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Forbidden Attraction: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 80

by K. C. Crowne

  “You walked here?” Noah asked, seeming shocked.

  “I don’t have a car,” I said with a shrug.

  Noah rested his elbows on the table and frowned. “You shouldn’t walk home so late.”

  I gulped and had a sudden fear that he would offer to drive me home.

  “Let me give you money for a cab. I wouldn’t feel right if you walked home in the dark.”

  “No, that’s not necessary. I’ll be fine, I promise. I have pepper spray and am always very aware of my surroundings.”

  He hesitated. “I still don’t like the idea of it. Here, let me drive you.”

  I tried to protest, but Tess jumped up and grabbed my hand, leading me toward the garage.

  The ride home was awkward, especially since it was completely silent. Tess and Noah couldn’t really converse with her in the back seat while he was driving. When he pulled up in front of my building, I nearly jumped out of the car before it came to a stop.

  “Thank you for the ride and for dinner.”

  “Of course,” Noah replied. Tess jumped in the front seat in my place before signing to her father. “She says she can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

  “I’ll get in contact with you when I finish the concept board, ok?” I directed that more toward Tess than her father.

  Tess signed something, then slowed down so I could see and copy the gesture. “It means okay,” Noah clarified.

  I grinned and signed okay back. Tess gave me one more hug before I closed the car door and they drove off into the night.

  Chapter 7


  I got home from work and all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Tess was off for the weekend at a friend’s house, so I would be home alone for the first time in a long time. I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself.

  I was suffocating in my suit. My tie constricted my breathing, and I just wanted to lounge in my boxers. I took off my jacket and laid it over my left arm and began to disrobe by the door. I walked to my room and noticed something was wrong. I knew I’d locked the house before I left for work. I knew this, yet a woman was splayed out across my bed.

  At first, I didn’t recognize her. Her long dark hair shrouded her face and chocolate eyes. Then she moved and I realized it was Jenna. She wore nothing but white lace panties that left little to the imagination. Her hair covered parts of her torso, but I could still see her pert breasts and pebble-like nipples.

  A hunger hit me like a tidal wave. I wanted to launch myself forward and ravish her. Make her scream my name as she bared her neck to me. I wanted to mark her and claim her as my own.

  I fought the beast inside me and stood still in the doorway of my room.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, Noah.” Her voice was like silk dancing across my skin. “I’ve been a patient girl. I want you so bad.” Her full lips formed a pout, and she climbed onto her hands and knees. She began to crawl across the mattress toward me like I was her prey.

  “I’ve been thinking about all the naughty things I’m going to do to you.”

  Jenna paused to lick her lips and tucked a chunk of hair behind her ear. I had a good view of her breasts and wondered what it’d be like to grope them. Would they be as soft as they looked? Would she moan as I played with her nipples?

  “I’m gonna milk you dry, Noah,” she rasped. “I’m gonna suck your cock so good. I want you cum in my mouth. I’ll swallow it all for you. I want your seed inside me. I want taste you so bad!”

  She reached the edge of the bed and stalked toward me. She swayed with a confidence I hadn’t seen in her. The lace panties clung to her body, and I wanted to rip them off her with my teeth.

  “After I suck you off, I’m gonna ride you. I’m gonna bounce on your dick while you make my pussy sopping wet.”

  Jenna stopped walking once she was in front of me and began to palm her mound. She bit her lip and let out a soft moan.

  “I want to do all of that, Noah.” My name coming from her lips made my already hard cock twitch. “Will you let me?” She sunk to her knees and reached for my belt…

  I woke with a startled gasp. My breathing was ragged, and my dick throbbed. I could barely wrap my head around the dirtiest dream I’d had in a while.

  It was one of the first dirty dreams I’d had since my wife passed, and I had no idea what to do with myself. I wanted to go back to sleep and forget it. Perhaps in another life, I could, but in this one, I wouldn’t be able to.

  I groaned and rubbed the ridge of my brow. I needed to deal with the situation in my pants fast. I was so hard it was beginning to hurt. I slipped pajama pants over my boxers in case Tess was awake for some reason. I also grabbed a clean pair of boxers because the pair I currently wore were ruined with precum.

  I closed the bathroom door behind me and pulled off my pants. I ignored my aching length and turned on the shower. I let the water come to temperature and tested it with my hand. I stepped into the large shower and shivered as the water cascaded down my back. I let the warmth sink into my skin, and I put my hand on my cock.

  The image of Jenna from my dream was still in my mind. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as I began to stroke myself. I gasped as my mind conjured unspoken fantasies.

  She still wore those damn panties. I wished she was fully exposed to me so I could take her all in. I tried to pick back up where my dream cut off. Jenna was on her knees and reaching for my belt. Her hands were smaller than mine and unbelievably smooth. She pulled my pants down so my dick was free from its confines.

  “Oh wow!” Jenna would gasp. “You’re so big.” She’d bring my length to her mouth and tentatively licked its tip.

  I copied the motion with my hand. I ran my thumb over my tip and felt the muscles in my thighs twitch. A growl came from my throat as I continued to imagine her doing wonderful things to me.

  She’d greedily take me in her mouth, and I would be swallowed by her warmth. I would try not to thrust into her mouth and let her go at her own pace.

  My eyes rolled back as I palmed my groin and moaned as I began to pump my dick at a faster pace. I could see Jenna picking up the pace as she got used to my size. Her jaw would be slack, and saliva would start to pool in her mouth as she sucked.

  I imagined that she would pull herself off me and precum would stain her mouth and chin. She’d tell me to fuck her throat, and I would almost lose all control.

  She’d open her mouth wide with her jaw slack once more. Her eyes would roll back a little as I stuck my member back into her mouth. I would start slow and let her get used to the full length of my cock. I would begin to pick up speed, and I could feel Jenna moan against my dick as I fucked her mouth.

  I’d grab a fist-full of hair and tug her all the way to the base of my dick. I could hear her choke, and I’d let her pull away to breathe. The next time she wouldn’t go as deep, but she would use her hands to stimulate what she couldn’t with her mouth.

  I tightened my grip on myself and began to thrust into my hand with wild ferocity. I could feel my balls begin to tighten and knew I was close. I pictured Jenna giving me one final suck that had more pressure than any mouth I’d felt before. In my imagination, Jenna happily gulped down the spray I unloaded down her throat.

  In reality, I came into my hand and my seed spilled to the shower floor. I didn’t scream when I came, but I was close to roaring Jenna’s name.

  I panted as the reality of what I’d done hit me with full force. I’d just jerked off and came to a fantasy of Jenna, a woman who wasn’t my wife. I hadn’t really touched myself at all since she’d passed. I hadn't even thought about being with another woman.

  But there I was.

  I had no idea what to think. It was the first time I’d felt such desire in two years.

  I sighed and stood under the stream of water until it ran cold, giving my head and body a chance to cool off.

  I finished my shower, dried off, and changed into clean boxers. I crawled back into bed and tried to
fall asleep. I was still awake when my alarm starting blaring at six-thirty.

  Chapter 8


  I looked around my current client’s house. I tried to ignore the rolling in my stomach at the fact that my mother got me the job. I’d been on my own for years, but my mother still had an influence in my life. However, I couldn’t say no; I needed every job I could get so I could build my portfolio.

  I hated that I had to rely on my mother at all. Especially when I had to use her contacts to pay my bills. This wasn’t what I had envisioned for myself at all. I was dumb and hadn’t discussed payment with Noah. Now I had no idea what I would be getting paid after everything was done. I couldn’t afford to hope I’d be getting a nice chunk of cheese from the Clarks and had to find another client.

  I almost felt like it was a set up when my mother called Friday. She said she knew a ‘nice young man in need of help decorating his apartment’. I could roll my eyes now at how fake her description was.

  My client, Josh, wanted to turn his apartment into a man cave. I wanted to pull my hair out. He’d continuously gotten in my way as I’d worked on the apartment, and he gave me the creeps. The job in its basic state wasn’t too hard, but the client himself made it infinitely more difficult.

  Josh kept hitting on me, and I wanted to turn around and smack him. He’d used mommy and daddy’s money to get his apartment, and I could tell because he was always there. He didn’t have a job to go to, so he watched me with his smarmy eyes and creepy grin.

  I’d gone to his place a couple of times to get an idea of what I wanted to do and to make sure items would fit. Each time the place looked like a natural disaster struck. Half empty soda cans and take out had been left to rot on the kitchen counter. I’d asked him to pick up, but the guy didn’t seem to care. I was just grateful I was finishing today. All the furniture I’d ordered had been delivered, and once it was placed, his perfect man cave would be complete. I would get the pictures I needed and try and erase the job from my mind.

  I don’t know if I’d ever been so excited to finish a project before.

  I worked on the finishing touches until I was content with how it looked. I had asked earlier if I could take pictures to add to my portfolio and got permission. I took my camera out of my messenger bag and photographed a bunch of different angles. My main focus for this project was his living area. I had no desire to go anywhere near his bedroom.

  I would do some light editing to the photos later before I added them to my portfolio. I also managed a blog where I posted designing tips and posted before and after photos of projects - with the homeowner's permission, of course.

  I took one final picture and felt like I had enough. I put my camera and any other loose ends back in my bag. I’d already received payment earlier in the day from Josh’s father. Another clue as to his spoiled behavior and seeming lack of employment.

  “Well, Josh, it was nice working with you.” I forced a smile on my face as he walked me to his door.

  Josh didn’t respond. Instead, he stepped in front of me and blocked the door with his body. My eyes widened, and I backed away from him. Based on his expression, I had a pretty good idea what was going through his head.

  “What are you doing, Josh?” I asked. I clutched the strap of my bag and mentally kicked myself for not listening to my gut about him. “I have an appointment with another client in a half hour.” That was a lie, but he didn’t know that.

  “Come on, Jenna. I just want a taste. Give me a little taste.”

  I sneered at him and brushed any loose hair out of my face. “That is never going to happen.” I was like a viper, venom in my voice and ready to strike. I wasn’t the most physically intimidating person, but I had taken some self-defense courses before. And I wasn’t afraid of playing dirty when my safety was concerned. “Move your ass away from that door before I kick your nuts into your throat.”

  “How dare you talk to me like that!” he exclaimed, seriously insulted. He leaned closer and sneered. “You little bitch. You know you want it.” He reached for me, and I slapped his hand hard.

  “No!” I snapped, stalking forward and snarling as my eyes met his, my finger pointed threateningly in his face. “You snot-nosed brat! You even think about touching me again, and I’ll make sure you never have children.”

  My threat worked; Josh moved to the side and let me leave without another word. I rushed to the elevator. I didn’t care if it made me sick right now. I just needed to get out of the building. When it arrived, the cart was empty. I walked inside and let the doors close behind me.

  I clenched my jaw as I felt a wave of nausea hit me. I leaned on the railing attached to the back wall. I could feel my heart beating erratically in my chest; its heavy thumps helped ground me. I pulled my phone out as I walked into the populated lobby and pulled up Josh’s father’s number from my contacts. The phone rang and I thought it would go to voicemail, but a hoarse but kind voice picked up.


  “Hi sir, this is Jenna Robertson.”

  “Yes, Jenna, what can I do for you?”

  “Well, I wanted to let you know that I finished Josh’s apartment today, like I said I would.”

  “That’s great. Thank you.”

  “I do need to tell you something,” I began, my voice strong. “Your son just barred my exit from his place and tried to proposition me.” I frowned and said, “Actually proposition is too kind a word for what he tried to do.”

  “What?” he gasped. “Are you alright? Did he do anything to you?”

  “No.” I shook my head as if he could see, and his words reached my mind. This wasn’t the first phone call he’d received like this. “I was able to leave safely. I just thought you should know what your son tried to do.”

  I heard him sigh. “I’m sorry for my son. Let me pay you extra for having to deal with him and his idiotic antics.”

  “That’s not necessary, sir.”

  “Nonsense. It’s the least I can do. And don’t worry about Josh. I’ll be giving him a good talking to. That’s no way to treat a lady.”

  I rolled my eyes after thanking him and ending the conversation. A good talking to? The man needed to have his ass kicked. The nasty asshole would just do it again, and one day he might successfully hurt someone. I hated the idea that his father would try to pay off that woman too.

  However, the extra money would come in handy, so I tucked Josh into the back of my mind and forgot about him.

  Chapter 9


  I decided not to go into the office. I figured I could get the same amount of work done at home, maybe even more because I didn’t have people constantly stopping by my office to speak to me. I set myself up in the living area on the couch with my laptop in my lap.

  Tess was at school. I received a picture from her of her in front of the building. She had a grin on her face and a peace sign by her cheek. I could see some of her study group in the background. I smiled at the picture. I hadn’t punished her for skipping classes the day I’d found her at the mall but gave her fair warning that wouldn’t be the case if she did it again. She needed to be in school where she was safe, looked after, and learning to prepare for what I knew would be her bright future.

  My attention was grabbed by a notification sound from my laptop from my work email. I looked at the subject and saw nothing there. I didn’t usually open emails without subjects, but this one piqued my curiosity.

  I clicked on the email and it looked at first like the page was empty. But halfway down the white page was a single sentence in ominous black.

  You owe us. - LM

  My brows furrowed in confusion. I knew a few people with the initials LM, but none that would send me an email like the one I’d just received. It was either a wrong address or someone trying to play a prank.

  I rolled my eyes and deleted the email. I was about to continue working when my phone began to buzz. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my friend, Eric. I hit
the answer call button and heard his surprisingly sober voice speak.

  “Hey, Noah, you there?”

  “Of course I am. I answered the phone, didn’t I?”

  Eric had a problem with staying sober. I was happily surprised by how sober he sounded. If I didn’t know any better, I would guess that he hadn’t drunk yet today.

  “Yeah, good point.”

  I grinned and shook my head. “So what’s up?”

  “I just wanted to catch up with you. It’s been a hot minute since we spoke,” Eric confessed.

  “Life’s been going alright,” I murmured.

  “Tone of voice quiet, words vague,” he replied. “Lying!”

  “Not lying,” I laughed, though I was and confessed quickly. “But I am concerned about Tess.”

  “Oh man, what happened?”

  “She skipped school.”

  “I mean, she is almost a teenager. They start to drift from their parents.”

  “I know that, believe me, but she’s still only twelve and needs to be in school. But it was on Carolyn’s anniversary. I should have just pulled her from school that day. It’s still a really tough day for both of us.”

  “I get it. How’s she doing now?”

  “She’s better. I’m letting her redecorate her room, so that’s been helpful.”

  “You’re not always gonna be able to protect her.”

  “I’m aware,” I grunted. “But I want to do so as long as possible. She’s my kid, even if she does take after her mother.”

  “Thank God for that!” Eric joked. “I don’t think the world could handle two of you.”

  I joined his laughter, though mine was quieter. “No, probably not. I just want her to grow up and flourish. I don’t want her to be weighed down by the loss of her mother.”


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