Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  He and Dean shook their heads.

  “She was too good for a lot of the jerks. I couldn’t stand it when guys would hang around her.”

  “Before her parents died, she always smiled,” Dean said.

  “Yeah, she had the perfect life. At least I thought so for a long time.” Eric swallowed the last of his drink, needing to do something other than go down memory lane. “I wanted to fuck her so badly and I hated myself for it.”

  “Wait? What? Dude, out of all of us, you were the worst at bullying her. You stuffed condoms into her locker and you even made sure the rumors of her having an STD went around the school.”

  “I didn’t hate her. She was just too perfect.”

  “How can someone be too perfect?”

  Eric shrugged, getting to his feet. “Who knows? I was a messed-up kid with a dad at home who pissed me off. I took it out on her. She got everything until she didn’t.”

  “You didn’t stop picking on her,” Dean said. “None of us did.”

  Silence fell between them.

  Eric frowned. “So, wait a minute. You all knew who I was talking about and you all wanted her in high school?”

  “Guilty,” Micah said.

  “Yes,” Dean said.

  Eric looked at his friends. “What do you think she’s doing right now?”

  “Well, with how perfect she was, I’d say she’s married with a couple hundred kids,” Micah said, the smile fading as he rubbed at his chest.

  “Instead of us speculating what she’s doing, why not look her up?” Dean got to his feet and sat in front of the open laptop. He pulled up his social media account, which was mainly used by their company to keep updates and to have a broad presence as well as for research purposes.

  Eric leaned over Dean, reading some of the names that came up. Nothing.

  “She’s not on social media,” Micah said.

  “Okay. After her parents died, where did she go?” Eric asked.

  “Her grandma,” Dean said, already typing into the computer. The bed-and-breakfast Eric remembered from his past came up. A newspaper headline captured their attention, showcasing the bed-and-breakfast and the brand-new owner as Daphne Lewis. “The old woman died. Wow.”

  “Daphne’s all alone,” Eric said.

  He stared at the picture. It showed Daphne in a beautiful white summer dress, hands on her hips. Her glorious hair cascaded down around her shoulders. The smile on her lips wasn’t as full as he remembered, but damn it, an answering pull in his cock drew him.

  “I want her,” he said.

  “No, you cannot do that. All three of us want her and you know the drill,” Micah said.

  Eric stood up, looking from Dean to Micah. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I thought of her first.”

  “That doesn’t count. It has never counted.”

  He glared at his friends. The address was right there. Back home. Back where they all started.

  He was an asshole back then. Hopefully, Daphne would have a big laugh over what happened, and he’d be able to connect with her.

  Who the fuck was he kidding? He didn’t want to just connect with her. Even now, with space between them, he wanted to fuck her. To hear the sound of his name coming from her sweet lips as he drove inside her.

  He’d been a dick back then, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t give him a chance now. If his memory served him right, she’d always been a nice woman. Sweet, kind, loving. She helped everyone.

  Dean already had his cell phone to his ear.

  “Hi, yes, I’d like to make a booking please,” Dean said.

  He pulled his cell phone out just as Micah did as well.

  “You can’t get me a room sooner?” There was a pause. Eric listened, seeing as his call was on hold as well. “Okay, in six months, can you make that for three rooms please?”

  Eric hung up the call as Dean finished with the arrangements.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. Micah didn’t look too pleased either.

  “Simple, there’s only one way I can win her from you guys, and you’re going to have to be there to admit defeat.”


  Present day

  Micah cracked his knuckles and stretched out his neck. That hadn’t gone well at all. he didn’t know what the fuck was happening. Was he losing his touch? Women swarmed to him. He was good at what he did. Even in the boardroom, when tempers rose, he had the art of calming everyone the fuck down.

  Now, as he looked out across the horizon, he wondered what the fuck he did wrong.

  “Where’s Daphne?” Eric asked, handing him a cup of coffee.

  “I scared her off.”


  “I offered her my services.” He brought Eric up to speed on the conversation he’d heard.

  “Who the fuck is Bethany?” Eric asked.

  Again, he filled him in on the woman who might be helping them win Daphne.

  “If I can get her into bed, I know she’ll fall for me.”

  Eric shook his head.

  “What?” Micah asked, getting increasingly annoyed as this trip went on. This wasn’t exactly becoming cozy for him. far from it. He was losing every single where.

  “Sex has worked for you in the past. It doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you now.” Eric slapped him on the back.

  “Might I remind you, I didn’t bully her half as much—”

  “But you still did. How often do you think that happens with murders, huh? Sorry, officer, my boyfriend killed him, I just stabbed him a few times.” Eric glared at him. “You’ve got to stop thinking that puts you in a better place than the rest of us. Believe me, it doesn’t.”

  “Anyone ever tell you you’re a giant dick?”

  “All the time.” Eric waved at him, leaving him alone with his coffee and his thoughts.

  He’d never had to work for a woman.

  They’d all fallen into his lap. Some had even begged for a night with him. Admittedly, he’d often left a generous tip and been gone before the morning light. Not that he’d ever paid for sex. More like he distracted women with his money so they’d leave him the fuck alone.

  Sipping at his coffee, he wrinkled his nose. He wasn’t much of a coffee drinker, preferring his vitamin shakes in the morning, but whatever.

  Staring out across the horizon, he shook his head. There was no way nature was going to offer him the answers to what he needed. Turning back to go inside, he started to explore the house. The bed-and-breakfast was huge, no denying it. No expense had been spared.

  He moved from room to room. The dining room looked so elegant, and yet in the far corner, there was even a small play area for children. He pulled out his cell phone and got his computer whiz to have a check into Daphne’s finances. This place had to cost a fortune in upkeep. The next few months alone were going to be a nightmare. He’d already watched the news, and this lockdown had no end in sight.

  With the call finished, he made his way toward the back of the house, coming to a stop when he saw Daphne with Dean.

  Rather than make his presence known, he stayed back and watched.

  Dean was a lot bigger than Daphne, and he had her captured within a corner. Micah wanted to go and be her knight. To save her from the asshole, but something in her eye told him not to.

  Yes, there was worry and anger, but he saw something else. Even as Dean put his hands around her neck. His friend wasn’t squeezing, just holding, tilting Daphne’s head back as his lips delved between her chest.

  Her hands were on his shoulders, not fighting him off, just holding him. The strap of her dress fell down her arm, as did her bra strap, and Dean had it out of his way within seconds, exposing her nipple.

  Tight and red.

  He’d wondered what she’d look like naked, and this was a nice little teaser for him. His cock hardened as Dean held up her breast with his free hand and offered the bud to himself like a prized possession.

  The moment his lips were around her tit, Daphne
’s eyes closed and her teeth sank into her bottom lip. The sound of her moan echoed around the room, capturing his attention.

  Damn, he wanted to go and have in on the action.

  He stayed where he was, watching her, waiting.

  She moaned Dean’s name as he let go of her throat and now both of his hands were on her tits, pressing them together, teasing them.

  Just watching them, Micah was sure he was going to come in his pants, but as suddenly as it seemed to start, Dean stood, putting the straps of her dress back in place, and dropping a kiss to her lips.

  In the next second, he captured her hand, placing it right over his cock. She touched him, but from where Micah was stood, he couldn’t see exactly what Dean was showcasing. All he could do was imagine, and he would bet a fortune Dean was rock-hard.

  His friend always played the role of being in control, but he had a feeling when it came to Daphne, he didn’t know the first thing about control. Like the rest of them, he was just as smitten.

  When Dean finally spun to face him, the evidence of his erection was plain to see. There was no doubt in Micah’s mind that if his friend had continued sucking on her tits, she’d have been putty in his hand. So why did he stop?


  Dean sat back in his bed and smiled as he waited.

  She’d come.

  He knew she would.

  Eric had told him what Micah had revealed to him. To win Daphne over, they had to overcome her senses with a touch of manipulation. He was getting there. Today, sucking on her tits had been a glorious feeling but not nearly enough to sate him.

  All day, he’d been living with this raging erection and now, it was time to put it to use. He’d offered Daphne a challenge. If she was as strong as she thought she was, to come to his room and prove it. Nothing would happen that she didn’t want to. Or she could keep running away, but he’d find her.

  If her anger was any indication, she’d be with him soon. Daphne didn’t like to show weakness. She never had during high school, and now as a woman, she was fucking glorious.

  This house, everything about her, screamed control. Since her grandma’s passing and even before then, she’d ingrained herself into this place so much that she hadn’t given herself chance to live.

  All she did was exist for the sake of others. People came here to get away. Daphne did nothing but serve others, keeping them all happy, while she did what, exactly? Nothing.

  She merely lived.

  There was no excitement unless someone counted bad deliveries where she’d have to call the supplier and argue. That wasn’t living. He didn’t for a second believe this was all down to him, Eric, and Micah. No, this was down to losing her parents.

  She was scared to live in case she’d lose someone close again. He was sure of it.

  There was a light knock at his door and he smiled.

  “Come in.”

  There was a second’s hesitation, and he tensed up, ready to go chasing after her if the need arose.

  She opened the door and stepped inside. A large bathrobe covered her. She closed the door, leaning against it and folding her arms.

  “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “I didn’t say you were.” He got to his feet and then in front of her gaze, removed his own robe. He was naked beneath. Her eyes widened and then she slapped a hand over them.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He took a step toward her, reaching for her hand. He pried it away from her eyes and placed it on his naked cock.

  All day he’d been rock-hard. He hadn’t given himself the pleasure of coming. That would happen soon.

  Her other hand fell away, and he grabbed the tie of her robe, tugging it open. When it fell open, he groaned. The negligee she wore left nothing to the imagination and yet everything. Lace curved around her breasts and toward her stomach. Triangles covered her nipples. So tempting and yet, modest, but sexy as fuck.

  It had to go.

  Gripping the straps, he tore the gown, and it fell to the floor in waves.

  She cried out, letting go of his dick, which she’d been holding without his assistance for a few seconds.

  She tried to cover her tits. He took her hands and pressed her back against the wall.

  If she told him to stop, he’d do it. This wasn’t about frightening her. He wanted her more than anything.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Tell me to stop.”

  “Tell me what you’re doing.”

  “I’m going to lick this pussy and see if it’s as tasty as Eric said. I’ve never had a virgin cunt.”

  Her cheeks grew a nice shade of red.

  Pressing his lips against her neck, he sucked on her pulse.

  “And then I’m going to come and you’re going to watch.” He moved down her body, taking one nipple into his mouth and sucking hard before moving to the next one, giving it the same attention as the first.

  They deserved equal attention.

  Biting down on her nipple, he heard her cry and moan. As he smiled against her flesh, he pulled back, holding her hips, and guided her back to the bed.

  “I love that you didn’t take any other man.” He helped her lie back, spreading her thighs. At the sight of her bare pussy, he groaned.

  When he was eye level with her, he captured her ass and pressed his face against her naked flesh, tonguing her slit.

  She was soaking wet, just as he knew she would be.

  Daphne was fighting them based on the past. They needed to overcome it all because together, they could make so much fucking fire and passion. All three of them could. There was no doubt in his mind of what they could make together, and he wanted to find out.

  Taking her clit into his mouth, he used his teeth, sucking her in. She moaned.

  For the first few seconds, she was tense beneath his touch. He worked her pussy, not giving up, and before long, she was riding his face, trying to find that peak.

  He held her within his control, not letting her go, making her take all of him. Flicking his tongue back and forth, he looked up in time to see her orgasm. It took over her entire body. She gave him everything. There was no guarding her release.

  She was so fucking beautiful, and he couldn’t wait to show her everything. To have her taking just as much as she was giving.

  With the last flames of her release licking at her body, he moved, up, sucking on her now sensitive nipples. When he was eye level with her again, he kissed her lips, pulling back to lick his own. “The tastiest pussy I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating.”

  She shot him a glare, going to sit up, but he captured her neck, holding her in place.

  “No, a promise is a promise.” He wrapped his fingers around his length, working from the base to the tip. “Now watch.”

  Chapter Five

  Standing on the patio the following day, Daphne was so confused. Last night, she’d visited Dean’s room. They hadn’t had sex, but he’d licked her pussy and she’d watched him cum all over her stomach. Afterward, he’d cleaned her up so nicely. His touch light and feathery almost. Once he finished, she’d been about to leave, but he’d returned to the bed, wrapped his arms around her, and well, she’d slept all night in his arms.

  It had been the best sleep of her life.

  Most nights, she didn’t have the pleasure of peace. Nightmares often plagued her. When she was younger, it was the memory of being in the hospital. Her grandmother had held her as the doctor delivered the news they couldn’t save her parents. In her dreams, she was always surrounded by a pool of blood. She’d hear cries of help, but she couldn’t get to them. Always so lost.

  As an adult, she dreamed of her grandmother being taken away. She couldn’t fight, even as her grandmother struggled. It was hard, and so rather than sleep, she often fell she was when exhausted and she couldn’t dream. At least that was her theory. With no guests, there wasn’t as much work to do.

  She kept on top of the cleaning and dusting each mornin
g, so there wasn’t much to do there. If she left it for a couple of days, she’d have to spend the entire day running a duster around and vacuuming. When they opened, she’d have a cleaning crew return to make sure everything was perfect.

  “It’s a lovely morning again, isn’t it?” Micah said, coming to stand behind her.

  He was so close she felt the heat of his body.

  Rather than tell him otherwise, she nodded her head. “The summers are always so glorious. I love it here.”

  “Is that why you don’t go anywhere?”

  She frowned and turned toward him. “I don’t feel the need to go anywhere. Is that a problem?”

  “No, no problem at all.” He smiled at her, sipping her coffee.

  “So, Bethany tells me you three, er, are … very successful,” she said.

  “We get by.”

  “What is it that you do?” she asked.

  “You haven’t searched us?”

  She shook her head. “No. I never felt the need to. I don’t search my clients.”

  “I’m not just any client.” He offered her a wink.

  Daphne’s thoughts returned to last night. Micah was so close, and after yesterday, she knew what he was offering.

  “What do you do?” she asked.

  “We’re a company that invests in smaller businesses,” he said. “We find potential investments while also bringing to life our own ideas.”

  “Wow. You nurture and help them?”

  “That’s the plan. We had the idea in high school. We saw all the little stores closing, unable to compete. We offer them a market that means they don’t have to go out of business.”

  “That’s a very idealistic model.”

  “It’s another element of us … evolving. Changing. We were just fucking idiots back then. People change.”

  With what she did last night with Dean, she knew they could change.

  Micah closed the distance between them. His gaze was on hers and she held herself tall, waiting, watching.

  “I saw you yesterday with Dean,” he said.

  She gasped.

  He reached out, taking her hand. She didn’t fight him as he held her hand, running his thumb across her fingers.


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