you not hear what I said earlier? There is a hit out on both of you!” Morgan Pine’s harsh voice was worried.

  “Sorry I didn’t hear that part. I will call Nate.”

  “I’m behind you,” Violet screamed at the sound of Nate’s voice so close to her. She had not heard him come into the room. Nate grabbed Violet’s phone from her hand. Without the phone in her hand, she slid her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, resting her head on top of her knees. She wanted to curl into a small ball until this nightmare was over, but she knew that she had to remain strong.

  Nate talked to Morgan for a few minutes as he went upstairs and started packing a bag for himself and Violet. The moment that he walked in the door he knew that something was wrong, and she looked like she’d seen a ghost. He talked to Colton and told him to watch The Manor for the next couple of weeks while he was dealing with all of this. There was no chance that he was going to let anything happen to the woman who annihilated his thick armor that he wrapped around himself. He walked downstairs to berate her for not moving faster when he noticed that she was sound asleep with her head on her knees. She hadn’t moved from the spot since he had walked in the door. He knew that she had not been sleeping well and he knew that she needed that sleep. He loaded up the bags in Sylvia’s black SUV. “Where’s Violet?” Sylvia asked trying to look around Nate.

  “Dead asleep from where she fell, after hearing what Morgan said.” Nate shook his head. “Can’t believe that he called her first. She did not need this stress.”

  “She’s going quiet again?”

  “No but she has made herself sick and she cannot relax. The moment I think that we will get over this, something else happens and we are back to ground zero. I want this man gone.” Nate growled as he walked back towards the house. He knelt down beside Violet’s body and slid his arm under her legs and lifted her into his arms. He walked out of the house, Sylvia grabbing Violet’s purse, and they left the house.

  Violet woke up in a strange bed and panic ensued her as she grabbed her high heel and quietly slipped from the bedroom. She walked into the kitchen and saw Sylvia and Nate sitting there talking. She lowered her shoe as Sylvia chuckled. “Are you going to bludgeon us with your high heel? If so, I prefer the red stiletto’s please.” Sylvia’s smile eased any of the panic that was still running through her veins.

  “Sorry I fell asleep.”

  “You need your sleep little one,” Nate said, not really looking at her.

  Violet bit her lip. She had noticed that he hadn’t looked her way since she had come into the room. She could feel the waves of displeasure coming from him. She wondered if he had been inside of her purse or if he was angry about putting them all in danger.

  “Nate, I’m sorry,” Violet whispered as her shoulders sagged and she turned to go back to the bedroom. She heard step foots coming fast behind her. His hand snagged her.

  “How long have you really been feeling sick? Where you ever going to tell me or where you just going to keep taking anti-nausea drugs?” Tears slipped from Violet’s eyes.

  “A few weeks.”

  “Weeks? Weeks!” Angry flew over his features as Sylvia stepped up to his side, gripping his arm.

  “Nate you are hurting her. Let her go.”

  Hearing that he was hurting her, he let her go immediately as she tumbled backward missing his strength. Sylvia caught her before she hit the ground. “Shit Violet. You could have a bleed and we are on the run and can’t go to the hospital without putting you in danger.”

  “It’s not a bleed,” Violet said quietly.

�Oh, are you a doctor and I missed your graduation?” His words were bitter yet true.

  “No, sir. It is what the doctor told me the other day. I did not want to bother you. You are taking on so much because I can’t work right now. Because I’m weak.” Violet admitted as she fell in defeat onto the mattress. “I’m still waiting to hear about the blood tests that she took.”

  “Which doctor?”

  “The one that you took me too when my nose was bleeding. Since that night I have been getting sick almost every meal. I called her a few days later and went to see her when you were in one of your meetings.”

  “You snuck around. Lied to me. Me! I’ve done everything to keep you safe and you lie and betray me.” Nate shook his head as paced around the room. “You know how I feel about honesty and communication, yet you throw that away any time that it’s convenient to you. I thought that you wanted a Dominance submissive relationship…”

  “I do. Nate...”

  “No! Obviously, you don’t. Everything I’ve done, and you still hold back and keep secrets. You know that your health is one of the things that I take seriously, and you have been sick for weeks and hid it from me. From all of us.”

  Tears were streaming down Violet’s face steadily. Nate threw up his hands and stormed out of the bedroom. Violet leaned over and pulled up her legs to her chest. She knew that Sylvia was nearby, but it was not her assurance that she needed. She needed Nate. She knew that she had lost him and this time it was all her fault. Brokenhearted, she cried herself to sleep. She could not explain to him if he thought all those things of her then they had no future.

  Violet was throwing up again. Nate could hear her from the living room where he was laying on the couch. She was his submissive, the woman he loved but she was so distant from him lately. He had felt her pushing away from him since she had learned about the trial. No matter what he did, nothing was bringing her back to him. He pushed up from the couch and walked into the bathroom. She was dry heaving over the toilet. She had not had anything to eat in almost twenty-four hours. He picked up her hair and rubbed circles on her back.


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