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Forbidden Attraction: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 67

by K. C. Crowne

  “You and Dr. Curtis? You're kidding me. He's like three times your age.”

  “What can I say? I like a more sophisticated gentleman.”

  I shuddered and walked away.

  “Enjoy your cocktails,” I grimaced.

  I didn't know who had a rougher deal, Curtis or Lucy. At last, as the last of the sun dipped into the horizon and darkness descended over the building, I grabbed my things, zipped up my coat and walked out into the night.

  Usually, I would feel a wash of relaxation come over me as I left to go home, but tonight, I found myself looking over my shoulder into the dark corners of the parking lot. I knew it was unlikely Billy would be there looking for me, but I hadn’t thought he'd turn up at Flannigan's again either.

  I'd never forget the look in his eyes as he cornered me. Dark, dishonest and totally psychopathic. I used to think I could trust him, but now I was coming to realize I never even knew him. The controlling, deranged side was the real him. And I never wanted to see it again.

  Hurriedly, I half-jogged over to my car. The temperature had dropped along with the sun, and a light flurry of snow had mixed in with the auburn leaves.

  Before I could start the engine, my phone rang, and I was pleased to see Ruby's number flash on the screen.

  “Hey, Roobs!”

  “How's it goin'? Please don't tell me you're still at work!”

  “Just leaving.”

  “For Christ's sake, Megan. You need to take it easy. Take a day off or something. After last night you need to take some time to look after yourself.”

  “I'm fine,” I insisted. “The world can't just stop because I had a bad night. Besides, I love my job.”

  “And I love knowing you're okay. I worry about you.”

  “You don't have to.”

  “But I'm your best friend. It's my job to worry about you. Now tell me when you're coming home. I'll order a pizza and the two of us can pig out. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds amazing. But I gotta swing by my house first and pick up a few clothes and things. Won't be long.”

  “Awesome. By the way, I just gotta tell you that I'm coming around to the idea of being a dog person.”

  “You are?” I laughed.

  “Rolo and Reuben have been angels all day, despite the cats swiping at their ears and trying to steal their food.

  “My boys are the best,” I said, looking forward to seeing them and getting a slobbery cuddle with the both of them. “Anyway, I better shoot. My phones only on ten percent. You need me to get anything?”

  “No, just hurry up and get back. I'm starving!”

  I hung up and blew hot air into my cold hands. It was a short drive to my house, and I blasted the radio to keep me company along the way.

  Arriving out front of my house, I looked up at the empty building and felt sad at the sight of it. It didn't look like my cozy, warm home anymore. Instead it appeared dark and dingy and tainted. Unlocking the front door, I flipped on the light and stared right down the hall into the kitchen where I could see the back door was still barricaded with the kitchen table. Looking up at the hook, I saw where my spare keys used to hang.

  He took them. I know he did.

  And that means he's planning on using them.

  That's when the thought struck me.

  Is he here now? Is he in the house waiting for me?

  My heart began to race as I stared at closets and closed doors and imagined he was behind each and every one of them ready to jump on me.

  “Stop it,” I told myself. “You've got nothing to be afraid of. He's not here.”

  But I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. And suddenly, I didn't feel as though I was in my own house anymore, but a hostile zone where I was no longer safe.

  But at the same time, I wasn't going to let Billy scare me like this. He was just a loser, just some coward.

  “If you're here come out now!” I shouted to the empty house. “I mean it. If you're here come and get me. I'm not scared of you like you want me to be!”

  There was no response but an eerie silence and my own voice echoing back at me.

  “That's what I thought. I'm just letting my imagination run away with itself.”

  Moving upstairs, I entered my bedroom and began packing my things into a suitcase. I didn't know how much longer I was going to stay with Ruby, but a girl could never have too many sets of pajamas and leggings.

  With my case packed, I hurried downstairs, entered the kitchen and grabbed my last bottle of wine from the pantry.

  “Right, time to go get that pizza.”

  My stomach growled in response. Back out in the car, I took a minute to look up at the house. I had no idea when I'd be back.

  Sliding the key in the ignition, I started to relax as I thought of a quiet night in with Ruby and our fur babies. All seven of them now. Her landlord was going to go nuts when he found out.

  Looking down at the clock, I figured I could be back at Ruby's in under ten minutes if the roads were empty.

  Ten minutes until pepperoni and Netflix. Ten minutes until I could climb out my uniform and slide into my furry slippers and snuggle up under a blanket in my fleece pjs.

  Except, as I turned the key in the ignition and pulled away from the curb, I heard a loud, rubbery flapping sound coming from one of the back wheels.

  “What the fuck?”

  I switched the engine off and jumped out. I expected to find something caught in the back wheel like a shopping bag or a piece of garbage. What I saw instead knocked the breath out of me.

  The back tire was slashed to pieces as though someone had angrily hacked at it with a carving knife.

  “No. No!”

  I knelt down and felt my hands along the damage, praying that my eyes were deceiving me. But I was seeing it clear as day as my fingers felt the loose ends of the rubber and the metal rim of the bare wheel.

  He must have been watching.

  Reaching for my phone, my immediate thought was to call the cops.

  “Nine-one-one what's your emergency?” came the clipped female voice.

  “My ex slashed my tires! He's been stalking me.”

  “Okay, please remain calm, ma'am and we'll do what we can. Is he still there?”

  “No, I can't see him. But he must have been watching me. He must be around somewhere! Can you send someone right away to seven-three-seven Brisk Avenue?”

  “Do you believe he's armed?”

  “At least with a knife, yes.”

  “Okay. I'm gonna send some officers around straight away. Go somewhere safe to wait.”

  The phone clicked as she hung up and I was left standing in silence.

  I stared at my phone. I saw it was only on two percent battery and looked up the road hoping to see the red and blue flashing lights of the police. But I saw nothing but darkness.

  Shit, they could take forever! And what am I supposed to do? Just stand here like a dummy and wait? I've seen far too many horror movies.

  I looked back down at my phone and saw my battery had shrunk down to one percent.

  Think fast! Who can get here?

  My mind immediately went to the one person who could help, who had saved me before and said he would again. Pressing his name, I waited with bated breath to hear his voice and hoped to God my phone wouldn't die.



  “Megan! How's it goin?”

  “Not good. Remember you said if that asshole came creeping around again you'd-”

  “Beat his ass again? I would never forget. Is he back?”

  “He slashed the shit out my tires!”

  “Bastard. I'll be right there.”

  I gave him my address just before my phone died. Then I waited. Still, there was no sign of a cop car, and I kept looking up and down the sidewalk for any sign of my neighbors. But I was completely on my own. Except I didn't feel alone. I felt as though I had eyes on me.

  If Billy was watching me
for long enough to know I'd left my car unattended for a few minutes, then he had to be watching me now too. And he had something big enough to do serious damage to my tires.

  I found my eyes focusing on the shadowy spots of my garden where the trees clustered in the darkness.

  He's in those shadows. He's watching me right now.

  “Come on. Come on. Where are the fucking cops?”

  I burrowed myself down deep inside my coat, grabbed my keys and darted for the house once more. But all the way up the steps to the front door, I was thinking He's out there. He's watching me.

  In the bushes, something rustled and I jumped, keys between my fingers weaponized in case I needed to use them. But the rustling turned into the flapping sounds of a bird as it flew through the leaves.

  Hurrying inside, I locked the door, double checking that it wouldn't budge. Then I turned on all the lights.

  “You thought you'd never see me again, didn't you?” came a voice behind me.

  I froze and felt the hairs rise along the back of my neck. Slowly, I swiveled my head around. In the doorway to the kitchen Billy stood wearing all black. Even his gloves and hat were black, his scarf pulled up high over his nose. All I could see were his icy blue eyes; cold, stormy, and deadly.

  “The cops are coming,” I told him. “They're on their way right now.”

  Somehow, despite his face being covered, I could tell he was smiling. I could see the amusement in his eyes and the intention behind them. He was loving every second of frightening me. Loving the thought of having control over me in my own home.

  I should have never come back here. I should have known he would be waiting.

  Straining my ears, I tried to listen out for the sound of the police, but all I heard was Billy's heavy breathing. The small patches of skin I could see above his scarf were bright red and sweaty, but he wasn't flustered or afraid. He was excited.

  Slowly, keeping his eyes on mine, he moved his hand around to his back. He pulled at something in the waistband of his jeans, a slight metallic sound ringing out through the hallway.

  My mind raced.

  Is it a gun or a knife he was holding?

  Frantically, my eyes darted around the hall for something to protect myself with, but all I saw was my old landline phone and the keys in my hand.

  “Where's your new boyfriend?” Billy mocked. “Doesn't look like he's here to save you tonight.”

  He laughed; his voice slightly muffled by his scarf. I kept my gaze toward the back of his hand.

  What the hell is he hiding back there?

  What does he want to do to me?

  My heart raced a mile a minute as I tried to think fast, my eyes constantly scanning for a weapon.

  “Don't be stupid, Billy. The cops are gonna be here any second now.”

  Come on. Come on! There must be something here to protect yourself with.

  I cursed myself for not having the dogs in the house.

  I should never have come back here! I should have gone straight to Ruby's!

  With my keys in my hand, I edged back toward the front door, the only way out.

  “Thinking of going somewhere?” Billy smiled.

  Slowly, he moved his hand out from behind his back. I hoped to God he was just playing with me, but as I saw what was clutched between his gloved fingers, I knew he was deadly serious. A large, serrated hunting knife appeared in his hand. I knew how easily it could rip apart my tires, so I could only guess what it could do to me.

  “Put it down, Billy. Don't do something you'll regret.”

  “Oh, I'm not going to regret a thing. I'm going to enjoy every second of this.”

  For a second, we stood facing each other, staring into each other's eyes as we guessed who would make the first move. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't move. All I could do was stare at the knife and imagine it going into my body.

  Get the fuck out, I told myself. Run!

  In one swift movement, I turned the doorknob, ripped the door open, and ran out into the night.

  But he was quick on my heels, his heavy boots crunching up the path behind me. I could feel him approach, feel him breathing down my neck. Then a yanking motion jerked me back as he grabbed the hood of my coat. I fell flat onto my back and looked up to see the white light of the moon bouncing into his eyes. He towered over me, knife still in his hand.

  “I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me last night. Bet you thought you'd won. But I'm just getting started.”

  I moved to stand up, but he slapped me hard across the face and pushed me back down into the ground. Kneeling down, he pulled the scarf from his face to reveal his chapped lips. The smell of hard liquor and cigarettes stung my nose.

  “You'll not be seeing that new boyfriend of yours again,” he said. “You'll not be-”

  The sound of an engine screeching to a halt followed by the slamming of a door interrupted him.

  “Hey!” Jared screamed.

  He was jumping out of his truck and running at full speed toward us.

  “Get the fuck away from her!”

  “Be careful! He has a knife!”

  But Jared wasn't afraid. He was angrier than ever and launched himself at Billy, the two of them tumbling into the snow with their fists flailing.

  Billy drew back the knife, lifted it overhead as though he was going to plow it into Jared's chest. But before he could, Jared punched him hard in the throat and kicked him square in the chest. Billy flew backward just as Jared caught the knife in midair.

  I ran to his side as Billy reached a hand to his throat and coughed uncontrollably. He curled himself up in the fetal position as he struggled to breathe and whimper.

  “Fucking coward,” Jared spat.

  He looked down at the knife in his hand and shook his head.

  Billy spluttered and groaned in response still clutching at his throat, his face bright red and covered in sweat.

  Finally, the sound of sirens filled the air, and we looked down the road to see a police car swinging round the bend. I expected to see Billy attempt to make an escape, but as he tried to stand, he fell back down again, holding his hand to his chest where Jared kicked him.

  “You broke my fucking rib,” he gasped.

  “You’re lucky that’s all I broke. Seriously, asshole. You should have learned your lesson from the last time.”

  I stood in my living room looking out the window as the police car disappeared into the distance with Billy in the back. Across the road, the neighbor's curtains twitched. If only they'd paid an interest earlier...

  “Are you okay?” Jared asked, approaching me from behind.

  “Yeah. I think so.”

  But inside I was terrified. Even more so now that it was over, and I had time to think about what happened.

  “If you hadn't arrived just when you did, I think he really would have killed me.”

  He rubbed my arm gently to comfort me, and I leaned my head into him. It naturally settled into his shoulder, like our bodies were supposed to fit together.

  “Thank you,” I said, although that didn't feel like enough. “That's the second time you've saved me in two nights.”

  “I was happy to do it,” he said and pulled me closer to him.

  He brushed his fingers through my hair, and I melted further into him, breathing in his scent. Looking up into his blue eyes, I saw they were soft and kind.

  “You could have been hurt,” I told him. “That knife Billy had was no joke.”

  “You think that's the first guy I've wrestled with a knife?” he laughed. “Besides, he didn't even know how to use the thing.”

  I marveled at his ability to see the funny side, to appear unphased by everything. Was he really not afraid of violence? Of dying? Or was he faking it?

  I was starting to think the cocky masculine persona was no charade, but his true self. He really was a tough as fuck alpha, a war hero, a survivor of the Mafia, a bulletproof badass with a heart of gold.

I stared up at him, feeling the strength of his arms as he wrapped them around me, I felt as though I was looking up at the strongest man I'd ever met.

  In all my life, I'd never looked for strength in anyone but myself. I wanted to fight my own battles, but right then, I needed him and not just to save me.

  Reaching up on tiptoes I kissed him, gently at first then harder when he brushed his tongue against mine. He smelled like the cold air from outside but tasted sweet and warm.

  Our bodies mingled together so naturally, our limbs locking together. I couldn't stop my hands drifting inside his coat and up under his sweater to feel his stomach, yearning to feel his muscles.

  “Wait,” he gasped in between kisses, cupping my face and pushing me away. “This isn't why I'm here. I came to help you-”

  “Shut up.”

  I silenced him with an even harder kiss and reached further under his shirt to feel the strength and definition of his chest muscles. He was solid and strong, his touches firm but gentle.

  When his hands moved down to my hips, pulling me toward him, I reveled in the sensation of being gripped by his powerful hands. He groaned as I kissed him, and as I pushed myself against him, I could feel he was hard inside his pants. The excitement grew within me as I pressed a hand over his crotch and felt the size of him through the fabric.

  “Let's go upstairs,” I whispered in his ear, and he didn't need to be told twice.

  Scooping me up in his arms, he pulled me to his waist, and I wrapped my legs around him. Compared to him, I was nothing but a doll in a giant's hands. But I felt protected by his side, felt feminine being held by his muscles.

  He carried me up the stairs, kissing me all the way up until we reached the landing.

  “Bedroom's that way,” I giggled.

  I didn't recognize the sound of my voice. It was as though my body had been overtaken by some youthful, carefree spirit. I had never felt giddy like this in any man's arms before. I had always believed that the feeling of being swept of your feet by a prince charming was nothing but a fairy tale.

  But Jared was all real, and so was the hunger inside me for him. I grew impatient as he carried me down the hallway and began tearing at his clothes the second we tumbled in through the door.


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