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Stranded with Her Bullies

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Micah could already see the fight brewing between the two. There were moments like these where he had to wonder how and why they were still friends. This was fucking crazy.

  “Stop it,” he said, being the voice of reason. “Both of you. This isn’t what we came here to do. Don’t forget what’s at stake if you all turn on each other.” Their lives were so interconnected and their companies needed them all to stay friends in order to survive. If they fucked up, there would be no coming back from it. “You cannot do this. We made that fucking vow to each other. No one will come between us.”

  “Daphne isn’t no one,” Dean said.

  “And you think you have what it takes to rid her of her precious virginity? I’ve seen the way you fuck. You’d break her in two.” He glared at Dean before turning to Eric. “We’re still a team, and no one has won this victory yet. You haven’t won.” He got to his feet and started to pace, staring at his friends.

  “Whatever happens, we cannot hurt her,” Eric said. “She doesn’t deserve pain.”

  Dean sighed. “Agreed. This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.”

  Micah nodded in agreement. “We all agreed that this would not come between us.” He looked at his friends and held his hand out. Dean and Eric got up, shaking his hand, and doing the same with each other.

  “I’ve got a suggestion,” Dean said.

  Micah groaned, as did Eric.

  “Are you guys fucking kidding me right now?” Dean asked. “Might I remind you all of who had the suggestion to take our company into the millionaire category, huh? My ideas are worth listening to.”

  He couldn’t deny it. Dean had the multi-million-dollar ideas that had seen their companies flourish. Eric was good with strategy and getting each idea to actually work, while he was the charmer. As a threesome, they were dynamite together.

  “Fine, what’s your idea?” Eric asked.

  “The only person out of all of us she hasn’t shown any real interest in is Micah.”

  “Hey, that’s because I backed the fuck away,” Micah said, glaring at them all. “Might I remind you, I’m the nice one.”

  “How about we start working as a team rather than as enemies?” Dean asked. “There, that’s my idea.”

  “All of us charm her?” Eric asked.

  “Exactly. See which one of us catches her real fancy, and that man is the real winner?” Dean took a seat, grabbing his whiskey and taking a drink.

  Micah didn’t like it. “There’s got to be a catch with this.”

  “There is,” Eric said. “With all three of us pursuing her together, she may not pick one person.”

  “Or she may just pick one,” Dean said, smiling at his friends.

  Micah stared at Dean. “We never said anything about sharing her.”

  “We don’t have to share her, but once we all agree we’re after the same thing, what do we have to lose?” Dean asked.

  “We only lose everything if she decides to pick one of us.”

  Dean nodded. “Right now, there’s a chance she’d do that. I’m simply taking out the probability of only one man being the victor. This way, there’s a chance all three of us will win and our partnership remains completely intact.” He took a drink of his whiskey. “You should agree with me, Micah. You’re the one floundering.”

  “Fuck you.” He shook his head and then laughed. “You’re using me.”

  There was a twitch to Dean’s lips, and this made Micah smile even wider.

  “You say I’m out of the race, but you fuckers need me more than you’re letting on. I’m the one who can get close to Daphne. The one who rarely hurt her.” He chuckled. He had his place, and he wasn’t out of the race. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”

  He looked at Eric.

  Seconds later, they all shook on it. Daphne didn’t stand a chance against them.


  The following morning, Dean stood at the kitchen stove, cooking up breakfast. He’d put a call through to a grocery company to make a delivery. With the four of them now living together, food had to be kept in stock at all times. From his perusal of the garden, he’d seen a small vegetable patch that was clearly tended to.

  With the coffee pot on, breakfast all set and ready to go, he smiled to himself. His friends didn’t think he had it in him to woo a woman.

  Knowing Daphne didn’t have any experience at all, well, it certainly upped the stakes in their game.

  He turned as the door opened and saw her without any makeup on, wearing a beautiful yellow sundress. The straps were thin, showing the white bra beneath. He wanted to tear her clothes off, to see her naked, and to have her wet virgin pussy rubbing against his face. Instead, he offered her a smile.

  “Breakfast or coffee?”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Good morning to you as well. I figured I’d make us both a really good breakfast. You don’t mind?”

  She glanced past him toward the coffee pot.

  “Cream or sugar?” he asked.

  “Just a splash of milk,” she said. “You already know where everything is?”

  “Yeah, you said to fend for ourselves, but I thought I’d be nice and make you breakfast. Show you that I’ve changed.”

  He poured her coffee, adding a splash of milk before handing over the cup. She took it from him and he noticed she wouldn’t exactly look him in the eye. He was jealous of what Eric got to see yesterday. His friend was having more fun than him, and he didn’t like it.

  “I saw the weather report. The weather is going to be beautiful.”

  “Good. I’ve got some chores I need to do.” She sipped at her coffee and smiled. “You make good coffee.”

  He winked at her. See, he could be nice.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “Okay, I know we’ve got our history between us. I was a giant dick in high school. I’ve got no defense for the shit I did. I’m a man now and I’m not the same person as I was back then. Give me another chance to prove it to you.” He gripped the back of one of the chairs as she looked at him. Her cheeks were a nice shade of red.

  She’d pulled her long hair back into a bun at the nape of her neck with tendrils escaping around her face.

  He used to watch her back in high school, see the beauty she’d become, and she really was stunning.

  “You’re right. My grandma would say people deserved second chances.” She smiled at him and damn if that didn’t nearly sucker punch him to the ground. It was a proper smile, not one she faked, reaching her eyes, sparkling and beautiful.

  He stared at her for several seconds, not wanting to move.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “More than better.” He stepped back. “Are you hungry?”

  “Yeah. I could eat.”

  He smiled. Good, because he was more than happy to feed her.

  Serving them both up a large breakfast, he came back to the table, being sure to put the rest of the food in the oven for the others.

  “Wow, this is huge!”

  “It’s good, though. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

  She giggled. “That’s what my grandma used to say. She only ever said it as an excuse to eat these large breakfasts. When she wasn’t eating, she’d always complain that eating so much on a busy day was only set to put her in a sour mood.”

  “You loved your grandma?”

  “Yeah. It was hard after she died.” She lost her smile.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss, and you know, your parents, back then.”

  She lifted her head, and this time, it was a fake smile. The insincere kind that people put on. She didn’t believe him and was only acting a part. Sadness swept through him, but he pushed it aside, determined to make her see him differently. “Thank you.”

  He watched her eat before he started his own food.

  “This is good,” she said. “You didn’t have to cook for me.”

  “I wanted to do something goo
d for you.” He winked at her.

  She stopped eating and looked at him. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing is going on.”

  She ate some more, chewing before responding. “I don’t believe you.”

  “You don’t have to believe me. Just know that it’s true. I’m being nice to you.”


  “Have you ever thought that I might like you?” he asked.

  “You don’t know me.”

  “We used to go to school together.”

  She chuckled. “Twelve years ago. A lot of things can happen. People change.”


  “Exactly what?”

  “People can change.”

  She took a deep breath. “I know where you’re going with this.”

  “Good. Then why not give us the benefit of the doubt? Would it be so hard?”

  She stopped eating. “I don’t know you guys. I only know what I remember.”

  “Then fuck what you remember and think about now. Think about today. Don’t think about the fucked-up past. It doesn’t matter. None of that shit matters. There’s just today.” He put his knife and fork down, placing his hands flat on the table and standing. “Give us a chance.”

  “None of that shit matters?” She stared past his shoulder and knew he’d fucked up. She put her knife and fork in one hand and picked up her plate. “Thank you for breakfast. It was delicious.” She got up and he cursed.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Yes, you did. You don’t need to lie to me. It’s easy for you. For all of you. None of you were on the receiving end of that shit. I was and I can’t so easily forget.”

  “You were quite happy to do it on Eric’s tongue.”

  Again, wrong thing to say as she threw her dishes into the sink and without a word, stormed out.


  “So, they can’t leave?” Bethany asked.

  “According to the cops, no. I imagine they’ve done something.” Daphne speared the ground, getting angrier with every passing second. Bethany was on video cam, and she had her propped up against her basket as she did the gardening. Her best friend hadn’t done her hair and was eating a bag of potato chips, looking in her element.

  “Like what?”

  “Like bribe them or something. I don’t know. Now I sound crazy.”

  She giggled. “Sure, I’d go crazy with three hot guys forced to live with me.”

  “It’s not like that and you know it.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know it, but what if Dean’s right?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, wiping the sweat from her brow.

  “It has been a long time.”


  “So, Daphne, come on. Don’t be a pain in the ass.”

  “I’m not. I just don’t believe for a second they’re here to make it up to me. Do you ever hear of bullies looking for forgiveness?” She stopped to blow out a breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to yell.”

  “You’re stressed. It’s understandable.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s not. You’ve always been there for me, and I’m being such a negative bitch.”

  “I still love you and wish I was there. So, did you let Eric Cants lick your pussy?”

  Daphne groaned. “Don’t call it that.”

  “What? That’s what it is and I know you’ve got a really intense dirty side. You try to hide it but I see you, baby. You want to be between those three sexy hunks. I tell you what, that’s not such a bad idea.” Bethany began to smile.

  “I hate that look you get,” Daphne said.

  “What look?”

  “The one that says you’ve had a fantastic idea, which usually means you haven’t, but I’m going to be the one to suffer.”

  Bethany chuckled. “Come on, babe. You need to lose your V-card eventually. Being a thirty-year-old virgin isn’t funny, and I know you watch porn and have fantasies. You must be the only virgin in history to even search for anal. I was there when those three guys checked in. I get that it’s not fair that your bullies turned out to look way hotter than they did as boys back in high school, but what if you use them?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “They’re into you, right? All three of them. We don’t know how long this lockdown is going to last. I say have some fun. There’s certainly no harm in it.” Bethany winked at her. “And you can call me with all the necessary details that will keep me thoroughly entertained.”

  Daphne hated that she was even considering it. Being a virgin at this age hadn’t exactly been a life mission or some special desire. She’d been a virgin because work got in the way. Men were just … complicated and messy. Besides, how did Bethany know what she searched for? Yes, all kinds of sex intrigued her and anal sex was up there as one of the many positions and acts she wanted to try. What would it be like with Eric, Dean, and Micah? Would they be into that? Just the thought of one of them preparing to fuck her ass nearly had her melting in a puddle of need.

  “You’re thinking it through,” Bethany said, laughing.

  “No, I’m not.” She was thinking about finally letting go and giving in to her needs. That and the fantasies she’d played with over the years.

  “Lie to yourself all you want. Do it, babe. Enjoy it, and I’ll tell you what, get them to use ice cream. Have them lick it off those big tits of yours,” Bethany said.

  “You’re so bad.”

  “I’ve got the best ideas. I can’t wait to see your face the next time we talk.” The sound of a doorbell made Bethany giggle. “That’s for me. I got a brand-new toy to fill my time, if you know what I mean.”

  She wrinkled her nose and quickly turned off the video cam. Closing her phone, she sat back on her feet and thought about what her friend had suggested.

  Not happening.

  There was no way in hell she was going to use those three men. They were horrible human beings. Even if they were trying to prove otherwise, she wouldn’t fall. She refused to fall.

  “You know, I don’t mind being used.”

  She cried out as she turned to see Micah standing a couple of feet away from her.

  “What the hell?” She put a hand to her chest, trying to calm her nerves. “You were listening?”

  “It was kind of hard not to. Who was your friend?” Micah had a giant smile on his face.

  “Bethany. We hung out a lot in high school. You should remember her.”

  “Holy shit, that Bethany? The girl with the braces and the glasses and all of that?”

  Daphne got to her feet, brushing off some strands of grass as he approached. “Yes, the very one. I’m sure she’d love the memory you have of her.”

  “What can I say, I’m a hottie, and she’ll forgive me.”

  She shook her head, gathering up her tools.

  “So, my little virgin, are you going to give us a test drive?”

  She dropped her tools and turned toward him. “Don’t.”

  “What? It’s not like Eric said anything.”

  Daphne glared at him. “What game are you trying to play? What’s your angle? Why are you even here?”

  “That’s three questions. Which one do you want me to answer?” he asked.

  “All of them.”

  He held his hand up. “No game. No angle. You.”

  She put her hands to her hips and took a deep breath. “I need to go.”

  “You can keep running, but we’re not going anywhere. For as long as this lockdown is going on, you’re stuck with us.”

  “Yeah, I’m stuck with you, and believe me, this isn’t where I want to be.” She grabbed her tools. “Just leave me alone.”

  “I’d make your first time so good,” he said.

  This made her stop.

  “I wouldn’t rush you, and I’d make sure you only had good memories.”

  She looked at his face, expecting to see something that would give him away and at least show her an inkling of what he was up to. Nothing.<
br />
  Daphne didn’t get it.

  Why had they come into her life now? And why did they care about what they did twelve years ago?

  Chapter Four

  Six months ago

  “Fuck me, I cannot remember a time when winning felt this good,” Micah said.

  Eric smiled at his friend, taking another large gulp of the whiskey he’d been enjoying. Like everything in their life, it was the finest money could buy. They only had the best and after winning a multi-million-dollar contract, they were in the fucking zone, and in need of celebrating.

  “You know, I can’t think of a better way to celebrate turning thirty than being with you guys and having a shit ton of money in our bank accounts.”

  “We’ve still got to do the work,” Dean said.

  “Oh, please, that’s the easy part. You’re lost in your thoughts there, Eric. Care to share them?”

  “Not really. They’re kind of pointless.” He shrugged. “Can you believe we’re here now?”

  “I didn’t see us being anywhere else,” Dean said.

  Micah and Eric snorted.

  “I don’t. We’re a team. We’ve always been a team, and our friendship will live on forever.”

  Eric raised his glass in agreement, as did Micah. They were all winners today.

  Staring into the dark amber liquid, the color reminded him a little of a girl he remembered.

  “Do you guys … ever think about the time when we were in high school?” he asked.

  “All the time,” Micah said.

  “Vaguely,” Dean said. “It’s not like it was the greatest time of our life.”

  “That’s my boy.” Micah swigged back another mouthful of drink.

  “You’ve gone all serious on us. What gives?” Dean asked.

  “Do you guys remember that girl? Long, brown hair, it kind of glistened in the sunlight but not because it was greasy. A sweet smile. Big tits and hips.” He thought back to Daphne Lewis. There were times over the years he’d thought about her, fleeting thoughts.

  “Daphne,” Dean and Micah said in unison.

  “Damn,” Micah said. “I … we were so fucking horrible to her. I always thought she was hot, but she was never on the cheerleading squad. Did she ever go to any of the games?”


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