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Page 14

by Laura Sutton

  “I will tell you when we get home. I think that punishment will be in order after I tell you.”

  Nate shook his head. The punishment was going to be a normal thing with her it seems like. “The longer we wait the more the punishment will be.”

  “Maybe you’ll have mercy and see my side of things.” Violet was hopeful, but Nate just shook his head. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.” She bit her lip. She was kind of excited about the possibility to be put over Nate’s lap again and spanked. The idea turned her on in too many ways.

  Tori walked into the room. “Ok Violet, you are good to go. She had a concussion and no driving or being near bright lights. She will be in a lot of pain and as you can tell, she’s already on meds and I filled her medication for her to take for pain every four hours. You know the deal, Nate.”

  “Yes, I do. Thanks again, Tori.”

  Nate was glad to finally be able to take her back home. She was still on pain meds that were making him about lose his mind trying not to laugh and encourage her to keep being silly. She spoke nonstop the whole way home, informing him about her plans and why she had been pushing him away. The more she talked the more he wanted to put her over his knee and redden her ass to the point that she would not be able to sit for a year. All the health issues, her being sick, being upset that she could not have a baby and really wanting one with him. The funniest part was her talking about how horny she was and what she really wanted him to do to her including to be rougher and faster when they are fucking in the bed. She also admitted the trouble she had with being fucked in the ass, but she loved it when Nate does it and hopes that he does it in the shower with her soon; she was losing her mind with need.

  Sylvia just shook her head wishing that she was anywhere but sitting in the car with Nate and Violet. She was happy when Violet saw a dog running down the street and turned to really wanting a puppy, either a Husky or German Shephard. The woman’s mind was in la-la-land, but Nate and Sylvia loved her completely. Her craziness and all.

  Nate pulled into their driveway. Sylvia said goodbye as she jumped into her SUV and left Nate with Little Miss High. If Violet wasn’t driving him insane, he would have laughed at how eager Sylvia was to get away. Nate opened Violet’s door, undoing her seat belt as he picked her up and carried her into the house. All the while Violet kept saying that she could walk and babbled about how much she loved being pressed up against his chest.

  Hours seemed to pass and the high was finally gone. Violet’s head was throbbing unmercifully. She could hear Nate moving around downstairs. She was dying for a shower. Slowly she moved and stood up. Her head was throbbing, but she ignored it as she walked slowly to the shower. Turning it on she sat down on the bench in the shower and closed her eyes as the warm water helped her muscles relax. She rubbed her aching shoulders as leaned back against the wall. “You are supposed to be in bed.”

  “I’m sorry Sir. I couldn’t stand feeling all dirty and the water is helping my muscles.”

  Nate softens at her quiet voice. “Here baby, let me get you cleaned up. Lean into me.” Nate said quietly as she listened to him. He slowly pulled the washcloth over her as he cleaned her up. “Do you think you can stand long enough that I can wash your hair?”

  “Yes please.”

  He helps her stand, keeping a hand around her waist in case she would fall. It was difficult, but he got her hair all cleaned up and got her safely back into bed. She watched him move around the room. “I promised to tell you about what the plan was.”

  “You already told me.”

  “I did?”

  “Yes, while you were high on painkillers. You told me every single detail which I would have loved over a longer period. You even talked about how horny you are and that you want me to fuck you harder and rougher. That you are tired of the kid gloves I seem to wear every time we are together.” Her cheeks flushed to a bright red. “You also told me that you do want a D/s relationship but that you had been scared and you would do anything to make it up to me, especially after I accused you of not wanting it.” Nate kissed her forehead as he sat down on the bed beside her. “Baby, I’m sorry that I have been treating you with kid gloves. Those gloves are now off because I realized that you are so strong. Stronger than I could have ever imagined. I love you more than I could have ever fathomed… I am never going to leave you or hurt you. Yes, sometimes we will fight especially when you hide stuff, but nothing would make me walk out on you. You have written yourself onto my heart.”

  Violet looked at him wondering why he was talking about him leaving. Nate smiled. “You kept apologizing about the stuff you have done and begging me not to leave you.”

  “Oh,” Violet said quietly. Nate wiped his fingers softly over her cheek. She leaned in enjoying his touch.

  “I heard what you were saying to Sylvia when you were in the safe house, struggling with talking about what happened. Yes, I pushed you away and I locked myself in the office. Do you know what I was doing?” Violet shook her head no. “I was not abandoning you. I was planning a getaway for us both in case the worst happened. I was not about to let you run on your own. You need me, and I need you. Seeing you injured scared several years off my life. I can’t live without you. Violet Elling, will you marry me?” Nate pulled out a red velvet box and opened it to a beautiful emerald ring with diamonds around it.

  “Nate, it’s breathtaking. Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you, Nate.” Nate leaned in and kissed her.

  “Now sleep. I know your head is still hurting you a lot. I have a few things to get done. I’ll be in the office. Just holler if you need something.”

  “I need you.”

  “You have me, little one.”

  “I mean physically.”

  “Not right now. Your head has to heal for a while first.” He was denying her, and her pouted lips came out. He leaned forward biting the lip, kissing her. “Your safety comes first little one. Now, sleep my little fiancé.”

  “Yes, fiancé.” Violet smiled as Nate left and she snuggled up in the blanket and let the exhaustion claim her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Two weeks had passed since she had been hurt. She had gone back to the doctor and got a clean bill of health. She thought that it was stupid that Nate was so paranoid about something as minor as a concussion, but he was taking her health seriously. She loved him for it, but she missed him greatly. He was always busy on the new building project and she was not even allowed to work on the project or use any electronic devices. She mostly laid in bed all day obsessing over stuff. A few times she babysat Sammie or one of her Dominants friends with would come over, but Nate had her on a schedule to rest almost every other hour.

  With the clean bill of health and permission to have sex again, yes, she made the doctor write that. The memory still made her laugh. She placed the piece of paper on the table, so Nate would see it when he got home. She looked at the clock and knew she only had a couple hours before he’d be home.

  She took her time with the shower and shaving. She wanted to be perfectly smooth for what she hoped he would do to and for her. She slipped on the corset that she bought a couple weeks before she learned about the trial. Right after she started hooking up with Nate. She wanted something pretty that might make him interested in her again. She slipped on a lacy purple thong that matched the corset. She took a deep breath as she looked herself in the mirror. She was about to start with her makeup when a knock sounded downstairs. She groaned but quickly went to see who it is, forgetting to put on a robe. She smiled as she saw Sylvia through the door. She opened it.

  “Hey S. What brings you by? Shouldn’t you be working?” Violet smiled.

  “What’s with the get-up?”

  Violet look down with her eyes going wide. “Nothing.”

  “Bug, this is me you are talking to.”

  “I got a clean bill of health from the doctor and I’m trying…”

  “To top from the bottom. Girl, I taught you better than this.”

bsp; “Do… do you think that he still finds me sexy? I know he loves me, but he has barely touched me in weeks. Even that last week we were in custody. Maybe he’s not interested in me that way anymore.” Violet shrugged, hating the insecurities that had been plaguing her the past couple weeks.

  “Violet, have you talked with Nate?”

  “I’ve tried. I know that communication is key. But he is always so busy with the new building project. I’ve offered to help but he brushes me aside every time; like I’m worthless.” Violet sat down in the chair. “I know I’m not worthless, I can’t be, but I hate feeling like a burden to him all the time. I want to help.”

  “Come on girl. Let’s get your make-up done. We have got to make you even more killer than you already are.” Sylvia smiled. “Though I still don’t think that you need the make-up at all.”

  “You’d really help me with this? Even though it’s sort of topping from the bottom.”

  “Nothing sort of about it. Though he kind of deserves it. He knows you are a high-strung brat that needs to be calmed every night. I have warned him plenty of times.”

  “I’m not high-strung.” At the denial, Sylvia just raised her eyebrow. “Ok, well maybe a little, lately.” Violet chucked as she sat down on the vanity bench in the bathroom. Sylvia quickly applied the make-up and put a mirror in front of her, so she could see herself. “Wow, thanks S. This is amazing. He won’t be able to say no tonight, at least I hope not.”

  Nate heard his phone go off, looking at the screen he saw Sylvia’s name. He picked it up with a smile. “Hey, Sylvia.”

  “Do you remember a talk we had a while ago?”

  “We’ve had many. Which one are we referring too?” Nate asked as he shuffled through a pile of his papers, looking for something specific.

  “That she thought you thought she was too broken and disgusting…”

  “Why are we back to this again S?”

  “Because you’ve left her alone without anything to do for two weeks except obsessed over every insecurity that she has. She thinks that you don’t see her as sexy. That you keep her because you love her, but you are not sexually interested in her any longer. On top of that, she also thinks that she is a burden to you and you are making her feel worthless because you won’t let her help on the project even though it is her job that you gave to her to save her last time.”

  “She’s injured. She needs to rest and heal.”

  “She has a clean bill of health and she even made them add the fact that she is allowed to have sex.” Sylvia sighed as she shook her head. “Nate go home to your love, show her how much you care and for once stop overworking yourself. The building project will be there tomorrow and the next day. Then unleash your woman on this project before she kills you in a need of lust or boredom.” Sylvia chuckled.

  “I hear you Sylvia, loud and clear. I’ll head home now. I still think that she should be resting.”

  “Nate she is not Angelica. She’s not fragile. She is a strong, independent, hard-working woman. She needs to feel wanted and important. You may be protecting her, but you are pushing her away from the project makes her feel worthless and I know you do not want her to feel that way. Oh, and she’s been trying to communicate with you about all this, but you have not been listening.”

  “Yeah, I got tunnel vision on this project. I admit that. To home, I go.”

  “Have fun. Oh, and make sure to tell her she’s pretty.”

  “I already do that.”

  “She did something special to make sure you could not deny her. You might want to grab flowers or something to apologize with. You owe her that much.”

  Violet was sitting sideways on the dungeon’s spanking bench with her legs up on the piece that usually held a submissive’s knees, trying to figure out the best way to get him interested in her. She bit her lip as she heard Nate come into the house. She froze as she heard him coming down the stairs towards the dungeon. She quickly jumped off the bench and knelt to the ground in a submissive pose with her palms resting on her upper thigh. Coming through the door Nate saw her in the beautiful pose looking towards the ground. The sight took his breath away.

  “You look gorgeous my beautiful girl.” The praise warmed her heart. “I saw the doctor’s note and the additional note that they thought needed to be added. Did you ask for that to be added or is Tori having some fun?”

  “I asked Sir.”


  “I missed you. I was going crazy without your touch. I knew that you wouldn’t touch me until you knew that I was healed.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you care about my safety. Though you are a tad overprotective Sir.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Are you so eager for your punishment? I thought you would want to put that off as long as possible.”

  “Punishment?” Violet asked. She had not really thought about being punished. Her mind was mostly on the pleasure and the release that she had been craving for weeks.

  “Yes. You planned on running without me. You kept so much hidden and shut yourself off from me. We are going to fix that quickly. I appreciate that you finally told me, but you should have told me sooner.”

  “Yes, Sir. You’re right. I should have told you my plans but…”

  “No buts. No trying to explain your way out of this. You fucked up and will take your punishment like a big girl.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Stand and lean over the spanking bench, feet apart.” She quickly did as he asked, not hesitating at all. He was right. She deserved the punishment and so much more. She had put him through hell so many times and she knew that he only punished her because he loved her so much. She stood there letting her mind going wild as she listened to him moving around the room. “Clear your mind little one. Think of what you have done wrong. I’ll be back.”

  Back! Back? Where was he going? Violet asked silently. She knew she would be in more trouble if she did not get her mind right. She trusted Nate and she needed to show that trust. As she stood there, she remembered all the things that she did that would make Nate lose his trust in her.

  Nate had quickly changed out of his suit, putting on a pair of his favorite sweats. He stood, leaning on the doorframe of the dungeon, shirtless in his bare feet smiling at the woman he loved. She looked perfect in the little outfit that she had put on for him. Of course, she could wear a sack and he would still think that she was the most beautiful woman on the planet. He watched as emotions flew over her face as she bit her lip. He knew that she was following his instructions. He slowly moved up as he saw a tear slip from her eye. He did not want her upset. “Why are you crying little locket?” He asked as he stepped up beside her. She kept her head down as her small voice came out. “I betrayed your trust so many times...”

  Nate leaned down and moved her face to the side as he kissed her. “We both made a lot of mistakes, but we are making those things right between us tonight. A clean slate.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Nate stepped up behind her. “Did you pick these out for me?” Nate’s fingers barely skimmed over the lacy material of her underwear.

  “Yes, Sir. Before we learned about the trial. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “You don’t need to dress special for me. I love you in all your outfits and without an outfit.” Nate kissed her shoulder. “You are my little goddess.” He grabbed both sides of her underwear and slowly pulled them to the ground, tapping her ankle as she lifted her foot. Repeating it on the other side, he pulled the underwear off her, bringing it to his nose and took a deep sniff before tossing them onto the table above her head.

  Nate stood beside Violet’s leg, softly caressing her ass cheeks. Pulling his hand back and quickly brought it back against her flesh. Thump. Thump. Thump. Violet’s breathing was labored as she gasped every time his hand connected with her flesh. He knew the moment that the pain turned to pleasure. He could smell her arousal. He was proud
of her for not begging. He knew that she was on the edge, but she held on for him. “I’m proud of you little locket. Holding out for me, even though I know you want relief.” He spoke quietly in her ear, still caressing her reddened ass. “Stand.” She quickly straightened, crossing her legs, eyes cast down. Nate smirked at her, knowing she was nervous and still thinking about what she had done wrong. Nate picked up her chin, leaning in kissing her. He hands going to the corset. He pulled back from kissing her enough to pull the laces out of the corset until it fell to the ground. Stepping back, he smiles as he looks at the naked woman that he was in complete love with.

  “Get onto the bed, lay on your back, spread your arms,” Nate said huskily as she quickly turned and followed his directions. Pulling out the fur-lined cuffs, he cuffed her arms to the overhead bar.

  Nate moved onto the bed, covering her body. He kissed and caressed his way down Violet’s body until he was at the one place he wanted to be. He pushed her legs over his shoulders as he finally tasted her tangy wetness.

  Violet gasped as Nate licked and sucked on her. She could feel her release begging to be free. “Nate I can’t hold on.” He kept sucking as she pleaded with him, doing anything to hold in her orgasm.

  “Now!” Nate ordered as he slipped a finger into her ass, slowly pumping in and out as his mouth kept sucking.

  “Nate!” Violet screamed as she came, and he licked up every drop of cum. He slipped out from her legs. Her breathing was slowly starting to return to normal as Nate chuckled.

  “I’m not done with you yet.”

  “I will take everything you have Sir.” Violet smiled sweetly.

  “Yes, you will. You’ll take every hard inch I have.” Nate said as he thrust deep in Violet as she screamed out in surprise and ecstasy. Nate pulled out and pushed back in just as hard. He pushed up one of her knees to be able to push in farther, she wrapped her other leg around his waist. “God, your tight baby. Your hot channels are trying to break my control.”

  “Not. My. Fault.” Violet barely breathed as she kept moaning on each thrust that Nate pushed into her. She bit her lip, worried that she was not going to hold out before she orgasmed again. She held back as she looked up into Nate’s eyes. He leaned down and kissed her as his hand went between them and he rubbed her clit. “It totally is your fault. I’m addicted to you.” Nate kissed her again.


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