Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “You have stunning tits,” he said.


  “Dean’s a good guy. I see the way you are with him. You’re drawn to him, and I can’t compete with that.” He smiled. “You know, I thought about you a lot these past twelve years. Whenever I did, I was always full of regret.”

  “Why wait until now?”

  “Because I didn’t think you were ready for me,” he said. “I wasn’t ready. Now I am.”

  She watched him, seeing the sadness in his eyes.

  Bethany’s words came back.

  Fuck, this was so hard.

  She didn’t want them, she didn’t. They were bullies from her past, but last night, she didn’t see it as a mistake. She snuck away and had been avoiding Dean, but now as Micah looked at her, she didn’t want him to stop. What the hell was wrong with her? Without giving herself time to think, she closed the distance between them as he’d taken a few steps back, cupped his face, and kissed him, slamming her lips against his.

  Micah didn’t waste any time. He sank his fingers into her hair, holding the back of her head as the other hand went to her waist. He groaned her name and she melted against him, wanting more, hungry for him. desperate.

  He pressed her back against the wall. The hand at her waist went to her thigh, lifting it up and over his hip. His cock was next to her pussy, rubbing against her.

  She cried out at the sheer feel of him. Even through their clothing, he was rock-hard. Micah bit her lip and he pulled back to watch her.

  They moved together. The way he pressed against her slit had her crying out. An explosion of pleasure filled her pussy. Closing her eyes, she arched up, thrusting against him.

  Micah gripped her ass tightly and captured her lips once again.

  She was so close to release. So fucking close. She could feel it. Just a few more rubs, but the sound of a cell phone broke through the pleasure, bringing her back down to earth and she tensed up. Micah cursed.

  “I’ve got to take this.”

  She licked her lips and nodded. Words were far from her mind right now. Instead, she forced a smile to her lips, hoping she could gain some control of her sanity. When it came to these men, she was slowly losing her mind.

  Micah groaned, kissing her hard, and then he pulled away, growling out his frustration. She watched him leave, closing her eyes.

  No, she really shouldn’t. She kept trying to tell herself the three bullies didn’t deserve her time.

  Micah had left her here all hot and bothered. No one was around. No one would know. Sliding her hand beneath her dress, she moved her panties out of the way and started to finish what he started.


  Moans drew his attention.

  Eric followed the sound. He’d already seen Micah step back inside the house from the patio, but he’d left the door wide open.

  Stepping through the door, he came to a stop at the sight before him. Daphne, hand beneath her skirt, pressed against the wall. She moaned again and quickly sank her teeth into her bottom lip, almost trying to contain her cries.

  His cock hadn’t been alert but now, watching her… So fucking beautiful.

  He wanted to be that hand.

  Stepping out onto the patio, he lowered himself down into a chair, which squeaked.

  Daphne gasped and stopped touching herself.

  “Don’t stop for me.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see what the noise was,” he said, easing back as he watched her.

  “I should go.”

  “Stay,” he said.

  There was confusion in her eyes, the slight frown of her brow. Out of all of them, she didn’t trust him. He accepted that. He had to prove to her he didn’t have an ulterior motive. After opening his jeans and lowering his boxer briefs, he wrapped his fingers around his length, easing himself out.

  He was rock-hard just from watching her. “You see this? This is what you do to me. Watching you just now, this is what happened. I can’t get enough of you.” The tip was already slick with pre-cum. Rubbing it into his palm, he worked it down his length and groaned.

  Up and down, he massaged his cock, moaning and feeling an answering beat in his balls.

  “Touch yourself, Daphne. Let me watch you.”

  She nibbled on her lip, looking at him.

  He took his time, his movements slow. She licked her bottom lip, and then she went back between her thighs.

  “Wait,” he said, getting to his feet. He moved one of the chairs, pushing it so that it was opposite her. He went toward her, lowering himself. Then he reached beneath her dress, and took hold of her panties, and slipped them off her.

  He stepped back and sat again. He gripped his cock as Daphne lowered herself into the chair.

  “Spread your legs open.”

  She leaned back, and he watched her nerves as she spread her legs open.

  “Do it on either side of the chair, open yourself to me. Let me watch. Lift up your dress.”

  She took a deep breath, getting herself settled into the chair, using the arms to spread herself open. She lifted the dress and he groaned.

  He didn’t mind her silence.

  “Touch yourself.”

  One day soon, she’d give him a whole lot of noise. He was going to have her screaming for more, begging for his cock. Until then, he was more than happy to just watch her fight herself.

  Patience was what he needed. He’d never been known for being patient, but with Daphne, he was more than willing to take a chance. His friends were not going to win her from him. He was going to fight for her. To keep her as his.

  She put her hand back between her thighs, one finger stroking over her clit. Her eyes closed for a few seconds before opening back up, to watch him.

  He worked his cock, up and down, imagining being between her thighs. “Use two fingers,” he said.

  She added a second finger, working her clit between the two. The lips of her pussy were slick with her arousal. Even with the small space between them, he could see how wet she was.

  “Do you know what I want to do to you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I want to bury my cock balls deep inside you. You’d scream my name as I filled your cunt, Daphne. You’d be so tight and hot. Fuck, I could imagine you right now as you come. You’d squeeze me so tightly. I want to feel every single part of you. To have those full tits swinging in front of my face as I pound inside you. Only when you’d come on my cock so many times that you couldn’t think straight, I’d fill you, and I want to see you. That hole flowing with my cum.”

  “That’s … dirty,” she said, breathlessly.

  “Babe, I like it dirty. I want to coat every single part of you. To own you.”

  “I’m not yours to own.”

  “Not yet, but you’re close. You’re a virgin, but with how you are, I know you want to be dirty with me.” Her gaze was on his cock. “I bet you’ve imagined sucking on this, huh? Have you ever felt a dick between those lips?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then I’d show you how. I’d take my sweet time with you, getting those lips nice and ready. They’d look so good. You’d start off slow, and then I’d grab your head, making you take more of me, filling that sexy throat of yours so you swallowed my cock, almost choking on it. When I come, you’d swallow it and I’d watch you.”

  She cried out.

  With each word he spoke, she’d been increasing her strokes on her clit. He watched her come, feeling his own release. As he grunted, he saw her open her eyes, watching as he came, shooting his cum all over his shirt.

  He wanted it to be inside her, but for now, he was just going to have to be happy that at least he got this.

  They were both panting for breath.

  “I’ve got to go and do something,” Daphne said, making her escape first. She didn’t take her panties.

  After removing his shirt, he bundled it up, grabbing her panties and smiling to himself. They w
ere his prize for today.


  Daphne didn’t need any financial help.

  Her grandmother and parents had made sure of it. The bed-and-breakfast he now sat in earned a great deal of money every single year. She had regular customers as well as new ones always willing to come here during every single part of the year. She never had a slow month.

  They were always busy.

  Micah threw his cell phone onto the coffee table and leaned back. He was in some sort of sitting room. A couple of books adorned the shelves. He wasn’t interested in reading. He’d wanted to do something to stand out to Daphne.

  He had nothing she needed.

  Her entire life was organized.

  She was in complete control of it.

  Rather than be pissed off, he should be happy, but where did that leave him?

  “Hey,” Daphne said, surprising him.

  He got up and turned toward the door.

  “No, you don’t need to get up,” she said.

  Her cheeks were flushed and she took the seat next to him.

  “Was your phone call a problem?” she asked.

  “Nothing that I can’t handle. Just some news that … I didn’t want to hear.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  He laughed. “You don’t need to be sorry.” Micah watched her smile at him. She’d sought him out. Why?

  Her gaze moved around the room before coming back to him. “My grandma loved this room. This is where most people come to enjoy a nightcap. The windows had to be large so people got a gorgeous view of the sky. She was fascinated with the stars.”

  “This entire place is beautiful.” He waited to see where she was going with this.

  “Micah, about what you said yesterday, did you mean it?”

  “I said a lot of things.” He tilted his head. “Which part?”

  “The part about using you?” Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red, to which he chuckled.

  “Yeah, I meant that part. I meant a great deal about it. What do you have in mind?” he asked.

  Part of him expected her to run away. When she went toward him, standing between his thighs and then lowering down to the ground on her knees between them, he was ready and his cock stood to attention.

  He kept his head rested in his hand as her hands moved up and down his thighs. She shook a little.

  “I won’t bite, baby,” he said.

  She looked up at him and nodded. Still, she took her time, torturing him with this touch.

  Still, he waited.



  Finally, she reached out, unbuttoning his pants, lowering his zipper, then easing him out of his pants. He didn’t wear boxers or any kind of underwear. He found it way too constrictive.

  He was already rock hard, and as she touched him, he got stiffer.

  Clenching his hand into a fist, he moved it out of sight so she didn’t see him struggling for control.

  “What do you want to do?” he asked.

  She looked up at him. “I want to suck your cock until you come in my mouth.”

  Okay, fuck, that sounded so good.

  “Can I?” she asked.

  “I’m not running anywhere. Is this your first time?”

  She nodded.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He didn’t want to mess this up. “I’m all yours to experiment with.”

  “What do I do?” she asked.

  There was no way that should be hot or sexy, and yet it was. He’d never thought about taking a virgin, not until Daphne.

  “You’re already touching me, so why not use your tongue? Stroke the tip, see how I taste. See if you want to go further.” Why the fuck would he give her the option of backing out? He was an asshole of the highest order. There was no way he would want to even give her an out.

  The damage had already been done.

  Her tongue stroked over the tip, teasing over his little slit that leaked pre-cum. Down the shaft, her tongue moved, taking control as she started to work his cock. He watched her, squeezing his hand even tighter as she moaned. Of her own accord, she went back to the head, and this time, she sucked just that part of him. Her teeth caused him to wince, but she held back, using her lips.

  Her gaze fell back on him as she moved down, his cock disappearing inside her mouth. Those plump lips got halfway down until he hit the back of her throat. She pulled up. Saliva coated his cock and she flicked the tip before going back down again. This time, as he hit her throat, she surprised him by trying to take more, gagging on his length.

  “Oh, fuck, Daphne.” He grunted out the word, trying not to thrust up into her mouth.

  She bobbed her head but didn’t pull off him, trying to take as much of him into her mouth. Each tightening of her throat had him crying out.

  He was so close to coming.

  There was no way he was going to be able to keep any kind of control. Not with her perfection. “Daphne! I’m going to come, babe. You’ve got to stop.”

  Only, she didn’t listen to him. She kept on working him and as he tried to warn her again, it was too late. He growled as he came, his cum pulsing into her mouth.

  Daphne didn’t jerk back or let him go, she fucking swallowed him, moaning as he filled her mouth. She worked up and down his length as he came harder than he’d ever done in his life.

  When there was nothing more for him to give, she let him go, pressing a kiss to the tip of his cock.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  He was completely spent, so as she got to her feet and left the room, he didn’t chase after her.

  His little virgin had just given him the best orgasm of his life, and now he had to wonder what it all fucking meant.

  Chapter Six

  Dean stood in the shadows, watching Daphne. She kept on looking around as if she could feel him, but so far, she hadn’t found him.

  “What is it?” Bethany asked on the phone, and from what he could see, it was a video call.

  “I don’t know. I think we’re alone.” She frowned.

  “Then what’s up?”

  “I can’t do it,” Daphne said.

  “Can’t do what?”

  “Use them. It doesn’t feel right.”

  “You’ve got to give it a chance.”

  Daphne frowned. “I did, okay? I went into the sitting room last night and I found Micah there. I…” She shook her head.

  “You what?”

  “I gave him a blowjob, and afterward, I … I left, and it didn’t feel good. I felt so horrible.” Daphne groaned. “I don’t know how people can do this.”

  “Look at me, babe. First of all, you’re not horrible. Okay? you’re one of the nicest people I know.”

  “Nice people don’t use others for sex.”

  “You’d be surprised there, but we’re digressing. You’re not some monster. I’m sure Micah was more than happy for you to experiment on him.”

  “I didn’t enjoy it. It wasn’t fun.”

  “So, you don’t enjoy sucking cock. Big deal.”

  “No, I enjoyed that part. The walking away. I can’t.” She growled. “It’s not like I want to be marked on performance or anything, but leaving him and going to my room, it was … it just wasn’t me.”

  “Then maybe you need to consider what is you,” Bethany said. “Sex is sex to some people. Not everyone has waited until they’re thirty.”

  “I’ve told you. This isn’t by choice.”

  “I know, but what do you want to do? Do you want to see what Eric, Micah, and Dean have to offer, or do you want to continue wondering?”

  Daphne didn’t answer. “I keep expecting something to happen. Like it’s some prank. I don’t know.”

  “Have a little trust that they may be there because they realized how fucking hot and awesome you are, which you are. You’ve got to wake up and realize it. You’re a damn good catch.” Bethany sighed. “I hate that you have a low self-esteem.”

  “Thank you for the pep talk. I’v
e got to go.”

  “Call me, babe. I’m always here.”

  Daphne hung up, disconnecting the video call, and Dean saw her shoulders slump.

  He didn’t like seeing this side of her. Micah also hadn’t come to him or Eric to brag about being the one she’d picked to give her first blowjob to.

  Stepping out from beneath the shadows, he moved toward her.

  Daphne saw him and got to her feet. “Dean, I didn’t see you there,” she said.

  “You weren’t supposed to.” Once he was close to her, he gripped the back of her neck, drawing her close and slamming his lips down on hers.

  Her hands came up, her palms flat out against the sky almost as if to ward him off, but just as suddenly, they were around his neck. He wasn’t the one kissing, she was ravishing his lips back.

  Sliding his other hand down to her ass, he squeezed her tightly, pulling her against him. The hard ridge of his cock pressed against her core and she cried out.

  He needed to be inside her. Gathering up her dress in his fist, he stopped kissing her long enough to pull the offending item out of the way. She wore a pair of matching green lacy panties and bra.

  Sexy, but unnecessary. When it came to Daphne, she didn’t need anything in the way. He removed them swiftly, not giving them time as they fell to the ground. Capturing the back of her neck again, he pulled her close, kissing her hard, hearing her moan as he palmed her naked ass.

  Her hands went to his shirt, tugging at it.

  He let her go, long enough to strip. Kicking off his boots and pants, he felt her hands move up his body, circling his neck.

  Her bare tits grazing across his chest. The hard points of her nipples poking him. Dean took her down to the ground, the grass a soft comfort beneath her back.

  Letting go of her neck, he slid his fingers down to cup her tits, rubbing his palm against one tight nipple. With the other, he leaned down, licking it before taking it into his mouth.

  Sliding down her body, he traced the tips of his fingers to her pussy. He touched her clit, stroking her with two digits. She was already nice and wet.

  He released her tit and moved, taking hold of her thighs and putting them over his shoulders. Then he grabbed her ass. Taking her pussy into his mouth, he ate her clit, sucking it into his mouth and moaning at the taste of her.


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