Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 8

by Sam Crescent

“I bet that makes for an interesting boardroom discussion.”

  “It does. He has this ability to make people nervous.”

  She nodded. “He used to make me nervous. I guess in a way he still does.”

  “I’ve seen the way he is with you. Believe me, you’re safe with him.”

  She picked some fresh tomatoes from the plant, placing them in her basket. Her hands were covered in dirt. Whenever he went looking for her, he often found her out here.

  “Is this your favorite spot?” he asked.

  “One of them. My grandma always told me to never take a single moment for granted, you know? Getting to my vegetable patch is another accomplishment for a good day. It’s like my reward.”

  “It’s not the end of the day.”

  She winked at him. “I know, and I’m going to do something I didn’t think I would.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Make you one of my fresh pasta dishes.” She got to her feet, picking up her basket.

  She hadn’t cooked for them. In fact, she hadn’t even eaten with them. More often than not, by morning, Micah had to drink his coffee, scoff down his toast, and go find her.

  Dean and Eric kept themselves entertained. He imagined sometimes Daphne was their entertainment, but again, he didn’t pry. She seemed to just move between all three. Actually, now that he thought about it, they all went to her, not the other way around. Ever since she’d accepted Eric, his friend had been different. Whenever he caught Eric and Daphne together, they were … he couldn’t think of what they were, just that something had happened. Eric wouldn’t tell them shit, and he was curious about it.

  He’d have to bring it up to Dean to start hunting for the answers. If anyone could find out what happened, it was Dean.

  They walked into the kitchen and Daphne went straight to the sink. She washed her hands, scrubbing beneath her nails until her hands were clean. She cleaned the sink and started to wash the herbs and tomatoes.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had a woman cook for me.”

  “Do you expect me to believe that?” she asked.

  “Would I lie to you?”

  “I’d hope not.”

  “Well, I don’t lie to you. Perhaps to everyone else, but not to you.”

  She grabbed a large pot and filled it with warm water. She carried it over to the stove, putting it on to boil.

  “So, what are you cooking?”

  “I’m going to cook you my basil and tomato pasta salad. I love it. Lots of fresh tomatoes and sun-dried tomatoes. Basil. Black pepper. Cheese. It’s so good. I also add in some healthy leaves.” She went to the fridge and bent down.

  “Each time you do that, I can’t control myself.”

  “Get your mind out of the gutter. Sex isn’t everything.”

  He caught her up in his arms. “Then clearly, I’m not doing it right.”

  She kissed his lips. “Oh, believe me, you are. You really are.” She pulled him down to kiss.

  His stomach chose that moment to growl.

  “But, first, I’ve got to feed you.”

  He sat at the table and watched as she prepared the tomatoes, basil, and leaves. She used small pasta shells and reserved some cooking water, draining the rest.

  Dean and Eric arrived as she poured the pasta into the pot, adding the cheese and water. Lots of black pepper, and she gave it a stir. That was it.

  For the first time ever, all four of them ate as if they were a family, and Micah couldn’t help but wonder if they could make this work.


  Dean made his way down to the kitchen. It was late. He couldn’t sleep, and he needed something to drink.

  The moment he entered the kitchen, he spotted Daphne. She wore a white negligee. Her long hair was pulled up on top of her head.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said, moving toward her back. He pressed a kiss to her neck before passing her. “Hot chocolate?” He saw what she was drinking and decided to join her.

  “Yep. The best kind of drink for when you can’t sleep.”

  “You can’t sleep either?”

  “No.” She’d gone to bed on her own. He didn’t know if Eric or Micah had joined her, but he had a feeling they hadn’t, seeing as they’d all been disappointed when she’d excused herself for the night.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “It’s just been a strange few weeks, you know?”

  He agreed.

  “When I saw you three arrive, I was so angry that someone had let you book a room. I was tempted to lie and tell you all there had been a mistake.”

  “What changed your mind?” he asked.

  “I don’t like lying. I feel there’s enough crap in the world that I don’t want to add to it. Do you understand?”

  He nodded. Rather than use a saucepan to make his hot chocolate, he found some of the instant powdered stuff. After putting his mug in the microwave, he clicked the number to warm it up.

  “What about you?”

  “I just couldn’t sleep. It happens from time to time. Not a big deal. Usually when we’re on the verge of getting a big contract or sealing a deal.”

  “Are you guys still working?” she asked.

  “We’re monitoring everything together to make sure we’ve all got everything handled and there are no problems. This lockdown is going to hit everyone hard.” What he didn’t tell Daphne was his lack of sleep was due to her and their current situation.

  With his milk hot, he added in some sugar, a couple of teaspoons of the instant mix, and gave it a stir. He took a long sip and closed his eyes.


  He opened the fridge and pulled out a can of cream, the instant-squirt kind, and moved to the table. He shook the can and added some to his hot chocolate, giving it a taste.

  “Does hot chocolate help you sleep?” she asked.

  “Not really. It’s a damn good drink though.”

  “What helps you to sleep?”

  He looked at her. “Do you really want to know?”


  He drank another mouthful of his hot chocolate. Getting to his feet, he rounded the table and went to her side. Dropping a kiss to her neck, he cupped one of her tits. “Fucking is what gets me to sleep.”

  She moaned as he dipped his hand, moving right between her thighs, finding her already soaking wet for him.

  “I love that you’re always ready for me.”

  “Dean, please.” She moaned as he plunged two fingers inside her.

  She shoved the chair out of the way, standing as she moved toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him.

  He lifted her up, placing her on the table. The hot chocolates were out of the way, so he removed her negligee and had her completely naked.

  “Now this is what I need after a long day. This and this.” He grabbed the cream, shaking it up and putting a small squirt onto her nipple. He flicked the tip, licking it right off. He did the same to the next one. Licking and sucking at her buds. Next, he did a trail going down toward her pussy, and he licked it all up until he put his mouth on her sweet pussy. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he used his teeth, biting down just a little before flattening his tongue against her core.

  She cried out his name, her fingers going into his hair as she rubbed her pussy against him. He gripped her ass so tightly there would be bruises from where he held her. Sliding his tongue down, he began to fuck her with his tongue.

  “Please, Dean, fuck me,” she said. “I need your cock.”

  Releasing his pants, he worked his cock from the base up to the root. He moved toward her entrance and slammed in balls deep. They both cried out. Holding her hips, he pounded inside her.

  “Play with your pussy, baby.”

  She started to stroke her clit, drawing herself closer to release until she came. He fucked her harder than ever before, feeling her tightening around him. Each pulse nearly set off his own, but he held back. He waited until the
last aftershocks of her release had finished before he pulled out of her.

  Using more cream, he squirted a line up to the tip.

  “Suck my cock,” he said.

  She sat up from the table, going to her knees. She opened her mouth, taking his cock and the cream.

  “All of it, take me here.” He wrapped his fingers around her throat and she moaned as she began to work his cock. She couldn’t take all of him, but he was patient as she tried. He sank into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. Daphne didn’t stop there. With her gaze on his, tears streaming from her eyes, she deep-throated his cock. He felt her swallow him down. When all the cream had been taken, he eased up, thrusting into her mouth until he came.

  “Don’t fucking swallow it yet. Wait.” With his cum swimming in her mouth, he got her to open so he could see it all, then as he wrapped his fingers back around her throat, he commanded her to swallow it all.

  She did, and he felt her take it all as it left her mouth.

  “Let me see.”

  She opened her mouth and there was no cum to be seen.

  She’d swallowed it all.

  Chapter Nine

  Daphne twirled a flower beneath her nose, smiling as she walked down the road, heading toward one of the large fields. More often than not, it was completely abandoned, and seeing as she was out for her walk, she didn’t see a problem.

  “You know you don’t have to go everywhere alone,” Eric said, coming to stand beside her.

  She pushed some hair off her face. “I don’t know.”

  All three men had been busy on their laptops that morning. She’d done her cleaning and chores, and so going out for a walk was all she wanted to do. Bethany hadn’t answered her call.

  In nearly three weeks of total lockdown, she’d lost her virginity to three men. Her past bullies, and each day, the sex was incredible. All three of them. She didn’t know what to think. She could start the day with Micah, enjoy a lunch with Eric, and then at night, she was there for whatever Dean had to offer. Or it changed up, Dean, then Micah, then Eric.

  Staring at Eric now, she realized they hadn’t talked about his revelation. She was scared to ask if he still felt that way about her now. In the heat of the moment, words could be said that people often didn’t mean. She had to wonder if this was one of those times.

  Eric reached out his hand and she took it. They walked out onto the field, which had a high point, allowing her to see past the tree points.

  They walked to the tip and looked out over the vast land.

  “Holy shit,” Eric said.

  “I know. It’s pretty intense, right? We’re just two figures. The beauty around us is always so breathtaking. I don’t imagine you get to see much in the city.”

  He shook his head. “No. The city is just … it’s nothing like this.”

  “This was once home. Do you ever miss it?”

  “All my childhood, the only thing I ever wanted to was to get away. To leave this place.”

  “And now?” she asked.

  “Now, I just want to stay with you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist. She dropped the flower she’d been holding to the ground, covering his hands with her own.

  His cock nestled against her ass. Smiling, she reached behind her and gripped his cock through his shorts.

  He groaned.

  “I know this is what you want,” she said. “You don’t have to lie to me.”

  Eric nibbled on her ear. “You seem to be so sure of yourself.”

  “I am. I know what I want.”

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  She spun in his arms. Putting her hands to his shoulders, she pushed him down so he sat on the ground. She stepped out of her panties, placing them into his palm. “You’re all ruining my panty collection. I’ve lost too many pairs.”

  “Then it should be a hint for you to stop wearing them.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe I do like you tearing them off me.”

  She straddled his waist, her hand going to the waistband of his shorts. They were the loose kind. He wore a pair of briefs, and she slid her hand inside, wrapping her fingers around him.

  Pulling out his cock, she moved over him and he groaned. “Anyone could see.”

  “Really? No one is around for miles, Eric. It’s just you, me, and the wildlife.”

  She moaned as she sank onto his length, taking him deep inside her.

  Eric cupped her face, sliding his fingers into her hair as he pulled her close. Slamming her lips down on his, he roughly kissed her back, nipping at her bottom lip. Up and down, she worked his cock, feeling an answering spark within her core as she took him.

  Staring into his intense green eyes, she felt that connection. That instant hit straight to her heart. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she cried out.

  This is just sex. Just sex.

  She buried her face against his neck, breathing in the sweet scent of him. Licking his pulse, she fucked him right there in one of her favorite places in the world.

  Reaching between her thighs, she stroked her pussy, bringing herself to orgasm. The fingers on her ass tightened and then she felt him come, filling her with his release.

  He stroked her hair back from her face. “You know, I didn’t come here to fuck you.”

  “But we did. I happen to enjoy it.” She kissed him. “How was work?”

  “Boring. This was by far much better.” He leaned back on his hands. His cock went flaccid inside her, but she was in no rush to leave. “You know how incredibly beautiful you are?”

  “You just had me, Eric. You don’t have to say things like that.”

  “I do. I wasted way too much time trying to please a man I hated.”

  He went to cup her cheek and she captured his hand, kissing his palm. “I wish I knew you, the real you back then. It would have been nice to know you didn’t hate me.”

  “I’m so fucking sorry for the asshole I was.”

  She nodded. “We can’t change what happened. When you have kids of your own, Eric, you’ve got to allow them to flourish. To grow, you know?”

  “Kids of my own.”

  “Do you want to be a father?” she asked.

  “Do you want to be a mother?”

  She frowned. “I asked you first.”

  “And I’m a tough negotiator.” He winked at her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I want to have kids one day. I can see several boys and girls, running all around me. I’ve always wanted to have a big family. My parents wanted more but after me, they couldn’t have anymore, so they had to be happy with just me.”

  “I’m sure they were the happiest parents in the world.”

  She kissed his palm again. “Thank you.”


  “Does anyone want to tell me why we’re all hiding away in secret?” Micah asked.

  Eric stood in the woodshed. He held a flashlight, which he’d put through the hook hanging from the ceiling. He’d been the one to tell Dean and Micah to meet him here at one in the morning.

  It was cold. The day had been so damn warm, but right now, he was freezing his ass off.

  “We all need to talk.”

  “And this couldn’t have been done inside? What if there are bears or wolves, or something else?” Micah asked.

  “What do you have to say?” Dean asked, getting straight to the point.

  He stared at his two best friends. This with Daphne had started out as a challenge, but now, Eric saw the potential here.

  “It’s about Daphne.”

  “What about her?” Micah asked, tensing up. “Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine. As far as I know, she’s sleeping.” Eric ran his fingers through his hair. “There’s something I haven’t been telling you.”

  “Spit it out,” Dean said.

  He looked at his friends and told them everything. About his feelings for Daphne, the way his dad treated him. All of it. He didn’t leave a single piece of information out. Once
he was finished, he looked at his friends. “I’ve also got another confession … I haven’t used a single condom since I’ve been here.”

  Micah snorted. “Duh, neither have I.”

  Dean shook his head as well.

  “Okay, guys, we must all be fucking idiots because all three of us are fucking her on a regular basis and not one of us has considered pregnancy.” He looked at his friends. Micah was the only one who looked sheepish, whereas Dean didn’t appear troubled. “Dean, come on, man.”

  Dean smiled. “Eric, I want her to get pregnant. I’ve been fucking her pussy with the intention of getting her knocked up.”

  This was news to Eric. “What?”

  “You heard me. Look around you. You think I want to go back to that city? You think I care about all that shit? I can work from here. I’ve proven it time and time again. That’s not my home. I’ve been so fucking unhappy there. This is my home. This is where I’m meant to be.”

  This was news to Eric, and from the look on Micah’s face, it was to him as well.

  “Was that your plan all along? Knock her up first so there was no choice and she had to have you?” Eric asked.

  “You selfish bastard.”

  “There are times it amazes me how we could even form a company together, let alone run one like we do.” Dean shook his head. “I didn’t do all of this just for me, you pair of assholes. Don’t you fucking see what’s happening right now? We’re all sharing our girl. We are all in love with her. I’ve never seen you all so happy. I haven’t been playing the competition game ’cause as far as I’m concerned, there is no competition.” He shook his head. “We’re a fucking team. We have been from the minute we met. Daphne is insatiable. All three of us can tame her. Don’t you want that?”

  Eric stared at his friend. “This was your play? All along?”

  “Yes. I love her. I don’t know when it started. I don’t know if I had feelings for her back then like you did, but I do now. I have a chance to be happy. You’re my best friends. Sharing her with you doesn’t fill me with jealousy. Seeing her with you guys feels right.”

  “This is fucked up,” Micah said.

  “The only person I’ve ever been unsure about in all of this is you, Micah. I don’t know your feelings. I know you like her, but I don’t know if you love her.”


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