Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  So ripe.

  He flicked his tongue back and forth, glancing up to see her arch. Her tits shaking, her stomach quivering. He reached up to palm her tits as he continued to attack her clit, getting her wetter with every passing second. He used his teeth to create the right amount of pain, and as she screamed his name, he soothed out the pain.

  Now, he didn’t let up.

  Dean stroked her clit, drawing her close to the edge, and this time, as she was about to come, he didn’t stop.

  She came all over his face and he licked up her cream. Before she’d finished her release, he used his fingers to work her clit. At the same time, he moved between her thighs. He stopped touching her long enough to hold his cock, pressing the tip to her entrance. He stared down at her closed eyes. She was too far gone in her orgasm.

  In one hard thrust, he tore through the wall of her virginity, her cries filling the air as he fucked her, taking possession of her cherry. He captured her hands, holding them down to the grass, hating the sting of tears he detected in her eyes.

  Pausing, balls deep inside her, he waited.


  The pain was unexpected.

  Daphne stared up at Dean. The hard length of his cock filled her.

  “I didn’t…”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, sliding his tongue across her lip. She stayed still. He moved toward her ear. “You knew this was going to happen. You’re not a virgin anymore. The pain will go soon.”

  “You…” She didn’t know what to say. Was she angry? No. Was she in pain? Yes. Did she regret this? At the moment, no.

  Staring up at him, she gritted her teeth as anger washed over her. Rather than yell at him, she kept her words locked up inside. She didn’t know if she hated him or not.

  Dean locked her hands above her head, keeping her in place.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “But you did so anyway, taking away my choice.”

  He smiled. “You think you had a choice? Me, Eric, or Micah. That was your choice. You’ve already used Micah. Eric is the one who was the biggest bastard to you, so losing it to him would piss you off. That leaves me.”

  She hated how logical he sounded. “I …”

  “You can hate me all you want to.”

  “What if I didn’t want to lose it to any of you?”

  Again with that smirk. It made her want to kiss him and smack him with equal measure.

  “If you didn’t want to lose it to any of us, we wouldn’t be lying here right now. There would be a man taking care of you.”

  “I wasn’t pining for you,” she said.

  “I didn’t say you were. I can imagine the only thoughts you had of us were fleeting and often with anger. I thought about you a lot.” He stroked her cheek. “I still think about you.”

  The tears that filled her eyes at the pain trailed down from the corners. “I think you’re lying.”


  “If you had thought about me, you’d have come for me.”

  “You’d think I would have, huh? I had a business to get up off the ground. Now though, you can have my undivided attention.” He kissed her lips. “I can feel your pussy, Daphne. You’re tightening around me.”

  “You hurt me.”

  “And I’ll never hurt you again.” He started to pull out of her and she gasped, tensing up, expecting pain. None came.

  The tip of him remained inside and he smiled. “That’s it. The pain has gone now. Just me. Just us.”

  He pushed back inside.

  He thrust in and out of her and she lay still, quiet, not giving in to the need to respond. Holding herself back as he worked her body. Gritting her teeth, she stared up at him as he reached between them, stroking her clit. She gasped at the sudden rush of pleasure.



  Be like them.

  You’re never going to have this time again. One day soon, they’ll be gone and you’ll be here.

  She didn’t want to use them, but why not? They were using her. She didn’t completely understand their reasoning, nor did she care, but who would judge her?

  Three men, all of them wanting her with an equal passion. Where was the harm in taking?

  Gripping his shoulders, she thrust up to meet him, moaning as he seemed to go deeper, hitting a spot within her she’d never felt before. The hardness of his cock was almost too much for her to stand. He was so incredibly hard, and it felt like a tight fit, but at the same time, she couldn’t stop.

  With each stroke of her clit, her arousal built. She whimpered, begging, hungry for more.

  Dean brought her to orgasm and she thrust up, needing to feel his cock. He didn’t give her time to bask in her release as he grabbed her hands, held her to the ground, and pounded inside her.

  She watched him, wanting to see everything, to feel it all. She refused to waste a moment.

  As he fucked her harder, she cried out, wanting more of him. Begging him.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  The word came as he tensed up, the veins in his neck sticking out.

  He slammed in deep and she felt each kick of his cock as he filled her. Biting her lip, she stared up at him, slightly dazed from the pleasure.

  He collapsed against her. Then he cupped her face at the same time as he kissed her. His tongue traced across her lip, and she opened up as he plundered her mouth.

  “That’s what fucking is all about,” he said.

  “Do you think you’re going to teach me?” she asked.

  “You’re a student, aren’t you? We can all teach you.”


  “Do you really think Micah and Eric are going to let me be the only one to taste this pussy, to feel you wrapped around my cock?”

  “But … I don’t…”

  He stroked her cheek, grazing across her lip, going down toward her pulse, then finally cupping her tit. “You’re too damn good to have all to myself. We’re here for the same prize, Daphne. You. We all want you. We all crave you. I can’t wait to see them lose control when they know I got the first taste.”

  “I’m not some prize.”

  “Oh, but you are. You just don’t know it yet.”

  “How can this be? None of you make any sense. After what happened, how could you even want me?” she asked.

  “Forget the past. We were fucked-up kids. Eric the worst of all. He might talk to you about it sometime.”

  “What was your reason?” she asked.

  Dean shrugged. “I did it because I could, and deep down, we both know what I did to you, you liked it, you liked my attention.” He slammed his lips down on hers. “Now let me clean you up.”


  Eric finished the grill and smiled at his bounty.

  The rest of the guys had been scarce all day. He’d taken a long walk around the property and all his thoughts were on his woman. He couldn’t exactly call Daphne his woman, but it wasn’t going to be long before he had her eating out of the palm of his hand. The way she’d looked when she came apart, damn, just thinking about it made his balls ache. He’d taken a long, cold shower after, but that wasn’t enough to stem his need for her.

  All he wanted to do was to get lost inside all of her.

  “You must be in a good mood if you’re cooking,” Micah said, coming inside.

  “I certainly am. It’s a glorious day.”

  Micah smiled. “Now that I can agree with.”

  Eric looked toward his friend and paused. Micah seemed relaxed. “What put you in a good mood?”

  “Our woman. Let’s just say she gave me a gift that I certainly enjoyed.” He released a chuckle and laughed.

  Eric frowned. “What kind of gift?”

  “I don’t kiss and tell.”

  “Oh, please. You can’t keep anything to yourself. You’ve always been the one to tell us when you got your dick wet.”

  Micah laughed, coming close to the table to snag a grape. Eric had found them in the fridge. He�
�d made a large salad, had some potatoes baking in the oven, and even a cream pie in the fridge.

  He’d expected Daphne to make an appearance in the kitchen, but nothing. There had been no way for him to impress her. His friends were getting through to her, but he had a lot of shit to make up for. There wasn’t any excuse. Nothing good enough.

  “Daphne’s not like any other woman, and I’m not kissing nor am I telling. What I feel is between her and me, and what we did.”

  “What did you do exactly?” Eric asked. Jealousy rushed up his spine, filling the void deep in his stomach.

  Micah popped another grape into his mouth. “Not saying a word.”

  “Now you’re starting to piss me off.”

  “Don’t you wish you were me?” Micah winked at me.

  Eric turned to see Dean joining them. “It’s about time. Do you think you can get this asshole to shut up? He’s bragging about what he and Daphne did today.”

  “What did you do?”

  “Not telling.”

  “I took her virgin pussy,” Dean said. “So I know for a fact you didn’t fuck her.”

  Silence rang out. Eric turned fully to look at his friend. “Are you kidding me right now?”

  “Nope,” Dean said. “What can I say? An opportunity arose and let’s just say she is so tight. I can’t wait to have another go.”

  Eric looked from Micah, to Dean, then back again. “Okay, what the hell did you get?”

  “What did you get?” Micah asked.

  “I asked first.”


  Eric gritted his teeth, glaring at Micah.

  “You may as well tell him,” Dean said. “He’s got that stubborn look and when he’s like that, we don’t achieve shit.” Dean grabbed a piece of lettuce, leaning back in one of the armchairs.

  Eric wanted to punch him. Actually, he wanted all the details, but instead, he just looked at Micah.

  “I got the blowjob of a lifetime and fuck me, she was incredible.” He let out a whistle and laughed. “She is … damn. I can’t even begin to tell you guys how amazing she is, but please know, it’s the best.”

  Eric threw his tongs onto the grill and stepped back.

  “What’s the matter?” Dean asked.

  “I think it’s safe to say that you two are the winners right now, huh?” He shook his head.

  “It’s not over,” Dean said.

  “She can’t even bear for me to touch her. I know I fucked up all those years ago, but all I got was to see her … come. I watched her play with herself and as soon as she finished, she was gone.”

  He stepped away from the table, losing all of his appetite.

  “You ever think that maybe you haven’t given her enough time?” Micah asked. “She came to me.”

  “I need to clear my head,” Eric said.

  “What have you been doing all day?” Dean asked.

  He’d been on cloud fucking nine. Now he was in the fucking dumps because his two best friends got a piece of what he wanted, and it pissed him off more than anything.

  Stepping away from the grill, he took off, going toward the gate. The lockdown restrictions demanded they not leave the property unless necessary or for exercise. He had to walk, or he was going to murder his best friends. They had always been close and now, well, it looked like they were going to get everything he ever wanted.

  Running fingers through his hair, he picked up his pace as rage filled him. One foot in front of the other, he charged forward, determined not to let the anger consume him. It would be so easy to let it, but instead, after about ten minutes of a fast pace, he started to calm.

  Micha and Dean were right.

  It wasn’t over until it was over.

  He’d never been a quitter.

  “You’re a fucking useless piece of shit. You’re never going to make anything of your sorry ass. I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

  One of his father’s drunken ravings came to him in a flash. He’d never given in to his words. Not once had he fallen. He’d worked hard to get where he was. He wasn’t a failure, and he wouldn’t back out now.

  Daphne hadn’t seen all of him, but he wasn’t going to hold back. Not anymore. She would finally see the real man he’d kept hidden for so long.

  A smile on his lips, he turned back toward the house with fresh determination.

  Chapter Seven

  Micah came out of his bathroom to the sound of knocks on his bedroom door. There was only one person he knew who’d take the time to knock. Smiling, he made his way toward her, and sure enough, Daphne was on the other side.

  He and Dean had been eating on Eric’s return. Daphne hadn’t joined them, and none of them had gone to her.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Of course.” He held the door open just enough for her to get past, but she’d have to touch him.

  She wore a floral crop top and a pair of pajama pants that showcased her full legs. He stroked a finger across her flesh and she gasped before jerking back.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Is this about you having sex with Dean?”

  She put a hand to her chest. “He told you about that?”

  He shrugged. “Of course, he did. We tell each other everything.”

  She covered her face and groaned. “No, this isn’t good.”

  He chuckled. “Why?”

  “You all think I’m a slut.”

  “I don’t think anything of the sort.” He gripped her shoulders, pulling her close. “In fact, I rather like it.”

  Daphne opened her fingers. “What?”

  “I think it’s kind of hot. Did Dean treat you right?”

  Her cheeks were bright red. She pulled away from him and sighed. “I don’t know if I should talk about it.”

  “You’re walking just fine, so I guess he didn’t fuck you properly.”

  “Stop it, Micah.”

  He sat beside her as she took a seat on the bed. “You really don’t mind?”

  To answer, he grasped her hand and put it directly over his large dick. “Does that feel like I mind?”

  “You’re always thinking about sex.”

  “It’s in my nature.”

  She gave him a squeeze, not releasing him.

  “We’ve been honest with you, Daphne. We all want you. There’s no lie about that, and I think during this time, we could enjoy each other. All of us.”

  “Don’t you think it’s … weird?” she asked, whispering the last word.

  He cupped her cheek. “I think the only weird thing in this world is that we all punish ourselves, denying what we want. Why not go after what you can have and take it? Taste it even. It would be so good.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “I want to taste you so badly. I want to fuck you.”

  She flicked her tongue out, licking his thumb, and he groaned.

  “Do you have any idea what I want to do to you?” he asked.

  Daphne stood from the bed and moved in front of him. She reached up, tugging out the clip that bound her hair. With her hands on his shoulders, she nudged him back on the bed, following, straddling his waist.

  He held her ass cheeks as she kissed him. Her tongue licked across his lips, and he opened up, touching his tongue to hers. She moaned his name.

  Running his hands up her back, he dragged the tips of his fingers down her back, trying to bring her as close to him as he was physically able to.

  “Fuck me, Daphne.”

  She crawled off his lap and he watched as she quickly removed her clothes. She wasn’t wearing any underwear underneath.

  He flicked the towel he’d been wearing out of the way and held his stiff cock. “Come and ride me, baby.”

  Her actions were jerky, giving way to her nerves, but he didn’t give a fuck. She held herself up so her entrance was at the bulbous head of his cock. Staring into her eyes, he waited.

  “Are yo
u sore?”

  Daphne didn’t answer. Instead, she held his shoulders as she lowered her wet pussy over his dick. They both cried out together and he gritted his teeth at the pleasure filling every single part of him.

  With his hands back on her ass, he tugged her down, making her take more of his cock.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

  Daphne started to rock on him, her eyes closing as she worked his body. He was already so close to an orgasm. This was her second time, and he wanted it to be memorable. Licking her nipples, he showed her a pace that would drive them both wild.

  He waited for her to speed up, and when she did, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold back. Pounding inside her wet pussy, he came, filling her cunt with his release. He didn’t want to move. To fill her to the fucking brim so she wouldn’t doubt who she belonged to.

  They were both panting, but Daphne hadn’t come for him yet. Taking control, he moved her to the bed and settled a pillow beneath her hips, spreading her lips open.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I want to watch.”

  His cum appeared at her entrance and he reached out, working his fingers through her wet slit. “So fucking sexy.”

  “You’re dirty.”

  “The best things in life are dirty.” He brought his fingers to her clit, stroking over it. “Come for me, beautiful. Let me watch.”

  He teased her bud, pinching her nipples, waking her body up. She was so sensitive as he brought her closer to release.

  “That’s it, scream my name, baby,” he said.

  Daphne did as he told her and she came hard. He smiled, watching her come apart. After climbing off the bed, he grabbed his towel, cleaned her up, and joined her. He wrapped an arm around her.

  “You really don’t mind sharing?” she asked.

  “I don’t mind at all. I can’t wait to see how this is all going to pan out.” He kissed her neck. “For now, just sleep. Don’t worry or stress out. Just rest.” He kissed her shoulder. She was still tense.

  Being with Daphne was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He loved it and knew no matter what, he had to make sure this worked for all four of them.


  “Did anyone ever tell you it’s not polite to sneak away?” Dean asked in the hallway.

  Daphne put a hand to her chest. “You scared me.”


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