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Forbidden Attraction: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

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by K. C. Crowne

  Forbidden Attraction

  A Contemporary Romance Box Set

  K.C. Crowne


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  Also by K.C. Crowne

  Book One - Big Bad Daddy

  Book Two - Big Bad Boss

  Book Three - Big Bad Doctor

  Book Four - Big Bad SEAL

  Book Five - Big Bad Taboo Daddy

  Book Six - Big Bad Mountain Brothers

  Baby For The Mountain Man (Preview)

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2020 by K.C. Crowne

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

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  Also by K.C. Crowne

  All books are FREE on Kindle Unlimited and can be read as standalones.

  Rainbow Canyons Cowboy Series (this series) Untamed Cowboy |Taboo Cowboy |Cowboy’s Baby|Her Cowboy Daddies

  Mountain Men of Liberty Series

  Baby for the Mountain Man| Junior for the Mountain Man| Knocked Up by the Mountain Man| Baby For Daddy's Friend | Triplets for the Mountain Man | Taboo Mountain Daddy| Mountain Man’s Secret Baby

  Big Bad Daddies Series

  Big Bad Doctor | Big Bad Daddy| Big Bad Taboo Daddy | Big Bad Prince|Big Bad Mountain Man| Big Bad SEAL| Big Bad Boss| Big Bad Sugar Daddy| Big Bad Mountain Brothers

  Bearded Brothers Mountain Man Series

  Her Mountain Daddy| Beauty and the Beard| Bride and the Beard| Built and Bearded |

  Firemen of Manhattan Series

  Big Bad Fireman’s Baby| Big Bad Firefighter| Big Bad Fire Daddy|

  Spenser Sisters Reverse Harem Series

  Men on a Mission| Christmas with Four Firemen| Dirty Cowboys

  Checkout KC’s full Amazon Catalog

  All books are FREE on Kindle Unlimited and can be read as standalones.

  Don’t have Kindle Unlimited? It's $10 per month to enjoy unlimited access to over 1 million books – including virtually my entire catalog. Sign up here: (I don’t get any commission if you sign up but I’m happy for you to join my KU family.)

  Book One - Big Bad Daddy

  Years ago, one fateful night changed my world.

  He took my virginity, then left town.

  Now, it’s up to me to clear his name.

  If this isn’t irony I don’t know what is.

  I watch as Martin leans back in his chair.

  Arms folded over a broad chest.

  An unshakable confidence that makes my blood BOIL.

  Still devilishly handsome.

  Turns out the devil is twisted. Arrogant. Cold.

  It's up to me to clear his name.

  Our past? Complicated.

  The only thread that still remains...

  Is a precious little girl he knows nothing about.

  "Let's get this the h*ll over with."

  My finger presses record as I brace myself.

  "Anything you say can and will be used against you..."



  So…this is it.

  Music was forcing its way into my ears and echoing into my skull, with determination to wake me up.

  It was working.

  Blood pumped in my veins from the adrenaline that came from realizing this was a pivotal moment in my life.

  Standing back and looking around the party made me feel… alive.

  The last hurrah. We were going to be citizens of the world.

  Many would be moving across the country or all over the world to their next destinations.

  But not before getting shit faced.

  Displayed before me were at least three different beer pong matches going on, and there was enough alcohol to supply the local bar for three months. Of course, seeing as it was free, it would all be gone by morning. No doubt.

  This was the way the typical senior high school kid partied: drink it if you got it, and for God’s sake don’t ask any fucking questions.

  I poured myself another beer and smiled unabashedly at a group of girls who had gathered around the corner with red beer cups in their hands. I watched as they launched into an almost comical outburst of giggles, making me chuckle.

  My thoughts flew back to everything that had happened during my senior year and the summer that was now coming to an end. They called me the ‘big man on campus’ – whatever the hell that meant. Apparently I had it all. The guy with a million signatures in his yearbook and invited to almost every party worth attending. Little did most of my friends know, it was all an act.

  Then there were those senseless sex ed classes I’d all been forced to sit through, and the endless droning on about abstinence. If only Miss Pickler knew that I was too far past the point of saving.

  I was a lucky man to have Rene around, who kept me both sane and awake in class. I thought back to the puns that came out of that girl’s mouth and smiled to myself. As innocent as she was, her mind truly was filthy.

  And I loved every bit of it.

  She’d been funny and quick with a snarky comment, gorgeous, and ballsier than half the guys I knew.

  The girl was really something else.

  Rene seemed to somehow have everything figured out for herself. Me on the other hand, I was miles behind when it came to having life in the bag. Of course, it appeared the complete opposite.

  I played baseball my entire life, starting with T-ball and working my way up to the elite youth leagues. I had played for the school during the school year, and for a traveling youth league during the summer. There really hadn’t ever been a time that I wasn’t giving everything I had to the game, and it had eventually paid off. I received a scholarship to NYU, and with it a chance to really play ball with some of the best in the country.

  But my love for the game had eventually diminished, along with the loss of my inspiration for playing in the first place. My dad.

  Life really was fucked up like that. You get the one thing you’ve always thought you wanted only to realize it’s not at all what you want.

  It had been three years, and the memory of that horrific night woke me up in cold sweat at least twice a week. Every damn time the vivid scene came flashing back, I wanted to punch the lights out of the officer at the door.

  “Dead? What the hell do you mean they’re dead?”

  I’d just seen my parents a few hours prior to the accident when they’d driven off to see mom’s favorite country singer on stage. It was dad’s 25th year marriage anniversary gift to her.

  The officer at the door could barely get the words out.

  The poor bastard was broken by the news himself. He’d served on the force with my father, who had been a cop for over twenty years. Just a year shy of retirement.

  Just like that. A head on collision with a drunk driver and they were gone.

  They deserved better.

  But their memory would live on. I was their only child and I was going to make damn sure of it. One day I was going to follow in my father’s footsteps and become a cop.

  I took my beer out on the balcony and gulped it down. I watched out over in the backyard at the people playing in the pool. I forced a smile, pushing the thought of my dead father
out of my head.

  My friend, Arthur, a lanky redhead, gave me a thumbs-up from below and then cannonballed into the pool. It was his parents’ house, and they were out of town again on some extravagant vacation, leaving the place open and empty for Arthur.

  I stepped over a passed-out kid from my Chem class and kept walking.

  And at that moment, halfway through my drink and lost in my thoughts, I found my eye on the one girl that could freeze time where ever I was.

  Rene Cole. In the flesh.

  She was all curves, soft pale skin, with a mass of wavy auburn hair tamed into a ponytail. One of her finest assets was a set of enormous and soulful blue eyes that always saw through my bullshit.

  Rene both scared the crap out of me and drove me wild.

  She wore a silky rose-colored dress that demurely covered her from throat to knees but was cut almost to the tailbone in back.

  Her sensual beauty and curves made it hard to be her friend at times. Who the hell was I kidding? All the time.

  She was so incredibly hot, but the best part was she had zero idea.

  We ran with different crowds. She didn’t have time to mess around.

  She was smart as well as beautiful—one of those hard-working grade machines. She was also incredibly driven, knowing what she wanted and how she was going to get it.

  Most of the girls in our graduating class were more concerned landing the most likes on their Instagram selfies than their actual future. Rene had it all figured out and I admired that about her.

  Right now, she was standing alone on the other side of the room, looking at the books on the shelves.

  I felt my dick stir to life and took a big gulp of my beer and started walking through the crowd.

  I approached her and stood there, waiting for her to turn her attention to me. Thanks to the form fitting dress she had on, I didn’t mind waiting and enjoyed the view before me. The poor, sweet nerd was so buried in one of the books that she didn’t even notice. After a minute or two I cleared my throat.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone read at a kegger .”

  “Jesus Martin!” she squealed, jumping a foot in off the ground. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  I laughed and jumped out of the way as she swatted me with the heavy book. “Why aren’t you mingling?”

  “Mingling,” she rolled her eyes. “You know I don’t fit in here.”

  I looked around the room and realized she was right. Most of them weren’t her friends. “So why are you here then?” I asked.

  “Peer pressure,” she nudged at her friend Abby who at this point was tongue deep with one of the baseball jocks in the corner of the room and I got her point.

  “Besides, I couldn’t let my baby daddy go off to play ball without one last farewell,” she quipped.

  I burst out laughing. “Crap! I almost forgot about that stupid project.”

  She nodded. “And we would have passed it, if someone hadn’t dropped our poor little bundle of joy right on its head the day before we had to turn it in.”

  I shrugged. “Hey, it’s not my fault Pickler marked the eggs with invisible ink so they couldn’t be switched out. I thought we were home free.”

  Rene feigned horror. “I can’t believe you would think you could pass off some generic egg from the store for little Eggbert.”

  I shook my head. “Let’s be honest, I’m not exactly the father of year type.”

  We laughed and I was struck again by how much I liked the girl. In all honesty, I never thought she’d give a cocky jock like me the time of day in a relationship.

  Maybe I was wrong.

  I sure as hell wanted to find out.

  “Hey, it’s kinda loud in here, you want to go somewhere a little quieter to talk?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she said. Sounding relieved that I’d asked.

  “Follow me,” I replied, gently taking her hand and heading through the crowd. Through the lively crowd, I spotted my ex who was staring daggers at us.

  Cindy Stone. I’d really dodged a bullet with that nut case. The girl cared about three things in life: Looks, money, and getting shitfaced as often as she could. She made me realize that a pretty face didn’t go far.

  Not that Rene wasn’t ten times hotter, but she was also a girl with real substance. Too bad the two of us would soon be hundreds of miles apart when we went off to college.

  Just tell Rene what you think of her already.

  Rene held my hand tightly as we moved through the mass of people and to the grand sweep of the main staircase. I took her upstairs, to the top floor where an empty guest room beckoned.

  An open set of French windows let a cooling breeze into the room. We could look out over the house from out there, watching everyone acting crazy in the pool, but we were shielded by the fact that we were up so high. It was quiet and secluded.

  I kept hold of her hand as I led her out onto the balcony. She didn’t seem nervous to be alone with me. She looked around, seeming unaware of how much I wanted to kiss her.

  “I’m pretty sure my house would fit on this floor.”

  “Arthur’s dad is a financial guru.” I laughed.

  “Lucky for Arthur,” she replied looking around.

  Suddenly, without warning, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers, waiting for her reaction. She froze for a moment, and then relaxed against me, fingers trailing over my biceps.

  She didn’t pull away, instead slowly returning my kiss as she whimpered against my lips. I felt the tremor run through her body, and knew I had to have her.

  “Do you want to stop? We can go back downstairs or just ditch the party and grab a bit to eat or something.”

  “I’ve wanted this for a long time,” she replied looking deeply into my eyes.

  Now I was fucked.

  I had no doubt if she looked down, she could see the degree of desire I had for her. I kissed her hungrily as I nudged her onto her back on the bed.

  My hands rubbed up and down her bared back, making her shiver harder when my fingers brushed her spine.

  Her skin was soft, and I could taste the sweet vanilla on her lips.

  The same innocent scent of hers that always drove me wild.

  I pulled her body close to mine, running my hand down the slick fabric of her dress. Her skin was covered in goosebumps, and she whimpered slightly as I kissed her even harder. I pulled back slightly and rubbed my tongue over her lips before pulling back.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

  She swallowed, and smiled.

  Is she blushing?

  Fuck. Her innocence alone almost drove me over the fucking edge.

  I drove my lips to hers.

  My hand was cupping her breast through her dress. I teased my thumb across her hard nipple through the fabric. She moaned as I unfastened her dress at the back of her neck and slid the fabric down off her breasts.

  “Holy shit, you are hot as hell,” I breathed, meaning every word. My dick throbbed harder and harder. I didn’t know how much longer I could actually wait.

  But I wanted her to enjoy it too. I buried my face between her breasts, and then eagerly sucked one of her nipples into my mouth.

  She went rigid, and then a hard shudder went through her as I suckled her hard. Her thighs clenched around one of mine; her hips rocked enticingly. “Oh!” she gasped. “Oh… that feels so good, oh God...”

  I feasted on her, moving from one nipple to the other and sucking them roughly as she squirmed and begged for more under me. Her hips humped against my leg in reaction to every pull of my mouth; she crooned and dug her nails against my back.

  I curled my hips and ran the bulge of my groin against her through the dress, so that she rubbed on my cock instead of my leg. It felt so good: every shudder and shimmy, whether her hips circled or rocked. Every little movement made me want her pussy more.

  Was she ready? Did she want it? I slid a hand under her dress and rubbed her through her panties, making her moans
go deeper, lustier. Her panties were soaked with her juices. She wanted it.

  Finally, I forced myself to raise my head to see her reaction and if I should stop. The last thing I wanted was for our first time to be anything less than 100% what she wanted.

  Both of us were out of breath, our hearts beating wildly in our chests as we pressed against each other. I could hear her breathing heavily, our bodies moving over one another. “Oh God, I’ve never wanted to fuck someone so much in my life.”

  I raised myself over her, hips still nestled against hers, pressing my bulge against her. “Say you want it.”

  “You have to say yes,” I whispered. “That’s the only way this is going down.”

  She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as I ran my tongue down her neck and back up to her earlobe. I sucked it into my mouth and moved my hand up to her breast, squeezing tightly. She moaned softly, lost in my hands.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. “Don’t you dare stop.”

  Prequel II


  He smiled a devilishly cocky smile that nearly drove me over the edge.

  Broad chest heaving, his coffee-colored hair hanging over his drowsy dark eyes.

  I could feel his cock throbbing hard as he rubbed it against my aching pussy through two layers of fabric.

  Holy fuck, is this happening?

  I was riding a wave of bliss that only intensified when he pulled off his shirt eagerly to reveal his powerful chest.


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