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Island Fire

Page 22

by Bobbi Smith

  Though her words astonished him, he shrugged and kept his expression guarded. "Neither of us wanted this union, Espri, but since we are married, there is no reason to deny ourselves the few pleasures the situation offers."

  "But I don't want you!" she declared heatedly, standing up and turning her back on him, but in her unclad state she was vulnerable and he knew it.

  Drawing himself up to his full height, he stood behind her and ran a warm, gentle hand down the curve of her spine until it rested on her hip. She shivered beneath the caress, but didn't move.

  "We both know that's not true, don't we, Espri?" he taunted, but she only stiffened at his gibe. "Look at me," Mitch insisted. "Tell me to my face that you don't want to make love with me."

  Straightening her shoulders, her arms crossed protectively over her breasts, she turned to him to refute his words, but when her eyes met his, time was suspended. Emotions, deep and dark, shone in the depth of his gaze, and she was caught up in the intensity of the moment.

  Her heart pounding in her breast, Espri stood motionless as he took the final step toward her and crushed her against his chest. Savagely, his mouth took hers, trying to force from her the response he knew she was capable of giving.

  Espri held herself rigid in his arms, fighting the excitement that was sweeping over her as he parted her lips and thrust his tongue deep within the honeyed sweetness of her mouth. She didn't want to reveal to him the sensual power he had over her, but her body was betraying her and she swayed weakly against him as he thoroughly dominated all of her senses. When his hips ground against hers in an arousing invitation, Espri couldn't suppress a gasp of expectancy as she felt the hardness of his desire.

  Mitch sensed the fire within her and he pressed his advantage, trailing his hands arousingly over her silken flesh in an attempt to break down her defenses. Masterfully, he exploited her weaknesses until Espri was writhing against him, needing to know the fullness of his possession once again. Seemingly of their own volition, her arms looped around his neck, and Mitch held her close, savoring the softness of her breasts crushed to his bare chest.

  "Tell me you want me, Espri," he whispered as he nuzzled at her throat.

  "No . . . I . . ." She suddenly began to struggle weakly to be free of him. "Mitch . . . no . . ."

  "Oh, yes, wife!" he countered harshly. "Yes." Taking her up in his arms, he lowered them both to their marriage bed and pulled her tight against him. "Can you feel how much I want you? Do you remember how it felt to be as one?"

  His hands roamed over her, and his lips followed in an erotic foray that left her panting and devastatingly defeated. When he bent to kiss her breast, she clasped him to her, crying out in ecstasy as his hand dipped between her thighs to tantalizingly touch the center of her womanly need. As pleasure pulsed through her, he ceased his love play and drew back slightly to gaze down at her flushed features.

  "Shall I stop?" he asked coolly. "Or shall I make love to you? The decision is yours."

  Even though she loved him, Espri hated Mitch at that moment for forcing her to admit to her need for him and for so easily establishing his domination of her.

  "Love me, Mitch. Please . . . love me." Her plea was heartfelt, and her fingers clutched at him in desperate desire, urging him nearer.

  Smiling in triumph, he stripped off his pants and came to her without delay, spreading her thighs and positioning himself above her. Lowering his hips to hers, he probed gently, intending to enter her slowly, but Espri could wait no longer and she surged upward, impaling herself on his strength. The velvet heat of her body surrounded him, holding him a willing prisoner of her love. Enraptured, Mitch began to move, savoring the delicious sensation of that intimate caress.

  Espri matched his rhythm, eagerly accepting his every thrust and glorying in his possession. It no longer mattered that he had forced her to respond; it only mattered that she was holding him and loving him. The weeks they'd spent apart seemed only a distant memory as their bodies melded and merged. This was her heaven and her hell—to have his physical love, but nothing more. Abandoning all thought, Espri gave herself over to the passion of the moment, responding instinctively to his every urging and reaching the peak of her pleasure just as Mitch achieved his own pinnacle.

  He lay still briefly, resting heavily upon her, and then raised up on his forearms to look down at her, mockingly.

  "Maybe being married to you will have some benefits after all." He sneered. "You did enjoy it, didn't you, dear wife?"

  Stung by his flippant treatment of something she'd considered beautiful, Espri shoved at his unwelcome weight. "I hate you!"

  "Oh, really?" Mitch smiled at her smugly as he remembered the abandon with which she'd just given herself to him. Shifting away, he regarded her with a casualness she found unnerving, but when he cupped her breast and gently teased the taut crest, her breath caught in her throat. Lifting an eyebrow derisively, he glanced at her stricken features. "I love the way you hate, Espri."

  He came to her again then, hot and demanding, creating within her an undeniable need for him, then slaking that need with a practiced precision that seemed more punishment than passion. When he'd finished, he levered himself away from her slender form, turned his back to her, and seemed to fall asleep almost immediately.

  Silently sobbing, Espri lay unmoving as she listened to the even tenor of Mitch's breathing as he slumbered peacefully beside her. She had not wanted to be just a plaything to him, but it seemed that the bed would be the only thing they would be sharing in their marriage. She hadn't wanted to settle for that, but he'd left her no alternative. Turning on her side, Espri closed her eyes and tried to rest, but many hours passed before she finally drifted off.

  Chapter 16

  Jacques's mood was somber and his expression troubled as he joined Luatu and Father Pierre for breakfast the following morning.

  "Jacques? What is wrong?" Father Pierre inquired, noticing his friend's anxiety.

  "I am concerned about Espri," he answered flatly as he started to partake of the food set before him.

  "There is no need," Luatu told him confidently. "She has a husband now."

  "But what kind of a husband?" Jacques demanded quickly. "I know nothing of this man, yet I have entrusted to his keeping that which I love most in this world—my daughter."

  "You must trust in the Lord's guidance," Pierre advised. "Many times things do not go as we would wish, but"—his gesture indicated human helplessness—"who are we to dictate the happenings of life? And you are forgetting that soon you will be a grandfather."

  Though the Father's words were spoken with humor, Jacques glared up at him. "Had she not found herself enceinte, she would not now be married to Mitch!"

  "Jacques." Luatu's calm gaze met Jacques's angry one. "You must accept what has come to pass. It is good. Mitch will make a strong husband and a good father to their child."

  "I hope you're right, Luatu. I only want happiness for Espri, and I fear that she will find none with Mitch."

  "It may take time, but it will happen," the chief predicted. "Why not think of your own situation? You are going to be very lonely, living by yourself so far from the village. Perhaps it is time you looked for a wife? I am sure there are many women who would want you."

  Jacques smiled as he remembered the night he had just passed in Laiti's more than willing arms. "There is only one woman I care to be with."

  "And I am sure she is willing." Luatu's eyes were twinkling, for he was aware of Laiti's feelings for Jacques. "Maybe, Father, there will be more than one wedding for you to perform while you are with us."

  According to Malikan tradition, the newlywed couple usually spent at least three days in seclusion enjoying each other to the fullest before returning to their normal activities, so Tommy was surprised when he found Mitch waiting for him on the beach the following morning.

  "I hadn't expected to see you for several days," he chided, wondering why Mitch would want to be away from his beautiful bride e
ven for a minute. "I thought it was the custom for newly married couples to spend their first few days alone."

  Mitch dismissed his observation with what seemed a casual laugh. "We were alone—all night," he told him meaningfully.

  "But there was no reason for you to rush back here to help me."

  "I was restless, and since she was still sleeping"—he shrugged indifferently—"I thought you could use a hand."

  "There's never any doubt about that." Tommy was glad for his company as they set out together to make their day's catch.

  More than restlessness had driven Mitch from Espri as she lay sleeping that morning. When he'd awakened to find her slumbering beside him, he'd been stricken with remorse over his behavior the night before. He had never taken a woman who wasn't willing, and in spite of the fact that she had responded to him, he felt he had abused her, especially after he'd heard her crying. She had told him that she didn't want him, yet her wishes had meant nothing to him. Methodically, using all of his considerable expertise, he had aroused her, then forced her to admit a desire she hadn't wanted to feel. The fact that he'd enjoyed their coupling only made his guilt that much more unbearable.

  Ashamed, Mitch knew he was the one who'd been defeated by the victory he'd so craved. By conquering Espri's resistance and taking her body despite her express wishes, he had caught himself up in a web of passion from which there seemed no escape. In proving his point that she would respond to him, he had forced the issue and lost the advantage. He found now, after taking her, that he wanted more than a manipulated response to his touch. He wanted to recapture the spontaneous joy they had known in their first encounters, encounters that were branded in his memory as the most perfect he'd ever known.

  But Espri had left no doubt in his mind as to her feelings about their marriage. She had not wanted it, and now that she had professed her hate for him, Mitch knew that he'd lost far more than he could ever have hoped to gain by his lustful taking of her. He would have to bide his time, and never again, he resolved, would he force her to surrender that which she would not freely give.

  Espri awoke. The sun, high above the horizon, told her that she'd slept well; far better, in fact, than she'd hoped. She had just started to stretch in languid contentment when the actuality of what had transpired between herself and Mitch during the night came to her. Mortified, she sat up, burying her face in her hands. How could she have come to him so willingly? She hadn't wanted to love him . . . but she had. He had mastered her senses completely, and as much as she hated to admit it, she had gloried in his domination.

  Suddenly needing to see him again, Espri got up and, wrapping a sarong about her, hurried outside, thinking to find him waiting for her in the glade. To her dismay, the clearing was deserted. Panic filled her—had she so displeased him that he'd gone?

  She briefly considered going to the village to find him, but pride held her back. She could not admit her marriage was a failure. Somehow, she would have to find a way to draw him to her. He had cared about her once, and perhaps she could arouse those same feelings in him again. When he approached her the next time, she was determined not to refuse him, but to go to him willingly. After all, he was caught in a marriage he clearly did not want, and it was up to her to prove to him that their joining would not be such a bad thing. Though it upset her that he only wanted her physically, she realized that could be a basis to build on. Maybe with time, things between them would improve.

  The hours passed interminably as she awaited his return, and she began to wonder, as the morning ended, if he would come back to her. Finally, when she could stand the suspense no longer, she left the hut and followed the path that led to the sea, hoping that an invigorating swim would ease her tension.

  The fishing had gone well that morning, and it was afternoon before Mitch returned home. He was expecting a major confrontation with Espri, and knowing that he deserved whatever censure she would lay upon him, he was surprised to find her gone.

  Had she left him? Mitch had never considered that she might, and the thought jarred him. His invitation to her to enjoy the advantages their marriage gave them had been a disguised statement of his need for her; her denial of that attraction had been a challenge he could not ignore. But by proving that her desire did still exist, he might possibly have driven her away from him completely.

  Frustrated and angry over the situation he found himself in, he was just starting back toward the village to look for her when she returned from her swim. When their eyes met, Espri quickly shuttered her expression lest he witness the joy she'd felt at seeing him again.

  Mitch saw the change in her and felt that she did hate him. She had seemed almost happy as she'd entered the clearing, but upon seeing him, she'd turned cold and distant.

  "I see you're back." It was all he could think of to say.

  "I went to swim," she explained, then added almost casually, "Are you leaving again?"

  "No." Mitch quickly turned away from the path to the village. "In fact, I just got back."

  "Oh?" Their polite conversation was ridiculous, but Espri knew of no way to break through the rigidness of the moment.

  "I went out with Tommy this morning. The catch is in the cooking hut." His eyes were warm as they feasted on the sight of her, but he held himself in check.

  Espri felt that he was totally indifferent to her, and her spirits sank. "I'll go clean them," she offered, her defeat complete.

  Mitch watched her go, feeling that the chance for any real intimacy between them was gone. Whatever good feelings she'd had for him in the beginning had now turned to hate, and he had to accept full responsibility for that. Their future together seemed to loom like a grim specter before him. Angered by the entire situation, he stalked away, hoping that they could at least come to some kind of understanding by the time their child was born.

  Sundown. Night. Espri had been anticipating its arrival with both excitement and trepidation. All day she had recalled the thrill of being in Mitch's arms, and she could hardly wait to be with him again. He had said the previous night that it was the one part of their marriage they should enjoy. Tonight, Espri fully intended to do so. She would not fight him. She would meet him more than halfway and try to convince him through her actions that what they shared was still special.

  Mitch had been uncommunicative all afternoon, and when she'd announced to him after they'd shared a silent meal that she was going to bathe, he had made no effort to come with her. Now she was ready for bed and she hoped he was too.

  "Good night," she said as she rose from where she'd been sitting by the fire and started to enter the hut.

  Mitch nodded briefly in response, then watched her go from beneath lowered lids. Desire flared within him at the memory of loving her, but he refused to act upon it. She did not want him, and he would respect her wishes.

  Espri tossed restlessly, waiting for Mitch to come to her, but as the hours passed, she slowly came to realize that he no longer wanted her. No doubt her struggles and vows of hatred the night before had killed the last shred of feeling he'd had for her. She almost went out to him to ask him to make love to her, but fear held her immobile. Mitch could be cruel—he'd proven that the night before with his barbed comments—and she didn't think she could stand it if he belittled her desire to please him.

  Mitch remained outside for a long time. He did not join Espri in the hut until he was certain that she'd already fallen asleep. Though his self-imposed exile from her bed would be difficult for him, he knew he had to do it, for to make love to her when he knew how she felt about him would be degrading for both of them.

  That day and night set the pattern for their time together. They each went their separate ways during the day; then, at night, Espri retired first and Mitch followed when he was sure she was sleeping. He made no sexual overtures toward her, and though the tension between them became almost unbearable, neither would make the first move to rectify the situation.

  It was a week after the wedding when the
news came.


  She looked up to see Laiti rushing across the clearing toward her. Noticing the woman's stricken expression, Espri was concerned. "What is it? Is my father all right?"

  "There is news." Laiti panted, and her next words shattered what little peace Espri had managed to salvage from the shreds of her marriage. "A ship has made landfall in Kikini!"

  Her eyes widened in disbelief. "A ship? In Kikini?"

  The island woman nodded quickly. "It's true. I just heard the messenger from the chief of Kikini telling Luatu. He said that after the ship takes on water and supplies it will be coming here to pick up the survivors of the shipwreck."

  Espri found herself speechless. What could she do? On occasion she had admitted that this might happen, but she had never really believed it would. Naïvely, she had counted on giving birth to her child here among her loved ones, with Mitch at her side, but now . . .

  "Espri?" Laiti had noticed how pale she'd become and she grew concerned. She touched Espri's arm.

  "I'm sorry." Espri blinked and forced a small smile. "How soon did he say the ship would get here?"

  "Possibly by tomorrow," she answered.

  "Did you see Mitch in the village? Does he know yet?"

  "No. The men had not yet returned from the sea, but I am sure that he will know before he returns home to you this day."

  Espri nodded. "I must go to my father and tell him the news."

  "Would you like me to go with you?"

  "It's not necessary, but thank you for offering." She hugged Laiti affectionately.

  "If you need me for anything . . ."

  "I know. I'll come to see you as soon as I find out what is going to happen."

  Laiti pressed her friend's hand reassuringly and then headed back to the village, leaving Espri to start on her way to see Jacques.


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